


priyanka Sharma's activity

From 12/29/2024 to 01/07/2025


06:31 PM Orthocare Client Portal 1.00 hour (Bug #12197 (Closed): 1On the Assessment Detail page, the video displays as unavailable. As per the requirement, the video should play directly on the platform. However, I currently need to click on the YouTube icon, which opens the video in a new tab.)
okay got it priyanka Sharma
06:30 PM Orthocare Client Portal 1.00 hour (Bug #12211 (Closed): User not able to go on My Symptoms page. check user Pass - 123456 Video also attached. Create new user account & then login )
Allow access to this page. We can't restrict user to go My symptom page priyanka Sharma
06:16 PM Orthocare Client Portal 1.00 hour (Bug #12085 (Reopened ): Iphone landscape & Portarit mode - screens not stable as in android. So much gap seems in iphone. check video recording)
The issue still occurs on large screens, such as the iPhone 14 Plus. priyanka Sharma
04:46 PM Orthocare Client Portal 1.00 hour (Bug #12109 (Reopened ): On Assessment detail page Under Comments 3 media images attached but after downloading same report only 1 image appearing . Both should be same . Please check)
Still same. Ond detail page there are 4 attachements & in pdf report there are only 3 priyanka Sharma
03:36 PM Orthocare Client Portal 1.00 hour (Bug #12029 (Closed): Progress Not Saved After Logging In as Guest User)
Progress should save for them also. Please discuss with Bharat sir if you have any query in this case priyanka Sharma
02:53 PM Orthocare Client Portal 1.00 hour (Bug #12194 (Closed): In the mobile app, when I complete an assessment, the default card is shown as selected. I checked this with the Neck Symptom assessment. Initially, I selected the 'No' option, but the default 'Over a Week' card was still shown as selected.)
We don't want by default selected priyanka Sharma
02:52 PM Orthocare Client Portal 1.00 hour (Bug #12194 (Closed): In the mobile app, when I complete an assessment, the default card is shown as selected. I checked this with the Neck Symptom assessment. Initially, I selected the 'No' option, but the default 'Over a Week' card was still shown as selected.)
yes please remove the hover priyanka Sharma
01:20 PM Orthocare Client Portal 1.00 hour (Bug #12160 (Reopened ): Mobile issue - In Hebrew not able to read text properly on Result page by default...after scroll it shows complete text)
This issue comes in large size phone. check iphone 14 plus priyanka Sharma
01:19 PM Orthocare Client Portal 1.00 hour (Bug #12169 (Reopened ): Mobile responsive - validation message close icon - should be little bit large & center aligned)
Issue still same on ios & android both. And in iphone 14plus close icon not showing properly. check ss priyanka Sharma
01:02 PM Orthocare Client Portal 1.00 hour (Bug #12093 (Reopened ): iPad responsive issue > If Hebrew language is selected then check Language dropdown > half text of English & Hebrew displaying . Check ss attached )
I still getting issue in iPad Air 2 priyanka Sharma


01:19 PM Orthocare Admin 1.00 hour (Bug #12177 (Closed): User Assessment detail page - Pictures section - should not have gap between image & cross icon..)
Now overlapped. please check again priyanka Sharma
01:03 PM Orthocare Client Portal 1.00 hour (Bug #12093 (Reopened ): iPad responsive issue > If Hebrew language is selected then check Language dropdown > half text of English & Hebrew displaying . Check ss attached )
Language dropdown not appeared properly..half text getting cut . please fix again priyanka Sharma
12:25 PM Orthocare Client Portal 1.00 hour (Bug #12115 (Closed): After scanning the QR code in mobile it shows scanner without code in the result. What is the need of this scanner here?)
No there is not any code in the bottom. Scanner showing below result & Above Media. So i think there is no need of sc... priyanka Sharma
12:12 PM Orthocare Client Portal 1.00 hour (Bug #12169 (Reopened ): Mobile responsive - validation message close icon - should be little bit large & center aligned)
Still not aligned. Please check the issue throughout the app priyanka Sharma

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