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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
12854 Sakoon - Client Bug New High Admin --> Login --> File Management --> Create New Files --> upload --> getting database issues when admin uploads big file or zip file with big size like 1 GB Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 05:21 PM Actions
12853 Sakoon - Client Bug New Normal Appointment list - If appointment is cancelled by user itself then status of the appointment should be "Cancelled" instead of Refund request. We can show this Refund request under Action column Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 05:20 PM Actions
12852 Sakoon - Client Bug New Normal Admin --> Client --> Sign up as a client -->Religion field is missing, when new clients Register for the first time, but on the admin side there is an option for "Religion" and it is mandatory Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 05:12 PM Actions
12851 Sakoon - Client Bug New High Slot Shows as 'Already Booked' After Cancellation, Even Though It's Available for Rebooking Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 05:09 PM Actions
12850 Sakoon - Admin Bug New Normal Admin --> Client list --> delete any Client --> Check issue below Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 04:59 PM Actions
12849 Sakoon - Admin Bug New Normal Client details - view personal details - Under Client Appointment Booking - Appointment Status Canceled ..spelling mistake . Correct canceled to "Cancelled" Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 04:34 PM Actions
12848 Sakoon - Admin Bug New Normal Client detail - view -Client Appointment Booking - Booking id missing. We can show booking id also with these details Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 04:32 PM Actions
12847 Sakoon - Client Bug New Normal Appointment List - Tab name should replace Reschedule to "Rescheduled" & Cancel to "Cancelled" Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 04:25 PM Actions
12846 Sakoon - Client Bug New High On dashboard there are 2 appointments showing one is cancelled(cancel due to counsellor marked as leave) and another is rescheduled. But if i check Appointment list only 1 booking showing under Reschedul Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 04:24 PM Actions
12845 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug New Normal My Booking List - List view - Add more column - Booking slot is still active . what does it mean? Ritik Rasenia 02/20/2025 03:56 PM Actions
12844 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug New High Rescheduled Booking Not Appearing in My Booking List on Calendar Ritik Rasenia 02/20/2025 03:51 PM Actions
12843 Sakoon - Client Bug New High Total Spending Amount Shows as 0 After Rescheduling Appointment Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 04:02 PM Actions
12842 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug Resolved Normal When a counselor marks their availability as "Leave," the record should be removed from the availability list immediately. However, the record only disappears after refreshing the page Ritik Rasenia 02/20/2025 05:03 PM Actions
12841 Sakoon - Client Bug New Normal When client goes to reschedule appointment what this text display Tick Clients:?? Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 03:20 PM Actions
12840 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug Resolved Normal Clients - Book appointment for any client - This dropdown should not come if counsellor specialty is only for family. Ritik Rasenia 02/20/2025 04:42 PM Actions
12839 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug New High Counselor Can't Edit Booked Slots in Availability List. Already booked slots should not able to edit Ritik Rasenia 02/20/2025 01:32 PM Actions
12838 Sakoon - Admin Bug New Low Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Waiting List --> Please also display the counselor's name on the list for easy access by admin. Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 01:26 PM Actions
12837 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug Resolved Normal Counsellor check own Availability details - Contact on - & Phone...remove & from here. Only Phone text should come Ritik Rasenia 02/20/2025 03:02 PM Actions
12836 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug Resolved Normal Counsellor profile completion page - Bio field - Please upload your Bio. text should change to "Please enter your bio" Ritik Rasenia 02/20/2025 05:16 PM Actions
12835 Sakoon - Admin Bug New Normal Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Availability --> End date should arrive as per the counsellor's selection Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 12:57 PM Actions
12834 Sakoon - Counsellor Bug New Normal My Booking - Calendar View - check any 1 booking showing 21DD Booking...what is DD here? Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 12:57 PM Actions
12833 Sakoon - Client Bug New Normal Special Offer - Book Appointment - Text "Available Today" should not come id no slot available. Check Search list page also...Available text & book Appointment shouldn't come Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 12:47 PM Actions
12832 Sakoon - Admin Bug New Low Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Appointment --> List --> Filter --> Check issue below Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 12:44 PM Actions
12831 Sakoon - Client Bug New Normal Recent Appointment Activity - Meeting Link is call if i click on it blank screen appears. Discuss with Dharmveer sir what we have to do in this case. If it's not video call then it shouldn't be clickable Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 12:43 PM Actions
12830 Sakoon - Client Bug New Normal Invoice - Hide this taxed column....currently we are not taking any tax Mohit Rana 02/20/2025 12:30 PM Actions
(1-25/3747) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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