priyanka Sharma's activity
From 03/01/2025 to 03/10/2025
- 11:39 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13269 (Closed): Add Bank account- check this ..after getting this error all fields gets reset
- !clipboard-202503101138-huaa8.png!
- 11:30 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13267 (Closed): Payments screen - latest one should shown at top
- !clipboard-202503101120-ul7hw.png!
- 11:18 AM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13252 (Feedback): User can reset password using email & username both.
- 11:07 AM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13253 (Feedback): User can reset password using email & username both.
- 08:20 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13183 (Closed): Sign up as a counsellor - without agreeing terms & condition user should not able to register. Male validation over it
- 08:18 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13188 (Closed): My Booking List - calendar view Button - keep "c" in caps like Calendar View
- 08:18 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13195 (Closed): After updating the booking status to Complete, the message should be "Booking marked as completed" instead of "Booking is completed."
- 08:16 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12797 (Closed): Counsellor --> login --> Profile --> Edit profile --> contact number field should be 6-11 Numeric digits along with Date of birth should not be in future
- 08:13 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13086 (Closed): When booking an appointment it shows 1 available slots but there are 2 slots available. Check ss
- 08:13 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13120 (Reopened ): After rescheduling appointment slot should be available to book appointment for another client but currently that slot is not showing in the list now.
- !clipboard-202503072012-qxe8b.png!
!clipboar... - 08:13 PM Sakoon - Client 1.00 hour (Bug #13120 (Closed): After rescheduling appointment slot should be available to book appointment for another client but currently that slot is not showing in the list now.)
- Still not fixed. Check with harper singh account & client Sahil sharma.
- 08:02 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13119 (Closed): Total Spending amount becomes 0 in today's data after cancel & reschedule appointment by client
- 07:50 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12230 (Closed): After changing or updating counsellor status loader not appearing...not getting is it updating or not?
- 07:49 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13185 (Closed): Alignment issues - Counsellor view profile - Set Commission field & update button should be aligned properly
- 07:48 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13065 (Closed): Add availability - Select counsellor - latest counsellor should shown at top
- 07:47 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12188 (Closed): Admin Login > View Counsellor Profile > Set commission > Text should not update when updating the commission and add the currency when updating commission.
- 07:46 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12770 (Closed): Dashboard Count Confusion – Year Filter Missing and Dropdown Enhancement Needed. Discuss with Dharamveer sir if needed
- 07:45 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12228 (Closed): Counsellor List - Status dropdown - Status should be "Approved" ,"Declined" , "Blocked" instead of Approve, decline, Block after updating the status.
- 07:45 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12189 (Closed): Admin Login > Counsellor List > Only tables should scroll horizontally.
- 07:43 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12773 (Closed): Cumulative Data on Dashboard Should Be Clickable and Navigate to Respective Pages
- 07:42 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13223 (Closed): Waiting list - Book Appointment for any client - Slot is of next date and text showing there is Avaialable today..please remove it
- 10:57 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13223 (Closed): Waiting list - Book Appointment for any client - Slot is of next date and text showing there is Avaialable today..please remove it
- !clipboard-202503071057-vfnzg.png!
- 07:39 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13232 (Closed): Please show text "No Availability" when counsellor list displaying.
- 11:25 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13232 (Closed): Please show text "No Availability" when counsellor list displaying.
- !clipboard-202503071122-lyevt.png!
Pleas show text "No Availability" when counsellor list displaying. Client > Book... - 06:23 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13228 (Feedback): Admin --> Client --> Add --> I am unable to create a client with 6-7 digit contact number
- 06:23 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13227 (Feedback): Admin → Client --> Add --> View --> Religion and Country code should also be visible on the client profile
- 06:23 PM Sakoon - Admin QUERY #13229 (Feedback): if the admin creates client, then the mail does not go to the same mail
- 05:52 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13257 (Closed): My Account screen - Username & email field is not editable so these fields should be disabled with a gray background to indicate they cannot be modified.
- !clipboard-202503071752-v9m1p.png!
- 05:49 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13256 (Closed): Guest Access - Access settings - Bill & payments icon missing
- !clipboard-202503071748-udmsk.png!
- 05:47 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13255 (Closed): Reset Password screen - back button should be left aligned and little bit below
- !clipboard-202503071748-75j0d.png!
- 05:46 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13254 (Feedback): Success message consistency should be same on all screens. Currently after uploading check success message and compare with other screens. Check screenshot below
- !clipboard-202503071746-tw6v0.png!
Green color background ..remove - 05:04 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13253 (Feedback): User can reset password using email & username both.
- 05:04 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13252 (Feedback): User can reset password using email & username both.
- 05:01 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13251 (Resolved): Reset password - Once password reset successfully it should navigate to login screen instead of reset password page & this text( A verification code ...)should be removed if i come back again to forgot password
- !clipboard-202503071659-qeu8t.png!
- 04:47 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13250 (Resolved): Able to reset password with min1 digit only. please make validation of atleast 6 characters same as implemented during registration. Need to give some gap also on Reset password page
- !clipboard-202503071646-obzks.png!
- 04:45 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13249 (Resolved): When a user enters incorrect information in any field on the Forgot Password page, all fields are cleared instead of keeping the correct details.
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- 04:40 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13248 (Closed): Reset Password screen - Verification code entered is wrong but not displaying error message for invalid verification code
- !clipboard-202503071639-4nq75.png!
- 04:31 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13247 (Closed): Subscription created for One User Appears in Another User's Account
- When a subscription is created for one user, it is incorrectly displayed in the account of a newly registered user
!... - 04:10 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13246 (Closed): Security Questions List Displays Different Options While Updating Password After Login
- During registration, users select security questions correctly. However, after logging in, when updating the password...
- 03:40 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13245 (Closed): Incorrect Counselor Payment Calculation in Coupon Case. Total Income column name should replace to Client Paid
- !clipboard-202503071539-vekrk.png!
In the payment list, when making a payment to the client, the displayed amount is... - 02:52 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13243 (Closed): Appointment List - Fix design issue of horizontal scrollbar
- !clipboard-202503071451-myetx.png!
- 12:22 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13239 (Closed): Home screen > View Compare section > click on that ...check back button at top...need to shift little bit below
- !clipboard-202503071222-zrufg.png!
- 12:20 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13238 (Closed): Data not refreshed on all screens if changing account number . Like by default 0112016 is selected it will show data as per selected account number but if i select another account number then data not reflected according to that
- 12:18 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13237 (Reopened ): IOS - Update Mobile Number , Add Account number - numeric keypad remains open option to down the keypad
- 11:59 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13235 (Closed): Appointment list - Appointment status should be Cancelled , Approved, Rescheduled after action done.
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- 11:37 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13234 (Closed): Book appointment for any client - 0 slot available but text appeared is "Available"...please show No availability here
- !clipboard-202503071136-yjcki.png!
- 11:33 AM Sakoon - Client Bug #13233 (Closed): One booking is cancelled already & when client goes to reschedule another appointment ..cancelled booking slot is available but on click to book appointment it says appointment already booked. please check video
- 11:22 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13230 (New): Waiting List - Book any appointment - It is not asking for appointment type and by default takes Individual type for all bookings. Discuss with sir once
- !clipboard-202503071119-xfol8.png!
- 11:08 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13226 (Closed): My Booking List -Appointment status is cancelled but in Add more column it shows booking slot is still active. And cancel status change to "Cancelled"
- !clipboard-202503071106-udv4m.png!
- 11:01 AM Sakoon - Client Bug #13225 (Closed): Booking marked as cancelled but not reflected automatically to Cancelled tab...still showing under Pending Tab with pay now button. Please navigate to cancelled tab otherwise change status to cancelled
- !clipboard-202503071100-kufph.png!
- 10:59 AM Sakoon - Client Bug #13224 (Closed): Pending Booking - Mark as cancel - Spelling incorrect of "cancelled"...Booking mark as canceled..please correct spelling
- !clipboard-202503071059-nhen8.png!
- 10:55 AM Sakoon - Client Bug #13222 (Closed): Design Issue - Book Appointment - Click for Query - need to work on Time slot dropdown
- !clipboard-202503071051-5p8ct.png!
- 10:48 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13221 (Closed): Counsellor profile details page - Payment details - Appointment Amount should change to Per Appointment Amount
- !clipboard-202503071047-hpbxp.png!
- 10:42 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13220 (New): Dashbaord - cumulative data should show overall app data. And also show date filters admin can filter data if select year with from & to fields
- !clipboard-202503071040-udqyy.png!
- 07:47 PM Sakoon - Admin 1.00 hour (Bug #13067 (Closed): Dashboard - Cumulative Data - No of Counsellor should be No of Counsellors, Same for - No of Clients , No of Appointments...)
- No of counsellor still same
- 07:47 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13067 (Reopened ): Dashboard - Cumulative Data - No of Counsellor should be No of Counsellors, Same for - No of Clients , No of Appointments...
- !clipboard-202503061947-fouf0.png!
- 07:42 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12827 (Closed): After adding special offer it should navigate to list page automatically
- 07:29 PM Sakoon - Admin 1.00 hour (Bug #12862 (Closed): Dashboard - Keel Sakoon "S" capital & select "S" capital. check screenshot)
- Select dropdown still s is small
- 07:29 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12862 (Reopened ): Dashboard - Keel Sakoon "S" capital & select "S" capital. check screenshot
- 07:27 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13198 (Closed): Dashboard - make changes as per below
- 06:21 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13219 (Closed): New counsellor profile created - Adding availability - no option showing to add in today's date. Today is 6th march
- !clipboard-202503061820-yy5ri.png!
- 06:18 PM Wasco Billing (Web) QUERY #13218 (New): There is no option to edit module access after inviting a user.
- There is no option to modify accessed modules. When inviting a user, I initially granted access only to the transacti...
- 06:12 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13217 (Closed): View counsellor profile details - need to show more information like work with, concern area etc...check on edit profile page
- !clipboard-202503061746-eeqao.png!
- 05:13 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13216 (Resolved): Dropdown Resets After Viewing Bill on Bills & Payments Page
- After selecting an account number and viewing a water bill (PDF), returning to the Bills & Payments page resets the d...
- 05:03 PM Wasco Billing (Web) QUERY #13215 (New): How will a guest user reset their password if the Forgot Password page requires security questions and answers?
- 04:48 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13214 (Resolved): For a guest user or normal user both, water usage chart not found but data appeared under Water Usage Table
- !clipboard-202503061644-um5xd.png!
Here are your account details:
Email: gi... - 04:33 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) 1.00 hour (Bug #13170 (Closed): Login with guest user - only access features should shown to guest user. Currently guest user able to access all modules . Seems no difference between guest user & normal user )
- Profile section should not be accessible . On home screen Welcome null null should replace to Welcome Guest User and ...
- 04:33 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13170 (Reopened ): Login with guest user - only access features should shown to guest user. Currently guest user able to access all modules . Seems no difference between guest user & normal user
- 04:03 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13213 (Closed): Guest user should only have access to the Transaction module, but they can access other modules like Compare, Bills, etc., through dashboard links.
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These sections should not show if they don't have any access - 03:50 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13212 (Resolved): Guest user login - On dashboard page Proprietor Address is missing while showing on web app. check screenshot & account details below
- !clipboard-202503061548-5apsc.png!
Here are your account details:
Password: DrXLw0
!cl... - 03:40 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13172 (Closed): Consumption screen - as per figma this text is changed.
- 03:39 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13175 (Closed): Text not displayed in error message if we add account with already loggedin account number
- 03:39 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13165 (Closed): Consumption - Hide this -chart your consumtion filter or account dropdown from here ... as we are already asking account number at top
- 03:38 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13163 (Closed): After sending an invite, a success popup appears, but the page doesn't navigate anywhere. The fields should be cleared after the invite is sent."
- 03:36 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13160 (Closed): Data displaying is there is no data associated with account number 0112015 but still it shows same data as 0112016...please show correct data as per account number
- 03:36 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13154 (Closed): Account list - If entering invalid or not exised account number then message displaying is wrong . Blank popup apprears with text Error...check ss below
- 03:35 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13152 (Reopened ): New subscription data is not displaying immediately in the subscription list after adding. The data appears only after refreshing or revisiting the profile screen
- 03:35 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) 1.00 hour (Bug #13152 (Closed): New subscription data is not displaying immediately in the subscription list after adding. The data appears only after refreshing or revisiting the profile screen)
- Still not reflected automatically
- 03:35 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13151 (Closed): Account Access List - Error message "Invalid request "displaying is wrong if deleting the last record. Message should be "Cannot delete last record"
- 03:30 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #12994 (Closed): IOS - Consumption - downlaod csv file - ceck in iphone CSV Viewer text not displaying correctly...and back icon also...move little bit below
- 03:17 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13211 (Closed): Guest user - deactivated from mobile app and trying to login---it should show error of account deactivated but it login the user who created guest user.
- 03:15 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13210 (Closed): Guest List functionality missing on web while working in mobile app.
- 03:15 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13209 (New): Guest list - user is deactivated from guest list but still able login in web app.
- 03:10 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13178 (Closed): My Recent Account Activity - if there is no activity then show text No recent activity found.
- 03:09 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13176 (Reopened ): After changing account number from the dropdown data not shows updated on all screens
- 03:09 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) 1.00 hour (Bug #13176 (Closed): After changing account number from the dropdown data not shows updated on all screens)
- Still data not refreshed on some Bill & payment screen, Compare screen
- 03:02 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #12932 (New): Water Consumption Inquiry text - Please change text - Welcome to our Consumption Inquiry. This tool shows your water consumption readings over the past 12 months.
- 02:57 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13208 (Closed): Transactions - Transaction date should shown on list page also if viewing in pdf or csv file.
- !clipboard-202503061457-kfsvi.png!
- 02:57 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13207 (New): Transactions - Transaction date should shown on list page also if viewing in pdf or csv file.
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- 02:38 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13206 (Closed): Side bar menu - Bill & Payments - It should be Bill & Payments
- !clipboard-202503061437-gq6fl.png!
- 01:07 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13204 (Closed): Navigation bar - Menu titles - Billpayment change to Bills & Payments and home icon does not appear properly. Should have gray background and increase width of menubar
- !clipboard-202503061306-alssi.png!
- 01:04 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13203 (Feedback): After capturing and uploading a picture from the camera on iOS, the image does not appear immediately, and the API takes too long to load.
- !clipboard-202503061308-c4hvt.png!
- 07:57 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13090 (Closed): Appointment list - Completed Booking id still showing under Approved Tab and change the tab name Complete to "Completed"
- 07:53 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13197 (Closed): Client not able to upload profile pic & update personal details. Please provide pic upload feature and update details option
- 03:10 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13197 (Closed): Client not able to upload profile pic & update personal details. Please provide pic upload feature and update details option
- 07:53 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13161 (Closed): If there is no data with any account number then we can show NA text or (-) hyphen text there. Please remove " Proprietor Address
- 06:16 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13201 (Resolved): The size of the sidebar menu icons does not appear to be equal. Please ensure that all icons have the same size.
- !clipboard-202503051815-wtzv6.png!
- 06:13 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13158 (Closed): Dashboard - My consumption - Water usage chart - Request failed with status code 500 ..error displaying if there is no data. Please correct it
- 06:12 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13156 (Closed): Guest email & Confirm Guest email - placeholder text Keep "e" caps of enter guest email. It should be Enter guest email
- 06:12 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13159 (Reopened ): Bill & Payments page - Pay amount dropdown - why showing 73.26 amount as there is no due amount associated with this account number.
- 06:12 PM Wasco Billing (Web) 1.00 hour (Bug #13159 (Resolved): Bill & Payments page - Pay amount dropdown - why showing 73.26 amount as there is no due amount associated with this account number.)
- Still data not refreshed in this case amount should shown 0
- 06:05 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13162 (Closed): Login - Need to change label name -- Email / Username ..change this everywhere in validation message & label name also
- 06:05 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13157 (Closed): Compare page - Comparing Usage To Last Bill ..remove this text
- 06:05 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13148 (Closed): Register user from mobile app and after login check Profile page - Username field appears blank.
- 06:04 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13147 (Closed): unable to login with username...only taking email addres
- 05:58 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13166 (Closed): Forgot password page - need to provide some space from the top..check registration & login page
- 05:58 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13167 (Closed): Compare page - remove or hide text "Comparing Usage To Last Bill"
- 05:54 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13200 (Closed): Payment history page - counsellor name field should not shown to counsellor. This field will show only to admin.
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- 05:51 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13199 (Closed): On dashboard it shows 3 counts of booking but on my Booking page it shows 1 ..only recent one. Need to show all past appointments with all status
- !clipboard-202503051750-wxubk.png!
- 05:48 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13198 (Closed): Dashboard - make changes as per below
- !clipboard-202503051746-kofrh.png!
Summary counsellor - "C" caps - Counsellor
... - 03:03 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13196 (Closed): All Past Booking /Recent Appointment- Booking status need to update . Approve to "Approved", Complete to Completed, same as cancelled
- !clipboard-202503051502-wpld8.png!
- 02:52 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13195 (Closed): After updating the booking status to Complete, the message should be "Booking marked as completed" instead of "Booking is completed."
- !clipboard-202503051451-ux0nr.png!
- 02:49 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13105 (Closed): Admin added client availability - 3 slots in any date but when admin goes to book appointment on behalf of the client it shows only one slot there
- 02:43 PM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13194 (Closed): Book appointment on the behalf of client - Search design issue much gap found
- !clipboard-202503051441-hdkrt.png!
!clipboar... - 01:27 PM Sakoon - Client QUERY #13193 (Resolved): Please check with karan account - Total spending amount was incorrect. For 2 appointments it was 100 but when i book 3rd appointment with coupon applied of $ should be 140 spending but it shows 130. check why
admin12345 - 01:20 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #12791 (Closed): Cancelled Booking email - Check spelling of "Cancelled". It should be "Cancelled" instead of Canceled
- 12:38 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13095 (Closed): Availability list - After marking as leave button name should replace to "Marked As Leave"
- 12:37 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12842 (Closed): When a counselor marks their availability as "Leave," the record should be removed from the availability list immediately. However, the record only disappears after refreshing the page
- 12:28 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13091 (Closed): Counsellor when book appointment on behalf of client - then pending appointments currently showing on dashboard under recent appointment activity. we can show same on Appointment list. Discuss with dharmveer sir once
- 12:28 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13191 (Resolved): My Booking - Calendar View Not Displaying All Appointments as in List View
- Calendar View should display all appointments (Approved, Cancelled, Rescheduled, Pending) as shown in the List View.
... - 12:20 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13190 (Closed): Incorrect Status Display in My Booking List for Cancelled , approved or completed Bookings
- !clipboard-202503051219-sx4g8.png!
In the My Booking List, when a booking is can... - 12:06 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13189 (Closed): Counsellor has cancelled the booking appointment and now appointment is not showing under My booking list. Only showing on dashboard under Recent appointment
- !clipboard-202503051205-urhl2.png!
- 12:02 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13188 (Closed): My Booking List - calendar view Button - keep "c" in caps like Calendar View
- !clipboard-202503051201-ub4mp.png!
- 11:48 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13087 (Reopened ): Success message appeared wrong after marking booking as cancel...Message should be Booking marked as cancelled. It shows Booking mark as completed
- !clipboard-202503051148-v7byo.png!
- 11:48 AM Sakoon - Counsellor 1.00 hour (Bug #13087 (Closed): Success message appeared wrong after marking booking as cancel...Message should be Booking marked as cancelled. It shows Booking mark as completed)
- Message displaying now is Booking is canceled ...spelling of canceled is wrong. And message should be "Booking cancel...
- 11:46 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12859 (Reopened ): My Booking list - client default profile pic showing. Please remove it
- !clipboard-202503051144-c0c60.png!
- 11:46 AM Sakoon - Counsellor 1.00 hour (Bug #12859 (Resolved): My Booking list - client default profile pic showing. Please remove it)
- Do not mark resolved until you fix it. If there is no profile pic uploaded by user then don't show this picture or yo...
- 11:21 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13186 (Feedback): Edit profile - do not update anything and click on update button - check page crashes
- !clipboard-202503051121-pnx3w.
- 11:18 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12231 (Closed): Counsellor profile rejected email - need to update text as per below . please copy the below text & update it in your code.
- 11:16 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #13185 (Closed): Alignment issues - Counsellor view profile - Set Commission field & update button should be aligned properly
- !clipboard-202503051115-war96.png!
- 11:12 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12226 (Reopened ): Validation message should disappear once we select or fill required fields. It still showing after filling required fields
- 11:12 AM Sakoon - Counsellor 1.00 hour (Bug #12226 (Closed): Validation message should disappear once we select or fill required fields. It still showing after filling required fields)
- Now it disappears after clicking outside once selected.
- 11:02 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13183 (Closed): Sign up as a counsellor - without agreeing terms & condition user should not able to register. Male validation over it
- !clipboard-202503051101-czujk.png!
- 11:01 AM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13079 (Closed): Sign up as counsellor form - if not entered anything in the fields & clicked on Sign Up button then error message displaying is Something field missing. Check message below in description
- 10:51 AM Sakoon - Client Bug #12783 (Closed): Sign up As a Client --> Phone code and Terms & conditions should be mandatory
- 10:50 AM Sakoon - Client 1.00 hour (Bug #12213 (Reopened ): Sign Up as a Client - check issues below)
- Selecting a Radio Button Changes All Radio Button Labels to Blue Instead of Only the Selected One
- 10:50 AM Sakoon - Client Bug #12213 (Reopened ): Sign Up as a Client - check issues below
- !clipboard-202503051048-no7k4.png!
- 06:23 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13178 (Closed): My Recent Account Activity - if there is no activity then show text No recent activity found.
- !clipboard-202503041823-dktlv.png!
- 06:11 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13177 (New): Unable to scroll some screens properly. Getting issue in scrolling
- 06:04 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13153 (Closed): After deleting a subscription record, a success message appears, but the record still exists in the backend. Data is not refreshed automatically.
- 11:50 AM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13153 (Closed): After deleting a subscription record, a success message appears, but the record still exists in the backend. Data is not refreshed automatically.
- !clipboard-202503041150-tvb46.png!
- 06:02 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13150 (Closed): Profile screen - Mobile number - make validation of min & max 10 digit valid mobile number. Currently taking 2 digits also. Error message should display is "Enter a valid 10-digit phone number."
- 11:38 AM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13150 (Closed): Profile screen - Mobile number - make validation of min & max 10 digit valid mobile number. Currently taking 2 digits also. Error message should display is "Enter a valid 10-digit phone number."
- !clipboard-202503041138-ppcof.png!
- 06:02 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13149 (Closed): Profile screen - Username field displaying same as email address while i have added username diferent at the time of registration
- 11:34 AM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13149 (Closed): Profile screen - Username field displaying same as email address while i have added username diferent at the time of registration
- !clipboard-202503041133-s8rcy.png!
- 06:01 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13144 (Closed): Registration issues - check below
- 05:58 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13143 (Closed): Login - if entered invalid credentials it gives login failed error .Error message should be "Invalid email or password. Please try again"
- 05:58 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #12966 (Closed): Unable to send invite. Checked with valid email also. And make validation for proper invalid email. It is taking invalid email address also.
- 05:58 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13142 (Closed): Back button need to improve as per figma design
- 05:42 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13176 (Closed): After changing account number from the dropdown data not shows updated on all screens
- Suppose i am on home , transaction screen - and changing account number from the dropdown then it shows old data only
- 05:16 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13175 (Closed): Text not displayed in error message if we add account with already loggedin account number
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- 04:43 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13172 (Closed): Consumption screen - as per figma this text is changed.
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Welcome to Consumption Inquiry. View your meter readings for the past 24 months w... - 04:37 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13170 (Closed): Login with guest user - only access features should shown to guest user. Currently guest user able to access all modules . Seems no difference between guest user & normal user
- !clipboard-202503041654-kpxzz.png!
- 04:26 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13169 (Closed): After sending invite to any user if i am login the application with invalid password it says Reset password required . Message should be "Invalid credentials"
- 04:04 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13167 (Closed): Compare page - remove or hide text "Comparing Usage To Last Bill"
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- 03:52 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13166 (Closed): Forgot password page - need to provide some space from the top..check registration & login page
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- 03:50 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13165 (Closed): Consumption - Hide this -chart your consumtion filter or account dropdown from here ... as we are already asking account number at top
- !clipboard-202503041549-fdq4i.png!
- 03:26 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13164 (Resolved): Migrate user - Reset Password required screen - when already register user trying to login ..check issues below-
- 1.Verification code field - Recieved - spelling mistake in placeholder text. Correct to "Received"
2. Remove the p... - 03:13 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13163 (Closed): After sending an invite, a success popup appears, but the page doesn't navigate anywhere. The fields should be cleared after the invite is sent."
- 02:59 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13162 (Closed): Login - Need to change label name -- Email / Username ..change this everywhere in validation message & label name also
- !clipboard-202503041453-w8rv8.png!
- 02:40 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13161 (Closed): If there is no data with any account number then we can show NA text or (-) hyphen text there. Please remove " Proprietor Address
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- 02:31 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13160 (Closed): Data displaying is there is no data associated with account number 0112015 but still it shows same data as 0112016...please show correct data as per account number
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- 02:25 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13159 (Resolved): Bill & Payments page - Pay amount dropdown - why showing 73.26 amount as there is no due amount associated with this account number.
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Credentials -
Account no -0112015 - 02:22 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13158 (Closed): Dashboard - My consumption - Water usage chart - Request failed with status code 500 ..error displaying if there is no data. Please correct it
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- 02:19 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13157 (Closed): Compare page - Comparing Usage To Last Bill ..remove this text
- !clipboard-202503041418-j51ah.png!
- 12:33 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13156 (Closed): Guest email & Confirm Guest email - placeholder text Keep "e" caps of enter guest email. It should be Enter guest email
- !clipboard-202503041232-0rtmf.png!
- 12:18 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13154 (Closed): Account list - If entering invalid or not exised account number then message displaying is wrong . Blank popup apprears with text Error...check ss below
- !clipboard-202503041218-wwxzv.png!
- 11:46 AM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13152 (Closed): New subscription data is not displaying immediately in the subscription list after adding. The data appears only after refreshing or revisiting the profile screen
- 11:44 AM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13151 (Closed): Account Access List - Error message "Invalid request "displaying is wrong if deleting the last record. Message should be "Cannot delete last record"
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- 11:32 AM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13148 (Closed): Register user from mobile app and after login check Profile page - Username field appears blank.
- !clipboard-202503041131-klyn6.png!
- 11:26 AM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13147 (Closed): unable to login with username...only taking email addres
- !clipboard-202503041126-i1bo6.png!
- 08:14 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13144 (Closed): Registration issues - check below
- 1. Label names missing ..currently only showing placeholder text
2. Validation message require for mandatory fields.... - 08:07 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13143 (Closed): Login - if entered invalid credentials it gives login failed error .Error message should be "Invalid email or password. Please try again"
- 06:29 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #13142 (Closed): Back button need to improve as per figma design
- !clipboard-202503031829-3zefe.png!
- 03:56 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12776 (Closed): Counsellor profile approved email - Check issues below :
- 03:55 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12229 (Closed): Counsellor profile approved email - need to change text . please copy the below content & paste in your code.
- 03:54 PM Sakoon - Counsellor 1.00 hour (Bug #12231 (Closed): Counsellor profile rejected email - need to update text as per below . please copy the below text & update it in your code.)
- still same. please check again Update this text this "We are writing to inform you that your profile has been rejecte...
- 03:54 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12231 (Reopened ): Counsellor profile rejected email - need to update text as per below . please copy the below text & update it in your code.
- !clipboard-202503031553-67htu.png!
- 03:09 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12790 (Closed): Counsellor Booking Slots List - Check how counsellor slots list increased for the same slot again and again. check video. There are 4 slots but it shows multiple repeated same again .
- 03:08 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12793 (Closed): Booking Slots List Not Refreshing Correctly When Counsellor Views or Selects a Different another date slot
- 03:04 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13094 (Closed): Assessment form - why it says phone format is invalid? If this is invalid then use same validation at the time of sign up user.
- 03:02 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #12234 (Closed): If user cannot book appointment of today's date then Counsellor should not able to select today's date in availability
- 03:01 PM Sakoon - Counsellor Bug #13097 (Closed): Counsellor list - Status column should be "Approved" Cancelled" , "Blocked"
- 02:25 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #12833 (Closed): Special Offer - Book Appointment - Text "Available Today" should not come id no slot available. Check Search list page also...Available text & book Appointment shouldn't come
- 02:24 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #12831 (Closed): Recent Appointment Activity - Meeting Link is call if i click on it blank screen appears. Discuss with Dharmveer sir what we have to do in this case. If it's not video call then it shouldn't be clickable
- 02:21 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13070 (Closed): Dashboard - Total Spending - Amount showing wrong. Client has pay only 50Euro but it shows 100...Admin book appointment on behalf of client & then client did payment
- 02:20 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13096 (Closed): Reschedule slot email - Spelling mistake Counselor . Correct to "COunsellor"
- 02:19 PM Sakoon - Client Bug #13133 (New): No appointment should able to delete. Currently booking whose status has been not updated after approved to completed and booking link expired user can able to delete them.
- 01:34 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13129 (Closed): Getting Reset password while login the user . I mobile on click it opens the Reset Password screen but in web it doesn't
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Credentials -
paas - 123 - 01:01 PM Wasco Billing (Web) Bug #13076 (Closed): Dashboard - Current Bill - Please show usage value with text Usage on your current bill 2024-10-09. Check mobile app
- 01:01 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #12997 (Closed): Consumption - Downlod CSV file - data displaying is wrong. Check web screenshot also...
- 01:00 PM Wasco - Mobile Billing (Android & IOS) Bug #12908 (Closed): Welcome your rating & feedbacks - without adding comment it shows success message comment added successfully. please make required validation
- 11:29 AM Sakoon - Client Bug #13120 (Closed): After rescheduling appointment slot should be available to book appointment for another client but currently that slot is not showing in the list now.
- 11:18 AM Sakoon - Client Bug #13119 (Closed): Total Spending amount becomes 0 in today's data after cancel & reschedule appointment by client
- !clipboard-202503031118-mclck.png!
- 10:59 AM Sakoon - Client Bug #12781 (Reopened ): If appointment is cancelled by Client or Counsellor anyone then text should come "Cancelled" instead of Cancel. Change this everywhere
- !clipboard-202503031052-h5xxk.png!
- 10:59 AM Sakoon - Client 1.00 hour (Bug #12781 (Reopened ): If appointment is cancelled by Client or Counsellor anyone then text should come "Cancelled" instead of Cancel. Change this everywhere)
- After cancelling appointment success message not appeared and still cancelled text not fixed at some places
- 10:45 AM Sakoon - Client Bug #8327 (Closed): Book Appointment > Displaying 2 times Stress in Concerns.
- 10:44 AM Sakoon - Client Bug #8323 (Closed): Appointment > Change the spelling of "Reshudules" to "Reschedule"
- 10:42 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12809 (Closed): When admin goes to edit coupon in end date it shows default August 33...please show current month/year date or selected date
- 10:41 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12807 (Closed): Counsellor has uploaded profile pic but when admin view counsellor profile in waiting list query here sakoon default pic is showing.
- 10:40 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12775 (Closed): View Counsellor profile - Unnecessary Loader Running for Counsellor Profile When No Documents Are Uploaded
- 10:39 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #12774 (Closed): Counsellor List - Incorrect Date Range Filter Behavior – User Registered on 19th Feb Not Displayed
- 10:37 AM Sakoon - Admin Bug #11580 (Closed): Admin Login > Counsellor > Displaying blank details in counsellor.
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