priyanka Sharma's activity
From 06/23/2023 to 07/02/2023
- 06:08 PM Quikrbox Delivery Boy App Bug #7031 (Resolved): Alarm toggle not working fine. I am enabling it but it automatically gets off
- 04:29 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7023 (Closed): Order history > why wallet balance displaying null. it should be 0
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- 04:26 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6942 (Closed): If original & selling price both are same then no need to show cut the price . Only show direct price
- 04:25 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6977 (Closed): Need to change show price in user app. Now only show selling price on the app , if it has offer price than show offer price
- 04:24 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #7022 (Closed): Price not sowing correct
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- 01:49 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7015 (Closed): Discount type is in percentage but in app it is showing in flat value. It should be 50 % not Rs 50
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. - 01:45 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6940 (Closed): Cart screen > why product image not showing if i increase the product qty
- 01:17 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7014 (Closed): If there is only 1 banner then it should not move. Check throughout the app
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- 01:10 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #7013 (Closed): Guest login > Add location > asking registration form > after submitting details stucked on complete profile screen > not navigating to Add address screen
- 01:04 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6973 (Closed): I have added store banner fro web store but it is not reflecting in user app under that store
- 01:04 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6984 (Closed): Quikmart > Correct spelling Trading now to "Trending now
- 01:03 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6985 (Closed): Guest login >check arrow overlap on text
- 01:03 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6986 (Closed): Guest login > Home screen > what is need of back icon here & after entering full address it ask to create account. It should not allow to add address until login an account
- 01:02 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6987 (Closed): Guest login > on selecting any store it shows error of http 400
- 05:29 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6991 (Closed): Notification > latest should shown at top
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- 05:22 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6987 (Closed): Guest login > on selecting any store it shows error of http 400
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- 05:20 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6986 (Closed): Guest login > Home screen > what is need of back icon here & after entering full address it ask to create account. It should not allow to add address until login an account
- 05:18 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6985 (Closed): Guest login >check arrow overlap on text
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- 05:14 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6984 (Closed): Quikmart > Correct spelling Trading now to "Trending now
- 04:01 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6977 (Closed): Need to change show price in user app. Now only show selling price on the app , if it has offer price than show offer price
- 03:58 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6975 (Closed): Api's not created for store top offer products
- 03:44 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6973 (Closed): I have added store banner fro web store but it is not reflecting in user app under that store
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- 03:12 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6857 (Closed): Similar items> Items should be clickable on click of any item and should navigate to that item
- 03:11 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6952 (Closed): Guest login > Go to any item to add in cart > it will ask to login > after completing profile it is navigating to address screen and stucked on profile complete screen
- 03:11 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6951 (Closed): Guest login > In cart it is showing 3 items but on click on it, cart seems empty
- 02:01 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6943 (Closed): Why showing out of stock items in cart. If product is not available then it should not add in cart there you can show that out of stock
- 06:45 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6958 (Closed): Left side bar > Menu link should not highlighted on their inner pages. Like If i am on Mange store it highlights the Manage Store in sidebar but if i am on edit or view page then it doesn't. It should be active on inner pages as well.
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- 06:42 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6957 (Closed): Titles missing on some pages like Manage Store, Manage Users...check this on all pages. Proper heading should shown on all pages & their inner pages as well. Like if i am on Edit user detail page then should show Edit User detail
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- 03:56 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6954 (Closed): All Orders > After applying Canceled filter it shows 1 record and on dashboard it is showing 2 count
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- 11:12 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #6952 (Closed): Guest login > Go to any item to add in cart > it will ask to login > after completing profile it is navigating to address screen and stucked on profile complete screen
- check video
- 11:06 AM Quikrbox User app Bug #6951 (Closed): Guest login > In cart it is showing 3 items but on click on it, cart seems empty
- 04:36 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6948 (Closed): Wallet balance not updated, At the time of order place i have used 420 rs but in wallet it still shows 420 balance And in debit shows null value
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- 04:30 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6855 (Closed): Order amount is greater than store minimum requirement but if i am using wallet it shows me error of minimum order value should be 300
- 04:21 PM Quikrbox - Api issues 1.00 hour (Bug #6899 (Resolved): User not able to see uploaded photo which he has uploaded at the time of registration)
- still same
- 04:21 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6899 (Reopened ): User not able to see uploaded photo which he has uploaded at the time of registration
- 04:20 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6903 (Closed): Nearby stores > why showing stores of 350km... Only nearby stores should shown to me
- 04:20 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6908 (Closed): I am not able to change shipping address on cart screen
- 04:15 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6819 (Closed): Accepted Orders : It shows 3 count in accepted but after click on it there are 5 orders. why?
- 04:14 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6820 (Closed): Home screen > 4 total order's ...what it includes? If these are total today's order then i am seeing only 9 count total 6 for pending & 3 for accepted . How 14?
- 04:13 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6816 (Closed): Today's pending order > latest order should shown at top.
- 04:12 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6817 (Reopened ): Today's pending order >Total : show currency with amount like indian or UAE whatever order has.
- 04:12 PM QuikrBox Store app Issues 1.00 hour (Bug #6817 (Resolved): Today's pending order >Total : show currency with amount like indian or UAE whatever order has.)
- still same
- 04:02 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6947 (Closed): Home & Cart screen > change shipping address> add more location > after searching any address it is not picking address manually. Only loader loads on the screen.
- 02:57 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6858 (Closed): Product detail screen > not able to see multiple product images. Only showing 1 image. White blank screen showing
- 02:57 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6838 (Closed): Cart > Add More option will be there. If customers/users want to add more products from the same store then they will be allowed to add the products.
- 02:57 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6844 (Reopened ): Order history screen > wrong product quantity description showing. Please check both screenshots . I have take 4 quantities of Loose potato
- 02:57 PM Quikrbox User app 1.00 hour (Bug #6844 (Closed): Order history screen > wrong product quantity description showing. Please check both screenshots . I have take 4 quantities of Loose potato)
- Still working same. shared screenshots on skype
- 12:41 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6941 (Closed): Product detail screen > not able to swipe if it has more than 2 images
- 10:17 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6810 (Closed): If mobile no is not registered then it should not send for OTP...It should say Mobile number is not registered . Please do registration from web store.
- 10:17 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6804 (Closed): My profile screen > check what error is displaying this?
- 10:16 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6826 (Reopened ): My profile : not getting proper heading or subheadings. Differentiate properly . And why showing store documents if it doesn't required to this store.
- 10:16 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues 1.00 hour (Bug #6826 (Closed): My profile : not getting proper heading or subheadings. Differentiate properly . And why showing store documents if it doesn't required to this store.)
- still some headings in small letters and some in caps. Please check it properly
- 10:12 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6814 (Closed): Alarm & Online status > Text color should be green in case of ON and should black or gray in case of OFF
- 10:10 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6822 (Closed): Profile > On selecting country dropdown why it shows No dota...what is dota? haven't checked spellings?
- 10:08 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6823 (Closed): Profile Faq's > What is this error ? If no faq's yet then show No Faq's found instead of this error
- 10:05 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues 1.00 hour (Bug #6825 (Closed): After searching order id why showing item icon with order id?)
- Still same
- 10:05 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6825 (Reopened ): After searching order id why showing item icon with order id?
- 10:04 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues 1.00 hour (Bug #6824 (Closed): Search order > check issues below)
- 3rd point still not fixed
- 10:04 AM QuikrBox Store app Issues Bug #6824 (Reopened ): Search order > check issues below
- 07:53 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6837 (Closed): List & Grid view on all product list screen . Missing as per matched with acceptance criteria
- 07:46 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6897 (Closed): Order id missing on order detail screen. At top no need to show amount with 2 items rs 2103. You can show order id in place of amount
- 07:15 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6896 (Closed): Search Faq's > Close icon not appearing good & if there is no FAQ found on search then show text "No FAQs found"
- 07:15 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6898 (Closed): why showing old logo? Change it throughout the app
- 07:14 PM Quikrbox User app 1.00 hour (Bug #6900 (Closed): After successful wallet payment loader doesn't stop & wallet spelling wrong)
- still same loader doesn't stop
- 07:14 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6900 (Reopened ): After successful wallet payment loader doesn't stop & wallet spelling wrong
- 07:12 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6904 (Closed): Home > address icon > not able to click> this whole address section should be clickable
- 07:10 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6599 (New): User can add only 1 address for home,1 for office & multiple for others. Currently I am able to select multiple address with home name & office
- 06:55 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6943 (Closed): Why showing out of stock items in cart. If product is not available then it should not add in cart there you can show that out of stock
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- 06:26 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6942 (Closed): If original & selling price both are same then no need to show cut the price . Only show direct price
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- 06:25 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6941 (Closed): Product detail screen > not able to swipe if it has more than 2 images
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- 05:26 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6940 (Closed): Cart screen > why product image not showing if i increase the product qty
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- 01:52 PM Quikrbox Web Store Bug #6933 (Feedback): Why it is showing error The phone has already been taken...i just registered with this no and and in contact details i am entering same number but it gives me error.
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- 07:51 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6925 (Closed): Quikmart categories > I have added product in quikmart stores but in app only stores name appearing . I am going to buy product but it is not showing any product in particular store and asking for shop by category
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No need of subcategories in quikmart . Product will shown directly - 07:47 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6924 (Closed): I am adding quikmart categories but it is replacing main home categories with same name. It should not replace main home categories. Quikmart categories will be different
- 07:44 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6923 (Closed): Add Banner in quikmart or not in quikmart > Select store field > store names appearing wrong . Please show proper store names according to location wise
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- 07:42 PM QuikrBox admin Bug #6922 (Feedback): I have added quikrmart banner but it is not reflecting in mobile app for any location
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- 05:51 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6855 (New): Order amount is greater than store minimum requirement but if i am using wallet it shows me error of minimum order value should be 300
- 05:50 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6899 (New): User not able to see uploaded photo which he has uploaded at the time of registration
- 05:49 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6902 (New): Hindi language > On some screens text not updated in hindi. please check below screenshots
- 05:47 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6908 (New): I am not able to change shipping address on cart screen
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