


Shubham J's activity

From 01/07/2024 to 01/16/2024


01:16 PM Oye cakes Bug #9132 (New): My Profile > My review > Review page is not created.
Shubham J
01:13 PM Oye cakes Bug #9131 (New): User Login > My Profile > Shipping address > add new > Not Able to add new address.
Shubham J
12:48 PM Oye cakes Bug #9117 (Reopened ): My profile > Shipping Address > No state is displayed when selected country India.
Display the proper states of country India.
Shubham J
12:42 PM Oye cakes Bug #9105 (Closed): Change Password > Current password and New Password should not be same.
Shubham J
12:35 PM Oye cakes Bug #9109 (Closed): Select Delivery date > Time slots are repeating.
Shubham J
12:29 PM Oye cakes Bug #9104 (Closed): Profile > Change Password > Remove the PlaceHolder Text.
Shubham J
12:28 PM Oye cakes Bug #9102 (Closed): Cake Details > Displaying Text Field > Should only take count.
Shubham J
12:16 PM Oye cakes Bug #9129 (New): Admin Login > Add new product > Not able to add only 2,3,4 size of cakes.
Shubham J


12:04 PM Oye cakes Bug #9117 (Reopened ): My profile > Shipping Address > No state is displayed when selected country India.
Shubham J


05:14 PM Oye cakes Bug #9110 (New): Order Cake > Select Time Slot > Remove the gap.
Shubham J
04:40 PM Oye cakes Bug #9109 (Closed): Select Delivery date > Time slots are repeating.
Shubham J
01:28 PM Oye cakes Bug #9105 (Closed): Change Password > Current password and New Password should not be same.
Shubham J
01:26 PM Oye cakes Bug #9104 (Closed): Profile > Change Password > Remove the PlaceHolder Text.
Shubham J
12:29 PM Oye cakes Bug #9102 (Closed): Cake Details > Displaying Text Field > Should only take count.
Shubham J
12:11 PM Oye cakes Bug #9101 (Feedback): Click On any cake > Review > Write a review > No Text box is displayed to write a review.
Shubham J
12:07 PM Oye cakes Bug #9100 (New): click Enter Pincode > click Do not know Pincode > Green Arrow button is not working.
Shubham J


05:53 PM FSEW Bug #9096 (Resolved): Donation > Make Payment > Mail of the payment should be sent to user
Shubham J
05:40 PM FSEW Bug #9095 (Resolved): Donation > Cancel Payment > Website crashed.
Shubham J
05:28 PM FSEW Bug #9093 (Resolved): Inbox > Change the page name to Inbox.
Shubham J
02:33 PM FSEW Bug #8986 (Closed): Sponsor login > Doation > Enter amount of 10 digit > app crashes.
Shubham J
01:20 PM FSEW Bug #9088 (Resolved): Admin login > Update child Details and submit > Change the validation message " Updated successfully ".
Shubham J
12:51 PM FSEW Bug #9085 (Resolved): Sponsor Login > Edit Profile > Should display the surname of the sponsor.
Shubham J
12:42 PM FSEW QUERY #9084 (New): Donation > I don’t know for which child i am donating funds > As per my view, Child list should also display when selecting Specific child or per child option.
Shubham J
12:11 PM Alfianza-International Bug #9083 (New): Admin Profile > Users > Edit profile > Logo is different
Shubham J
11:59 AM Alfianza-International Bug #9082 (New): Admin login > Users > Edit Profile > Password fields should not display on edit profile page.
Shubham J


06:03 PM FSEW Bug #9029: Child login > Remove ren from placeholder text.
Not able to send email from child to client.
Shubham J
03:35 PM FSEW Bug #8964 (Closed): Session time-out > should navigate to the login page.
Shubham J
03:18 PM FSEW Bug #8922 (Reopened ): Sponsor > Change Password > Enter same password in Old Password,New Password,Confirm Password. > Old Password and new password should not be same.
Change the character in the validation message.
Shubham J
03:14 PM FSEW Bug #8988 (Reopened ): Admin Login > Donation list > View Button is not working.
Shubham J
03:07 PM FSEW Bug #8934 (Closed): Child Login > Update Profile > Edges of the profile should be round.
Shubham J
02:41 PM FSEW Bug #8923 (Reopened ): Admin > Ad pagination and count on every modules displayed in the admin.
Shubham J
02:39 PM FSEW Bug #8914 (Closed): Sponsor > Donation > Make Payment > Download csv file > Application Crashes.
Shubham J
02:38 PM FSEW Bug #8940 (Closed): Admin Login > Sponsor list > Remove the gap.
Shubham J
12:38 PM FSEW Bug #8850 (Closed): Search with status inactive > should display only inactive status children.
Shubham J
12:37 PM FSEW Bug #8921 (Reopened ): Sponsor > Title name should be same in mail and my profile. Change the text Sponsor Id to Account Id in mail and Account No. to Account Id in My Profile.
Shubham J
12:36 PM FSEW Bug #9064 (Resolved): Sponsor login > Email my child > Validation message is not displaying properly.
Shubham J
12:25 PM FSEW Bug #8910: Login Sponsor > My profile > My Giving History > Download CSV > Data displayed in excel sheet but not invested amount is 0.
Shubham J
12:22 PM FSEW Bug #9063 (Resolved): Register New Sponsor > Donation > Add . (dot) in the donation text box and click donate button > website crashes.
Shubham J

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