


Mohd Irfan's activity

From 03/29/2024 to 04/07/2024


05:25 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9592 (Closed): Login --> Check in --> Task --> Assing to task --> Put confirmation pop when supervisor deletes any task " Are you sure you want to delete this Task"
Issue Description:
Put confirmation pop when supervisor deletes any task " Are you sure you want to delete this Ta...
Mohd Irfan
05:09 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9591 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Check in --> Task --> The date format should be changed As per the Figma
Issue Description:
The date format should be changed As per the Figma (the same Format should be in every place )
Mohd Irfan
03:34 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9590 (Feedback): User --> Login --> Home Screen --> "No Store/restaurant fount for your search shoes" Text should be in the center and the Store and Products Button should also be in the center
Issue Description:
"No Store/restaurant fount for your search shoes" Text should be in the center and the Store an...
Mohd Irfan
03:00 PM 24GY User Issues Modification/ Enhancements #9589 (Feedback): User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Store --> Product --> Cart --> Checkout --> Need to change the wallet icon and text icon As per the Figma (the apply button should come there)
Issue Description:
Need to change the wallet icon and text icon As per the Figma (the apply button should come the...
Mohd Irfan
02:53 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9588 (Feedback): User--> Login --> Home --> Store --> Checkout --> Designing issue
Issue Description:
Designing issue ( should come text content with service tax)
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
02:45 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9587 (Feedback): User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Checkout --> Pay --> if the user clicks on the pay button then the user gets an "internal server error"
Issue Description:
if the user clicks on the pay button then the user gets an "internal server error"
See attac...
Mohd Irfan
02:41 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9586 (Closed): User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Store --> The payment method icon is different from Figma and needs to change for the same
Issue Description:
The payment method icon is different from Figma and needs to change for the same
See attache...
Mohd Irfan
01:38 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9585 (Closed): Uaser--> Login --> Home -->Select Store --> Add product in cart --> Checkout --> Check issue below
Issue Description:
Text is cut off from the top, and put space between the product name and product details
Mohd Irfan
01:11 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9584 (Closed): User --> Login --> Home --> Store --> Select Product --> below similar product -->similar products take more space, need to remove extra space, and put discount percentages on products
Issue Description:
similar products take more space, need to remove extra space, and put discount percentages on p...
Mohd Irfan
01:02 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9583 (Closed): User --> Login --> Store --> Select Product --> Check issue below
Issue Description:
The slider icon should be the same as the Figma
price is missing below
view cart button shoul...
Mohd Irfan
12:54 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9582 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen --> Store --> Select Product --> Open Product --> when i open the product then i am getting designing issue
Issue Description:
when i open the product then i am getting designing issue
store --> Fashion store, Location ...
Mohd Irfan
12:48 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9581 (Closed): Login --> Home --> Select Store --> Noida 62 --> Fashion Store --> These red-marked points are not implemented inside the store As per Figma
Issue summary:
inside store --> These red-marked points are not implemented inside the store As per Figma
24GY m...
Mohd Irfan
12:37 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9580 (Closed): Home --> Animation --> Sign up --> Account --> These two screens Also not implemented As per the Figma
Issue Description:
These two screens Also not implemented As per the Figma
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
12:30 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9550 (Closed): User --> Login --> Home Screen --> As per the Figma design, Needs to change the bottom tab "icon" and text
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:30 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9551 (Closed): User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Check 2 Issues below
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:29 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9552 (Closed): User --> Login --> Home Screen --> banner space should be equal both sides
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
12:29 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9553 (Closed): User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Near By Store --> As per the Figma, need to increase the Close & Open text icon and Delivery in the First letter should be Capital
Fixed! Mohd Irfan


05:14 PM TAPP ME IOS (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9579 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home --> Task --> Assign task to --> Assign --> undo --> The undo option should arrive in the top, After 5 second undo option should get hide
Issue Description:
The undo option should arrive in the top, After 5 second undo option should get hide
see at...
Mohd Irfan
05:06 PM TAPP ME IOS (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9578 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home screen --> Assigned Task --> Last 2 task view details button --> The last task is unable to view details, the create task button is clicking instead of viewing details
Issue description:
The last task is unable to view details, the create task button is clicking instead of viewing ...
Mohd Irfan
04:42 PM TAPP ME IOS (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9577 (Closed): Login with supervisor --> Home --> Needs to be made dynamic inside Workers view details
Issue Description:
Worker tab --> Needs to be made dynamic Workes view details
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
04:36 PM TAPP ME IOS (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9576 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home --> Worker Request --> After Approve/Reject Worker Request then worker request list should be updated
Issue Description:
After Approve/Reject Worker Request then worker request list should be updated
See attache...
Mohd Irfan
04:27 PM TAPP ME IOS (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9575 (Feedback): Login with supervisor --> Home --> Worker Request --> As per the Figma, Need to add a filter option Worker Request screen
Issue Description:
worker Request --> As per the Figma, Need to add a filter option Worker Request screen
See ...
Mohd Irfan
04:14 PM TAPP ME IOS (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9574 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home --> Profile --> the original profile picture is showing differently on the top
Issue Description:
First Login with worker --> logout --> Login with supervisor --> The original profile picture i...
Mohd Irfan
04:07 PM TAPP ME IOS (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9573 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home Screen --> Tasks --> Tasks List --> Not Asssigned/ Assigned --> Need to add pagination on the task screen, I am unable to see more than 10 tasks on this screen
Issue Description:
Need to add pagination on the task screen, I am unable to see more than 10 tasks on this screen...
Mohd Irfan
03:54 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9572 (Closed): Login with worker --> Task List --> View --> start date and due date both are showing in the task list
Issue description:
Login with worker --> Task List --> View --> start date and due date both are showing in th...
Mohd Irfan
03:41 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9571 (Closed): Login supervisor --> Tasks --> Not assign / assigned -->Need to add pagination on the task screen, unable to see more than 10 task
Issue Description:
Need to add pagination on the task screen, unable to see more than 10 task
See attached sc...
Mohd Irfan
02:46 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9570 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home screen --> worker Request --> After all request accept / Reject --> why unknow error toaster is arrive on worker request screen
Issue Description:
Login with Supervisor --> Home screen --> Worker Request --> After all requests accept / Rejec...
Mohd Irfan
02:12 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9569 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home screen --> Task --> Assigned --> view details --> unassigned button --> As per Figma, put a confirmation pop-up "Are you sure, you want to unassign task", if the supervisor unassigns the task
Issue description:
unassign task --> As per Figma, put a confirmation pop-up "Are you sure, you want to unassign t...
Mohd Irfan
01:48 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9568 (Closed): Login with supervisor --> Task --> Filter --> "worker ID" and "worker name" both should be shown inside the view details screen
Issue Description:
Assigned to task --> "worker ID" and "worker name" both should be shown inside the view details...
Mohd Irfan
01:28 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9567 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home Screen --> Task --> Assign / Not assigned --> Edit --> Task edit screen --> select priority --> there is no option for middle priority select in dropdown need to fix this issue
Issue Description:
Task edit screen --> select priority --> there is no option for middle priority select in dropd...
Mohd Irfan
01:14 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9566 (Closed): Login with supervisor --> Task --> Assigned / Not assigned ---> Plus Icon --> need to fix the button icon one place below
Issue description
need to fix the button icon one place below
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
12:53 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9565 (Closed): Login with supervisor --> Home screen --> Task --> Assign task -->Assign task to --> Assign task is overlapping on text (Designing issue)
Issue description:
Assign task is overlapping on text (Designing issue)
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
12:42 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9564 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Home --> Task --> Filter --> Assigned --> view details --> After the assigned task, I am unable to read (design issue)
Issue description:
After the assigned task, I am unable to read button text (design issue)
See attached screen...
Mohd Irfan
12:16 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9563 (Closed): Login with supervisor--> Home screen --> check in --> worker tab --> after check-in, if I clicked two times in the worker tab then the loader continuously Loading
Issue Description:
after check-in, if I clicked two times in the worker tab then the loader continuously Loading
Mohd Irfan
11:23 AM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9561 (Closed): Login without assigned workforce--> Home Screen --> Message Screen --> Assigned workforce to worker --> close the app --> Open App --> Check issue below
Issue Summary:
if a worker Removed from the assigned workforce, then why checkout screen is arriving on the device...
Mohd Irfan
11:03 AM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9560 (Closed): Login with worker First time --> Home --> without assign workforce --> then assigned workforce --> Check issue below
Issue description:
Login first time when workers have not been assigned workforce --> Assigned workforce to worker...
Mohd Irfan
10:41 AM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9559 (Closed): Login --> Home screen -->My Profile --> setting --> language preference --> change English to Swedish --> Without an assigned workforce, if workers change their language then the app is getting crashed
Issue Description:
Without an assigned workforce, if workers change their language then the app is getting crashed...
Mohd Irfan


05:26 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9558 (Closed): Login --> Home --> Turn off internet --> when the internet is off then network error arrives on the screen instead of "No internet connection"
Issue Description:
when the internet is off then network error arrives on the screen instead of "No internet conne...
Mohd Irfan
05:19 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9557 (Closed): Login --> Home --> check in --> check out --> Back --> check out --> Back button is not working properly on the "check-in" "check out" screen
Issue Description:
Back button is not working properly on the "check-in" "check out" screen
See attached scree...
Mohd Irfan
05:15 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9556 (Closed): Home --> Login --> task is not assign --> Text content should be at the center
Issue Description:
Text content should be at the center
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
05:13 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9555 (Closed): Login --> Home --> Check in --> checked in --> Designing issue
Issue Description:
Designing issue
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
05:09 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9401 (Closed): Mobile App --> Request credentials Screen --> Check issue below
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
05:07 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9402 (Closed): Mobile Apps --> Login Screen --> Need to put the scroller in the worker login screen after clicking the first input field the screen is not scrollable
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
05:06 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9502 (Closed): Home Screen --> Login with New worker --> Update password --> need to show validation below input field if Password should be 8-16 characters along with Alphanumeric with special character
Mohd Irfan
05:04 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9511 (Reopened ): Login With Supervisor --> Home Screen --> Designing issue ( Notification icon overlapping on text )
Reopened for: Not fixed
Mohd Irfan
05:02 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9512 (Closed): Login with Supervisor --> Profile --> change Language --> Change password --> After changing language if the supervisor clicks on change password then the app is getting crashes
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
04:54 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9513 (Closed): Home Screen --> Login with supervisor --> Profile -->Setting --> Language Preference --> Swedish --> Check issue below
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
04:51 PM TAPP ME Android (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9514 (Reopened ): Home Screen --> Login with Supervisor --> Profile --> Setting --> Language prefenrece--> After changing the Language to Swedish then supervisor & worker text should be changed to Swedish but it is not happening, if I click on the worker tab then the super
Reopened For: Not Fixed! Mohd Irfan


05:09 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9553 (Closed): User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Near By Store --> As per the Figma, need to increase the Close & Open text icon and Delivery in the First letter should be Capital
Issue Description:
As per the Figma, need to increase the Close & Open text icon and also change the color same, d...
Mohd Irfan
04:55 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9552 (Closed): User --> Login --> Home Screen --> banner space should be equal both sides
Issue Description:
On the banner need to put the same space on both sides
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
04:27 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9551 (Closed): User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Check 2 Issues below
Issue Description:
1. As per the Figma, Need to change the text from small letters to capital letters
2. Need to ...
Mohd Irfan
04:07 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9550 (Closed): User --> Login --> Home Screen --> As per the Figma design, Needs to change the bottom tab "icon" and text
Issue Description:
As per the Figma design, Needs to change the bottom tab icon and text
See attached screensh...
Mohd Irfan
03:42 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9549 (Closed): User --> Create an Account or sign in --> Sign up --> OTP --> Complete Profiles --> The implemented back button on sign up screen is not working
Issue Description:
The implemented back button on sign up screen is not working
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
03:36 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9548 (Closed): User --> Create An Account or sign in --> Sign up --> OTP Screen --> Sign-up screen --> Need to make the same sign-up screen as per the mentioned Figma
Issue Description:
Sign-up screen --> Need to make the same sign-up screen as per the mentioned Figma
See atta...
Mohd Irfan
03:23 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9547 (Closed): User --> Welcome screen --> Skip --> Create Account or sign in --> Need to make the sign-up screen as mentioned in Figma
Issue Description:
Need to make the sign-up screen as mentioned in Figma
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
03:00 PM 24GY User Issues Bug #9544 (Feedback): User --> Welcome Screen --> As per the Figma, we need to make the welcome screen the same as it mentions
Issue Description:
As per the Figma, we need to make the welcome screen the same as it mentions
See attached s...
Mohd Irfan


10:48 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #9530 (Resolved): Admin -->Login --> Dashboard -->Manage Payments --> Delivery Boy --> Admin is unable to pay delivery boy earning
Issue Description:
Admin is unable to pay delivery boy earning
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan


04:49 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #9529 (Feedback): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage Attribute --> Check issue below
Issue description:
As discussed with dharamveer, the client and Anish we have to implement an Attribute option for...
Mohd Irfan
04:39 PM Admin || Company || Supervisor Issues ( TAPP ME) Bug #9504 (Closed): Login Page in Admin/Company --> Need to change placeholder name "Set up Password" to "Enter Password"
Fixed! Mohd Irfan
04:38 PM Admin || Company || Supervisor Issues ( TAPP ME) Bug #9505 (Closed): Company --> Login --> Dashboard --> Workers --> Adding New worker --> Select place holder with dropdown should come here instead of showing direct value
This issue has been verified!
and it has been found that that issue has been
Mohd Irfan
04:31 PM Admin || Company || Supervisor Issues ( TAPP ME) Bug #9507 (Closed): Company --> Login --> Dashboard --> Workforce --> Remove ---> Remove button should not close to "Email address" it's not looking good
Mohd Irfan
04:26 PM Admin || Company || Supervisor Issues ( TAPP ME) Bug #9508 (Closed): Company --> Login --> Dashboard --> Workforce --> Add Workforce --> Assign All Worker --> Check issue below
This issue has been verified!
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
01:39 PM TAPP ME IOS (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9528 (Closed): Login --> My Profile --> Setting --> Select Language preference. --> after changing the language preference it should be updated also the Language preferences dropdown list
Issue description:
after changing the language preference it should be updated also the Language preferences dropd...
Mohd Irfan
01:22 PM TAPP ME IOS (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9527 (Feedback): Home Screen --> Login with Supervisor --> Profile --> Setting --> After changing the Language to Swedish then supervisor & worker text should be changed to Swedish but it is not happening
Issue description:
After changing the Language to Swedish then supervisor & worker text should be changed to Swedi...
Mohd Irfan
12:03 PM TAPP ME IOS (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9526 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen --> My profile --> Setting --> Chang password --> correct the validation message against the Old password field ( Old password is required instead of New password is Required)
Issue Description:
correct the validation message against the Old password field ( Old password is required instea...
Mohd Irfan
11:43 AM TAPP ME IOS (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9525 (Closed): Home Screen --> Login with Worker/supervisor --> Profile -->Setting --> Language Preference --> Swedish --> Check issue below
Issue Description:
After changing to the Swedish language, Some text's content is not translated into Swedish
Mohd Irfan
11:34 AM TAPP ME IOS (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9524 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen --> My Profile --> My Workforce --> if login with the worker ID then the "Supervisor" name should be shown instead of the Total workers in the workforce
Issue Description:
if login with the worker ID then the "Supervisor" name should be shown instead of the Total wor...
Mohd Irfan
11:22 AM TAPP ME IOS (Worker & Supervisor) Bug #9523 (Closed): Login --> Home Screen -->My Profile --> Bank Account Details --> Check issue below
Issue Description:
Profile --> Bank Account Details --> Account Number --> Worker is unable to see his account num...
Mohd Irfan
10:09 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #9522 (Closed): Store --> Login --> As per the client feedback, we have to implement the "Terms & Condition" section in the Login screen of the store
Issue Description:
As per the client's feedback, we have to implement the "Terms & Conditions" section in the Logi...
Mohd Irfan
09:47 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #9521 (Resolved): User --> Login --> Home Screen --> Orders --> Assign order/delivered Order --> As per the client feedback, the User can see the Delivery Boy Rating
Issue Description:
As per the client feedback, the User can see the Delivery Boy Rating
see screenshot for ref...
Mohd Irfan
09:45 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #9520 (Resolved): Store --> Login --> Order --> Accept --> Assign to Driver --> Store can see the Delivery Boy Rating
Issue Description:
Store can see the Delivery Boy Rating
Mohd Irfan
09:37 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #9519 (Resolved): Delivery boy --> Login --> We have to implement Rating on delivery boy Screen --> As per the client's feedback, the Delivery boy can see his own Rating
Issue Description:
As per the client's feedback, the Delivery boy can see his own Rating
Mohd Irfan
09:25 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #9518 (Resolved): Driver --> Login --> Home Screen --> Check issue below
Issue Description:
As per the discussion with Anish we have to implement "Today Earning" screen with "Filter" and ...
Mohd Irfan
09:21 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #9517 (Resolved): Delivery Boy --> Login Screen --> As per the client feedback, we have to implement "Terms & Condition" section in Quikrbox Delivery partner login Screen
Issue Description:
As per the client feedback, we have to implement "Terms & Condition" section in the Quikrbox De...
Mohd Irfan

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