


Shrikant kashyap's activity

From 09/17/2023 to 09/26/2023


05:45 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7905 (Closed): Search result- After searching any item, Enetered text is not refreshing when navigating to homepage
working fine Shrikant kashyap
03:42 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7812 (Closed): Category- Not able to access subcategories, should be in front of category
working fine now Shrikant kashyap
03:41 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7845 (Closed): UI/UX issue- Location category filter showing improper UI
working fine now Shrikant kashyap
03:39 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7848 (Closed): UI/UX issue- Country selection field is breaking at homepage
working fine now Shrikant kashyap
03:38 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7915 (Closed): Contact us- showing 404 error message in post ad
working fine now Shrikant kashyap
03:36 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7908 (Closed): Product detail page- Post ad showing error 404
verified, working fine now Shrikant kashyap


06:25 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7915 (Closed): Contact us- showing 404 error message in post ad
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > scroll down to footer > contact us >scroll down to bottom> click on add a post
Shrikant kashyap
04:43 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7908 (Closed): Product detail page- Post ad showing error 404
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage> profile > my ad> select any ad> scroll down and click on post free ad
Actual res...
Shrikant kashyap
04:21 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7905 (Closed): Search result- After searching any item, Enetered text is not refreshing when navigating to homepage
Steps to reproduce
* Search any item by entering text in search field
* click on item
* Goto homepage
Actual ...
Shrikant kashyap


06:54 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7878 (Closed): Product detail page- Add to favourite is not working properly
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage> select any product > product detail page > click on heart button
Actual result- ...
Shrikant kashyap
04:21 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7859 (Closed): Feedback- Showing error message while submitting any feedback
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage> profile> feedback> fill some details and click on submit
Actual result- Displayi...
Shrikant kashyap
02:36 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7848 (Closed): UI/UX issue- Country selection field is breaking at homepage
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage> select large character country from top right corner
Actual result- right Field ...
Shrikant kashyap
01:39 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7845 (Closed): UI/UX issue- Location category filter showing improper UI
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage> select country as Trinidad and Tobago
* Goto in category and search for mobile pho...
Shrikant kashyap
01:27 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7768 (Closed): Product Detail Page- Add to wishlist functionality is not working in product detail page
Shrikant kashyap


06:03 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7703 (Closed): After signup with new user, showing error message when clicking on profile
working fine Shrikant kashyap
06:02 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7750 (Closed): My wallet- After topup with subscriptions, it is not reflecting in my wallet
verified, not reproducible Shrikant kashyap
06:01 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7776 (Closed): Guest user- showing something went wrong error when adding item to favoute list.
Not reproducible, verified Shrikant kashyap
05:59 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7779 (Closed): Product detail page- showing improper UI
Not reproducible, verified Shrikant kashyap
05:58 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7813 (Closed): Homepage- Highlighted links are showing 404 error message
Shrikant kashyap
01:00 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7813 (Closed): Homepage- Highlighted links are showing 404 error message
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage> scroll down to botton> click on highlighted links
Actual result- Showing 404 error...
Shrikant kashyap
01:37 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7815 (Closed): Sold out tag is not displaying in Sold items
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > profile> my ad> click on sold item> Again goto homepage> search for the same item...
Shrikant kashyap
01:19 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7814 (Reopened ): Search Result- Search functionality is not working with posted ads items
Steps to reproduce
* Post any item > Goto homepage and search with the similar item
Actual result- It is showin...
Shrikant kashyap
12:47 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7812 (Closed): Category- Not able to access subcategories, should be in front of category
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > pets category> select dog as subcategory
Actual result- It is showing at the to...
Shrikant kashyap
12:32 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7811 (Reopened ): My profile- User is able to update mobile no. without verification
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage> profile> change mobile no. from fields
Actual result- It is updating mobile no. ...
Shrikant kashyap


04:48 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7779 (Closed): Product detail page- showing improper UI
Steps to reproduce
* Launch the app as sign in user> Homepage > product detail page> check mobile no.
Actual re...
Shrikant kashyap
04:27 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7776 (Closed): Guest user- showing something went wrong error when adding item to favoute list.
Steps to reproduce
* Launch the app as guest> goto in any item> click on heart button
Actual result- It is show...
Shrikant kashyap
04:11 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7770 (Closed): Product Detail Page- showing 404 error message on clicking view all button.
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage> product detail> click on view all
Actual result- It is showing 404 error message...
Shrikant kashyap
03:53 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7768 (Closed): Product Detail Page- Add to wishlist functionality is not working in product detail page
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > product detail page> click on heart button
Actual result- It is not adding item...
Shrikant kashyap
01:01 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7758 (Closed): Change password- change password showing incorrect spelling
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > profile> setting> change password
Actual result- showing spelling as Passowrd
Shrikant kashyap
12:21 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7756 (Reopened ): My Chat- chatting with buyer and seller functionality breaking
Steps to reproduce
* homepage> profile> my chat> communicate with any user> check buyer and seller chat
Actual ...
Shrikant kashyap
11:59 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7752 (Closed): Ad post- Sub-category filter is not working
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > post an ad > search posted ad with the posted sub-category
Actual result- sub-c...
Shrikant kashyap
11:31 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7750 (Closed): My wallet- After topup with subscriptions, it is not reflecting in my wallet
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > profile > wallet > topup> add subscription > check wallete
Actual result- It is...
Shrikant kashyap


06:50 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7745 (Closed): Sign Up- User is able to verify mobile no. with existing mobile no.
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > sign up > fill detail and add mobile no. which is already registered with account ...
Shrikant kashyap
06:34 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7744 (Closed): Homepage- UI is breaking at homepage/profile name
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage> Post a ad (pre-req.- profile should contains large character's name)
Actual resu...
Shrikant kashyap
06:27 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7743 (Closed): Search Result- Items showing as blank data when clicks on view all button
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > goto in recommended products > click on view all
Actual result- showing blank d...
Shrikant kashyap
06:17 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7742 (Closed): Homepage- Country flag is not updating after selecting any country
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > select country from top right corner
Actual result- Country flag is not updatin...
Shrikant kashyap
04:10 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7738 (Closed): Profile- On clicking post free add, showing Error 404
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > profile > click on post free ads
Actual result- showing 404 error message
Shrikant kashyap
03:56 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7734 (Closed): PostAd- Able to select same country multiple times
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > click on post a free add > select category
* In country fields, try to add same c...
Shrikant kashyap
03:38 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7721: My wallet - whole UI is breaking in wallet page
Shrikant kashyap wrote:
> Steps to reproduce
> Homepage > profile> wallet
> Actual result- UI is breaking.
Shrikant kashyap
02:44 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7721 (Closed): My wallet - whole UI is breaking in wallet page
Steps to reproduce
Homepage > profile> wallet
Actual result- UI is breaking at highlighted points
Shrikant kashyap
03:18 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7727 (Reopened ): Search Result- Search Functionality is breaking with the selected category.
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > search any item with any category.
Actual result- Showing 0 items found
Shrikant kashyap
03:08 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7724 (Closed): My chat- Showing improper UI in my chat while conversation
Steps to reproduce
* Login with first user > profile > chat with any user.
Actual result- Message symbol is not...
Shrikant kashyap
02:50 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7722 (Closed): My Chat- Showing oops error message after deleting any user's chat
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > profile > my chat > select any user's chat > click on 3dots and than delete.
Shrikant kashyap
01:27 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7717 (Closed): My wallet- Adding coin functionality is not working properly
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage > profile >wallet >top up> select points >proceed to pay> submit
Actual result- I...
Shrikant kashyap
12:50 PM Carib bargains - Web Modification/ Enhancements #7713 (Closed): User Chat- Notifications are not displaying
Steps to reproduce
* Launch the app as first user > goto in profile > chat > send message with any user
* Launch ...
Shrikant kashyap
12:05 PM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7705 (Closed): SignUp- SignUp page is not displaying proper Validation in fields (username, email, mobile, password..)
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage> sign up > enter invalid details> sign up
Actual result- Proper validations are n...
Shrikant kashyap
11:56 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7704 (Closed): Select Range slider is not working properly
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage> select category> filter>select range
Actual result- It is scrolling page automat...
Shrikant kashyap
11:52 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7703 (Closed): After signup with new user, showing error message when clicking on profile
Steps to reproduce
* Sign up with new user
* click on profile
Actual result- Displaying error message
Expected ...
Shrikant kashyap
11:46 AM Carib bargains - Web Bug #7702 (Closed): Wrong nagivation displaying when registering with new account
Steps to reproduce
* Homepage
* Login
* Sign Up
* Fill details
* click on sign up
Actual result- 1. Showing w...
Shrikant kashyap

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