priyanka Sharma's activity
From 11/30/2023 to 12/09/2023
- 06:28 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8744 (Closed): Product description > why size color text showing in restaurant category
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- 06:26 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8743 (Closed): Use either country code or country symbol throughout the app. Somewhere you using GYD, $, G$ .
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- 06:24 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8742 (Closed): Country number is Guyana selected at time of login & while entering address i have selected use current is taking delhi address but state lst is showing of Guyana country why?
- 04:43 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8741 (Closed): Add product > For Guyana country only one subcategory is added from admin then why showing others countries?
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- 04:19 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8739 (Closed): Add tag > subcategories should shown of only particular selected country. In Guyana there is only one subcategory but here showing subcategories of other countries as well
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- 05:14 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8734 (Closed): Login page > Increase the size little bit more
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- 05:07 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8733 (Closed): Admin login page > Increase the font size little bit more
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- 12:53 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8730 (Closed): Text not aligned properly . please decrease the text size
- 06:01 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8732 (Closed): Manage user > view profile > Referal name is there but their order count is not there. please add
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- 05:03 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8731 (Closed): Manage setting > Refere %age > change label name as per below ss
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- 04:19 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8730 (Closed): Text not aligned properly . please decrease the text size
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- 04:18 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8729 (Closed): Amount credited in account but wallet balance not updated. After come back if i refresh home screen then in wallet balance showing updated. It should instantly reflect balance in wallet. no need of refresh
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- 04:16 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8728 (Closed): Keep e capital of Enjoy & y of You as per ss
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- 04:13 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8727 (Closed): Order amount showing wrong after order delivered. It includes its referral amount which is credited in user account after using referral code
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User has paid 942.3 rs total & items total is 775.04rs . He gets 10% off on ite... - 03:46 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8726 (Closed): Quikrbox plus > change the design of screen as per below ss
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- 02:57 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8725 (Feedback): Login > after entering mobile number click on continue & come back then this error is comin. what is it?
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- 02:55 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8724 (Feedback): I am trying to delete delivery partner but its not getting deleted
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- 02:53 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8723 (Closed): Add delivery boy from store > Edit / view delivery boy in admin > if selected vehicle type is cycle then why showing these fields vechile name , model...etc
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- 02:50 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8722 (Closed): Add delivery boy > PAN card is mandatory
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- 01:12 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8174 (Closed): Banner listing > what is simple banner in banner type column?
- 01:06 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8709 (Closed): Setting > refer percentage > not able to update
- 01:02 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8721 (Feedback): Use My referral code to get 20% off on first order CCI2835R541 . Make this %age dynamic
- 06:55 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8689 (Reopened ): Send this notification title & message to Customer when delivery boy approaches customer nearby location
- 06:55 PM Quikrbox - Api issues 1.00 hour (Bug #8689 (Resolved): Send this notification title & message to Customer when delivery boy approaches customer nearby location)
- not going
- 06:54 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8704 (Closed): Send this notification message to store vendor after picking return order from customer .
- 06:52 PM Quikrbox - Api issues 1.00 hour (Bug #8688 (Resolved): Send this notification title & message to customer when delivery boy reach store location)
- not going
- 06:52 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8688 (Reopened ): Send this notification title & message to customer when delivery boy reach store location
- 06:51 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8703 (Reopened ): Send this notification message & title to customer after delivery boy accepting return order
- 06:51 PM Quikrbox - Api issues 1.00 hour (Bug #8703 (Resolved): Send this notification message & title to customer after delivery boy accepting return order )
- currently going to store instead of user
- 06:50 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8705 (Closed): Send this push notification title & message to customer for refund initiated after picking return order from delivery boy
- 06:49 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8690 (Reopened ): Send a this notification title & message to store when delivery driver reached his store location
- 06:49 PM Quikrbox - Api issues 1.00 hour (Bug #8690 (Resolved): Send a this notification title & message to store when delivery driver reached his store location)
- not going
- 06:46 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8720 (Closed): Products with variants are not showing under puri silk house store.
- 06:34 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8719 (Closed): Manage product > listing page > how product qty can be negative?
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- 06:26 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8718 (Closed): Delivery partner listing > why showing store name column? no need of it. please remove
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- 06:20 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8717 (Closed): Manage refer & earning > change column names as dharamveer sir discussed with you
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- 06:18 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8351 (Closed): Admin --> Login --> Dashboard --> Manage Refer & Earning --> Suggestion
- 06:17 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8283 (Closed): Manage Rating & review > store > From mobile i have added rating & review for store order but it is not reflected in admin panel. please check
- 06:13 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8716 (Closed): Manage Rating & Review > Store & delivery boy > latest should shown at top
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- 06:12 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8498 (Closed): Manage rating & review > Why showing all stores? Only show those stores who are being rated by any users
- 06:11 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8715 (Closed): Implement COD in user app
- 05:51 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8646 (Closed): Refer & Earn %age > this text should be dynamic from admin
- 05:43 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8714 (Closed): order detail page > change column name as per screenshot
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- 05:40 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8713 (Closed): order detail > change column name as per screenshot
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- 05:26 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8611 (Closed): Currently i am not able to add variant if there is one attribute. Based on one attribute we can create variants as discussed with dharamveer sir
- 05:24 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8515 (Closed): Add product form > I have filled all form , added all variants but there was an error for offer price field but after clicking on Save button my all data get erased. Please fix it.
- 05:23 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8527 (Closed): Add Delivery partner > Make changes as per below
- 05:22 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8610 (Closed): No need to show attribute until select subcategory. Its not looks good, After selecting subcategory its attributes should shown
- 05:21 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8453 (Closed): Change email registration content as per below:
- 05:21 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8708 (Closed): Manage product > Add horizontal scrollbar at top same as in admin panel
- 05:20 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8695 (Closed): Order status should be Return Requested instead of Return
- 05:08 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8712 (Closed): order detail page > why showing state name 4022 ?
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- 05:07 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8711 (Closed): order detail page > why state name showing 4021?
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- 05:03 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8500 (Closed): Order list & detail page > total cost doesn't match. please check
- 04:59 PM QuikrBox admin 1.00 hour (Bug #8594 (Closed): Manage tag > why category name not displaying on listing page while showing on edit page . And check why Jeans tag appearing two times in mobile app while in admin there 1 with /jeans. check iltering according to country id)
- Still jeans tag appearing two times in mobile app. check why?
- 04:59 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8594 (Reopened ): Manage tag > why category name not displaying on listing page while showing on edit page . And check why Jeans tag appearing two times in mobile app while in admin there 1 with /jeans. check iltering according to country id
- 04:58 PM QuikrBox admin 1.00 hour (Bug #8608 (Closed): Manage refund & return > Latest should shown at top & only fashion categories orders should shown there. Remove orders of other categories)
- Still showing old orders of other categories
- 04:58 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8608 (Reopened ): Manage refund & return > Latest should shown at top & only fashion categories orders should shown there. Remove orders of other categories
- 04:56 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8710 (Closed): Manage product > Final price column > price value is wrong. It should be offer price + markup price
- !clipboard-202312051655-vnnfy.png!
- 04:54 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8609 (Closed): Add attribute > Select tag dropdown > should have option to select multiple
- 04:53 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8656 (Closed): Manage Subscription > Status column > on click of status popup appear to change status > button name is wrong yes delete it....change it to only Yes
- 04:52 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8694 (Closed): Order history > order status should be Return Requested instead of Return
- 04:49 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8709 (Closed): Setting > refer percentage > not able to update
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- 12:33 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8708 (Closed): Manage product > Add horizontal scrollbar at top same as in admin panel
- 06:25 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8667 (Closed): Order detail screen > wrong product image showing. I have ordered black shirt but after placing order it shows red color instead of black
- 05:59 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8707 (Feedback): If delivery boy is of own store then no need to show direction to store screen to delivery boy.... direct customer drop-off location should shown after accepting order
- 05:47 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8706 (Closed): Send this push notification title & message to customer after refund credited to customer by admin
- Title: "Refund Processed for Order #23"
Message: "Your refund has been credited. Check your account for the credited... - 05:44 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8705 (Closed): Send this push notification title & message to customer for refund initiated after picking return order from delivery boy
- Title: "Refund Initiated"
Message - Your refund has been initiated for Order #[Order Number]. Expect the amount to... - 05:39 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8704 (Closed): Send this notification message to store vendor after picking return order from customer .
- Title: "Return Order Pickup Confirmation"
Return order picked up! On the way back to the store now. - 05:15 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8703 (Resolved): Send this notification message & title to customer after delivery boy accepting return order
- Title: "Prepare Your Return - Pickup Scheduled!"
Message - Our delivery team will be arriving shortly to collect you... - 04:57 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8702 (Resolved): After accepting return order by delivery boy to pickup it is navigating to direction to store screen . It should navigate to customer location first . Pick order from customer address & location & then direction to store to return the product
- !clipboard-202312011652-dsxwj.png!
- 04:50 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8604 (Closed): Send this notification message & title to vendor when user make new return request
- 04:49 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8701 (Closed): Auto assign delivery boy > Please show proper delivery boy name with their nearest distance. what is 6 & 4.. should show km with it
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- 04:48 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8700 (Closed): This is store own delivery boy then why showing its work radius. No need to show it
- !clipboard-202312011648-ugetx.png!
- 04:46 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8699 (Closed): Change Button name as per below -
- !clipboard-202312011646-yirtf.png!
Return Accepted
Return Pickedup
Return... - 04:45 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8698 (Closed): This will not come in case of return order. Now you can show Return requested on date, return approved date...etc
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- 04:43 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8697 (Closed): Return Order Accepted & order details > product image not showing . check on all screens properly
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- 04:33 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8696 (Closed): If order is accepted for return then this tracking process should not shown. When making return request order track process will change
- !clipboard-202312011624-xgjmc.png!
these status you can show
Return reques... - 04:21 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8695 (Closed): Order status should be Return Requested instead of Return
- !clipboard-202312011620-ytaw7.png!
- 04:20 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8694 (Closed): Order history > order status should be Return Requested instead of Return
- !clipboard-202312011619-abzjb.png!
- 04:14 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8693 (Closed): Request return > Select reason > click continue> select more detaiils any one option > go back to order history > again click on Return > same fields showing & unable to select any other option. Better to select new reason
- 04:10 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8692 (Closed): Request return > After selecting reason for return we have to select options under more details but if i select another reason then more details of 1sr selected reason should remove or reset
- check video
- 04:04 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8691 (Resolved): Order details > store image not showing & also show item image
- !clipboard-202312011603-uyll5.png!
- 12:07 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8652 (New): Cart screen > no address selected at top but showing delivery charges so much . why?
- 12:06 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8409 (New): Quikrbox plus > If someone has taken free trial & after 7 days free trial expired then user again able to see free trial option but not able to buy it.
- 12:05 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8664 (New): For fashipn category products if it has variants it doesn't show out of stock product on image product. After trying to add in cart it shows product is out of stock
- 12:02 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8683 (New): Rate your delivery > after adding review its not submitted
- 12:01 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8684 (Closed): After selecting size this error is coming.
- 12:01 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8685 (Closed): Cart items > on click blank gray screen appeared. its not api issue
- 12:00 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8682 (Closed): After searching store & product name keyboard not close down
- 11:59 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8686 (Closed): Cart and Notification design need to be fix and appropriate
- 11:35 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8686 (Closed): Cart and Notification design need to be fix and appropriate
- 11:52 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8690 (Resolved): Send a this notification title & message to store when delivery driver reached his store location
- Title: Delivery Update: Arrival at Store
Message: Delivery driver has reached the store location. Please proceed wit... - 11:47 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8689 (Resolved): Send this notification title & message to Customer when delivery boy approaches customer nearby location
- Title: "Your Delivery Is Almost Here!"
Message: Your delivery is nearby. Our delivery person is approaching your l... - 11:44 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8688 (Resolved): Send this notification title & message to customer when delivery boy reach store location
- Delivery Update: Driver Arrived at Store
Message :- Your delivery driver has reached the store location. Your order ... - 11:35 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8687 (Resolved): Timer runs in decreasing in delivery boy apps
- 06:54 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8685 (Closed): Cart items > on click blank gray screen appeared. its not api issue
- !clipboard-202311301854-4qjbh.png!
- 06:48 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8684 (Closed): After selecting size this error is coming.
- !clipboard-202311301847-9tt0h.png!
- 06:44 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8683 (Feedback): Rate your delivery > after adding review its not submitted
- 06:43 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8682 (Closed): After searching store & product name keyboard not close down
- 06:41 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8681 (Closed): Delivery Boy picture need to be show in customer app while pickup their order
- 06:35 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8680 (Closed): Rating need to be provide for order and delivery boy
- 06:35 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8679 (Closed): In invoice we need to show discount, gst charge, or any other charge, price in tabular format. In Invoice Detail – We need to show all detail eg unit, gram, liter etc. in products detail
- 06:27 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8678 (Closed): Need to show delivery estimated time to user after delivery boy picked up the order.
- 11:37 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8554 (Closed): Order history > order detail screen > why showing paid online with deducted order amount
- 11:36 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8605 (Closed): why asking two times these one is comment field and another one is?
- 11:35 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8557 (Closed): Order detail screen - order breakup > make changes as per below
- 11:35 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8570 (Closed): Cart screen > need to change text of Return policy for Fashion category. Please replace with "This item is eligible for return, within 7 days of delivery'
- 11:34 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8671 (Closed): Wallet text > decrease the size little bit and aligned properly
- 11:33 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8625 (Closed): Quikrbox plus > Subscription text should be mentioned at top screen and highlighted so User can see subscriptions plan benefits
- 11:32 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8666 (Closed): Order detail screen > too much space at top
- 11:31 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8669 (Closed): Order detail screen > refund/ return text > date format should be dd/mm/yyyy
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