priyanka Sharma's activity
From 08/02/2023 to 08/11/2023
- 07:20 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7303 (Closed): Quikmart store > Categories > No need to show store names, direct product name of all stores will shown
- !clipboard-202308031920-uu7wi.png!
- 07:16 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7302 (Closed): Quikmart > Categories > click on any store name > blank screen appeared
- 03:26 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7295 (Feedback): Delivery boy has rejected order but in store app its status getting changed to option to assign delivery boy again
- 03:22 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7294 (Closed): Alaram is on but not working if new order arrives
- 03:17 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7293 (Closed): Profile information > It shows edit icons for Name & Email field but its not clickable
- 03:14 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7292 (Closed): Delivery boy is registered from the app > But if we modify the driver details in admin it shows some fields blank... even Dob field is showing empty
- !clipboard-202308031513-40dqh.png!
- 03:09 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7291 (Closed): I have taken Vechicle type car but in mobile app it is showing bike why? Is it static?
- !clipboard-202308031508-220jb.png!
- 03:07 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7290 (Resolved): Notifications not clickable , even not working not showing any count
- 03:06 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7289 (Resolved): Bank Account details > check how fields appearing like Branch_name
- !clipboard-202308031505-c1zh1.png!
- 02:53 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7288 (Resolved): Complete your profile steps > Select checkbox of permanent address , see all fields not showing ..some are blank
- !clipboard-202308031453-nrac2.png!
- 02:44 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #6622 (Closed): Registration process ?No option to upload profile pic from camera...only option to select picture from gallery.
- 02:44 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #6621 (Reopened ): Create profile screen >> After filling all details of Vehicle & Work area ..if i go to next screen then come back to this screen again fields gets reset. check video attached
- 02:44 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App 1.00 hour (Bug #6621 (Resolved): Create profile screen >> After filling all details of Vehicle & Work area ..if i go to next screen then come back to this screen again fields gets reset. check video attached)
- not fixed yet
- 01:26 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App 1.00 hour (Bug #6620 (Closed): Delivery boy registration process >Work area details > )
- 3rd point not done yet
- 01:26 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #6620 (Reopened ): Delivery boy registration process >Work area details >
- 01:25 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #5950 (Closed): Close and open app after blank Screen > Not able to select the dropdown of vehicle type and work area in create profile screen.
- 01:24 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #5948 (Closed): Register with new number > create profile screen > tap back button > Black screen appears.
- 12:11 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7287 (Closed): Create Profile > Work Area details > Select country > India or UAE > no need to ask country> should take default as [er registered number
- !clipboard-202308031211-a95qw.png!
- 11:07 AM KANZO API issues Bug #7286 (New): profile image - profile api
- 11:07 AM KANZO API issues Bug #7285 (New): Order detail screen > Restaurant address not showing
- 11:06 AM KANZO API issues Bug #7284 (New): After searching any restaurant Distance showing wrong. I have added restaurant in noida and my current location is is showing only 1 km distance between user & restaurant
- 11:06 AM KANZO API issues Bug #7283 (New): search api
- 11:05 AM KANZO API issues Bug #7282 (New): Order history - Order breakup amount is wrong. And one order has two items but it is showing both orders separately, order id,status
- 03:48 PM KANZO User App 2023 Bug #7281 (New): Order breakup amount is wrong. And one order has two items but it is showing both orders separately.
- Order total amount was 920
But here total amount was 790 if we add 270 + 520
check attached screenshots
!clipboa... - 03:38 PM KANZO User App 2023 Bug #7280 (New): Order is not yet delivered . Even not accepted by restaurant but it is showing order delivered date. why? Only order is placed and its status is pending
- 03:36 PM KANZO User App 2023 Bug #7279 (New): Order detail screen > Restaurant address not showing
- !clipboard-202308021536-jkj8w.png!
- 03:34 PM KANZO Store App Bug #7278 (New): No Order received to store user. I have placed 2 or 3 orders for Fast Food restaurant but in store app no order was received.
- 03:32 PM KANZO User App 2023 Bug #7277 (New): Order history screen > order id missing.
- !clipboard-202308021532-6qalv.png!
- 03:31 PM KANZO User App 2023 Bug #7276 (New): After placing order it should automatically navigate to order history screen but it remains on add items screen.
- 03:29 PM KANZO User App 2023 Bug #7275 (New): It is not asking before replacing items from the cart of another restaurant . Like add items of any 1 restaurant then try to add items from another restaurant , it replace the items from the cart but not taking confirmation before replacement
- 03:26 PM KANZO API issues Bug #7274 (New): Why showing restaurants of 7000 km distance. Should show only valid delivery range restaurants to users
- !clipboard-202308021525-swjdu.png!
- 03:24 PM KANZO User App 2023 Bug #7273 (New): No option showing to view cart once items added and come back to home screen.
- 03:21 PM KANZO User App 2023 Bug #7272 (New): After searching any restaurant Distance showing wrong. I have added restaurant in noida and my current location is is showing only 1 km distance between user & restaurant
- !clipboard-202308021521-sw5nk.png!
- 01:29 PM KANZO API issues Bug #7271 (New): After registering new user if account is not activated from the admin panel & user try to register or login with same number it again ask for registration instead of message like your account is under review.....
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