


Narendra Singh's activity

From 06/07/2023 to 06/16/2023


03:40 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6774 (Resolved): Comment should send on click of enter key of keyboard
Narendra Singh
12:15 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6753 (Resolved): Enter comment placeholder text >"enter comment here" after entering text placeholder text should not shown
Ye placeholder nai h ye label (title) h ye input ke sath hota h Narendra Singh
12:13 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6775 (Resolved): Post already disliked > check spelling of alreaday
Narendra Singh


06:58 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6752 (Resolved): After updating post why it asking choose post image
Narendra Singh
11:24 AM Voting & police frontend Bug #6752 (Resolved): After updating post why it asking choose post image
Narendra Singh
06:58 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6751 (Resolved): No post yet - do this text in center
Narendra Singh
03:28 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6751 (Resolved): No post yet - do this text in center
Narendra Singh
06:57 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6742 (Resolved): My post > video link not showing
Narendra Singh
12:45 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6742 (Resolved): My post > video link not showing
Narendra Singh
06:57 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6737 (Resolved): Post already liked ...spelling wrong "alreday"
Narendra Singh
06:56 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6736 (Resolved): After deleting post message is wrong comment deleted. It should be Post deleted
Narendra Singh
06:55 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6701 (Resolved): My All post > No option viewing to inactive or delete the post . Please provide facilty
Narendra Singh
04:07 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6665 (Resolved): After sending post comment , count not refreshed on home screen. We have to refresh again then it is showing
Narendra Singh
04:07 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6738 (Resolved): After sending comment count not refreshed automatically. We have to refresh again website then it is showing. why?
Narendra Singh
03:16 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6711 (Resolved): latest post/compaign >check how video link appearing. Shows logo instead of video
Narendra Singh
03:16 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6691 (Resolved): Blog detail popup > I have added serail no.s or points like 1,2 for lines but on frontend serial numbers not appearing
Narendra Singh
03:00 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6707 (Resolved): Post detail popup > Image stretched and text is in gray bold color ..please make it normal black text without bold and why showing logo. And in detail popup not able to see or click on comment
Narendra Singh
01:25 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6750 (Resolved): My Profile dropdown > please align icons & text properly
Narendra Singh
01:25 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6740 (Resolved): Change password > confirm password & new password doesn't match but still password getting changed and two error message appearing
Narendra Singh
01:24 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6744 (Resolved): Please show email icon in username field on login & forgot password page & we can change placeholder text as well username to Email address
Narendra Singh
11:27 AM Voting & police frontend Bug #6745 (Resolved): Reset password email - text is very small. unable to read
Narendra Singh
11:26 AM Voting & police frontend Bug #6746 (Resolved): Password reset request email > here is written click on link below but its not clickable we have to copy paste the link.
Narendra Singh
11:26 AM Voting & police frontend Bug #6747 (Resolved): On login page, change password page, home page link seems active
Narendra Singh
11:26 AM Voting & police frontend Bug #6748 (Resolved): Applicant login page > no option to view password
Narendra Singh
11:25 AM Voting & police frontend Bug #6749 (Resolved): Applicant login page > validation message wrong if not enter anything in username & password field. It should be "Email id & Password required" And if any one field not filled then "Email required" or "Password required"
Narendra Singh


06:40 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6743 (Resolved): Forgot password > if not enter email id in username field then error message is wrong. It should be Please enter email id
Narendra Singh
06:19 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6741 (Resolved): My all post > check text at footer No post yet & home link showing active why?
Narendra Singh
06:17 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6737 (Resolved): Post already liked ...spelling wrong "alreday"
Narendra Singh
06:16 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6736 (Resolved): After deleting post message is wrong comment deleted. It should be Post deleted
Narendra Singh
06:16 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6735 (Resolved): After updating post message is displaying "comment updated successfully". change it to Post updated successfully
Narendra Singh
05:26 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6734 (Resolved): Fields label font & color different on all pages . It should be same on all pages. check attached ss below .
Narendra Singh
04:44 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6733 (Resolved): Online Voting page > title should be Online Voting instead of Election
Narendra Singh
04:44 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6732 (Resolved): About us page > UPCOMING ELECTION banner > Minutes spelling wrong here also
Narendra Singh
04:44 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6731 (Resolved): Change password > mandatory sign missing with fields
Narendra Singh
04:17 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6708 (Resolved): Post comment > if not entering any message and sending comment then null message sent by default with message comment posted successfully. Please sow error message Please enter comment to send"
Narendra Singh
03:28 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6659 (Resolved): I have created one post but under My post no record is showing. It will show when admin approve but it's wrong. User can see its post with status Approval pending
Narendra Singh
02:46 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6701 (Resolved): My All post > No option viewing to inactive or delete the post . Please provide facilty
Narendra Singh
02:44 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6698 (Resolved): My All post > not able to scroll properly. Text overlapping
Narendra Singh
02:43 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6697 (Resolved): latest post/compaign > posted date is wrong. Today is 7th june and it shows 6th june posted date. I have posted it today
Narendra Singh
02:40 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6706 (Resolved): Login & Change Password > no option showing to view & hide password. Please provide facility
Narendra Singh
02:39 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6705 (Resolved): Change Password > change error message "Please enter all input". It should show "Please enter new password & confirm password"
Narendra Singh
02:39 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6704 (Resolved): Forgot password > Replace the text Please check your mail for password reset to "Please check your email for a password reset."
Narendra Singh
02:39 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6703 (Resolved): Forgot password > wrong error message displaying if email id is wrong . Please show "Please enter valid email id"
Narendra Singh
02:39 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6702 (Resolved): Forgot Password > Please enter email to genrate new password > Generate spelling is wrong. please correct it
Narendra Singh
02:38 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6696 (Resolved): Profile update success message should be "Profile updated successfully"
Narendra Singh
02:38 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6695 (Resolved): Why always home page being showing active if i open any footer links like privacy policy, tems conditions or any pager
Narendra Singh
02:38 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6694 (Resolved): Social media setting > I have updated youtube below link but on frontend it navigates only on
Narendra Singh
02:37 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6684 (Resolved): FAQ's > There should be space between serial no & questions
Narendra Singh


06:56 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6689 (Resolved): Blog detail popup > Scrollbar is not added . Due to this check how popup appeared . And blog date is showing wrong. Today is 7th june & it shows 6th june
Narendra Singh
06:38 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6680 (Resolved): Footer text - It should be Terms & Conditions
Narendra Singh
06:32 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6678 (Resolved): Latest News & Articles > news details popup > created date is wrong. Today is 7th june and it is showing 6 june
Narendra Singh
06:20 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6673 (Resolved): Contact us form - mandatory sign should be there for required fields
Narendra Singh
06:20 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6672 (Resolved): Contact us - After sending enquiry success message wrong Enquiry sended should be ""Thank you for reaching out! We have received your message and will be in touch shortly."
Narendra Singh
06:20 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6669 (Resolved): Change password :- Replace the text - Enter new password & Confirm Password & change the icons it should be password key
Narendra Singh
06:11 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6675 (Resolved): Header >Language dropdown have two more languages hindi & spanish but these are not working
Narendra Singh
06:11 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6674 (Resolved): My profile dropdown > Some links not working from here like Settings & privacy, Faq's , Help & support while it works from footer
Narendra Singh
05:02 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6676 (Resolved): Latest News & Articles > Deleted news showing on frontend . please check
Narendra Singh
05:00 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6661 (Resolved): My app post > delete icon not working.
Narendra Singh
01:24 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6668 (Resolved): Forgot Password email : text is very small ..unable to read
Narendra Singh
01:05 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6667 (Resolved): Create post > getting error on submit new post
Narendra Singh
12:57 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6664 (Resolved): Post comment > profile pic wrong showing wo is going to comment on post. User who is sending comment whose picture should shown
Narendra Singh
12:48 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6663 (Resolved): Post comment > user profile pic not showing
Narendra Singh
12:42 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6662 (Resolved): Latest Post > post image not appearing . Logo is showing instead of post image
Narendra Singh
12:26 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6660 (Resolved): My All Post > check how edit & delete icons overlapping and post image not showing. what is text post-user? Please show properly all design
Narendra Singh
12:03 PM Voting & police frontend Bug #6655 (Resolved): See all notifications > navigating to 4040 page
Narendra Singh
11:58 AM Voting & police frontend Bug #6650 (Resolved): Online voting page > Countdown time > minutes spelling wrong
Narendra Singh
11:58 AM Voting & police frontend Bug #6651 (Resolved): Edit profile > no profile pic showing and in bio >p> tag appeared
Narendra Singh
11:57 AM Voting & police frontend Bug #6654 (Resolved): Online Voting page > Home/Election > Click on home link > navigates to 404 page. please navigate to direct home page instead of 404 page
Narendra Singh
11:52 AM Voting & police frontend Bug #6652 (Resolved): My All Post > no post yet text is overlapping on footer text
Narendra Singh

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