



From 10/03/2023 to 10/12/2023


06:20 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8146 (Closed): Change password- Min. length should be there in change password field/password with proper validation
Steps to reproduce
Launch app> forgot password> enter email> submit> enter . in change password field
Actual re...
Shrikant kashyap
05:51 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8145 (New): With existing mobile no., showing improper validation message when double tap on verify button
Steps to reproduce
prerequisite- user should have already registered mobile no.
1. launch app
2. enter details...
Shrikant kashyap
05:36 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8144 (Resolved): Sign up- verify checkbox displaying when reversing back mobile no. digits
Steps to reproduce
Homepage> sign up> fill details> enter mobile no.> verify otp> submit> click mobile no. field> ...
Shrikant kashyap
05:27 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8143 (Closed): OTP- Validation is not displaying when entering invalid otp
Steps to reproduce
Homepage> Sign Up> fill details> enter valid mobile no.> verify> enter invalid otp> submit
Shrikant kashyap
05:26 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8142 (Closed): Login screen > Select country > Only two countries should be there India & UAE . And change text Select your phone code to Select your country code. Check user app for ref
priyanka Sharma
05:26 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8141 (Closed): Login screen > Select country > Only two countries should be there India & UAE . And change text Select your phone code to Select your country code. Check user app for ref
priyanka Sharma
05:05 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7798 (Resolved): Cart screen > Add any two quanties of 2-3 items , on deleting any one item or quantity store pic not showing . Already shared video on skype
Irfan Varis
04:56 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8140 (Closed): Sign Up- Incorrect validation is showing and showing re-verification button for mobile no.
Steps to reproduce
Launch app> sign up button> enter valid detail and verify mobile no.> enter invalid data in ref...
Shrikant kashyap
04:53 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8139 (Resolved): Please increase the timings of all toast messages appeared on the screen. user not able to read full message and it disappear within seconds. check on all screens. All messages should properly readable
And error message should be red color & success message should be green
priyanka Sharma
04:50 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8138 (Closed): Please increase the timings of all toast messages appeared on the screen. user not able to read full message and it disappear within seconds. check on all screens. All messages should properly readable
And error message should be red color & success message should be green
priyanka Sharma
04:47 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8137 (Feedback): Sign up screen > afer entering mobile number if we click on continue button it shows keyboard open . please close it
priyanka Sharma
04:13 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8055 (Resolved): Edit product > change add icon to edit, discount amount field appearing blank, why pcs field showing on edit . it was not asked during add product
Irfan Varis
04:07 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8136 (Closed): Sign Up- User is able enter negative mobile no.
Steps to reproduce
1. Launch app as guest user
2. click on mobile no. fields
3. click on arrows buttons
Shrikant kashyap
04:05 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8135 (Closed): Guest customer can add items in the cart. so allow him to add address, add items in cart but when he goes to place order ask for login
priyanka Sharma
03:33 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8054 (Feedback): Add product > after entering discount % it overlap the amount in offer price & discount amount field. check on edit page as well
Irfan Varis
03:33 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8054: Add product > after entering discount % it overlap the amount in offer price & discount amount field. check on edit page as well
design issue Irfan Varis
03:32 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8050 (Feedback): why label name overlapping with the field. check issue throughout the website. It should not shown like this
Irfan Varis
03:32 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8050: why label name overlapping with the field. check issue throughout the website. It should not shown like this
design issue Irfan Varis
02:54 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7950 (Resolved): Order successful displaying in red error message and after placing order screen not navigates to order history screen. check scenario below
Irfan Varis
11:12 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7950 (New): Order successful displaying in red error message and after placing order screen not navigates to order history screen. check scenario below
priyanka Sharma
01:33 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8120 (Resolved): Notification when store comes online - change title & notification as per below
Irfan Varis
10:40 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8134 (Closed): Manage product, Manage orders & Delivery partner> Store filter > why showing indian stores in the list if country selected is UAE
priyanka Sharma
10:33 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7766 (Closed): On cart screen 500 http error displaying . Scenario is user has added one item in cart after that we have made store offline manually from the backend . Now user going to payment it shows error
priyanka Sharma
10:33 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8102 (Closed): Order getting placed if we select restaurant address different and during checkout if we change the shipping address.
priyanka Sharma


05:30 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8133 (Closed): Action column > keep same pattern for all modules. No need of Modify . Keep edit , view , delete icon as on Store list page.
priyanka Sharma
02:28 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7400 (Resolved): Thanku registration page > On click of logo it should go to login page or home page
Abhishek Singh PHP
02:28 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8114 (Resolved): Edit delivery partner profile > upload documents like imgae, vechile image, on submit getting this error
Abhishek Singh PHP
12:08 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7429 (Resolved): If select hindi language then need to replace english text to hindi at many places. check ss below
"not data available in table" is not going to change in another language. if you have doubts please ask Dharamveer ... Abhishek Singh PHP
11:50 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #5932 (Reopened ): CMS > Check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:46 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #6506 (Closed): Store detail page > no option viewing to go back to store listing
priyanka Sharma
11:45 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8132 (Closed): view product detail page > replace edit icon to view
priyanka Sharma
11:05 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8131 (Closed): Add store > Store timings copied but not showing opening time for Monday
priyanka Sharma
11:04 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7525 (Reopened ): Add store > fields gets reset if any one field missed or have any error in any field then all fields getting reset. Please check
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8130 (Closed): Add store > why asking select currency. It should show default INR for India & AED for UAE
priyanka Sharma
10:58 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7527 (Reopened ): If indian country is selected then why it asking to select country code. no need to ask country under work details also
priyanka Sharma
10:56 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8113 (Closed): Add store> do not fill any field click on save> againn click on save then it will show this error message
priyanka Sharma


10:51 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8115 (Resolved): Please increase the timings of all toast messages appeared on the screen. user not able to read full message and it disappear within seconds. check on all screens. All messages should properly readable
Himanshu khare
05:52 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8060 (Resolved): Add delivery partner > fill mandatory fields except vehicle information > click on Save Button > State & city field in address info got reset & delivery boy gets added without selecting them.. No field should reset if forgot to fill any one field
Abhishek Singh PHP
05:36 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8112 (Closed): Add store >do not fill any field & click on Save button > then Select category> showing two categories pharmacy & nutrition & organic but there are no categories with these names please check
priyanka Sharma
05:32 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6957 (Closed): Titles missing on some pages like Manage Store, Manage Users...check this on all pages. Proper heading should shown on all pages & their inner pages as well. Like if i am on Edit user detail page then should show Edit User detail
priyanka Sharma
12:37 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6957 (Resolved): Titles missing on some pages like Manage Store, Manage Users...check this on all pages. Proper heading should shown on all pages & their inner pages as well. Like if i am on Edit user detail page then should show Edit User detail
olatayo John
05:30 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7550 (Reopened ): Throughout the website we have to show labels name with the field if field type is dropdown. After selecting store name we are not getting what we have selected
priyanka Sharma
12:44 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7550 (Resolved): Throughout the website we have to show labels name with the field if field type is dropdown. After selecting store name we are not getting what we have selected
this module is disabled for admin because only store can add product olatayo John
05:28 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8110 (Reopened ): Dashboard > UAE country & india > Cumulative data > wrong data & count showing
priyanka Sharma
05:21 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7505 (Closed): Order list > filters > select delivery partner & select store filter > why delivery boy name & store names repeated so many times
priyanka Sharma
05:20 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7539 (Closed): Left side bar not active for some menus like Manage Attributes, Manage CMS....etc please check for all dropdown menus
priyanka Sharma
05:18 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8111 (Closed): Product >View details > details will show in new page instead of in popup. Discussed with dharamveer sir
priyanka Sharma
05:18 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7552 (Closed): Sidebar menu > why these icons are same . Use diff for all modules
priyanka Sharma
05:12 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8109 (Reopened ): Add offer & filters > category dropdown > deleted category showing pharmacy & nutrition
priyanka Sharma
05:07 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7232 (Closed): Top scroll bar is not appearing in the admin panel , same as bottom scroll bar. Same scroll bar should be there at top
priyanka Sharma
04:27 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7232 (Resolved): Top scroll bar is not appearing in the admin panel , same as bottom scroll bar. Same scroll bar should be there at top
olatayo John
04:26 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6506 (Resolved): Store detail page > no option viewing to go back to store listing
olatayo John
04:06 PM Carib Stores User app Bug #8129 (New): Search not working with restaurant name & product name
priyanka Sharma
03:55 PM Carib Stores - Web store Bug #8128 (New): After adding product it navigates on 404 page
priyanka Sharma
03:53 PM Carib Stores User app Bug #8127 (New): Register user > Search missing for country, state & city
priyanka Sharma
03:25 PM Carib Stores Store App Bug #8126 (New): After login > By Default store status should be Online
priyanka Sharma
03:18 PM Carib Stores Store App Bug #8125 (New): Store not approved yet from admin panel & i am trying to login in app, it says wrong credentials. Message should be Your account is not activated yet. Please contact administrator
priyanka Sharma
03:06 PM Carib Stores User app Bug #8124 (New): Need to change logo of all apps. Currently showing MIIS app logo
priyanka Sharma
03:05 PM Carib Stores User app Bug #8123 (New): User app registration :- Country , state, city listing missing
priyanka Sharma
02:59 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6799 (Resolved): Cart screen > change indian currency to UAE if order is placed for UAE country. Items for UAE country should shown in its own currency to users
Rakhi Kadyan
02:58 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7992 (Resolved): Pending order > Accept the order > after accepting order it navigates on Accepted order screen but showing no order found . After come back to home if i refresh then it shows order on Accepted order screen
Rakhi Kadyan
02:57 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8048 (Feedback): After filling required fields this validation message should disappear from the field. check this issue with every textbox or dropdown field
this is submit trigger function, you click on submit error come and go. if mam want submit form on every keyup I wil... Abhishek Singh PHP
02:55 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8105 (Resolved): OTP screen > change mobile number option missing & show seconds with resend otp. keep screen design as like user app
Rakhi Kadyan
01:28 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8107 (Resolved): Order screen > All icons showing blurred & need to improve the design of full screen. Not able to see all boxes properly check video
Rakhi Kadyan
01:12 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8045 (Resolved): Store registration > Select service tab > not showing any validation message for state & city field, without selecting able to go to next step. Please make mandatory sign for required fields
As per discussion with Dharamveer sir state and city should not mandatory. so, I letting it as it was. if mam want to... Abhishek Singh PHP
12:35 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8122 (Closed): Manage offer >After selecting category we can select multi stores of that categories. In store dropdown store should shown based of selected category only
priyanka Sharma
12:28 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8047 (Resolved): Store register > Bank detail & document tab > not able to see uploaded image.
Abhishek Singh PHP
12:27 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8121 (Closed): Manage offer > i have added coupon of Radhe krishna store but in admin it shoes store name NA why?
Coupon title - SPECIAL OFFER
Coupon code - SALE50
priyanka Sharma
12:01 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8116 (Resolved): Profile > why country section is clickable
Rakhi Kadyan
11:17 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8116 (Closed): Profile > why country section is clickable
priyanka Sharma
11:47 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7890 (Closed): When store is offline > click on notify me button > once store comes online user is not notified
priyanka Sharma
11:46 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8120 (Closed): Notification when store comes online - change title & notification as per below
Title: "Your Requested Store is Online!"
Notification: "[Store Name] is now av...
priyanka Sharma
11:44 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7242 (Resolved): Delivery time not updated in admin panel when edit the store.
olatayo John
11:33 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8119 (Feedback): If no transaction available then no need to show See all transaction heading & why transaction text appearing remove this also
priyanka Sharma
11:31 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7991 (Closed): Store delivery boy > profile pic not updated in the mobile app
priyanka Sharma
11:26 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7291 (Closed): I have taken Vechicle type car but in mobile app it is showing bike why? Is it static?
priyanka Sharma
11:26 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7372 (Closed): Login screen > check continue button how displaying
priyanka Sharma
11:26 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8011 (Closed): OTP screen > Resend otp > need to show seconds with resend otp time like 58 sec
priyanka Sharma
11:24 AM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8118 (Feedback): Differentiate error 7 success toast message in red & green colr. check user app
priyanka Sharma
11:21 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7968 (Closed): what is mangen update on profile screen ?& why old logo is there
priyanka Sharma
11:21 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7969 (Closed): Profile screen > keep s capital of settings
priyanka Sharma
11:21 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7970 (Closed): if select bengali language then check email id not viewing properly
priyanka Sharma
11:21 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7996 (Closed): Faq's > if i try to open 2nd question it will not expand the answer and if i click on 1st ques then both are expanding together & work on design as well
priyanka Sharma
11:19 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8117 (Closed): Profile > after changing language why home menu is active, Profile link should remain active
priyanka Sharma
11:15 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8053 (Resolved): Store register > Bank detail & document tab > I was on 4th step & by mistake browser window closed, i again try to login to fill the last step but it shows me thanku page. I have not filled 4th step completely . check guptaji bhandar store
Abhishek Singh PHP
10:55 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7489 (Resolved): Forgot password page > check issues below
olatayo John
10:51 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8082 (Closed): Order list & detail screen > why order status showing like this ready_to_dispatched
priyanka Sharma
10:43 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8106 (Closed): Orders > Pickedup & dispatch filters not working
priyanka Sharma
10:26 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8000 (Resolved): On all order screens > no need to show seconds with time. Only show Am Pm with time & date format should be dd/mm/yyyy everywhere
Rakhi Kadyan


10:48 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7949 (Resolved): Apply Pull to refresh on all screens. Still missing on many screens
Added pull to refresh on basket category and store product page already Himanshu khare
03:58 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7949 (New): Apply Pull to refresh on all screens. Still missing on many screens
priyanka Sharma
07:11 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8106 (Resolved): Orders > Pickedup & dispatch filters not working
Deepak Biltoria
03:52 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8106: Orders > Pickedup & dispatch filters not working
use order status as getting in api. its common in whole project and can't be changes Irfan Varis
06:36 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7766 (Resolved): On cart screen 500 http error displaying . Scenario is user has added one item in cart after that we have made store offline manually from the backend . Now user going to payment it shows error
Irfan Varis
06:26 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8111 (Resolved): Product >View details > details will show in new page instead of in popup. Discussed with dharamveer sir
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:03 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8102 (Resolved): Order getting placed if we select restaurant address different and during checkout if we change the shipping address.
Irfan Varis
06:00 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6503 (Resolved): Add store > After filling all field on submit if there is any error occur on any field then some fields getting reset
olatayo John
06:00 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8042 (Resolved): Default english language should shown selected on every page
Abhishek Singh PHP
05:46 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8109 (Resolved): Add offer & filters > category dropdown > deleted category showing pharmacy & nutrition
Abhishek Singh PHP
05:45 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8112 (Resolved): Add store >do not fill any field & click on Save button > then Select category> showing two categories pharmacy & nutrition & organic but there are no categories with these names please check
Abhishek Singh PHP
11:17 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8112 (Closed): Add store >do not fill any field & click on Save button > then Select category> showing two categories pharmacy & nutrition & organic but there are no categories with these names please check
priyanka Sharma
05:44 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8113 (Resolved): Add store> do not fill any field click on save> againn click on save then it will show this error message
Abhishek Singh PHP
11:30 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8113 (Closed): Add store> do not fill any field click on save> againn click on save then it will show this error message
priyanka Sharma
05:26 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8115 (Closed): Please increase the timings of all toast messages appeared on the screen. user not able to read full message and it disappear within seconds. check on all screens. All messages should properly readable
priyanka Sharma
05:17 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7527 (Resolved): If indian country is selected then why it asking to select country code. no need to ask country under work details also
Abhishek Singh PHP
04:56 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8110 (Resolved): Dashboard > UAE country & india > Cumulative data > wrong data & count showing
Abhishek Singh PHP
04:55 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7890 (Resolved): When store is offline > click on notify me button > once store comes online user is not notified
Irfan Varis
04:50 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8089 (Closed): Add address manually > Pincode field > if enter less than 6 digit it gives error message "please enter your pincode" while pincode is already entered . Message should be Please enter valid pincode
priyanka Sharma
04:17 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8095 (Closed): Edit address > Why state & city both appearing same. In city dropdown states name showing
priyanka Sharma
04:10 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8095 (Resolved): Edit address > Why state & city both appearing same. In city dropdown states name showing
Deepak Biltoria
03:55 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8095: Edit address > Why state & city both appearing same. In city dropdown states name showing
as I told if you need state send only one paramater (country_id) and if you need city send both parameters (country_i... Irfan Varis
03:44 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8095 (New): Edit address > Why state & city both appearing same. In city dropdown states name showing
priyanka Sharma
04:12 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8082 (Resolved): Order list & detail screen > why order status showing like this ready_to_dispatched
Deepak Biltoria
03:37 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7886 (Closed): Shop by category screen > not able to scroll screen . check in ss i am not able to view price of chicken item
priyanka Sharma
03:36 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7764 (Closed): cart screen > price should take round off value everywhere. please check this issue throughout the app
priyanka Sharma
03:35 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8094 (Closed): Check how order amount appear on add to cart screen . Should take round off values
priyanka Sharma
03:34 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8103 (Closed): Profile screen > Language option missing
priyanka Sharma
03:34 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8104 (Closed): Take a refernce of any app and improve the design of faq screen like expand collapse .
priyanka Sharma
03:28 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8012 (Feedback): Order delivered screen > I have used wallet amount 5000 rsand paid only 75 rs but after delivered order it shows wrong amount . Wallet amount not showing
Irfan Varis
03:28 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8012: Order delivered screen > I have used wallet amount 5000 rsand paid only 75 rs but after delivered order it shows wrong amount . Wallet amount not showing
display the used wallet amount
Irfan Varis
03:08 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7386 (Feedback): Order delivered screen > there should be option to download invoice as a pdf and share invoice . Client requirement
Irfan Varis
03:08 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7386: Order delivered screen > there should be option to download invoice as a pdf and share invoice . Client requirement
I have already given the for download invoice pdf and share option should be implemented by app developer. Irfan Varis
03:00 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8024 (Feedback): Product detail screen > Attributes added by vendor not showing on frontend like Size , Gender, color etc..everything. Should shown all details too user added by vendor
Irfan Varis
02:59 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8024: Product detail screen > Attributes added by vendor not showing on frontend like Size , Gender, color etc..everything. Should shown all details too user added by vendor
Not an api issues. Attributes are geeting in products
Irfan Varis
02:36 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #5902 (Resolved): Add number screen > check issues below. (In both Android and ios)
Deepak Biltoria
02:30 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6446 (Resolved): User Apps font should be bold- Clear for customer view. Nearby Store : View all should be Bold and highlighted
Deepak Biltoria
01:55 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5932 (Resolved): CMS > Check issues below
olatayo John
01:30 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7552 (Resolved): Sidebar menu > why these icons are same . Use diff for all modules
olatayo John
01:29 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7539 (Resolved): Left side bar not active for some menus like Manage Attributes, Manage CMS....etc please check for all dropdown menus
olatayo John
12:55 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6626 (Closed): Edit delivery boy > Dob field showing blank. Latitude, longitude fields are blank
priyanka Sharma
12:49 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5867 (Closed): Delivery Partner > Check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
12:36 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8114 (Closed): Edit delivery partner profile > upload documents like imgae, vechile image, on submit getting this error
priyanka Sharma
12:28 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7201 (Closed): View delivery boy details > vehicle image uploaded but on view it shows 404 not found page
priyanka Sharma
11:44 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8043 (Resolved): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus 11 --> very first time if the applicant selects not active status and saves, after saving the selected status gets reset to Active and the "Not active" status changes into "deactive"
Vidya Rani
11:42 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7516 (Reopened ): Export orders > check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:39 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #8097 (Resolved): Admin --> Mutual Fund --> License Request --> Post License Request --> Sales, merger or acquisition of or by a license Sch.4 --> Qus. 7 -->
olatayo John
11:35 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8036 (Resolved): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus 06 -->put validation message if the applicant selects invalid end date " End date should not be less than start date" & "Start date should not be greater than end date"
Vidya Rani
11:22 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8041 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Credit Unions --> Post License --> approval of MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus. 3 and 11 --> Need to remove the asterisk mark on the state field and change the column name status to Select status
Vidya Rani
11:19 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #8093 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Post License --> Mutual Fund --> Qus17 and 21 -->Demo Server --> Post License --> Mutual Fund -->Sales, Merger Or Acquisition Of Or By A License Sch.4 --> Qus 22 A & 22 B--> Need to increase character length of input field from 30 to 200.
olatayo John
11:10 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8078 (Reopened ): Manage orders > Order id's 258, 259, 253.... are of india but not shwing in the order list after applying filter it shows but on selecting UAE country it shows in order list. check why
priyanka Sharma
11:09 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #8092 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Post License --> Mutual Fund -->Sales, Merger Or Acquisition Of Or By A License Sch.4 --> Qus 22 A & 22 B --> Serial No issues
olatayo John
11:09 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7522 (Closed): Export store list > check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:07 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #7773: Store address > as per discussed in meeting we have to not show full store address and make sure text visible properly
instead of the full address of the store, there should be a field that gives only the name of the area and sector. Deepak Biltoria
11:00 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #8021 (Closed): View product details for fashion category or all > attributes added by vendor not showing. All details should shown to admin added by vendor
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7816 (Reopened ): Edit and view store details > when check store details its timings should be in AM or PM same as it is added by store. keep only 12 hr format
priyanka Sharma
10:30 AM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #8073 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Approval Of A Director Or Senior Officer (Comp. Mgr. Sch. 3) --> Check issue below
Anisha Kumari


09:04 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7886 (Resolved): Shop by category screen > not able to scroll screen . check in ss i am not able to view price of chicken item
Himanshu khare
09:00 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7950 (Feedback): Order successful displaying in red error message and after placing order screen not navigates to order history screen. check scenario below
Api issue - userapi/orders-placed Himanshu khare
08:58 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7797 (Feedback): I am adding Boat rockerz product in cart it shows me error store is not online. If store not online then its products should not shown anywhere in the app
api issue userapi/product-by-store-category Himanshu khare
08:43 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7764 (Resolved): cart screen > price should take round off value everywhere. please check this issue throughout the app
Himanshu khare
06:22 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8082 (Feedback): Order list & detail screen > why order status showing like this ready_to_dispatched
Api issue - order issues - userapi/get-orders Himanshu khare


11:10 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8089 (Feedback): Add address manually > Pincode field > if enter less than 6 digit it gives error message "please enter your pincode" while pincode is already entered . Message should be Please enter valid pincode
Himanshu khare
11:08 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8094 (Resolved): Check how order amount appear on add to cart screen . Should take round off values
Himanshu khare
11:07 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8095 (Feedback): Edit address > Why state & city both appearing same. In city dropdown states name showing
Api issue
Himanshu khare
11:06 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8103 (Resolved): Profile screen > Language option missing
Himanshu khare
09:19 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8104 (Resolved): Take a refernce of any app and improve the design of faq screen like expand collapse .
Himanshu khare
09:19 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8106 (Feedback): Orders > Pickedup & dispatch filters not working
Himanshu khare
09:18 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8106: Orders > Pickedup & dispatch filters not working
Api issue - name in order status should be dispatched for dispatch order and pickedup for pickedup order currently ge... Himanshu khare


07:08 PM INSURANCE Bug #7995 (Reopened ): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Internal_Insurance Company -->Approval of change of Shareholdings Sch.5 --> Qus. 22 --> Check issue below

This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is not fixed!
Mohd Irfan
07:04 PM INSURANCE Bug #7934 (Closed): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Internal_Insurance Company -->Approval of change of Shareholdings Sch.5 --> Qus. 8, 9 and 27 --> check issue below

This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
Mohd Irfan
06:59 PM INSURANCE Bug #7999 (Closed): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Internal_Insurance Company -->Approval of change of Shareholdings Sch.5 --> Qus. 15 --> Check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed:
Mohd Irfan
06:44 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7542 (Closed): Sorting not working on any page. Please check on all admin pages
priyanka Sharma
06:25 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7542 (Resolved): Sorting not working on any page. Please check on all admin pages
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:44 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7769 (Closed): Manage product > view product detail popup > scrollbar should be there
priyanka Sharma
06:26 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7769 (Resolved): Manage product > view product detail popup > scrollbar should be there
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:42 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8021 (Resolved): View product details for fashion category or all > attributes added by vendor not showing. All details should shown to admin added by vendor
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:41 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7530 (Closed): User list > I am searching with this mobile number 8219105849, it is showing correct data but mobile no gets reset from phone no field and in status dropdown it is showing pending . check video
priyanka Sharma
06:41 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7952 (Feedback): If category or subcategory used anywhere by any vendor then we can't delete them
its issue with foreign key so I discuss about it with sir and he say to remove delete button which are not working. m... Abhishek Singh PHP
06:39 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8111 (Closed): Product >View details > details will show in new page instead of in popup. Discussed with dharamveer sir
priyanka Sharma
06:30 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7539 (Reopened ): Left side bar not active for some menus like Manage Attributes, Manage CMS....etc please check for all dropdown menus
priyanka Sharma
06:27 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7125 (Closed): Manage orders > check how order status appearing
priyanka Sharma
12:52 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7125 (Resolved): Manage orders > check how order status appearing
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:27 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7529 (Closed): Export user file > User contact no is 8219105849 and after export it is showing -8219105758. check why wrong number and negative sign showing in excel
priyanka Sharma
06:25 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7495 (Closed): Admin profile > what is text hidden behind the camera icon
priyanka Sharma
04:27 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7495 (Resolved): Admin profile > what is text hidden behind the camera icon
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:24 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7471 (Closed): Dashboard > no option to search after changing country filter india to UAE
priyanka Sharma
04:27 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7471 (Resolved): Dashboard > no option to search after changing country filter india to UAE
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:24 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5914 (Closed): Product Manage > Check issues as per below
priyanka Sharma
01:29 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5914 (Resolved): Product Manage > Check issues as per below
you can't edit product from admin. Abhishek Singh PHP
06:23 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5919 (Closed): Product manage page - Export not working
priyanka Sharma
01:26 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5919 (Resolved): Product manage page - Export not working
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:21 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7526 (Closed): Manage store > I have applied filter of Store status pending but during export file it shows some store status approved please check
priyanka Sharma
06:14 PM MONEY SERVICES BUSINESS Bug #8101 (In Progress): Demo server --> Post Licensee --> MSB --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus.11 --> Check issue below
olatayo John
05:54 PM MONEY SERVICES BUSINESS Bug #8101 (Resolved): Demo server --> Post Licensee --> MSB --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus.11 --> Check issue below
olatayo John
01:14 PM MONEY SERVICES BUSINESS Bug #8101 (Closed): Demo server --> Post Licensee --> MSB --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus.11 --> Check issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
Put a validation message if the applicant puts values in total rows more than 100% ( pe...
Mohd Irfan
06:14 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7533 (Closed): There is one inactive category but after applying filter of Inactive it shows no record
priyanka Sharma
06:12 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7532 (Closed): Manage categories > export categories > no need to show image column. remove this
priyanka Sharma
06:10 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7534 (Closed): I am searching with any keyword it shows result related to that but why showing pagination
priyanka Sharma
06:08 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7544 (Closed): Product export list > no need to show product image & related image column in export & original price column should replace to Cost price everywhere
priyanka Sharma
06:02 PM MONEY SERVICES BUSINESS Bug #7808 (Resolved): Demo server --> Post Licensee --> MSB --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus. 11 --> After saving active and Not active dropdown values change to active and deactive
olatayo John
12:34 PM MONEY SERVICES BUSINESS Bug #7808 (Reopened ): Demo server --> Post Licensee --> MSB --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus. 11 --> After saving active and Not active dropdown values change to active and deactive
Mohd Irfan
06:00 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8110 (Closed): Dashboard > UAE country & india > Cumulative data > wrong data & count showing
UAE country -
There are only 21 stores but on dashboard showing 29 count why?
priyanka Sharma
05:54 PM MONEY SERVICES BUSINESS Bug #8100 (Resolved): Demo server --> Post Licensee --> MSB --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus 6 & 17 --> Check issue below
olatayo John
12:45 PM MONEY SERVICES BUSINESS Bug #8100 (Closed): Demo server --> Post Licensee --> MSB --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus 6 & 17 --> Check issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
if the applicant first selects the date after that adds a row then gets the wrong seria...
Mohd Irfan
05:52 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7593 (Closed): On dashboard UAE country is selected and showing 1 user count under today's data and Commulative . If UAE is selected at top then only UAE country data should shown everywhere
priyanka Sharma
05:33 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #6621 (Resolved): Create profile screen >> After filling all details of Vehicle & Work area ..if i go to next screen then come back to this screen again fields gets reset. check video attached
Deepak Biltoria
05:05 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8109 (Closed): Add offer & filters > category dropdown > deleted category showing pharmacy & nutrition
priyanka Sharma
05:04 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7913 (Closed): Manage offer > why subcategories also showing under category dropdown
priyanka Sharma
12:48 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7913 (Resolved): Manage offer > why subcategories also showing under category dropdown
Abhishek Singh PHP
05:02 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7951 (Closed): Add sub category > select parent category > deleted categories also showing
priyanka Sharma
12:43 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7951 (Resolved): Add sub category > select parent category > deleted categories also showing
country issue fixed it. if it is in list then it will on add time also on select the same country on each time. Abhishek Singh PHP
04:59 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8077 (Closed): Dashboard > Total register order & stores >showing India's data. please make sure whole dashboard show data according to selected country
priyanka Sharma
04:49 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8079 (Closed): Manage store > why i am not able to search with store name kasturi restaurant. As it is showing in the stores list please check
priyanka Sharma
03:30 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8079 (Resolved): Manage store > why i am not able to search with store name kasturi restaurant. As it is showing in the stores list please check
Abhishek Singh PHP
04:44 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7773 (New): Store address > as per discussed in meeting we have to not show full store address and make sure text visible properly
priyanka Sharma
04:11 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7773: Store address > as per discussed in meeting we have to not show full store address and make sure text visible properly
Store ka address aa rha hai api se Mohit Rana
04:44 PM Carib Bargains - Mobile App Bug #8108 (New): Post a ad of a product in Australia. I am not able to see the product which i have posted because australia is not mentioned in the list of the countries.
Seller should only select the address of the particular country states. Shubham J
04:28 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8107 (Closed): Order screen > All icons showing blurred & need to improve the design of full screen. Not able to see all boxes properly check video
priyanka Sharma
04:26 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7201 (Resolved): View delivery boy details > vehicle image uploaded but on view it shows 404 not found page
Abhishek Singh PHP
04:25 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8106 (Closed): Orders > Pickedup & dispatch filters not working
priyanka Sharma
04:14 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8105 (Closed): OTP screen > change mobile number option missing & show seconds with resend otp. keep screen design as like user app
priyanka Sharma
04:13 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8104 (Closed): Take a refernce of any app and improve the design of faq screen like expand collapse .
priyanka Sharma
03:58 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7971 (Closed): Faqs screen > if no faq is there then show "No FAQs Found" & should be in center. check user app for reference
priyanka Sharma
03:57 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7972 (Closed): Profile screen > Help & support > change the icons for faq & email us. Use diff icons for each. currently showing same for both. Take refrence of user app & use same design
priyanka Sharma
03:56 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7501 (Feedback): Manage orders > total cost rs 2300 showing wrong order amount was 1625rs and what is total profit here? How you calculating it? And for some orders showing negative profit why?
need further explanation olatayo John
03:56 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7503 (Feedback): Order detail page > order total amount was wrong . It is not showing delivery boy tip and why showing shipping charges if it is not applied during the order
need further explanation olatayo John
03:55 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8007 (Closed): Search with order id > It should not allow to show order id's of another stores. After searching with any order id of another stores it shows me order details of that store
priyanka Sharma
03:50 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8010 (Closed): OTP screen > Resend otp > need to show seconds with resend otp time like 58 sec
priyanka Sharma
03:50 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8083 (Closed): Home screen > Search field > placeholder text search by order id > keep s capital of Search
priyanka Sharma
03:49 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7292 (Resolved): Delivery boy is registered from the app > But if we modify the driver details in admin it shows some fields blank... even Dob field is showing empty
olatayo John
03:07 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7505 (Resolved): Order list > filters > select delivery partner & select store filter > why delivery boy name & store names repeated so many times
names are just duplicate, which may be due to testing and entering duplicate data
but both delivery partner and stor...
olatayo John
03:01 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8103 (Closed): Profile screen > Language option missing
priyanka Sharma
02:52 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6626 (Resolved): Edit delivery boy > Dob field showing blank. Latitude, longitude fields are blank
Abhishek Singh PHP
02:41 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7383 (New): Why delivery charges not applying to user during checkout or place order. It should shown
priyanka Sharma
02:34 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7891 (Closed): I have taken 7 days trial. Today is 22 sept and after taking trial of 7 days it should expire 28 Sept but it shows Member till 5 oct. Please confirm
priyanka Sharma
01:25 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8102 (Closed): Order getting placed if we select restaurant address different and during checkout if we change the shipping address.
Suppose i am in noida & ordering food for noida location. So i will search restaurant of noida location, after addin... priyanka Sharma
12:57 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #5867 (Resolved): Delivery Partner > Check issues below.
Abhishek Singh PHP
12:42 PM MONEY SERVICES BUSINESS Bug #8098 (New): Demo Server --> Post License --> Money Services --> Approval of MLRO/MLCO/CO--> All date picker --> Check issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
when the applicant opens the calendar after saving, the selected Month & date should op...
Mohd Irfan
12:25 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8035 (Resolved): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus,17 -->after saving if applicant adds one Row to the table input field then the system throws a validation message "allow alphabets only" while the above Rows take alphanumeric.
Vidya Rani
11:37 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #7957 (Closed): Demo server --> Post Licensee --> MUTUAL FUND --> Approval Of Change Of Shareholdings Sch.5 -->
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:33 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #7576 (Closed): Demo server --> Post Licensee --> MUTUAL FUND --> SCHEDULE 5 --> put space between a and description text and also put a full stop.
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:31 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #7759 (Closed): Demo server --> Post Licensee --> MUTUAL FUND --> SCHEDULE 6 --> As per the client's comment need to make the 3 input fields for First Name Middle Name and Last Name
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:29 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #7958 (Closed): Demo server --> Post Licensee --> MUTUAL FUND --> SCHEDULE 6 --> check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:22 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #7966 (Closed): Admin --> Mutual Fund --> License Request --> Post License Request --> Approval of a director or senior officer Sch.6--> Check isseue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:19 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #7959 (Closed): Admin --> Mutual Fund --> License Request --> Post License Request --> Sales, merger or acquisition of or by a license Sch.4 --> Qus. 5 -->
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:17 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #7960 (Closed): Admin --> Mutual Fund --> License Request --> Post License Request --> Sales, merger or acquisition of or by a license Sch.4 --> Qus. 11 -->

This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:16 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #7961 (Closed): Admin --> Mutual Fund --> License Request --> Post License Request --> Sales, merger or acquisition of or by a license Sch.4 --> Qus. 13 -->
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:11 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #7962 (Closed): Admin --> Mutual Fund --> License Request --> Post License Request --> Sales, merger or acquisition of or by a license Sch.4 --> Qus. 14-->
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:07 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #7963 (Closed): Admin --> Mutual Fund --> License Request --> Post License Request --> Sales, merger or acquisition of or by a license Sch.4 --> Qus. 16 -->
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:03 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #7964 (Closed): Admin --> Mutual Fund --> License Request --> Post License Request --> Sales, merger or acquisition of or by a license Sch.4 --> Qus. 19 -->
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
see attached screenshot
Mohd Irfan
10:58 AM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #8076 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Sch. 4) --> Check issue below
Vidya Rani
10:36 AM MUTUAL FUND Bug #8097 (Resolved): Admin --> Mutual Fund --> License Request --> Post License Request --> Sales, merger or acquisition of or by a license Sch.4 --> Qus. 7 -->
Step to reproduce the bug:
If the applicant selects single or divorce options then no need to show the name of the...
Mohd Irfan


07:16 PM MUTUAL FUND Bug #7965 (Closed): Admin --> Mutual Fund --> License Request --> Post License Request --> Sales, merger or acquisition of or by a license Sch.4 --> Qus. 30 -->
Mohd Irfan
07:11 PM MUTUAL FUND Bug #7772 (Closed): Admin --> Post License Request --> License Request --> Test name 1234 --> Sales, merger or acquisition of or by a license Sch.4 -->Qus. 4 --> Check Issue below
Mohd Irfan
07:10 PM MUTUAL FUND Bug #8096 (New): Demo Server --> Post License --> Mutual Fund -->Sales, Merger Or Acquisition Of Or By A License Sch.4 --> Selected date & month should be open after saving the form
Step to reproduce the bug:
Demo Server --> Post License --> Mutual Fund -->Sales, Merger Or Acquisition Of Or By A...
Mohd Irfan
06:59 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8095 (Closed): Edit address > Why state & city both appearing same. In city dropdown states name showing
priyanka Sharma
06:30 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8094 (Closed): Check how order amount appear on add to cart screen . Should take round off values
priyanka Sharma
06:29 PM MUTUAL FUND Bug #8093 (Closed): Demo Server --> Post License --> Mutual Fund --> Qus17 and 21 -->Demo Server --> Post License --> Mutual Fund -->Sales, Merger Or Acquisition Of Or By A License Sch.4 --> Qus 22 A & 22 B--> Need to increase character length of input field from 30 to 200.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Need to increase the character length of the input field from 30 to 200.
See attache...
Mohd Irfan
06:25 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #8072 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Sch. 2) --> Save & validate button should be visible properly instead of half
Anisha Kumari
06:17 PM MUTUAL FUND Bug #8092 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Post License --> Mutual Fund -->Sales, Merger Or Acquisition Of Or By A License Sch.4 --> Qus 22 A & 22 B --> Serial No issues
step to reproduce the bug:
When the applicant adds a row then the serial starts with zero instead of 1
see att...
Mohd Irfan
06:11 PM INSURANCE Bug #8088 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Post License -->Insurance --> Approval Of MLRO/MLCO/CO --> As per the document need to add Heding content
Anisha Kumari
05:56 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #8080 (Resolved): Admin --> License Request --> Post License Request --> Madonna Valencia --> Check issue below
Anisha Kumari
05:00 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7991 (Resolved): Store delivery boy > profile pic not updated in the mobile app
Deepak Biltoria
04:57 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #6620 (Resolved): Delivery boy registration process >Work area details >
Deepak Biltoria
04:56 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #8011 (Resolved): OTP screen > Resend otp > need to show seconds with resend otp time like 58 sec
Deepak Biltoria
04:48 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7516 (Resolved): Export orders > check issues below
olatayo John
04:31 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8078 (Resolved): Manage orders > Order id's 258, 259, 253.... are of india but not shwing in the order list after applying filter it shows but on selecting UAE country it shows in order list. check why
the current list is coming according to users country and I resolve the error in filter so it should be fine accordin... Abhishek Singh PHP
03:49 PM INSURANCE Bug #7984 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Post license --> Insurance --> Approval Of Change Of Shareholdings Sch.5 --> Qus. 22 --> Serial no. issue
Anisha Kumari
03:49 PM INSURANCE Bug #8030 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Post license --> Insurance --> Approval Of Change Of Shareholdings Sch.5 & MLRO--> Qus. 6 --> Check issue below
Anisha Kumari
03:20 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7816 (Resolved): Edit and view store details > when check store details its timings should be in AM or PM same as it is added by store. keep only 12 hr format
I ask dharmveer sir he said there not to add am/pm its already give data by 24 hrs format. please ask him if you have... Abhishek Singh PHP
03:06 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7593 (Resolved): On dashboard UAE country is selected and showing 1 user count under today's data and Commulative . If UAE is selected at top then only UAE country data should shown everywhere
Abhishek Singh PHP
03:05 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8077 (Resolved): Dashboard > Total register order & stores >showing India's data. please make sure whole dashboard show data according to selected country
Abhishek Singh PHP
03:04 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7295 (Feedback): Delivery boy has rejected order but in store app its status getting changed to option to assign delivery boy again
Rakhi Kadyan
02:59 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7295: Delivery boy has rejected order but in store app its status getting changed to option to assign delivery boy again
mam iske liye video share krdo
kaise recreate krna hai ye issue
Rakhi Kadyan
02:58 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7294 (Resolved): Alaram is on but not working if new order arrives
Rakhi Kadyan
02:56 PM Carib Bargains - Mobile App Bug #8091 (New): Report user- User is able to report without entering any reason
Homepage> chat to any user> click on 3dots> report without any reason
Expected result- It should be manda...
Shrikant kashyap
02:49 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7998 (Feedback): On all screens > if there is no any order then there should be text in the center . Suppose i am checking delivered order screen & there is no delivered order then show "No order delivered yet"
Rakhi Kadyan
02:47 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8010 (Resolved): OTP screen > Resend otp > need to show seconds with resend otp time like 58 sec
Rakhi Kadyan
02:29 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8039 (Resolved): Post ad- User is not able to import same image from laptop
Narendra Singh
02:26 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7522 (Resolved): Export store list > check issues below
olatayo John
02:19 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8044 (Resolved): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions -->Declaration Particulars --> Qus. 29 --> why this validation is coming on the document field while it is displayed already document uploaded .
Vidya Rani
02:15 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8032 (Resolved): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus 19 --> As per the client's requirement need to put space between text content.
Vidya Rani
02:13 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8046 (Resolved): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> Previous Reseidence Details --> Qus. 32 --> Save --> Edit --> Save --> In the Edit case, the Unselected checkbox Gets selected after saving
Vidya Rani
01:23 PM Carib Bargains - Mobile App Bug #8090 (Closed): Post Ad- User is not able to change selected default country when posting any ad
Steps to reproduce
Homepage> post ad> next> try to change select default country
Actual result- User is not abl...
Shrikant kashyap
01:15 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8051 (Resolved): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions -->Education Details --> Qus. 35 and 37 --> Check issue below
Vidya Rani
01:04 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7525 (Resolved): Add store > fields gets reset if any one field missed or have any error in any field then all fields getting reset. Please check
olatayo John
12:53 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7769 (New): Manage product > view product detail popup > scrollbar should be there
priyanka Sharma
12:52 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7527 (New): If indian country is selected then why it asking to select country code. no need to ask country under work details also
priyanka Sharma
12:49 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8079 (New): Manage store > why i am not able to search with store name kasturi restaurant. As it is showing in the stores list please check
priyanka Sharma
12:39 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7903 (Closed): Order history screen > if no order found then text should be No order found". replace orders to order
priyanka Sharma
12:35 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8089 (Closed): Add address manually > Pincode field > if enter less than 6 digit it gives error message "please enter your pincode" while pincode is already entered . Message should be Please enter valid pincode
priyanka Sharma
12:31 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7544 (Resolved): Product export list > no need to show product image & related image column in export & original price column should replace to Cost price everywhere
Abhishek Singh PHP
10:45 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7544 (New): Product export list > no need to show product image & related image column in export & original price column should replace to Cost price everywhere
priyanka Sharma
12:27 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7380 (Closed): showing http error 400 if entering wrong pincode
priyanka Sharma
12:24 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8058 (Resolved): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> Notice Of Change Of Management --> Check issue below
Vidya Rani
12:24 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7171 (Closed): On all product screens from where we can add items there should come one line in footer like this "Add AED15 more to be able to place your order"
priyanka Sharma
12:13 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7387 (Closed): Order delivered screen > click on invoice on mail button > message appeared - Order invoice has been send to the email . change text send to "sent"
priyanka Sharma
12:12 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7896 (Closed): Go to any store > Top offers > view all link should come if more than 2 top offers there otherwise not
priyanka Sharma
11:59 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #7897 (Closed): select any category > store listing screen > what is this circle in footer user for?
priyanka Sharma
11:45 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8057 (Resolved): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> Notice Of Change Of Management --> Check issues below
Vidya Rani
11:26 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8059 (Resolved): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> Notice Of Change Of Management -->
Vidya Rani
11:21 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8061 (Resolved): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> Notice Of Change Of Management --> Check issue below
Vidya Rani
11:08 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8062 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Post License --> Credit Unions --> NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT --> check issue below
Vidya Rani
11:06 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8063 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Post License --> Credit Unions --> NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT --> need to increase the character length of the input field from 30 to 200.
Vidya Rani
11:00 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8064 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Post License --> Credit Unions --> NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT --> Check issue below
Vidya Rani
10:52 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7550 (Reopened ): Throughout the website we have to show labels name with the field if field type is dropdown. After selecting store name we are not getting what we have selected
priyanka Sharma
10:51 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8065 (Feedback): Demo Server --> Post License --> Credit Unions --> NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT --> Check issue below
Vidya Rani
10:48 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7543 (Closed): Manage product > Select category filter > why showing subcategories in this dropdown and if i search with subcategory no product showing
priyanka Sharma
10:47 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7009 (Closed): Once Job is completed by technician , From web panel, should admin able to change the status to under observation?
Shubham J
10:47 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7134 (Closed): Delete Field service report image > Cancel and cross button is not working.
Shubham J
10:47 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7183 (Closed): Dashboard > Click New > Date and Location is displayed.
Shubham J
10:47 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7186 (Closed): After deleting, Click on close button. Button doesn't work.
Shubham J
10:47 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7212 (Closed): Spare Requirement > Why items checkbox gets unchecked when dispatch check box is checked. (Check the video link )
Shubham J
10:47 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7216 (Closed): Image is not displayed when status is changed by the technician ( Received with image ).
Shubham J
10:47 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7235 (Closed): Complaint Details > List view > Dispatch Spare > Remove the space.
Shubham J
10:46 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7237 (Closed): Customer Details > Detail View > Details are not displaying of some customers.
Shubham J
10:46 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7065 (Closed): Complaint Details > Search filter not working.
Shubham J
10:46 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7245 (Closed): Complaint Details > Remove the gap from the text in Description
Shubham J
10:46 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7247 (Closed): Part Dispatch Details > Nature of complaint are repeating.
Shubham J
10:46 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7249 (Closed): Complaint Details > Remove these values from status field.
Shubham J
10:46 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7236 (Closed): Complaint Details > Service details > Change to Complete Under Observation > Image is not displayed.
Shubham J
10:42 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7608 (Closed): Edit tag name > placeholder text overlapping the field name
priyanka Sharma
10:35 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7951 (Reopened ): Add sub category > select parent category > deleted categories also showing
priyanka Sharma
10:31 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7954 (Closed): Manage store > filters > there should be option to search store with their mobile numbers
priyanka Sharma


07:17 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6807 (Resolved): If there is no order then why it shows HTTP 400 status error on every module like Pending order, ongoing orders etc...
Rakhi Kadyan
07:14 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7972 (Resolved): Profile screen > Help & support > change the icons for faq & email us. Use diff icons for each. currently showing same for both. Take refrence of user app & use same design
Rakhi Kadyan
07:12 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7997 (Feedback): My profile screen > work on design by taking refernce of another app & keep header same on all screens
Rakhi Kadyan
07:12 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7997: My profile screen > work on design by taking refernce of another app & keep header same on all screens
by another app , which app are you indicating
User app, delivery boy or some famous app
please provide a screensho...
Rakhi Kadyan
07:10 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7998 (Resolved): On all screens > if there is no any order then there should be text in the center . Suppose i am checking delivered order screen & there is no delivered order then show "No order delivered yet"
Rakhi Kadyan
07:10 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7998: On all screens > if there is no any order then there should be text in the center . Suppose i am checking delivered order screen & there is no delivered order then show "No order delivered yet"
currently "No Order Found" String aati hai center mein, i think its a generic term which suits most of the view. Rakhi Kadyan
07:06 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8083 (Resolved): Home screen > Search field > placeholder text search by order id > keep s capital of Search
Rakhi Kadyan
04:53 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8083 (Closed): Home screen > Search field > placeholder text search by order id > keep s capital of Search
priyanka Sharma
07:06 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7971 (Resolved): Faqs screen > if no faq is there then show "No FAQs Found" & should be in center. check user app for reference
Rakhi Kadyan
07:05 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7971 (In Progress): Faqs screen > if no faq is there then show "No FAQs Found" & should be in center. check user app for reference
Rakhi Kadyan
06:39 PM INSURANCE Bug #8088 (Closed): Demo Server --> Post License -->Insurance --> Approval Of MLRO/MLCO/CO --> As per the document need to add Heding content
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the document need to add Heding content
Mohd Irfan
06:28 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7996 (Resolved): Faq's > if i try to open 2nd question it will not expand the answer and if i click on 1st ques then both are expanding together & work on design as well
Rakhi Kadyan
06:28 PM INSURANCE Bug #7922 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Post license --> Insurance --> Approval Of Change Of Shareholdings Sch.5 --> Qus. 7 --> Married --> if the applicant fields the details in the input field then validation should gets reset
Anisha Kumari
06:27 PM INSURANCE Bug #7995 (Resolved): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Internal_Insurance Company -->Approval of change of Shareholdings Sch.5 --> Qus. 22 --> Check issue below
Anisha Kumari
06:27 PM INSURANCE Bug #8006 (Resolved): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Internal_Insurance Company --> Approve of MLRO --> Qus. 6 --> Check issue below
Anisha Kumari
06:27 PM INSURANCE Bug #8002 (Resolved): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Internal_Insurance Company -->Approval of a director or senior officer Sch.5 --> Qus. 13 --> Check issue below
Anisha Kumari
06:27 PM INSURANCE Bug #7999 (Resolved): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Internal_Insurance Company -->Approval of change of Shareholdings Sch.5 --> Qus. 15 --> Check issue below
Anisha Kumari
06:27 PM INSURANCE Bug #7934 (Resolved): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Internal_Insurance Company -->Approval of change of Shareholdings Sch.5 --> Qus. 8, 9 and 27 --> check issue below
Anisha Kumari
06:13 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8001 (Feedback): Home & Orders screen > Pending order > icon not visible properly
Rakhi Kadyan
06:11 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8001: Home & Orders screen > Pending order > icon not visible properly
the icon correct for pending orders as per the project figma Rakhi Kadyan
05:57 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #8087 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus15 --> Check Issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the client document need to add one more option for the Upload document
See ...
Mohd Irfan
05:54 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8079 (Feedback): Manage store > why i am not able to search with store name kasturi restaurant. As it is showing in the stores list please check
its filter will show of data which verify atleast 4 step. Abhishek Singh PHP
03:26 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8079 (Closed): Manage store > why i am not able to search with store name kasturi restaurant. As it is showing in the stores list please check
priyanka Sharma
05:52 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #8086 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus 7 --> Check Issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the client document need to make a dropdown option for question 7 if the applica...
Mohd Irfan
05:43 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8004 (Feedback): Order history screen > Order amount, items name , order id all things showing wrong
Rakhi Kadyan
02:52 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8004: Order history screen > Order amount, items name , order id all things showing wrong
i think that the attached screenshot is wrong, please update the screenshot and give step wise instruction to reprod... Rakhi Kadyan
05:42 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8005 (Resolved): All History screen > Order detail screen is missing & in screenshot it shows 2 amount INR 450 & INR 1050 . Getting confuse about the exact amount. Please show the amounts with proper explanation here
Rakhi Kadyan
05:29 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #8085 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus 5 --> Check Issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the client document need to add Address 1, address 2, city, state/country, and z...
Mohd Irfan
05:29 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7769 (Feedback): Manage product > view product detail popup > scrollbar should be there
can't understand scrollbar is already there and working
Abhishek Singh PHP
05:26 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7550 (Resolved): Throughout the website we have to show labels name with the field if field type is dropdown. After selecting store name we are not getting what we have selected
this is facility, admin not have it Abhishek Singh PHP
05:17 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7914 (Reopened ): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Trust & Company Managers -->Preston Dillon -->Approval Of MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus.6 --> Check issue below
Mohd Irfan
05:17 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7914: ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Trust & Company Managers -->Preston Dillon -->Approval Of MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus.6 --> Check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been not fixed!
Mohd Irfan
05:16 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7916 (Closed): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Trust & Company Managers -->Preston Dillon -->Approval Of MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus.8,9,10,12 and 19 --> Check issue below
Mohd Irfan
05:16 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8084 (Closed): Add product > why it is not taking discount amount automatically after entering all price fields & cost price is greater than offer price but showing error message. Once i enter correct price this error message should automaically remove
priyanka Sharma
05:14 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7911 (Closed): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Trust & Company Managers -->Preston Dillon --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Sch. 4) --> Check issue below
Mohd Irfan
05:12 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7902 (Closed): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Trust & Company Managers -->Preston Dillon -->Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus 11,15,16,18,19,22,26,27--> Check issue below
Mohd Irfan
05:04 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7898 (Closed): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Trust & Company Managers -->Preston Dillon -->Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus.3, 4 and 5 --> Check issue below
Step to produce the bug:
Mohd Irfan
05:01 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7906 (Reopened ): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Trust & Company Managers -->Preston Dillon -->Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) -->appear document on the admin side should be in alignment
reopened for: document is not visible
Mohd Irfan
04:44 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #8082 (Closed): Order list & detail screen > why order status showing like this ready_to_dispatched
priyanka Sharma
04:40 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7391 (Closed): In order history there is Ready to dispatch status and in filter shipped , if i apply shipped filter no order being shown. How i can apply filter for ready to dispatch orders
priyanka Sharma
04:09 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7526 (Resolved): Manage store > I have applied filter of Store status pending but during export file it shows some store status approved please check
olatayo John
04:08 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7532 (Resolved): Manage categories > export categories > no need to show image column. remove this
olatayo John
04:08 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7533 (Resolved): There is one inactive category but after applying filter of Inactive it shows no record
olatayo John
04:08 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7534 (Resolved): I am searching with any keyword it shows result related to that but why showing pagination
olatayo John
04:07 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7539 (Resolved): Left side bar not active for some menus like Manage Attributes, Manage CMS....etc please check for all dropdown menus
olatayo John
03:50 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7912 (Closed): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Trust & Company Managers -->Preston Dillon -->Approval Of A Director Or Senior Officer (Comp. Mgr. Sch. 3) --> Check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
03:47 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7909 (Closed): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Trust & Company Managers -->Preston Dillon -->Sales, merger or acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Sch. 2) --> Check issue below
Mohd Irfan
03:45 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7895 (Closed): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Trust & Company Managers -->Preston Dillon -->Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus.11,12,15,16 and 18,19,22,26 and 27 --> Check issue below
Mohd Irfan
03:43 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7893 (Reopened ): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Trust & Company Managers -->Preston Dillon -->Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus4, 8, 9 and 28 --> Check issue below
Reopened For: After all documents are visible then i will check this issue Mohd Irfan
03:41 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7892 (Closed): ADMIN --> License Requests --> Post License Requests --> Trust & Company Managers -->Preston Dillon -->Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus. 3, 4 and 5 --> Check issue below

Mohd Irfan
03:33 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #8080 (Closed): Admin --> License Request --> Post License Request --> Madonna Valencia --> Check issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
Latest submitted form from the post license panel should be top of the admin post licen...
Mohd Irfan
03:21 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7554 (Closed): Text not seems centrally aligned. please check on all pages. Text is little bit in upper side. Must be in center
priyanka Sharma
10:55 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7554 (Resolved): Text not seems centrally aligned. please check on all pages. Text is little bit in upper side. Must be in center
Abhishek Singh PHP
03:20 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7546 (Closed): What is the use of this filter icon in search ? already search icon is there. Please keep one search design on all pages.
priyanka Sharma
03:19 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7762 (Closed): Manage partners > listing page > Partner title column > Partner spelling wrong
priyanka Sharma
03:19 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7846 (Closed): Order listing page > please show order status properly Picked up & Ready to dispatch .
priyanka Sharma
03:17 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8003 (Closed): Order list > filters > No option to search with order id.
priyanka Sharma
03:17 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7901 (Closed): Order list page > order id filter missing
priyanka Sharma
03:17 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8078 (Closed): Manage orders > Order id's 258, 259, 253.... are of india but not shwing in the order list after applying filter it shows but on selecting UAE country it shows in order list. check why
priyanka Sharma
03:09 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7913 (Reopened ): Manage offer > why subcategories also showing under category dropdown
priyanka Sharma
03:06 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7956 (Closed): Dashboard > Total register user > why username & country not showing . Only complete profile registrations should shown there .And at top india is selected why we showing India & UAE both.
priyanka Sharma
03:05 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8077 (Closed): Dashboard > Total register order & stores >showing India's data. please make sure whole dashboard show data according to selected country
priyanka Sharma
03:05 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7889 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License -->Approval Of MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus 11, 14 and 17 --> "Age" and "Telephone number" input fields should be in the Numeric.
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
03:03 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7888 (Reopened ): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License -->Approval Of MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus 11 --> Check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
03:01 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7910 (Closed): Offer created but not showing in the offer list. please confirm
priyanka Sharma
03:00 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7887 (Reopened ): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License -->Approval Of MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus 6 & 14 --> Check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
02:59 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7543 (Resolved): Manage product > Select category filter > why showing subcategories in this dropdown and if i search with subcategory no product showing
I remove subcategory from this filter. Abhishek Singh PHP
02:52 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7879 (Reopened ): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus. 11 --> The percentage field should be numeric and the percentage can't exceed 100%
Put a validation message if the applicant adds values more than 100
Mohd Irfan
02:48 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7544 (Feedback): Product export list > no need to show product image & related image column in export & original price column should replace to Cost price everywhere
mam this is quite old please check new one and please add image of .csv file than i will remove, its not clear right ... Abhishek Singh PHP
02:45 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #8007 (Resolved): Search with order id > It should not allow to show order id's of another stores. After searching with any order id of another stores it shows me order details of that store
Rakhi Kadyan
01:37 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7874 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Sch. 4) --> check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
01:36 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7873 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Sch. 4) --> Need to add heading content As per the client - given document
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
01:35 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #8076 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Sch. 4) --> Check issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the document need to make the "Re" input field
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
01:10 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #8075 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus. 15 --> Check Issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the client document need to add one more upload document option for question 15 ...
Mohd Irfan
01:00 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7883 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> All Form --> applicant saves the form with the "NO" option then, after saving the selected value "No" gets Reset to "YES"
Mohd Irfan
01:00 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7885 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License -->Approval Of Change Of Shareholdings (Comp. Mgr. Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus 7,19,24 ,25 and 26 --> Check issue below
Fixed Mohd Irfan
12:58 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7608 (Resolved): Edit tag name > placeholder text overlapping the field name
Abhishek Singh PHP
12:55 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7870 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus. 21a & 21b --> After saving the form Date format gets changed from DD/MM/YYYY to YYYY/MM/DD
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
12:54 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #8074 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) --> After saving a provided document from the entire form is disappears
Step to reproduce the bug:
After saving a provided document from the entire form is disappears
See attached sc...
Mohd Irfan
12:43 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7872 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Sch. 2) --> Date picker with "ref" should come inside the schedule 2 form
Mohd Irfan
12:43 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7868 (Reopened ): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) -- >Qus. 21 a & 21 b --> check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been not fixed!
Mohd Irfan
12:41 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7867 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus.28 --> Check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
12:41 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7862 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus.20 , 21 a & 21 b--> Need to increase the character length of all Grid table input fields from 30 to 200
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
12:32 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7858 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus.17 --> Check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
12:27 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7855 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus. 13 & 14 --> Check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
12:21 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7853 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus. 10 --> check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
12:20 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7851 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) -->Qus. 6 --> instead of input fields, should have the grid to enter multiple addresses with dates
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
12:19 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7851: Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) -->Qus. 6 --> instead of input fields, should have the grid to enter multiple addresses with dates
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
12:18 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7850 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) --> Radio checkbox --> check isseus below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
12:17 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7844 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Trusts Addendum Sch. 1) --> Heading
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
12:13 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7951 (Resolved): Add sub category > select parent category > deleted categories also showing
Abhishek Singh PHP
12:10 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7875 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Approval Of A Director Or Senior Officer (Comp. Mgr. Sch. 3) --> Check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
12:10 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #8073 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Approval Of A Director Or Senior Officer (Comp. Mgr. Sch. 3) --> Check issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the client document need to make fields First, Middle and Last Name and put the ...
Mohd Irfan
11:55 AM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #8072 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Sch. 2) --> Save & validate button should be visible properly instead of half
Step to reproduce the bug:
Save & validate button should be visible properly instead of half
See attached scre...
Mohd Irfan
11:54 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8034 (Reopened ): Ad Category- Highlighted fields should not be there
Shrikant kashyap
11:49 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8038 (Closed): Post ad- User is not able to scroll up when having less wallet amount and posting any ad
Shrikant kashyap
11:49 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8038: Post ad- User is not able to scroll up when having less wallet amount and posting any ad
working fine Shrikant kashyap
11:49 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8037 (Closed): Post Ad- User is able to add multiple ads after posting one ad and reversing back
not reproducible Shrikant kashyap
11:29 AM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7834 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus. 13 and 14-->
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:28 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7954 (Resolved): Manage store > filters > there should be option to search store with their mobile numbers
Abhishek Singh PHP
11:24 AM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7833 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus. 10 -->
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:23 AM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7838 (Closed): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus. 20, 21 a & 21 b --> check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed!
Mohd Irfan
11:18 AM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7841 (Reopened ): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Addendum Sch. 1) --> Qus.4 --> After Saving uploaded document gets disappears
Reopened For: After Saving uploaded document gets disappears
See attached screen Record:
Mohd Irfan


10:51 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8038 (Resolved): Post ad- User is not able to scroll up when having less wallet amount and posting any ad
Narendra Singh
11:30 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8038 (Closed): Post ad- User is not able to scroll up when having less wallet amount and posting any ad
Steps to reproduce
* Sign up with no wallet amount
* click on post an ad> fill details> next> try to scroll up( w...
Shrikant kashyap
10:42 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8034 (Resolved): Ad Category- Highlighted fields should not be there
I didn't find any issue please give a specific reason. Narendra Singh
11:09 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8034 (Reopened ): Ad Category- Highlighted fields should not be there
Homepage> post ad> select category as car & bike >select other
Actual result- Showing irrelevant fields
Shrikant kashyap
10:39 PM Carib bargains - Web Modification/ Enhancements #7713 (Closed): User Chat- Notifications are not displaying
Narendra Singh
10:38 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8033 (Resolved): UI is breaking when having max length character in description
Narendra Singh
11:03 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8033 (Closed): UI is breaking when having max length character in description
Steps to reproduce
Homepage> post ad> add description with more than 1000 character> submit> goto my ad and check ...
Shrikant kashyap
06:42 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8071 (Reopened ): admin --> Licesnse Request --> Post license request --> Test @AugustT --> approval of MLRO --> placeholder name is missing in the admin panel and also designing issue
Step to reproduce the bug:
placeholder name is missing in the admin panel and also designing issue
See attache...
Mohd Irfan
06:42 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7546 (Resolved): What is the use of this filter icon in search ? already search icon is there. Please keep one search design on all pages.
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:35 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7762 (Resolved): Manage partners > listing page > Partner title column > Partner spelling wrong
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:25 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7481 (New): Estimated delivery time is not displaying correctly.
priyanka Sharma
06:22 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7846 (Resolved): Order listing page > please show order status properly Picked up & Ready to dispatch .
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:21 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7764 (New): cart screen > price should take round off value everywhere. please check this issue throughout the app
priyanka Sharma
06:19 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #8003 (Resolved): Order list > filters > No option to search with order id.
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:18 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7901 (Resolved): Order list page > order id filter missing
Abhishek Singh PHP
06:08 PM Carib Bargains - Mobile App Bug #8070 (Closed): Chats- showing red popup after chatting with any user
Chat with any user> open your chat message
Actual result- it is showing red popup instead of chat messages
Shrikant kashyap
06:03 PM Carib Bargains - Mobile App Bug #8069 (New): Product detail page- Searching any product on product details page navigating to previous item
Steps to reproduce
Homepage> Goto any product >search with any product > open any result product
Actual result-...
Shrikant kashyap
05:56 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8068 (Feedback): Demo server --> Post license --> Credit unions --> submit Form --> Admin --> License Request --> Post License --> List
Step to reproduce the bug:
After submitting the form submitted latest form should be top of the post license form ...
Mohd Irfan
05:48 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7823 (Reopened ): Admin --> License request --> Post license request --> Declaration Contact Information --> All text boxes should be the same size and in alignment
Reopened for : designing issue
Mohd Irfan
05:45 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7824 (Closed): Admin --> License request --> Post license request --> Declaration Contact Information -->Qus. 33 --> provided date format from the post license panel gets changed to the admin panel.

Mohd Irfan
05:43 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7827 (Closed): Admin --> License request --> Post license request --> Education Details--> Qus. 35 --> Check issues below
Mohd Irfan
05:42 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7825 (Closed): Admin --> License request --> Post license request --> Education Details-->Qus. 34 --> check issue below

This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed:
See attached Fixed screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
05:39 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7829 (Closed): Admin --> License request --> Post license request --> Reputation & Character --> the text box should be in full size on the admin panel (designing issue)

Mohd Irfan
05:38 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7826 (Reopened ): Admin --> License request --> Post license request --> Education Details--> Qus. 35 --> the values given in the license panel appear different in the admin panel
Reopened for same issues are coming !
Mohd Irfan
05:36 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7828 (Closed): Admin --> License request --> Post license request --> Relationship With Company --> All --> the text box should be in full size on the admin panel
Mohd Irfan
05:36 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7797 (New): I am adding Boat rockerz product in cart it shows me error store is not online. If store not online then its products should not shown anywhere in the app
priyanka Sharma
05:35 PM Carib Bargains - Mobile App Bug #8067 (Closed): Post ad- Sub-category with location filter is not working
Steps to reprodcuce
Post any ad with any category > search product with the same subcategory by selecting the stat...
Shrikant kashyap
05:35 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7830 (Closed): Admin --> License request --> Post license request --> Ownership Information--> Desingning issues
Mohd Irfan
05:33 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7950 (New): Order successful displaying in red error message and after placing order screen not navigates to order history screen. check scenario below
priyanka Sharma
05:26 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7831 (Closed): Admin --> License request --> Post license request --> approve of MLRO/MLCO and CO--> Desingning issues

Mohd Irfan
05:17 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7176 (Closed): Order detail page > order amount is wrong . It is not showing wallet balance, delivery boy tip, discount applied nothing. please show everything
priyanka Sharma
05:15 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7821 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions -->Approve for MLRO --> Qus. 13 --> if the applicant clicks on the input field then the Label name should be at the top
Mohd Irfan
05:14 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7820 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions -->Declaration Particulars--> Radio buttons --> When the applicant opens a new form then all radio buttons should come selected with any radio button or YES/NO option
Mohd Irfan
05:14 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7676 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions -->Ownership Information --> Qus. 51,52 and 53 --> if applicant First time saves Form with "NO" case then after saving and selecting the "NO" options Gets reset to yes
Mohd Irfan
05:12 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7675 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions -->Ownership Information --> Qus. 49 & 50 --> Number, value, and percentage input fields should be numeric and the percentage field can't exceed 100%
Mohd Irfan
05:10 PM Carib Bargains - Mobile App Bug #8066 (New): Related Product- When having single product in related ads, user is not able to reach to its details page
Steps to reproduce
Homepage> select country as Saint kitts and Nevis > select Furniture category > select product ...
Shrikant kashyap
05:05 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7863 (Reopened ): Date format should be dd/mm/yyyy everywhere in web store & admin as well
priyanka Sharma
05:05 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8065 (Feedback): Demo Server --> Post License --> Credit Unions --> NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT --> Check issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
Why this comment is coming here while the applicant has not submitted the application
Mohd Irfan
05:01 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7967 (Closed): Add delivery partner > fill all required fields but not upload any document or image & try to save , delivery boy will get added & if i edit the details shows delivery boy image view icon, on click on it it doesn't open
priyanka Sharma
04:55 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8064 (Closed): Demo Server --> Post License --> Credit Unions --> NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT --> Check issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
After saving the provided values from the "Social Security/Nis" column get disappear
Mohd Irfan
04:47 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8063 (Reopened ): Demo Server --> Post License --> Credit Unions --> NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT --> need to increase the character length of the input field from 30 to 200.
Step to reproduce the bug:
need to increase the character length of the input field from 30 to 200.
See attache...
Mohd Irfan
04:43 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8062 (Closed): Demo Server --> Post License --> Credit Unions --> NOTICE OF CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT --> check issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the client's document need to change the "Legal Name" column to the "Full Name" ...
Mohd Irfan
04:34 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7872 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Sales, Merger Or Acquisition (Comp. Mgr. Sch. 2) --> Date picker with "ref" should come inside the schedule 2 form
Anisha Kumari
04:33 PM TRUST & COMPANY MANAGERS Bug #7875 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Trust & company managers --> Post License --> Approval Of A Director Or Senior Officer (Comp. Mgr. Sch. 3) --> Check issue below
Anisha Kumari
04:27 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8061 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> Notice Of Change Of Management --> Check issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the client's comment need to make dropdown options for directors/committee membe...
Mohd Irfan
04:23 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8060 (Closed): Add delivery partner > fill mandatory fields except vehicle information > click on Save Button > State & city field in address info got reset & delivery boy gets added without selecting them.. No field should reset if forgot to fill any one field
priyanka Sharma
04:20 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7913 (Resolved): Manage offer > why subcategories also showing under category dropdown
Abhishek Singh PHP
04:18 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8059 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> Notice Of Change Of Management -->
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the client's document, No need for a Position/role column
See attached scree...
Mohd Irfan
04:14 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7956 (Resolved): Dashboard > Total register user > why username & country not showing . Only complete profile registrations should shown there .And at top india is selected why we showing India & UAE both.
Abhishek Singh PHP
04:03 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7861 (Closed): During store register or add /edit/view product or add delivery partner everywhere there is upload field, there should be option to view or modify the uploaded image
priyanka Sharma
04:02 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7761 (Closed): Add product , edit product and list product page > price field everywhere > should take round off values automatically. No need to show more than 2 values after decimal
priyanka Sharma
04:01 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8058 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> Notice Of Change Of Management --> Check issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the client document needs to show the date in Date, month and Year format
Mohd Irfan
03:59 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7760 (Closed): Edit any product > edit discount field > giving wrong error for Gross price field
priyanka Sharma
03:53 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8057 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> Notice Of Change Of Management --> Check issues below
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the given document need to put placeholder names in the input fields
See att...
Mohd Irfan
03:45 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7429 (Reopened ): If select hindi language then need to replace english text to hindi at many places. check ss below
priyanka Sharma
03:40 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7910 (Resolved): Offer created but not showing in the offer list. please confirm
Abhishek Singh PHP
03:33 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7475 (Closed): At the time of edit product same fields of add product should shown like Tag. why showing pcs and size value field
priyanka Sharma
03:33 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8056 (Closed): Add & edit product > price fields why taking more than 2 digits after decimal? Througout the website it should take round off values please make sure
priyanka Sharma
03:28 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7817 (Closed): Add product > image not selected and submit the form > app got crash
priyanka Sharma
03:28 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8055 (Closed): Edit product > change add icon to edit, discount amount field appearing blank, why pcs field showing on edit . it was not asked during add product
priyanka Sharma
03:16 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8054 (Feedback): Add product > after entering discount % it overlap the amount in offer price & discount amount field. check on edit page as well
priyanka Sharma
02:59 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8031 (Closed): New store added should be default online online. Client requirement. In admin & web both
priyanka Sharma
02:47 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8053 (Closed): Store register > Bank detail & document tab > I was on 4th step & by mistake browser window closed, i again try to login to fill the last step but it shows me thanku page. I have not filled 4th step completely . check guptaji bhandar store
priyanka Sharma
02:43 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7400 (Reopened ): Thanku registration page > On click of logo it should go to login page or home page
priyanka Sharma
02:34 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8052 (Resolved): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> -->Qus 52 and 53 --> After saving selected date and month should open when applicant clicks on the date.
Step to reproduce the bug:
After saving selected date and month should open when applicant clicks on the date.
Mohd Irfan
02:21 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7818 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions -->Education Details -->Qus,34 and Question 35 --> Date and Radio button --> check 2 issues below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed:
See attached Fixed screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
01:36 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7673 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> Relationship With Company--> Validate & save --> Edit --> "NO" Radio buttons --> Validate & save -->
Mohd Irfan
01:33 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7674 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions -->Reputation & Character--> Validate & save --> Edit --> Selects "NO" Radio buttons --> Validate & save --> check issue below
fixed ! Mohd Irfan
01:24 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7756 (Reopened ): My Chat- chatting with buyer and seller functionality breaking
not working properly at my end Shrikant kashyap
01:19 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8051 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions -->Education Details --> Qus. 35 and 37 --> Check issue below
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. The business number field should be alphanumeric in both fields
2. Rename column na...
Mohd Irfan
01:18 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8050 (Feedback): why label name overlapping with the field. check issue throughout the website. It should not shown like this
priyanka Sharma
01:17 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8049 (Resolved): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions -->Education Details --> Qus. 34 --> after saving Selected Date & month should open on the calendar if the applicant clicks on the date field
Step to reproduce the bug:
after saving Selected Date & month should open on the calendar if the applicant clicks ...
Mohd Irfan
01:10 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8048 (Feedback): After filling required fields this validation message should disappear from the field. check this issue with every textbox or dropdown field
priyanka Sharma
01:05 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8047 (Closed): Store register > Bank detail & document tab > not able to see uploaded image.
priyanka Sharma
12:53 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7670 (Reopened ): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions -->Previous Residence Details -->Qus, 33 --> After saving the Date format gets changed from DD/MM/YYYY to YYYY/MM/DD
Reopened For: the date format has not changed but the calendar is opening with the wrong month instead of the selecte... Mohd Irfan
12:50 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8046 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> Previous Reseidence Details --> Qus. 32 --> Save --> Edit --> Save --> In the Edit case, the Unselected checkbox Gets selected after saving
Step to reproduce the bug:
In the Edit case, the Unselected checkbox Gets selected after saving
See attache...
Mohd Irfan
12:49 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7529 (Resolved): Export user file > User contact no is 8219105849 and after export it is showing -8219105758. check why wrong number and negative sign showing in excel
Abhishek Singh PHP
12:49 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8045 (Closed): Store registration > Select service tab > not showing any validation message for state & city field, without selecting able to go to next step. Please make mandatory sign for required fields
priyanka Sharma
12:42 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7822 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions -->Declaration Particulars --> Qus. 26 --> Applicant is unable to put space in the text on the "place of change" input field
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed:
See attached Fixed screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
12:32 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8044 (Reopened ): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions -->Declaration Particulars --> Qus. 29 --> why this validation is coming on the document field while it is displayed already document uploaded .
Step to reproduce the bug:
why this validation is coming on the document field while it is displayed already the d...
Mohd Irfan
12:27 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7530 (Resolved): User list > I am searching with this mobile number 8219105849, it is showing correct data but mobile no gets reset from phone no field and in status dropdown it is showing pending . check video
Abhishek Singh PHP
12:08 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7137 (Closed): New store register > if user is registered with indian number then inside it no need to ask again to select country. default india will show & its currency
priyanka Sharma
12:06 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7980 (Closed): Store register > contact person details step > if i edit no & enter less than 10digit it allow me to navigate on next step
priyanka Sharma
12:04 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7662 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus. 7,13, 14, 15 and 18 --> Validate & save --> Edit --> Select NO radio buttons --> validate & Save --> check issue below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed:
See attached Fixed screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
12:03 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7663 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus.13,14,15 and 18 --> when the applicant opens the form the first time then radio button should be active in YES
Mohd Irfan
12:03 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7976 (Closed): OTP page > why profile icon showing at top and by default english language should selected
priyanka Sharma
12:03 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7668 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> Declaration Particulars --> when applicant opens the form first time then one radio button should be active
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed:
See attached Fixed screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
12:02 PM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8043 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus 11 --> very first time if the applicant selects not active status and saves, after saving the selected status gets reset to Active and the "Not active" status changes into "deactive"
Step to reproduce the bug:
very first time if the applicant selects not active status and saves, after saving the ...
Mohd Irfan
12:01 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #8042 (Closed): Default english language should shown selected on every page
priyanka Sharma
11:54 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8041 (Closed): Demo Server --> Credit Unions --> Post License --> approval of MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus. 3 and 11 --> Need to remove the asterisk mark on the state field and change the column name status to Select status
Step to reproduce the bug:
Need to remove the asterisk mark on the state field and change the column name status t...
Mohd Irfan
11:50 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6618 (Closed): On edit/add product details left side menu should remain active. Please make it active for all respective inner pages
priyanka Sharma
11:49 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8040 (New): Demo Server --> Credit Unions --> Post License --> approval of MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus. 6 --> after saving the date picker fields convert into the input field, while after saving the date picker should remain the same
Step to reproduce the bug:
after saving the date picker fields convert into the input field, while after saving th...
Mohd Irfan
11:48 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7590 (Closed): Add banner > if i not fill any field and click on save it shows error message only for image banner required , after uploading image if i click again on save it delete the uploaded image and shows error messages for other fields
priyanka Sharma
11:47 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7221 (Closed): If store is of India then by default it should show indian currency need to show options of another country like $ & AED
priyanka Sharma
11:43 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7587 (Closed): Manage banner > Date format should be same everywhere i.e. dd/mm/yyyy . check on list page & export list. Keep same throughout the website
priyanka Sharma
11:41 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7661 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus 11,14 and 18 --> check 3 issues below
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed:
See attached Fixed screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
11:34 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8039 (Closed): Post ad- User is not able to import same image from laptop
Steps to reproduce
post an ad> click on add image> select any image> click on cancle image(*sign)>again select sam...
Shrikant kashyap
11:27 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #8037 (Closed): Post Ad- User is able to add multiple ads after posting one ad and reversing back
Steps to reproduce
Homepage> post any add> reverse back> again click on submit button
Actual result- It is taki...
Shrikant kashyap
11:26 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6628 (Closed): Add delivery partner > Delivery spelling wrong everywhere. Please correct
priyanka Sharma
11:25 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7433 (Closed): Order status > please show properly . ch3ck order status dropdowm as well
priyanka Sharma
11:24 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6792 (Closed): If store is of UAE country then in currency dropdown it should show AED instead of $ and USD
priyanka Sharma
11:23 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8036 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus 06 -->put validation message if the applicant selects invalid end date " End date should not be less than start date" & "Start date should not be greater than end date"
Step to reproduce the bug:
put validation message if the applicant selects invalid end date " End date should not ...
Mohd Irfan
11:14 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #7660 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus, 14 and 17 --> Telephone and age fields should be in numeric
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed:
See attached Fixed screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
11:11 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8035 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus,17 -->after saving if applicant adds one Row to the table input field then the system throws a validation message "allow alphabets only" while the above Rows take alphanumeric.
Step to reproduce the bug:
after saving if the applicant adds one Row to the table input field then the system thr...
Mohd Irfan
11:09 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6954 (Closed): All Orders > After applying Canceled filter it shows 1 record and on dashboard it is showing 2 count
priyanka Sharma
11:07 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7451 (Closed): Delivery partner add >client requirement check points below
priyanka Sharma
11:01 AM CREDIT UNIONS DEMO SERVER Bug #8032 (Closed): Demo Server -->Post License --> Credit Unions --> MLRO/MLCO/CO --> Qus 19 --> As per the client's requirement need to put space between text content.
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the client's requirement need to put space between text content.
Step to repr...
Mohd Irfan
10:52 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6615 (Closed): After registration successful page, there is no option viewing to go back to login page . Please add button like "Back to login" or something else
priyanka Sharma
10:50 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7402 (Closed): Order details > if payment status is pending & if we view the order dettails page crash . I don't think there is need to show orders whose payment is not done. please confirm once
priyanka Sharma
10:48 AM QuikrBox admin Bug #7200 (Resolved): Manage user > modify user details > State, city & profile photo not showing to admin. User has added all details. Default taking Meghalaya in state
Abhishek Singh PHP
10:47 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7899 (Closed): Manage product listing page > There are date filters but no option to see product added date. Please show product added date column
priyanka Sharma
10:18 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #8027 (New): For fashion category ui will be change - like if i select Blue color clothes then all pictures added by vendor with blue color should shown. And multiple options should shown there like All sizes small, medium , large but user can select only one option a
priyanka Sharma
10:17 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #8024 (New): Product detail screen > Attributes added by vendor not showing on frontend like Size , Gender, color etc..everything. Should shown all details too user added by vendor
priyanka Sharma

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