Irfan Varis's activity
From 06/16/2023 to 06/25/2023
- 03:17 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6855: Order amount is greater than store minimum requirement but if i am using wallet it shows me error of minimum order value should be 300
- order place krte time wallet use kr rahe ho tab bhi amount me total amount hee bhejna hai.
- 12:48 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6765 (Resolved): Store app > Menu items > same issue - price showing in $ price showing incorrect. Both product have diff amounts and images showing but taking too much time to load
- 12:48 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6796 (Resolved): For Dubai country why it showing Indian currency. If store is of Dubai then it should show its own currency
- 12:30 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6797 (Resolved): I have selected dubai location but in Trending it shows indian stores. why? Only show trending stores of UAE
- 10:34 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6855 (Resolved): Order amount is greater than store minimum requirement but if i am using wallet it shows me error of minimum order value should be 300
- 10:33 AM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6811 (Resolved): Please change the error message "you can't place this order. Minimum order amount should be Rs/AED 400. Currency is missing right now
- 05:21 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6833 (Resolved): Cart screen > Return policy text > where it comes from ? No option viewing in admin panel to add this text
- 05:20 PM Quikrbox User app Bug #6833: Cart screen > Return policy text > where it comes from ? No option viewing in admin panel to add this text
- Policy section in store panel not in admin panel. Every store has separate policy
- 06:58 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6798: Why not showing Supermarket category for UAE country. I have added items in this category but category not showing to user
- use country_id parameter in this api
- 06:57 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6798 (Resolved): Why not showing Supermarket category for UAE country. I have added items in this category but category not showing to user
- 06:19 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6800 (Resolved): I am searching store name but it is showing items of that store instead of store name. why?
- 06:19 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6801 (Resolved): After searching product name > item image not showing . please check
- 05:55 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6763 (Resolved): Store has added minimum order value Rs 300 but here user able to place order less than 300. It should n't happen
- 01:27 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6760 (Resolved): Product detail screen > check issues below
- 01:26 PM Quikrbox - Api issues Bug #6760: Product detail screen > check issues below
- currency is getting in correspondence store of product
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