


Nitin Kumar's activity

From 07/12/2023 to 07/21/2023


05:53 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #6944 (Resolved): Total Breakdown time displaying wrong.
Nitin Kumar


07:49 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7205 (Resolved): Complaint details > Read more button is not working.
Nitin Kumar
05:34 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7218 (Resolved): Exception Report > Remove the dots.
Nitin Kumar
04:00 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7228 (Resolved): Customers Details > Buttons are overlapping
Nitin Kumar
11:55 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #6971 (Resolved): Change the date format in all module where the csv and xlsx file can be downloaded.
Nitin Kumar
11:54 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #6950 (Resolved): Technician Jobs > View Details on any technician > Download CSV > Check the alignment of the records, Change the date format , Displaying 0 in first record.
Nitin Kumar


08:08 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7215 (Resolved): Dispatch item from action column > Change the validation.
Nitin Kumar
07:48 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7203 (Resolved): Job Assigned page > Dispenser side displaying blank.
Nitin Kumar
07:47 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7209 (Resolved): Download Csv/Xsls of unallocated calls > Displaying Http error 500.
Nitin Kumar
07:46 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7210 (Resolved): Exception report > No data is displayed in List View. ( Check the video link )
Nitin Kumar
07:46 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7208 (Resolved): Dashboard > Total pending calls for spare displaying 6 but displaying 0 in list view and also displaying Total count 0 in detail view. (check the video link below.)
Nitin Kumar
11:51 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7182 (Resolved): Complaint detail > Spare details > Delete button should be in red.
Nitin Kumar
11:30 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7009 (Resolved): Once Job is completed by technician , From web panel, should admin able to change the status to under observation?
Nitin Kumar


07:53 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #6971 (Resolved): Change the date format in all module where the csv and xlsx file can be downloaded.
Nitin Kumar
07:07 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7188 (Resolved): Spare Requirements > Type of complaint is repeated.
Nitin Kumar
06:44 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7190 (Resolved): Download XSLS file > Only date should be displayed in the Spare Request Date Column.
Nitin Kumar
06:44 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7192 (Resolved): Dashboard > Technician jobs > Download csv/xsls > Change the date format in excel
Nitin Kumar


06:06 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7166 (Resolved): Part Dispatch > Action column > Click Status > Change the spelling Fualty to Faulty.
Nitin Kumar
06:05 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7169 (Resolved): Notification > Display the full text.
Nitin Kumar
03:54 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #6996 (Resolved): Assign a job to technician > Change the validation message " Job assigned successfully ".
Nitin Kumar
03:36 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #6953 (Resolved): Exception Report > Values are not displayed in status search filter
Nitin Kumar
02:53 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7088 (Resolved): Item Master > View status > Why this dispatch status is shown? Change to Spare type.
Nitin Kumar
02:45 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #6891 (Resolved): Job Assignment details page > Picture is shrinked and not able to see full text. Show the full text.
Nitin Kumar


12:49 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7165 (Resolved): Exception report > Download csv > Only Dispenser serial no. should be displayed in Dispenser serial no. column.
Nitin Kumar
12:48 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7164 (Resolved): Dashboard > total no. of call > Search filter > From date > Date should be in DD format.
Nitin Kumar
11:39 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7161 (Resolved): Dashboard > Click total no. of call > Download csv and xslx file > no data is displayed. Check the link below.
Nitin Kumar
11:38 AM Compac Help Desk Bug #7162 (Resolved): Dashboard > No data is displayed when csv and excel file are dowloaded.
Nitin Kumar


02:25 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7132 (Resolved): Job assigned page > Edit dispenser no. > Remove suggestion list. Should open only dispenser dropdown list.
Nitin Kumar
01:02 PM Compac Help Desk Bug #7160 (Resolved): Dashboard > Technician Job > click on Test 3 technician > Complaint is not displayed when complaint number is searched. (Check video link below).
Nitin Kumar

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