priyanka Sharma's activity
From 07/03/2023 to 07/12/2023
- 05:19 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7163 (Closed): Not able to add new delivery boy as it not showing any error message after submitting the all details....form getting refreshed. Please check it
- 11:08 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7098 (New): order is placing for UAE but on razorpay screen it is showing indian currency
- 05:15 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7159 (Closed): After using wallet balance not updated in profile. check video shared on skype
- 04:15 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7158 (Closed): Order history screen > bill details > Item price showing wrong. check ss below
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Chicken *2 = 600 . Its offer price is 550 & selling price is 600, so it should ... - 12:20 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7157 (Resolved): If there is no internet connection then show proper error message on screen with logo No internet connection when user try to use or open the app
- 12:20 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7156 (Closed): If there is no internet connection then show proper error message on screen with logo No internet connection when user try to use or open the app
- 12:20 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7155 (Resolved): If there is no internet connection then show proper error message on screen with logo No internet connection when user try to use or open the app
- 11:24 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7151 (Closed): Notifications screen > scroll not working .
- 11:21 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7150 (Closed): Add delivery boy > delivery boy vehicle image field missing
- 11:03 AM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7149 (Closed): When register new store OTP verification screen Resend OTP & Verify OTP buttons seems exchanged. On click of Resend OTP it verifies the OTP & on click of Verify OTP it resends the otp
- 07:38 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7141 (Closed): Edit store > edit or change store timings > it shows store details updated but in actual its not it remains same
- 07:19 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7105 (Closed): After recharge wallet , navigate it to wallet screen instead of Add money screen
- 07:16 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7113 (Closed): Check alignment on checkout page
- 07:11 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7140 (Closed): Cart screen > return policy text > replace the subheading text with this "Orders one placed cannot be returned or exchanged"
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- 07:07 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7139 (Closed): Follow the same design as per screenshot attached. store name & Add more button should come like this
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- 05:56 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7138 (Closed): Manage store > store registration date missing on listing page and why store type is showing Store
- 05:54 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7137 (Closed): New store register > if user is registered with indian number then inside it no need to ask again to select country. default india will show & its currency
- 02:43 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7129 (Closed): Manage order listing page > Customer name, order date ...all are missing please discuss with Dharamveer sir & keep the needful fields
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- 02:40 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7128 (Closed): Manage orders > no need to show product name on order listing page...and view order details page is missing. We have to show all details of this order
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- 01:18 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7127 (Closed): If store is offline then it should show in gray screen and user should not able to place order
- 01:11 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7126 (Closed): Manage orders > check shipping address column
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- 12:58 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7125 (Closed): Manage orders > check how order status appearing
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- 12:56 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7124 (Closed): Manage Orders > No option to view order details
- 12:55 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7123 (Closed): Manage orders > why same order id repeating. Only 1 order id should shown and latest order should shown at top
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- 07:16 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6765 (Closed): Store app > Menu items > same issue - price showing in $ price showing incorrect. Both product have diff amounts and images showing but taking too much time to load
- 07:15 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7120 (Resolved): Menu screen > If item has offer price then show offer price otherwise it will show selling price
- 07:14 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6991 (Closed): Notification > latest should shown at top
- 07:11 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6797 (Closed): I have selected dubai location but in Trending it shows indian stores. why? Only show trending stores of UAE
- 07:11 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6863 (Closed): Quikmart categories > courior > why showing 2982.18 km store to me?
- 07:09 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7075 (Closed): Home > User not able to add another location
- 07:06 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6441 (Closed): Order History screen - please check issues below
- 07:06 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6447 (Closed): Basket screen > Product item should clickable & should navigate to product screen on click
- 07:05 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6839 (Closed): On the checkout page, customers will be allowed to view the Address, Payment Method Selection Option, List of Added Products, Price breakdown, and Total Order Value, with the Pay Now Button.
- 07:04 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6813 (Closed): On cart screen there is no option to view store name and to go to same store to add more items of that store
- 07:03 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6849 (New): Customers/Users will be allowed to view a history of the past three months' orders. No filter is there as per acceptance criteria
- 07:02 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6854 (New): Notification > As a registered user, I want to access the Notification so that I can able to view all notifications that I receive on a different action. Missing as per acceptance criteria
- 07:02 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6835 (Closed): Home > Blank screen appeared below the shop by category. Add proper banner here
- 07:01 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6948 (Closed): Wallet balance not updated, At the time of order place i have used 420 rs but in wallet it still shows 420 balance And in debit shows null value
- 07:00 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6798 (Closed): Why not showing Supermarket category for UAE country. I have added items in this category but category not showing to user
- 07:00 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6811 (Closed): Please change the error message "you can't place this order. Minimum order amount should be Rs/AED 400. Currency is missing right now
- 07:00 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6764 (Closed): Store app > Pending orders > Product image missing & why showing amount in $. It should be rs 80
- 06:59 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6856 (Closed): Similar items > why other store items showing in similar. Only products of same store should shown
- 06:57 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7119 (Feedback): Add product >no option showing to add product in top offers
- 06:55 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7023 (Closed): Order history > why wallet balance displaying null. it should be 0
- 06:54 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7022 (Closed): Price not sowing correct
- 06:48 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7118 (Closed): On checkout amount was 3075 AED and on payment page it was 3200rs. why ?
- 06:41 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7117 (Closed): order details & cart screen > if wallet balance used is 0 then show 0 amount instead of null value
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- 06:20 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7116 (Closed): Order not placed successfully because 2 razorpay running in the app...and one is not working . check video on skype
- 06:18 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7115 (Closed): Store is offline but still user able to see the store in user app
- 06:05 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7114 (Feedback): Sometimes coupons showing & sometimes not. check video on skype
- 06:02 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7113 (Closed): Check alignment on checkout page
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- 05:54 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7111 (Feedback): User is already done full registration with UAE no but if he try to login again with same no it again ask to complete profile
- 05:51 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7110 (Feedback): User is registered with UAE number but able to login with Indian number .It should open new registration form for indian no
- 01:06 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7107 (Feedback): Order history > I ahve paid 0 amount in order because i have used wallet amount during in order history screen it should show 0 amount paid
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- 01:03 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7106 (Feedback): After placing order using wallet amount deducted but wallet balance not updated.
- 01:01 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7105 (Closed): After recharge wallet , navigate it to wallet screen instead of Add money screen
- 12:52 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7104 (Closed): If i add address with same label name like home address already i have added , and i am adding another address with home label again then it should show error message "Home address already selected. Please select another label."
- 05:21 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6442 (Closed): Delete address options some time showing but most of the time i can't see that option.
- 05:21 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7015 (Closed): Discount type is in percentage but in app it is showing in flat value. It should be 50 % not Rs 50
- 05:15 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6900 (Reopened ): After successful wallet payment loader doesn't stop & wallet spelling wrong
- 05:15 PM Quikrbox User app 1.00 hour (Bug #6900 (Closed): After successful wallet payment loader doesn't stop & wallet spelling wrong)
- loader issue still there
- 05:14 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6861 (Closed): Not able to place order for UAE country
- 04:56 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7037 (Closed): Items Price showing different on store items screen and product detail screen
- 04:56 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7014 (Closed): If there is only 1 banner then it should not move. Check throughout the app
- 04:15 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7099 (Closed): iIem is pending from webstore butt in mobile app user able to see that items in similar items section
- 04:13 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7038 (Reopened ): Cart screen > if no coupon availa able then it should not show in error form like Coupon not available. And no need to show no top coupon or other coupon available...Only show text in center "No coupon found"
- 04:13 PM Quikrbox User app 1.00 hour (Bug #7038 (Closed): Cart screen > if no coupon availa able then it should not show in error form like Coupon not available. And no need to show no top coupon or other coupon available...Only show text in center "No coupon found")
- still not resolved
- 04:11 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7098 (Closed): order is placing for UAE but on razorpay screen it is showing indian currency
- 04:05 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7095 (Closed): After making payment if we go back from mobile back button it is asking to cancel payment ....i have cancelled but order showing also placed and in cart items still showing. please check this issue
- video shared on skype
- 03:17 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7093 (Closed): Edit store > No option in store to change the currency . By mistake if user has selected indian currency in UAE country then there is no option showing to change it
- 02:48 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7091 (Closed): Before cancel order please ask user Are you sure you want to cancel this order?
- 02:47 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7090 (Closed): Order history > Bill order total showing wrong. It's not including service fee & delivery boy tip
- 12:09 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7077 (Closed): Store close timing shows n/a
- 12:09 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7081 (Closed): I have added product description in bullets but in app it is not showing as it is. Please show count, bullet whatever format has been added from vendor should shown same in the app
- 05:39 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7081 (Closed): I have added product description in bullets but in app it is not showing as it is. Please show count, bullet whatever format has been added from vendor should shown same in the app
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- 04:00 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7078 (Closed): Cart showing item but on click it is empty. Scenario is 1st add any items from one account in cart then logout the user and login with the other user & check the cart it will show count in cart but cart was empty on click
- 03:54 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7077 (Closed): Store close timing shows n/a
- 02:58 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7075 (Closed): Home > User not able to add another location
- 01:07 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6848 (New): Order history > Reorder > user is allowed to re-order the same product from the same store but out of stock product is also available for purchase. It should not happen. Only product is in stock then it should available for reorder
- 04:15 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7064 (Closed): I have added new store in UAE & register new customer in same location ...but user not able to see store anywhere. If i see the store in that category then the screen not load...please check urgently
- 04:05 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7063 (Resolved): Getting this error on many screens sometimes. don't know why
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- 04:04 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7062 (Closed): Home > Manage Address > edit address > changing country name india to UAE but its not updated. check shared video on skype
- 03:48 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7061 (Closed): Manage product listing > remove City column from here if there is no need
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- 03:40 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7060 (Resolved): Direction to store > After click on picked up button ..there is popup arrive succesfully picked...this close button & continue button not working & text is dummy in the popup
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- 03:38 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7059 (Resolved): Direction to store screen > there are two buttons Item picked and All orders picked ...why using 2 buttons ...and on click of Item picked button it's not working
- 03:37 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7058 (Closed): When order receives there are two buttons Accept & Reject, on click of Reject nothing happen. please check this issue
- 03:32 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7057 (Closed): Add product > after getting error uploaded images got vanished from add product form. Only error should shown with that field . rest fields should remain same
- Suppose i have filled all fields of form and on submit i am getting error like offer price should less than or equal ...
- 03:28 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7056 (Closed): Add product > offer price is equal to selling price but still getting error while submitting product form
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- 03:26 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7055 (Feedback): Store has no option to add multiple images. Only 1 image can upload from web store Another one is product logo. Store should have option to add atleast 4 images
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- 01:40 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7054 (Closed): Store listing > store logo not showing
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- 01:29 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #7053 (Closed): View store details : Store photo not appearing
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- 01:27 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #7052 (Closed): After store registration content appear is wrong. please correct it
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- 05:43 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7051 (Closed): Store app > Find delivery boy > when finding delivery boy internal & external both delivery boy's showing
- 05:36 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7050 (Resolved): If Delivery boy is autoassigned then in this case delivery boy not able to mark order delivered ...he gets logout from the app.
- 04:54 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7048 (Resolved): After making order delivered no message appearing order delivered successfully ...or should navigate to delivery history screen
- 04:48 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7047 (Closed): Delivery history screen > Destination location have some null values and no currency showing with amount
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- 04:34 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #7046 (Closed): Hpme screen count not updated automatically, order is delivered but not showing 1 count. Please update thee counts or amount automatically
- 04:31 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7045 (Closed): Home screen > Today's order > 28 complete > static count showing . please make it dynamic
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- 04:10 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7044 (Resolved): Order id, customer name , store name, order items etc...all are missing in order deliver process. Please follow MIIS app . Remove static text khana city at top
- 04:02 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7043 (Resolved): Direction to drop > what is this address id :360. Show proper store address location And change text User Add to Customer Address.
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- 03:58 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7042 (Closed): Direction to store screen > what is pickup 0 here? show proper text
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- 03:54 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7041 (Resolved): No option seeing to delivery boy to complete the order process if I close, back or kill the app in mid of the using app or processing order. There should be provision to complete the order delivery process
- 03:33 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7040 (Closed): Delivery boy > picked order screen > after closing app if i open the app again it asks for complete profile again. Fix this on priority
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- 03:24 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7038 (Closed): Cart screen > if no coupon availa able then it should not show in error form like Coupon not available. And no need to show no top coupon or other coupon available...Only show text in center "No coupon found"
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- 03:12 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7037 (Closed): Items Price showing different on store items screen and product detail screen
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