Bug #12011
closedAfter selecting a symptom, it asks the first question. However, if I click on the back icon from the second question, it navigates to the 'Select Your Symptom' step instead of the first question.
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Follow these steps:
1. Select any symptom that has 2 or 3 questions.
2. From the 3rd question, if you go back, it navigates you to the 2nd question.
3. From the 2nd question, if you go back, it navigates you to the 'Select Your Symptom' page.
It should navigate you to the 1st question instead
Updated by priyanka Sharma about 1 month ago
- Assignee changed from Anish Singh to Shan Ul Habib
Updated by Shan Ul Habib 18 days ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
We don't want user to play and choice questions by again and again. if user hit return button the symptoms list should be open to select any other symptoms instead of previous question.
Updated by Shan Ul Habib 17 days ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved