




Apply Clear

# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
13359 Consumer Affairs Front-End Issues Bug New Normal Terms & conditions and Privacy policy header coming same, it should be different for both Akash Garg 03/25/2025 09:02 AM Actions
13358 Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug New Normal Update Complaint --> pop-up page --> update & close-> getting grey out page issue need to fix this issue on every place Abhimanyu jha 03/24/2025 04:29 PM Actions
13357 Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Complaint --> Correct the spelling of "supervisior" to "supervisor" Abhimanyu jha 03/24/2025 04:24 PM Actions
13356 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Resolved Normal "Compliance applicant" is not able to submit commodity form with old saved data, getting no commodity id selected toaster message Pragati pandey 03/24/2025 03:56 PM Actions
13355 Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug New High Admin--> CMS --> Our Mission/Vision/our Aim --> getting a database error when admin clicks on the update button Abhimanyu jha 03/24/2025 03:21 PM Actions
13354 Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug New High Admin --> CMS --> About us --> Getting database error, when admin update about us with long Title name Abhimanyu jha 03/24/2025 03:11 PM Actions
13353 Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug New Normal Admin --> CMS --> About us --> Upload image option should be here Abhimanyu jha 03/24/2025 03:06 PM Actions
13352 Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug New Normal Admin --> Setting --> When admin updates the port number then Instagram field gets reset Abhimanyu jha 03/24/2025 03:02 PM Actions
13350 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Resolved Normal First-time login --> Logout --> Again login with a different ID --> Showing previous user log in details, need to fix it Irfan Varis 03/24/2025 03:22 PM Actions
13349 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Resolved Normal Login --> Assigned Tasks Screen --> Offline Data --> As discussed with @Dharamveer sir last time need to remove this offline data box and show another data box here Irfan Varis 03/24/2025 04:46 PM Actions
13348 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug New Normal Login --> Assigned Task --> submitted survey & Saved Survey--> The category color in the submitted form should arrive in green instead of red and for saved should arrive yellow Shruti Saini 03/24/2025 03:40 PM Actions
13347 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Resolved Normal Home --> Login --> Assigned Task --> start Task --> Submit assigned task --> After successfully submitting the commodity form, the brand and unit displaying N/A, need to fix this issue Irfan Varis 03/24/2025 04:59 PM Actions
13346 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug New Normal API Issue --> Login -->Assigned Task --> Check issue below Irfan Varis 03/24/2025 12:50 PM Actions
13345 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug New Normal Suggestion --> Login --> Home --> Right side Menu --> The notification count should be shown on the notification and read unread Functionality should be implemented here, Shruti Saini 03/24/2025 11:59 AM Actions
13344 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug New Normal Login --> Home --> Right side menu --> My Profile --> Applicant should be able to update her/his Profile but currently on the profile screen update button is not here Shruti Saini 03/24/2025 11:52 AM Actions
13343 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Resolved Normal Login --> Home --> saved surveys and submitted surveys should be different, but currently submitted form value arriving on saved surveys Irfan Varis 03/24/2025 04:47 PM Actions
13342 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Resolved High Login --> Assigned Task --> Right side Menu button --> if the applicant clicks on the back button then app is getting close instead of Pragati pandey 03/24/2025 03:40 PM Actions
13341 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Resolved Normal Login --> Assigned Task --> Start Task --> Basseterre zone --> Daily foods --> Milk --> the availability & date picker values getting Reset after multiple savings and the uploaded image is also not displaying Pragati pandey 03/24/2025 03:55 PM Actions
13340 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug Resolved High Login -->Monday survey --> Basseterre zone --> Daily foods --> Meat --> Check issues Below Pragati pandey 03/24/2025 04:04 PM Actions
13338 Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug New Normal Login --> Assigned Task --> Designing issue --> Start survey button should be fixed one place Pragati pandey 03/24/2025 09:30 AM Actions
13337 Consumer Affairs Front-End Issues Bug New Normal Home --> Our Blog --> All Boxes should be same size Akash Garg 03/21/2025 03:33 PM Actions
13336 Consumer Affairs Front-End Issues Bug New Normal Home --> Title --> The updated title from the admin side is not showing on the frontend side, need to fix this issue Akash Garg 03/21/2025 03:28 PM Actions
13335 Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug New Normal Home --> Login --> Dashboard -->CMS --> Setting -->Add/Update --> loading issue, Need to add "client-side" validation in every mandatory field on the entire project Akash Garg 03/21/2025 03:15 PM Actions
13334 Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Setting --> The upload option should be on the settings page, but currently, there is no option for uploading the logo and favicon Akash Garg 03/21/2025 03:07 PM Actions
13333 Consumer Affairs Front-End Issues Bug New High Home --> File and Track Your Consumer Complaints with Ease --> when the applicant clicks on the submit button and then triggers to the top page, it should show validation against the input field Akash Garg 03/21/2025 02:59 PM Actions
(1-25/3848) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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