


Mohd Irfan's activity

From 03/12/2025 to 03/21/2025


03:33 PM Consumer Affairs Front-End Issues Bug #13337 (New): Home --> Our Blog --> All Boxes should be same size
Issue Description:
Home --> Our Blog --> All Boxes should be same size
See attached screenshot/screen Record:
Mohd Irfan
03:23 PM Consumer Affairs Front-End Issues Bug #13336 (New): Home --> Title --> The updated title from the admin side is not showing on the frontend side, need to fix this issue
Issue Description:
The updated title from the admin side is not showing on the frontend side, need to fix this iss...
Mohd Irfan
03:15 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #13335 (New): Home --> Login --> Dashboard -->CMS --> Setting -->Add/Update --> loading issue, Need to add "client-side" validation in every mandatory field on the entire project
Issue Description:
Add/Update --> loading issue, Need to add "client-side" validation in every mandatory field on ...
Mohd Irfan
03:07 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #13334 (New): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Setting --> The upload option should be on the settings page, but currently, there is no option for uploading the logo and favicon
Issue Description:
The upload option should be on the settings page, but currently, there is no option for uploadi...
Mohd Irfan
02:59 PM Consumer Affairs Front-End Issues Bug #13333 (New): Home --> File and Track Your Consumer Complaints with Ease --> when the applicant clicks on the submit button and then triggers to the top page, it should show validation against the input field
Issue Description:
when the applicant clicks on the submit button and then triggers to the top page, it should sho...
Mohd Irfan
02:53 PM Consumer Affairs Front-End Issues Bug #13332 (New): Home page --> Our Press Release & Updates -->View all button doesn't work need to fix it
Issue Description:
View all button doesn't work need to fix it
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
02:48 PM Consumer Affairs Front-End Issues Bug #13331 (New): Home --> Chat with Us --> Need to remove "chat with us" option from the Home page
Issue Description:
Need to remove "chat with us" option from the Home page
See attached screenshot/screen Reco...
Mohd Irfan
02:31 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #13330 (New): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard--> CMS --> Banner --> Add --> why validation is arriving for the image is required, while the uploaded image is also showing
Issue Description:
why validation is arriving for the image is required, while the uploaded image is also showing...
Mohd Irfan
02:26 PM Consumer Affairs Front-End Issues Bug #13329 (New): Front End --> Home page --> On the banner Right and left arrows are not visible on the white image need to make highlighted
Issue Description:
On the banner Right and left arrows are not visible on the white image need to make highlighted...
Mohd Irfan
02:21 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #13328 (New): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> CMS --> Banner --> in update functionality is not working properly, when the admin updates any banner then New banner adding instead of an updating
Issue Description:
in update functionality is not working properly, when the admin updates any banner then New ban...
Mohd Irfan
12:50 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #13327 (New): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> CMS --> Banner --> upload image should come in first then active fields come
Issue Description:
upload image should come in first then active fields come
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
12:37 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #13326 (New): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> CMS --> Banner --> Image Title and view Icon doesn't need on the banner screen
Issue Description:
Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> CMS --> Banner --> Image Title and view Icon doesn't need on ...
Mohd Irfan
12:31 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #13325 (New): Admin --> Login --> dashboard --> Entire module & submodule
Issue Description:
Left side menu bar --> Put space between module and sub-module
See attached screenshot/scre...
Mohd Irfan
10:48 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13324 (New): Login --> Assigned Task --> Start Survey --> zone/market/category --> if the compliance officer fills values in some input fields and changes to another market with the same commodity the filled values appear in another market and also in the survey
Issue Description:
if the compliance officer fills values in some input fields and changes to another market with ...
Mohd Irfan
09:55 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13313 (Closed): TAB --> Login --> Welcome Screen --> Start Survey --> Market -->Category --> Price input field is disabled need to fix this issue for the tab
Mohd Irfan
09:44 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13323 (New): Login --> Assigned Tasks --> Start Survey --> Kingston --> Daily foods --> Oil --> I am unable to update the commodity price after saving, once I have saved the commodity after that I am unable to change the saved commodity price & etc. fields.
Issue Description:
I am unable to update the commodity price after saving, once I have saved the commodity after t...
Mohd Irfan
09:28 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13322 (New): API Issue --> deactivated from admin side "commodities" should not shown on the mobile application inside the survey
Issue Description:
deactivated from admin side "commodities" should not shown on the mobile application inside the...
Mohd Irfan


04:40 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12845 (Closed): My Booking List - List view - Add more column - Booking slot is still active . what does it mean?
This column is currently removed from the list
Mohd Irfan
02:18 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13098 (Closed): Counsellor book appointment on the behalf of client- it shows 0 slots but when clicked on the slot is shows 1 slot. che
As per discussed with Priyanka mam, this issue has been fixed that's why I marked this issue closed Mohd Irfan
02:18 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13190 (Closed): Incorrect Status Display in My Booking List for Cancelled , approved or completed Bookings
As per discussed with Priyanka mam, this issue has been fixed that's why I marked this issue closed Mohd Irfan
02:18 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13226 (Closed): My Booking List -Appointment status is cancelled but in Add more column it shows booking slot is still active. And cancel status change to "Cancelled"
As per discussed with Priyanka mam, this issue has been fixed that's why I marked this issue closed Mohd Irfan
02:12 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12835 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Availability --> End date should arrive as per the counsellor's selection
This issue has been verified
Mohd Irfan
01:42 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12858 (Closed): When a booking is cancelled by the user OR Counsellor marked as leave himself, then the corresponding time slot on the Counselor Availability Details page is still shown as "Booked" (in red color).
Mohd Irfan
01:24 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13199 (Closed): On dashboard it shows 3 counts of booking but on my Booking page it shows 1 ..only recent one. Need to show all past appointments with all status
As per our discussion with Priyanka mam, she told me marked this issue was fixed! Mohd Irfan
01:19 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13196 (Closed): All Past Booking /Recent Appointment- Booking status need to update . Approve to "Approved", Complete to Completed, same as cancelled
Mohd Irfan
12:57 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13074 (Closed): Counsellor --> 5 slots are showing available but in booking time is not showing that time
Mohd Irfan
12:51 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13087 (Closed): Success message appeared wrong after marking booking as cancel...Message should be Booking marked as cancelled. It shows Booking mark as completed
Mohd Irfan
12:22 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12859 (Reopened ): My Booking list - client default profile pic showing. Please remove it
Not Fixed!
Currently still dummy images are showing
Mohd Irfan
12:13 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12789 (Closed): After updating appointment status no success message appeared. I am updating status from approve to Complete but no message displaying like Status Updated and status should be "Completed" after updating instead of complete
Mohd Irfan
11:53 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12236 (Closed): Counsellor Login > Deactivated client should not display in the client list.
Mohd Irfan
11:43 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12226 (Closed): Validation message should disappear once we select or fill required fields. It still showing after filling required fields
This issue has been verified and found that the issue has fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:36 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13200 (Closed): Payment history page - counsellor name field should not shown to counsellor. This field will show only to admin.
This issue has been verified and found that the issue has fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:33 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13234 (Closed): Book appointment for any client - 0 slot available but text appeared is "Available"...please show No availability here
As per discussed with Priyanka mam, she told you mark this issue close
Mohd Irfan
11:25 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13320 (Closed): Availability List - Please show Availability Date on list page. Replace start date to "Availability Date"
Mohd Irfan
10:23 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13219 (Closed): New counsellor profile created - Adding availability - no option showing to add in today's date. Today is 6th march
Currently counselor is able to add today's availability
Mohd Irfan
10:20 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13221 (Closed): Counsellor profile details page - Payment details - Appointment Amount should change to Per Appointment Amount
Mohd Irfan
10:08 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13242 (Closed): Latest booking should arrive at the top
Mohd Irfan
10:00 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13290 (Closed): Sign up as a counsellor - I work with field --already asked on sign up form then why asking again same on My professional details page
This issue has been verified and found that the issue has been fixed
Right now the selected values is arriving in...
Mohd Irfan


04:47 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13294 (Closed): Counsellor marked availability on Leave - But in client panel appointment status still remain approved...and on dashboard meeting link still shows instead of note added by counsellor while marking leave
Mohd Irfan
04:28 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13225 (Closed): Booking marked as cancelled but not reflected automatically to Cancelled tab...still showing under Pending Tab with pay now button. Please navigate to cancelled tab otherwise change status to cancelled
Mohd Irfan
04:25 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13224 (Closed): Pending Booking - Mark as cancel - Spelling incorrect of "cancelled"...Booking mark as canceled..please correct spelling
Mohd Irfan
04:18 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13222 (Closed): Design Issue - Book Appointment - Click for Query - need to work on Time slot dropdown
Mohd Irfan
04:14 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #12851 (Closed): Slot Shows as 'Already Booked' After Cancellation, Even Though It's Available for Rebooking

Mohd Irfan
04:06 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13120 (Closed): After rescheduling appointment slot should be available to book appointment for another client but currently that slot is not showing in the list now.
this issue has been verified and found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
03:55 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13233 (Closed): One booking is cancelled already & when client goes to reschedule another appointment ..cancelled booking slot is available but on click to book appointment it says appointment already booked. please check video
Fixed! This issue has been verified and found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan


04:34 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #12860 (Closed): No option is there to upload profile pic of client user. Checked on client portal & admin panel also
Mohd Irfan
04:29 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #12796 (Closed): When Counsellor Booked slot on behalf of the client - email message displayed is incorrect. Please correct as per below-
Mohd Irfan
04:19 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12825 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Select Dropdown Month --> Please explain the indicators used to understand the graph and their purpose.
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:58 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #12215 (Closed): All Success or Validation messages - tick icon should be center aligned
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:57 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #12215: All Success or Validation messages - tick icon should be center aligned
Mohd Irfan
03:49 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13241 (Closed): After Reschedule successfully from the admin side then Rescheduling button should hide from the old appointment, currently it is not happening
Mohd Irfan
03:31 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13236 (Closed): Admin -->Appointment List --> If the admin changes the current status pending to cancel then does not happen anything, if there is an option for cancel then it should work, The changing status should be reflected on the client panel
Mohd Irfan
03:31 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13236: Admin -->Appointment List --> If the admin changes the current status pending to cancel then does not happen anything, if there is an option for cancel then it should work, The changing status should be reflected on the client panel
Mohd Irfan
03:28 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12849 (Closed): Client details - view personal details - Under Client Appointment Booking - Appointment Status Canceled ..spelling mistake . Correct canceled to "Cancelled"
Mohd Irfan
03:18 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12849: Client details - view personal details - Under Client Appointment Booking - Appointment Status Canceled ..spelling mistake . Correct canceled to "Cancelled"
Mohd Irfan
03:27 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13194 (Closed): Book appointment on the behalf of client - Search design issue much gap found
Mohd Irfan
03:13 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13235 (Closed): Appointment list - Appointment status should be Cancelled , Approved, Rescheduled after action done.
Mohd Irfan
03:09 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12864 (Closed): Query - Mismatch in Appointment Count Between Dashboard and Appointment List for Today’s Date
Mohd Irfan
02:48 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13243 (Closed): Appointment List - Fix design issue of horizontal scrollbar
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
02:46 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13243: Appointment List - Fix design issue of horizontal scrollbar

Mohd Irfan
02:45 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13267 (Closed): Payments screen - latest one should shown at top
Mohd Irfan
02:24 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12848 (Closed): Client detail - view -Client Appointment Booking - Booking id missing. We can show booking id also with these details
Mohd Irfan
02:03 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12811 (Closed): Admin --> profile --> Contact number should be" Min6-11Max "numeric character
Mohd Irfan
02:02 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12850 (Reopened ): Admin --> Client list --> delete any Client --> Check issue below
Not Fixed!
Mohd Irfan
12:02 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12862 (Closed): Dashboard - Keel Sakoon "S" capital & select "S" capital. check screenshot
Mohd Irfan
10:06 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13168 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Appointment --> Refund list --> Designing issue
Mohd Irfan
10:01 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13231 (Closed): Client --> Profile --> Edit Profile --> The filled details should be visible on the edit case
This issue has been verified and found that issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan


04:45 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12953 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard -->Zone --> Filter --> After filtering, the active highlighted module should remain highlighted; however
Mohd Irfan
04:36 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12948 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Zone -->if the admin updates the toggle button then the status should be updated instantly instead of after the refresh
Currently the status column has been Removed by developer that's why I marked this issue Resolved!
Mohd Irfan
04:33 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12947 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Zone --> Start Date & End Date Should also shown in the list, As per the filter option
Mohd Irfan
04:28 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12881 (Reopened ): Admin --> Login Page --> Remember Me checkbox is not visible properly needs to show with dark outline
Not Fixed!
Reopened for same issue
Mohd Irfan
04:26 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12946 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Users -->The deletion success message should be shown in red instead of green
Mohd Irfan
04:16 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12944 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Users --> Action --> Need to add a view Icon on user list page
Mohd Irfan
04:12 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12942 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> User --> Filter --> Dropdown arrow icon needs to be implemented on next dropdown
Mohd Irfan
04:11 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12940 (Reopened ): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Filter --> Entire page where no records are available --> When admin searches with filter and there is no data then you can show "No records found matching your search criteria."
Not Fixed!
Need to fix this issue on entire page
Mohd Irfan
04:07 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12924 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Users --> Add User --> Put validation message for Email and If dropdown is mandatory then put also for this field
Mohd Irfan
02:42 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12917 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Users --> Action --> Delete --> if admin deleted any user then the deleted user should get removed also from list without need to refresh
Mohd Irfan
02:36 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12912 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Users --> Action --> delete --> put success message "User deleted successfully"
Mohd Irfan
01:24 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12912: Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Users --> Action --> delete --> put success message "User deleted successfully"
Mohd Irfan
02:36 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12915 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Users --> Add and Edit --> Check issue below
Mohd Irfan
01:20 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12909 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Users --> Action --> if admin deactivates the toggle button then the status "Active/Inactive should be updated along with
Currently developer has remove the status column, only toggle there
Mohd Irfan
01:11 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12902 (Reopened ): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> company logo should be aligned of the dashboard and also a little bit small
Not Fixed!
Reopened For: same issue
Mohd Irfan
01:08 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12907 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Filter --> Search --> After filtering, the active highlighted module should remain highlighted; however, it gets un-highlighted instead.
Mohd Irfan
12:57 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12904 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard ---> Filter --> Email Filter functionality currently is not working
Mohd Irfan
12:52 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12888 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Categories --> Actions --> View --> uploaded category image doesn't show in the view page, it should be shown
Mohd Irfan
12:51 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #12886 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Categories --> Action --> if the admin change the toggle from Active to deactivate then the status text should also be updated
This issue has been verified
and found that the issue has fixed!
Mohd Irfan


05:02 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13266 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> Same survey with Different "Compliance office" if both are clicks in submit button then getting different toaster message
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
04:13 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13123 (Closed): Login --> Dashboard --> Submit Commodity --> if the commodity is not available then show the "No commodity Available" Message on the submit commodity screen, currently compliance office is able to submit a survey without a commodity
this screen is changed so I marking closed this issue Mohd Irfan
04:11 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13260 (Reopened ): Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> Submit Commodity --> Save and submit --> Close the app --> and again open with same things --> Saved images and availability are getting disappear after saving the form
availability getting reset to low and also image doesn't appear Mohd Irfan
04:09 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13272 (Closed): Login --> Welcome Screen --> Start Survey --> Submit --> if the "Compliance office" submitted any survey form, the selected zone, Market, and Category should also Arrive currently only the zone is arriving
Mohd Irfan
04:08 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13258 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> Zone --> Market --> Category --> Check issue below
Mohd Irfan
04:06 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13259 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> Submit Commodity --> Save --> After saving the dialogue box or validation box is not appearing, please show a success message
validation is arriving but filled data getting reset Mohd Irfan
04:04 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13317 (New): sign in --> Forgot screen --> back to sign in --> link --> Need to put the "back to sign in" screen on the forgot page
Issue Description:
Need to put the "back to sign in" screen on the forgot page
See attached screenshot/screen ...
Mohd Irfan
03:51 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13316 (Resolved): Login --> Start survey --> Bassererre zone --> Island food -->oil --> Check issue below
Issue Description:
1. After submit --> Back to home --> again goes to same submitted form --> if the compliance of...
Mohd Irfan
03:41 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13262 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> After submitting the Commodity form the success dialogue box doesn't arrive
Mohd Irfan
03:36 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13261 (Closed): Login --> Welcome Screen --> Total Submissions and Offline Data --> Getting grey out screen
both are not clickable right now Mohd Irfan
03:34 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13263 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey -->Start and To date should be visible and also "Compliance applicant" should not be able to start the survey when the date till not match today's date
Mohd Irfan
03:32 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13271 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> I submitted data for Survey 2, but the submitted data is also showing in another survey
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
03:31 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13273 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> Submit --> After Submitting the form "compliance officer" is able to upload the image again, it is not correct needs to fix it
Mohd Irfan
03:22 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13314 (Resolved): TAB --> Login --> Right Side Menu option --> Check issues below
Issue Description:
if the Applicant user clicks on submitted surveys 4 times and back then the same screen arrives...
Mohd Irfan
03:12 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13313 (Closed): TAB --> Login --> Welcome Screen --> Start Survey --> Market -->Category --> Price input field is disabled need to fix this issue for the tab

TAB --> Login --> Welcome Screen --> Start Survey --> Market -->Category --> Price input field is disabled need t...
Mohd Irfan
03:09 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13312 (Resolved): Login --> Welcome Screen --> Right side menu --> Surveys --> Check issue below
Issue Description:
Submitted surveys --> The Compliance officer is not able to click the View survey button, this ...
Mohd Irfan
02:59 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13311 (Resolved): Admin --> login --> Submit Commodity Survey --> First, save --> back to home screen --> again open save form --> after submitting all filled values getting disappear
Issue Description:
First, save --> back to home screen --> again open save form --> after submitting all filled va...
Mohd Irfan
02:45 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13310 (Resolved): Login --> Welcome Screen --> Submit Commodity Survey --> After saving the Price gets 0, the availability displays "low" and the uploaded images are showing the invalid need to fix this issue asap
Issue Description:
After saving the Price gets 0, the availability displays "low" and the uploaded images are show...
Mohd Irfan
01:49 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13309 (New): Login --> Submit Commodity Survey --> The error message "Validation error" is not specific. It should indicate what exactly is wrong with the input
Issue Description:
The error message "Validation error" is not specific. It should indicate what exactly is wrong ...
Mohd Irfan
01:40 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13308 (New): Login --> Submit Commodity Survey --> zone --> Market --> Category --> Check issues below
Issue Description:
1. The expiry date should not be mandatory
2. The price fields should not be mandatory
3. b...
Mohd Irfan
12:45 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13140 (Reopened ): Login --> Home Screen --> Designing issue
Not Fixed!
tab issue
Mohd Irfan
11:11 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13307 (New): Home --> Login --> Forgot Button --> The error message "Validation error" is not specific. It should indicate what exactly is wrong with the input (e.g., "Invalid email format").
Issue Description:
The error message "Validation error" is not specific. It should indicate what exactly is wrong ...
Mohd Irfan
11:06 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13279 (Reopened ): Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> if the Applicant profile is not available then by default dummy profile should be shown on the welcome and profile screen
Not Fixed!
Mohd Irfan
10:44 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13146 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> Submit commodity survey screen --> Asterisk mark should be in red
Currently, the screen is changed that's why I am not getting this screen
Mohd Irfan
10:42 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13145 (Closed): Sign In Screen --> Password field --> Password show/hide icon should be in the password input field
Mohd Irfan
10:39 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13265 (Closed): Login --> Welcome screen --> Need to put "pull to Refresh" Functionality here, because there is no option for refresh
Mohd Irfan
10:35 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13276 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen --> Start Survey --> Compliance applicant should be able to view her password but currently, applicant is unable to view the password
Currently Removed the password filed by developer side that's why I marked this issue closed
Mohd Irfan
10:26 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13278 (Closed): Logout --> Back 2 time -->again click Logout --> Getting code error when Applicant logout 2-3 times
This issue has been verified!
Mohd Irfan
10:20 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13139 (Reopened ): Login --> Forgot Screen --> If Applicant Clicking on the submit button multiple times then multiple OTP screens are arriving
Not Fixed!
Mohd Irfan
10:12 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13141 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen --> Right side menu button --> Icon is missing
This issue has been verified and found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
10:10 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13306 (Resolved): Sign Screen --> Login --> Assigned Tasks Screen --> No need to show the time option on the Assigned Tasks screen
Issue Description:
No need to show the time option on the Assigned Tasks screen
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
09:06 AM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues Bug #13305 (New): Sign In Screen --> Forgot Password/Login --> Server Error --> getting code exceptional error when I click on forgot button
Issue Description:
getting code exceptional error when I click on the forgot button
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan


04:54 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #13303 (Resolved): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Entire Filter Page --> Date Fields Default to "dd-mm-yyyy": No placeholder text or validation error is shown if users enter incorrect formats.
Issue Description:
Date Fields Default to "dd-mm-yyyy": No placeholder text or validation error is shown if users ...
Mohd Irfan
04:46 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #13302 (New): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Entire page --> Some rows appear faded, making them harder to read, need to make clear read rows
Issue Description:
Some rows appear faded, making them harder to read, need to make clear read rows
See attach...
Mohd Irfan
04:42 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #13301 (Resolved): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Entire Page --> If there are many entries, the page load may slow down. Consider showing a "Loader" when till data doesn't show
Issue Description:
If there are many entries, the page load may slow down. Consider showing a "Loader" when till ...
Mohd Irfan
04:35 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #13300 (Resolved): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Submitted Survey --> The "Amount" column shows six decimal places (e.g., 10.000000), which is unnecessary. Rounding to two decimal places would improve readability.
Issue Description:
The "Amount" column shows six decimal places (e.g., 10.000000), which is unnecessary. Roundin...
Mohd Irfan
04:16 PM Consumer Affairs Admin Issues Bug #13299 (New): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Action Entire page --> The eye (view), pencil (edit), and trash (delete) icons are too close to each other, which might cause usability issues.
Issue Description:
The eye (view), pencil (edit), and trash (delete) icons are too close to each other, which migh...
Mohd Irfan
12:56 PM Consumer-Affairs Android Issues QUERY #13296 (New): Submit Commodity Survey --> The "Compliance Officer" should be able to view images in Zoom, But currently "Compliance Officer" is not able to do Zoom image?
Issue Description:
The "Compliance Officer" should be able to view images in Zoom, But currently "Compliance Offic...
Mohd Irfan

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