


priyanka Sharma's activity

From 03/15/2023 to 03/24/2023


06:10 PM House Tax Web Bug #6188 (Closed): ULB TYPE LIST > Please ask before deleting any record . It directly deletes the record . Check this issue throughout the web
priyanka Sharma
05:57 PM House Tax Web Bug #6190 (Reopened ): ULB LIST > No option to search with any field.
priyanka Sharma
05:56 PM House Tax Web Bug #6186 (Closed): User List page > Check spelling of Aadhar No.
priyanka Sharma
05:55 PM House Tax Web Bug #6170 (Closed): Survey detail page > Correct the spelling of Aadhar Number & Mohhalla
priyanka Sharma
05:54 PM House Tax Web Bug #6197 (Closed): Survey detail page > please show Rs currency with the amount for all fields
priyanka Sharma
05:53 PM House Tax Web Bug #6166 (Closed): Survey details page > Correct the spelling of Survey
priyanka Sharma
05:51 PM House Tax Web Bug #6171 (Closed): Survey details page > some fields are missing in detail page. check below
priyanka Sharma
05:25 PM House Tax Web Bug #6259 (In Progress): ULB LIST page > Pagination not working
priyanka Sharma
05:23 PM House Tax Web Bug #6205 (Closed): Wallet page > check issues below
priyanka Sharma


12:14 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #5993 (Closed): Blank screen appeared if I try to login with diff. accounts on same devices.
priyanka Sharma
12:14 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6009 (Closed): Podcasts > Go live > All episodes > -Episode alignment is not good. Also in date time - add a space after comma. I think we can remove the no of days left. Refer screenshot
priyanka Sharma
12:13 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6226 (Closed): Home screen > Categories section > hide "View more". No need of it.
priyanka Sharma
12:13 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6228 (Closed): In Categories book count shows 0 while its loading. after few seconds it shows the number once all books are loaded.
priyanka Sharma


04:23 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6232 (Resolved): The font color in podcast episode is too dark and size is too small
priyanka Sharma
01:10 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #6229 (New): provide ability to inactivate books in admin panel. show only active books
priyanka Sharma
01:09 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6228 (Closed): In Categories book count shows 0 while its loading. after few seconds it shows the number once all books are loaded.
priyanka Sharma
12:53 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6226 (Closed): Home screen > Categories section > hide "View more". No need of it.
priyanka Sharma
10:41 AM Puthagam Android App Bug #6070 (Closed): Please stop app in landscape mode
priyanka Sharma


06:22 PM House Tax App Bug #6215 (Closed): If amount payment is in decimal then app got crash during the payment
priyanka Sharma
06:16 PM House Tax App Bug #6213 (Closed): Property or Surveys screen > the latest added survey form should shown at top on listing screen
priyanka Sharma
06:15 PM House Tax Web Bug #6212 (Closed): Survey detail page : if I add amount in decimal it should take in round off value
priyanka Sharma
06:10 PM House Tax App Bug #6210 (Closed): Add Survey form > Select floor dropdown > need to improve the design many blank space showing in the dropdown & count 1- 20 showing together
priyanka Sharma
06:08 PM House Tax App Bug #6209 (Closed): After login with credentials it shows message "success". what it is? Please show proper messgage like "Logged in "
priyanka Sharma
06:06 PM House Tax App Bug #6208 (Closed): After opening app > Logo showing blurred . please correct it
priyanka Sharma
06:04 PM House Tax Web Bug #6207 (Reopened ): Transaction page : check issues below
1. Shows Rs with the amount
2. Latest transaction record should shown at top.
priyanka Sharma
05:58 PM House Tax Web Bug #6205 (Closed): Wallet page > check issues below
1. Balance spelling wrong
2. Show Rs sign with amount
3. After making any payme...
priyanka Sharma
05:45 PM House Tax App Bug #6204 (Closed): Top up Success screen > Click on Done Button > should navigate to Bills screen instead of Survey forms...As i have to search or connect again with user
priyanka Sharma
05:44 PM House Tax App Bug #6203 (Closed): After making payment Top up success screen appear ...replace Top Up to "Payment Successfull"
priyanka Sharma
05:42 PM House Tax App Bug #6202 (Closed): User detail screen > check issues below:
1. Survey date showing wrong
I have searched user 455803018934943613 with this unique id & i did survey of today's...
priyanka Sharma
04:52 PM House Tax App Bug #6201 (Closed): Survey form > After scan any id > pay amount from wallet > After paying any bill click on back button at top.
After payment of any bill top success message will appear > from here I clicked back icon at top > it shows the amoun... priyanka Sharma
04:34 PM House Tax App Bug #6199 (Closed): Install app > check spelling of property everywhere
priyanka Sharma
04:24 PM House Tax App Bug #6198 (Reopened ): Survey Forms > click on Wet waste Processing, management & recycling . check issues below
1. After connecting with device , click on any EPC id
2. User details screen > click on search icon > Property tax ...
priyanka Sharma
04:21 PM House Tax Web Bug #6197 (Closed): Survey detail page > please show Rs currency with the amount for all fields
priyanka Sharma
04:03 PM House Tax Web Bug #6191 (Resolved): All pages issue : After add or edit any form it should navigate to list pages. Implement on all pages of website
priyanka Sharma
03:58 PM House Tax Web Bug #6190 (Reopened ): ULB LIST > No option to search with any field.
priyanka Sharma
03:47 PM House Tax Web Bug #6188 (Closed): ULB TYPE LIST > Please ask before deleting any record . It directly deletes the record . Check this issue throughout the web
priyanka Sharma
03:41 PM House Tax Web Bug #6186 (Closed): User List page > Check spelling of Aadhar No.
priyanka Sharma
03:30 PM House Tax Web Bug #6185 (Closed): Login as a admin > check profile pic design
priyanka Sharma
03:24 PM House Tax Web Bug #6183 (Reopened ): After logout it navigates to 419 expired page. It shouldn't be like this
priyanka Sharma
03:21 PM House Tax Web Bug #6181 (Resolved): SURVEY FORM LIST > Downlaod file> On list page it shows 1 records but after downloading excel file it shows 100 records. I think it taking deleted data as well. Please recheck
priyanka Sharma
03:19 PM House Tax Web Bug #6180 (In Progress): SURVEY FORM LIST > Check issues below for search filter
1. After searching anything the text entered in search field should not remove
2. No Reset & Clear Button is there f...
priyanka Sharma
03:10 PM House Tax Web Bug #6176 (New): Side bar Menu > Side menu link should be active for every page & their inner pages
priyanka Sharma
03:05 PM House Tax Web Bug #6174 (In Progress): Survey details page > Downloads pdf > check invalid testing data showing in pdf.
priyanka Sharma
03:02 PM House Tax App Bug #6172 (Closed): Edit Survey details > Form B > Dropdown fields seems reset on edit. Check State, District , ULB & Select floor dropdown
priyanka Sharma
02:59 PM House Tax Web Bug #6171 (Closed): Survey details page > some fields are missing in detail page. check below
1. Ownership Type - Single or Joint
2. Residential, Commercial, Mix , subcategory of property owner
3. State, Distr...
priyanka Sharma
02:51 PM House Tax Web Bug #6170 (Closed): Survey detail page > Correct the spelling of Aadhar Number & Mohhalla
Correct one is :-
Aadhaar Number
priyanka Sharma
02:45 PM House Tax App Bug #6169 (Closed): Surveys or property screen > Ownership field > showing wrong value. Follow the below scenario :
1. First select ownership type > Single owner
2. On edit choose radio button ...
priyanka Sharma
02:37 PM House Tax Web Bug #6168 (In Progress): Survey details > uploaded or attached image not showing in the detail form
priyanka Sharma
02:35 PM House Tax App Bug #6167 (Closed): Edit screen > On edit survey details attached image not showing
priyanka Sharma
02:32 PM House Tax Web Bug #6166 (Closed): Survey details page > Correct the spelling of Survey
priyanka Sharma
02:31 PM House Tax App Bug #6165 (Closed): Surveys Tab > seems no difference during edit form. Title Form A should replace to Edit Form A, B...and submit button should replace to Update
priyanka Sharma
01:29 PM House Tax Web Bug #6164 (Closed): Survey Form list - Latest record should shown at top
priyanka Sharma
01:28 PM House Tax App Bug #6163 (Closed): Validation error message for all fields - need to remove First from all messages.
priyanka Sharma
01:05 PM House Tax App Bug #6161 (Closed): Labels name > Needs to work on field labels. As after putting anything in the fields the labels name not appearing. We can use Material text field design for this
priyanka Sharma
12:48 PM House Tax Web Bug #6159 (In Progress): User list page > check issues below:
1. Search not worked with Employee full name
2. After searching anything the data entered in search field got reset ...
priyanka Sharma
12:37 PM House Tax Web Bug #6158 (In Progress): After creating staff navigate to staff list URL . Currently it remains on same page
priyanka Sharma
12:36 PM House Tax Web Bug #6157 (Resolved): After creating any staff, success message appearing like Staff created successfully.. Please show success message after creating anything
priyanka Sharma
12:33 PM House Tax Web Bug #6156 (Closed): Staff Create page > No heading or Title displaying on page
priyanka Sharma
12:30 PM House Tax Web Bug #6154 (Closed): This type of error should not come if we direct paste logged IN URL. In this case navigate it to main login screen
priyanka Sharma
12:05 PM Intranet - New Bug #6128 (Closed): Edit Subdepartment > Check issues below:
priyanka Sharma
12:05 PM Intranet - New Bug #6130 (Closed): Add subdepartment > Add button should replace to "Submit" to keep the format same
priyanka Sharma
12:04 PM Intranet - New Bug #6119 (Closed): Department Issues :- check below
priyanka Sharma


04:17 PM Intranet - New Bug #6064 (Reopened ): Knowledge base search > if no data found or less than 10 records found related to search then pagination should not shown ...if I go to 2nd page it resets the data.
priyanka Sharma
04:16 PM Intranet - New Bug #6064 (Resolved): Knowledge base search > if no data found or less than 10 records found related to search then pagination should not shown ...if I go to 2nd page it resets the data.
priyanka Sharma
04:01 PM Intranet - New Bug #6064 (Closed): Knowledge base search > if no data found or less than 10 records found related to search then pagination should not shown ...if I go to 2nd page it resets the data.
priyanka Sharma
04:11 PM Intranet - New Bug #6061 (Closed): Knowledge base page > If there are multiple departments then it should show all department names in a title
priyanka Sharma
04:10 PM Intranet - New Bug #6058 (Closed): Knowledge base : - Latest added knowledge base should shown on top at 1st page
priyanka Sharma
03:58 PM Intranet - New Bug #6060 (Closed): Knowledgebase detail - On banner image department name not showing
priyanka Sharma
03:56 PM Intranet - New Bug #6133 (Reopened ): Knowledge base > Add description > the description which i have added should shown at it is on detail page.
priyanka Sharma
02:44 PM Intranet - New Bug #6133 (Resolved): Knowledge base > Add description > the description which i have added should shown at it is on detail page.
Suppose if I add description in bold, numeric italic text from editor then it should shown same as it is on detail pa... priyanka Sharma
12:41 PM Compac web Bug #6091 (Reopened ): After click on any notification it does not clear count or nothing appear...It only close the popup on click
priyanka Sharma
11:23 AM Intranet - New Bug #6130 (Closed): Add subdepartment > Add button should replace to "Submit" to keep the format same
priyanka Sharma
11:22 AM Intranet - New Bug #6129 (Resolved): Afrer updating parent department it should navigate to Main department page
priyanka Sharma
11:20 AM Intranet - New Bug #6128 (Closed): Edit Subdepartment > Check issues below:
1. Fields label not matched with design
2. View list Button missing on subdepartment page. It should navigate on sub...
priyanka Sharma


05:54 PM Intranet - New Bug #6119 (Closed): Department Issues :- check below
1. Description not showing as exact of during add. Should be same on detail page
2. After add or edit subdepartment...
priyanka Sharma
05:06 PM Compac App Bug #6117 (New): Profile picture not getting updated.
priyanka Sharma
04:44 PM Compac App Bug #6100 (New): Notifications screen > if there is no data then this message comes. Please show proper text like "No notification yet"
priyanka Sharma
04:10 PM Compac App Bug #6096 (New): App crash on forgot password
priyanka Sharma
03:18 PM Compac web Bug #6091 (Reopened ): After click on any notification it does not clear count or nothing appear...It only close the popup on click
priyanka Sharma
02:17 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #5985 (Closed): Podcast screen > if there is one podcast then cover the full screen from top and if more than one 1 then please show one full and one half as you showing in home page
priyanka Sharma
02:16 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6011 (Closed): After finishing the book the current book gets added in suggested section. why?
priyanka Sharma
02:11 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6033 (Reopened ): continue listening section is not getting updated with the current books in progress
priyanka Sharma
02:08 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6070 (Closed): Please stop app in landscape mode
priyanka Sharma
11:33 AM Intranet - New Bug #6064 (Resolved): Knowledge base search > if no data found or less than 10 records found related to search then pagination should not shown ...if I go to 2nd page it resets the data. priyanka Sharma
11:23 AM Intranet - New Bug #6062 (Resolved): Latest in knowledge base > multiple departments should shown there. Only 1 finance is showing currently
priyanka Sharma
11:18 AM Intranet - New Bug #6061 (Closed): Knowledge base page > If there are multiple departments then it should show all department names in a title
!clipboard-202303161117-bob9d.png! priyanka Sharma
11:08 AM Intranet - New Bug #6060 (Closed): Knowledgebase detail - On banner image department name not showing
priyanka Sharma
10:53 AM Intranet - New Bug #6058 (Closed): Knowledge base : - Latest added knowledge base should shown on top at 1st page
priyanka Sharma


05:43 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6053 (Resolved): IOS :- Profile page > Manage categories > back icon missing
priyanka Sharma
05:27 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6049 (New): If 1st chapter has no audion then it should automatically play 2nd chapter instead of being pause on 1st chapter. please look on it.
priyanka Sharma
05:11 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6003 (Closed): History section is also not getting updated with latest books listened
priyanka Sharma
04:10 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6004 (Closed): continue listening section is not getting updated with the current books in progress
priyanka Sharma
03:50 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6034 (Closed): There are so many books in self help & business category but in suggestion it show only 2 or 3 books . why?
priyanka Sharma
03:48 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #6013 (Reopened ): Check Business or Self help category > On scrolling some of books getting repeated. please check the issue
priyanka Sharma
01:08 PM Intranet User end issues Bug #5773 (Closed): Departments page >click on message icon > showing payload invalid error
priyanka Sharma

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