


Nasim Ansari's activity

From 09/13/2024 to 09/22/2024


12:02 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Modification/ Enhancements #10707 (Resolved): IOS/Android --> Login --> Home --> Report --> Submitted --> Task/ General Report --> if attached image is not showing on Report then you can show the "Image Not Found" text Message on screen
Nasim Ansari
10:20 AM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10688 (Resolved): Enhancement --> IOS/Android --> Login with worker/Supervisor --> Home Screen --> Request for Leaving Geofence --> Need to show the given Reason when submitting the request on the Request for leaving Geofence Area
nothing to change in this section will make reason mandatory Nasim Ansari


02:45 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10702 (Resolved): Suggestion --> Login with worker --> Reports --> submitted task/General Report --> Inside the submitted task there is an attached images section but the worker is not able to preview the attached images I think
Nasim Ansari
01:32 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10706 (Resolved): Android -->Login --> Please check with IOS and implement back button on missing screen
Nasim Ansari
01:32 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10694 (Resolved): Android --> Login with worker /Supervisor--> My profile --> Setting --> Privacy policy & Tearm & Condition --> inside setting --> Inside Privacy and Terms and Conditions screen, If the worker clicks on the back button then it Navigate to "check-in" screen
Nasim Ansari
11:35 AM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10705 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Task List --> View Task --> Create task Report --> If the worker selects Report after & during status without task start then getting loader report issue
Nasim Ansari
11:16 AM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10701 (Resolved): Android --> Login with supervisor --> Task --> Assign task to worker --> Assign --> click back button once --> App is getting crashes when I assign the task to the worker and click the back button
Nasim Ansari
10:50 AM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10704 (Resolved): Android --> Login with Worker --> Task List --> Check issue below
Nasim Ansari


05:31 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10699 (Resolved): Android --> Login with Supervisor --> Home --> Worker Request Screen ---> Issue Description: Need to show the Time and Date also for the "Request to go outside" on the worker Request screen See attached screenshot/screen Record:
Nasim Ansari
04:45 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10698 (Resolved): Android --> Login with supervisor -->Home --> Worker Request --> Need to change the text Accept to APPROVE and it should be capitalized as like running app screen
Nasim Ansari
02:53 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10693 (Resolved): Android --> Login with supervisor/worker -->
Nasim Ansari
10:43 AM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10691 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Check in --> Check out --> Out of boundary --> check in overtime --> App getting crashes when I "check-in overtime" request from out of boundary
Nasim Ansari


06:28 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10687 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Home screen --> Leaving geofence Area --> Request --> Approved --> Change the Close Request button color from orange to Red
Nasim Ansari
06:25 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10686 (Resolved): Android -->Login with supervisor/worker --> Go outside with approval --> if "worker Request for leaving" area with the approval of the supervisor then the Break button should be deactivated, no need to show break button.
Nasim Ansari
06:11 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10685 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Home screen --> Out of Boundary --> if the worker is out of the boundary then the siren should play continuously but Right now only the siren playing once instead of continuously.
Nasim Ansari
05:33 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10683 (Resolved): Android --> Login with Supervisor/worker --> Profile --> Setting --> Language --> As per the language selection, the whole app text content should be changed to the selected language.
Nasim Ansari
04:34 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10680 (Resolved): Suggestion --> Android --> Login --> Network issue --> Please check issue below
Nasim Ansari
04:07 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10681 (Resolved): Android --> Login Screen--> Request for Credentials --> I am not able to see my last company name when I scroll the company, Need to fix this issue
Nasim Ansari
03:39 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10668 (Feedback): Android --> Already sign-in on other device --> When I open the app first time then app asks "current location unavailable" Pop-up message while my current location is already active, please check this scenario and fix it
need to grant the location and wait for 5 to 6 seconds then work normal Nasim Ansari
03:37 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10670 (Feedback): Android --> Login --> Check in --> Home Screen --> Check 2 issues below
Nasim Ansari
02:47 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10656 (Resolved): Android --> Login with supervisor --> Home --> Reports --> General Report --> open report with long address --> Address doesn't show the full inside general report
Nasim Ansari
01:18 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10677 (Resolved): Android --> Login with supervisor --> Home Screen --> Task / Worker --> Change View details to View Details
Nasim Ansari
01:15 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10675 (Resolved): Android --> Login with supervisor/ Worker --> Working Hours History --> Check 3 Issues below
Nasim Ansari
01:12 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10674 (Resolved): Android --> Login with supervisor --> Create General Report --> Capitalize each word that is marked in Red on screen shot
Nasim Ansari
01:07 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10673 (Resolved): Android --> Login with supervisor --> Create General Report --> Capitalize each word that is marked in Red on screen shot
Nasim Ansari
12:58 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10671 (Resolved): Android --> Login with supervisor/worker--> Report --> Worker Screen /Report screen --> Please make the search option fixed in one place like IOS
Nasim Ansari
12:51 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10672 (Resolved): Android -->Login with supervisor/Worker --> Home Screen --> Create General Report --> Need to add a back button on the Inside General Report screen
Nasim Ansari
11:35 AM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10664 (Resolved): Android ---> Login --> Home --> Task List --> Pending/In progress --> View --> Create Task Report --> Remove extra spaces on the create task screen
Nasim Ansari
11:28 AM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10662 (Resolved): Android --> Login with supervisor --> Working Hours History --> The first letter should be capitalized for reference please check the IOS screenshot
Nasim Ansari
11:24 AM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10661 (Resolved): Android --> Login with Supervisor --> Report --> Task Report / General Report --> Inside General and task reports Worker id should be shown
Nasim Ansari
11:00 AM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10659 (Resolved): Android --> Login with Supervisor --> Home --> Reports --> Task status is not showing correctly on Android device
Nasim Ansari


06:11 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10658 (Resolved): IOS --> Login --> Home --> Task Report/ General Report --> Place the slider icon and left-right arrow button in the Report section to indicate the number of images in this report.
Nasim Ansari
05:10 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10657 (Resolved): Android --> Login with supervisor --> Home --> Reports --> General Report --> Open report --> Attached image should be shown in full screen but it is working only on the task report section it should also work general report section
Nasim Ansari
04:46 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10654 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Home --> Time --> Working Hours History --> Normal and overtime should be aligned of icon and O Hours O Minutes shown on screen which is not show
Nasim Ansari
04:06 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10653 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Task List--> View --> Remove little bit of space between both buttons
Nasim Ansari
03:54 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10651 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Check in --> Approved --> Task/Assigned task --> why is the white shadow overlapping on the task, the task should be shown properly ( designing issue )
Nasim Ansari
02:55 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10650 (Resolved): Android --> Login Screen --> Report/ General Report/ Create Task Report / Request for credential screen--> worker should not be able to save/submit/create task with space in input field
Nasim Ansari
01:28 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10635 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Check in --> Approved --> draft --> After approval of all permissions, if a worker uploads an image on the draft report, why ask the worker for permission?
Nasim Ansari
12:35 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10637 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Home Screen --> Draft --> save/submit -->Click Home tab --> back --> After the draft report is successfully updated if I change the tab and click the back button then it shows home and open the report section
Nasim Ansari
12:33 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #10636 (Resolved): Android --> Login --> Check in --> Approved --> My completed task --> Need to show view details as like IOS
Nasim Ansari

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