


Dharmanshu Gupta's activity

From 03/15/2023 to 03/24/2023


07:14 PM Collection Auction Bug #6249 (Resolved): Home page --> Login --> Seller information --> First & last names should be shown on the seller information page.
Dharmanshu Gupta
07:03 PM Collection Auction Bug #6251 (Resolved): Home Page --> Login --> my collection --> if I click on the product name then I am getting a 404 page
Dharmanshu Gupta
06:54 PM Collection Auction Bug #6257 (Closed): Home page --> Login --> Guest Login --> Guest user is not able to logout
Dharmanshu Gupta
06:22 PM Collection Auction Bug #6254 (Resolved): Home page --> Login with Partners/user --> Add product --> My collection --> Select any products --> Sell --> Check issue below
Dharmanshu Gupta
06:21 PM Collection Auction Bug #6258 (Feedback): Home page --> Login --> My collection --> Product List --> check issue below
In the Admin side the product status is admin product status and in the frontend it is seller product status Dharmanshu Gupta
06:16 PM Collection Auction Bug #6252 (Resolved): Home page --> Login --> Our partners --> if partners add all category products like Jewelry, watches, and pens the product should be shown partners list as category-wise.
Dharmanshu Gupta
06:07 PM Collection Auction Bug #5977 (Resolved): Home --> Login --> My collection --> product list --> active --> my collection --> select product --> Promote --> If partner/users promote product with Vip add , promoted product is not displaying on Vip add screen
Dharmanshu Gupta
03:40 PM Collection Auction Bug #5375 (Feedback): Home page --> Need to implement this point on the website as per the client document, Customers will be able to view FAQs and other policies, terms, and conditions on the website.
As of now watch filter is not created because we have to add API functionality. Need to discuss with Dharamveer sir f... Dharmanshu Gupta
03:40 PM Collection Auction Bug #5377 (Feedback): Home page --> Go with product --> Need to implement as per the client document Buyers can submit their reviews on products purchased through the website by receiving an invite for review by the seller.
As of now watch functionality is not created. Need to discuss with Dharamveer sir for the same.
Dharmanshu Gupta
03:39 PM Collection Auction Bug #5406 (Feedback): Home --> Watch --> If applicant clicks on the watch category then No data is showing here.
As of now watch filter is not created because we have to add API functionality. Need to discuss with Dharamveer sir f... Dharmanshu Gupta
03:26 PM Collection Auction Bug #5407 (Resolved): Home Page --> Search --> watch --> if applicant search with watches category then only 1,2,3 pagination appears, if applicant selects 2 then 1-5 paginations are showing,
Dharmanshu Gupta
03:23 PM Collection Auction Bug #5991 (Resolved): Home Page --> My collection --> add product -->My collection --> product view page --> after place the product on the bid sell option should be shown on the product page but right now sell option is missing.
Dharmanshu Gupta
03:18 PM Collection Auction Bug #5992 (Resolved): Home Page --> Login with partner --> My collection --> Add product --> added partner product will not be visible without selling any product, if products are on sale then the partner product will be shown inside the "Our partner" section otherwise The add
Dharmanshu Gupta
01:05 PM Collection Auction Bug #6245 (Resolved): Home page --> Login --> Advertisement --> Sort by --> if the user selects the "sort by" button then the user getting a database error
Dharmanshu Gupta


03:34 PM Intranet - New Bug #6237 (Resolved): Admin login > Gallery management > validation message should display below the text field.
Dharmanshu Gupta


05:20 PM Intranet - New Bug #6223 (Resolved): Admin Login > Media Gallery > Add new > Fill the details and click submit without clicking radio buttons of events. > displaying database error.
Dharmanshu Gupta
03:48 PM Intranet - New Bug #6217 (Resolved): Admin login > Media gallery > change the image name and press enter from keyboard > website gets crashed
Dharmanshu Gupta


06:29 PM Intranet - New Bug #6178 (Resolved): Admin and user login > Click media gallery > open image > see the images.
As dicussed,the issue is not replicating Dharmanshu Gupta
06:08 PM Intranet - New Bug #6179 (Resolved): Admin Login > Media Gallery > No validation is displayed in Department field.
Dharmanshu Gupta
05:36 PM Intranet - New Bug #6182 (Resolved): Admin login > click media gallery > delete the image > change record to image.
Dharmanshu Gupta
05:34 PM Intranet - New Bug #6173 (Resolved): Admin Login > Gallery Management > Make the edit button colour in blue and swap the position of edit and delete buttons.
Dharmanshu Gupta
05:31 PM Intranet - New Bug #6195 (Resolved): Admin login > Gallery management > open gallery list > add pagination > Only 10 records should display in 1 page.
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:46 PM Intranet - New Bug #6099 (Feedback): user login > Not able to like and share the media gallery as per document
As discussed with Dharamveer sir the functionality will be added later. Dharmanshu Gupta
12:40 PM Intranet - New Bug #6146 (Resolved): Admin login > Media gallery > fill the data in the field and click on submit > getting this error.
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:19 PM Intranet - New Bug #6147 (Resolved): User login > Click on media gallery > getting error
Dharmanshu Gupta


07:54 PM Intranet - New Bug #6134 (Resolved): User login > Privacy policy > Check the position of the View button.
Dharmanshu Gupta
07:36 PM Intranet - New Bug #6073 (Resolved): Media gallery > images should not display 2 times.
Dharmanshu Gupta
07:31 PM Intranet - New Bug #6121 (Resolved): Edit images of media gallery > click back button > should not navigate to the list page.
Dharmanshu Gupta
02:59 PM Intranet - New Bug #6076 (Feedback): Media Gallery > On Page 3 , I am getting this.
Dharmanshu Gupta
02:56 PM Intranet - New Bug #6084 (Resolved): Add media gallery > Make the same text field size.
Dharmanshu Gupta
02:54 PM Intranet - New Bug #6072 (Resolved): Update media gallery > Change the delete icon colour :- Blue to red.
Dharmanshu Gupta
02:52 PM Intranet - New Bug #6071 (Resolved): Media gallery > Edit > delete 1 picture > Change the word :- Record to picture.
Dharmanshu Gupta
02:42 PM Intranet - New Bug #6079 (Resolved): Media gallery > Click View details > Click on image > Add a close button.
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:39 PM Intranet - New Bug #6043 (Resolved): User > Leave > Apply Leave > Validation message should get disappeared if any data is entered by the user.
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:30 PM Intranet - New Bug #6127 (Resolved): Admin Login > Leave list > Only view button will be displayed if leave is approved or dis-approved by admin.
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:07 PM Intranet - New Bug #6045 (Resolved): Admin login > Leave management > Leave list > Remove Hiphen (-) from Employee name
Dharmanshu Gupta


07:41 PM Intranet - New Bug #6098 (Resolved): Admin --> Login --> Search --> Searched value should not appear on the input field after the search
Dharmanshu Gupta
07:21 PM Intranet - New Bug #6039 (Resolved): user login > Apply leave > click on submit > validation message should show on every field.
Dharmanshu Gupta
06:51 PM Intranet - New Bug #6042 (Resolved): User > Leave list > Text should be displayed in centre if no data is displayed.
Dharmanshu Gupta
06:31 PM Intranet - New Bug #6040 (Resolved): user login > Apply leave > Validation message pop-up text > Change the spelling :- form to format.
Dharmanshu Gupta
06:30 PM Intranet - New Bug #6041 (Resolved): user login > Apply leave > Change the validation message :- To date is required.
Dharmanshu Gupta
06:28 PM Intranet - New Bug #6043 (Resolved): User > Leave > Apply Leave > Validation message should get disappeared if any data is entered by the user.
Dharmanshu Gupta
06:08 PM Intranet - New Bug #6045 (Resolved): Admin login > Leave management > Leave list > Remove Hiphen (-) from Employee name
Dharmanshu Gupta
05:09 PM Intranet - New Bug #6047 (Resolved): Admin login > Leave management > Leave list > Add space between the text in type field :- Casual Leave.
Dharmanshu Gupta
05:06 PM Intranet - New Bug #6051 (Resolved): Leave > If admin Un-approve the leave, User should not able to edit the leave which is up-approved by the admin. For now, he is able to edit the same leave. After un-approve, user should apply for new leave.
Dharmanshu Gupta
04:44 PM Intranet - New Bug #6054 (Resolved): Admin login > Settings > Privacy policy > Add a title name of the page " Add Page "
Dharmanshu Gupta
04:38 PM Intranet - New Bug #6055 (Resolved): Admin login > Privacy Policy > Fields name should be in blue.
Dharmanshu Gupta
04:08 PM Intranet - New Bug #6056 (Resolved): Admin login > click Support > Privacy policy > Decrease the text size of privacy policy. Also increase the text size of terms and condition description.
Dharmanshu Gupta
04:01 PM Intranet - New Bug #6057 (Resolved): Admin login > edit employees > add add 2 achievement > Login the user > Click on profile and click employee recognition > Only 1 achievement is displayed. (Check the video link below)
Dharmanshu Gupta

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