


Mohd Irfan's activity

From 12/09/2022 to 12/18/2022


11:19 AM GLISTEN Bug #5359 (Closed): Glistenrea --> Home Page --> If user discover with "Greater Noida" location then page is getting blur
Step to Reproduce the bug:
Glistenrea --> Home Page --> If user discovers with "Gurgaon" location then page is get...
Mohd Irfan
10:46 AM GLISTEN Bug #5358 (Closed): Glistenrea --> Home Page --> Header content --> Designing issue
Step to reproduce the bug:
Glistenrea --> Home Page --> Header content --> Designing issue
see attached scr...
Mohd Irfan
10:41 AM GLISTEN Bug #5357 (Closed): Gistenrea --> Home Page --> Slider of premium property --> User is not able to click cross (X) button, means cross button is not working
Step to Reproduce the bug:
Gistenrea --> Home Page --> Slider of premium property --> cross button is not workin...
Mohd Irfan


07:15 PM GLISTEN Bug #5356 (New): Home page --> Dropdown button --> Need to remove extra space between the dropdown box and dropdown option.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Need to remove extra space between the dropdown box and dropdown option.
See atta...
Mohd Irfan
06:56 PM GLISTEN Bug #5355 (Closed): Home Page --> Search --> Filter property -->Why the property status values are not showing on the "office rent" properties?
Step to Reproduce the bug:
Why the property status values are not showing on the "office rent" properties?
Mohd Irfan
06:22 PM GLISTEN Bug #5354 (Resolved): Home page --> Search --> Filter property --> Please put more than 2 values (content) on the "Independent house" property
Step to reproduce the bug:
Please put more than 2 values (content) on the "Independent house" property
See att...
Mohd Irfan
06:14 PM GLISTEN Bug #5353 (Closed): SUBSCRIPTION --> Classic user's should not be able to post more than 10 properties
Step to reproduce the bug:
password --> 123456
SUBSCRIPTION --> Classic user's should...
Mohd Irfan
12:44 PM GLISTEN Bug #5350 (Feedback): Home page --> Search --> Filter Property --> Filter page showing 4 pics in property but inside the "property view" applicant is not able to view 4 pics( means Right and left arrows are not working)
Step to reproduce the bug:
Filter page showing 4 pics in property but inside the "property view" applicant is not ...
Mohd Irfan
11:52 AM GLISTEN Bug #5349 (New): Home Screen --> Login --> view profile --> why this -1 value is showing on the "preview property" if an applicant did not put any area values in the student PG section.
Step to Reproduce the bug:
why this -1 value is showing on the "preview property" if an applicant did not put any ...
Mohd Irfan
10:57 AM GLISTEN Bug #5348 (Feedback): Home Page --> Login --> Language -->if applicant change English to Hindi and Hindi to English then applicant's name inside the dropdown button is showing different.
Step to reproduce the bug:
if applicant change English to Hindi and Hindi to English then applicant's name inside ...
Mohd Irfan


07:06 PM GLISTEN Bug #5318 (Reopened ): Swadha--> Home --> Search --> Filter page --> Need to correct the spelling of "Not furnishing" to "Not furnished"
issue is not fixed yet
Furnishing status is showing NA
Mohd Irfan
06:46 PM GLISTEN Bug #5297 (Closed): Home page -->Login --> Filter Page --> View property --> If applicant clicks on the contact owner button then validation message should be coming on the click.
This issue has been verified !
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
06:21 PM GLISTEN Bug #5326 (Closed): Swadha --> Home Page --> Search --> Filter Property --> If the applicant searches Noida Extention location then the entire page gets blur.
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan


01:22 PM GLISTEN Bug #5314 (Closed): Home --> Search --> Filter property --> As per my suggestion Need to change Posted date format it should be Month Date and year As per magicsbricks website For reference ( Dec 06, 2022 ) .
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed!
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan


04:26 PM GLISTEN Bug #5344 (New): Home Page --> Search --> Selects No. of bedrooms --> If applicant selects "No. of the bedroom" then the applicant has redirected to the end page instead of the properties.
Step to Reproduce the bug:
If applicant selects "No. of the bedroom" then the applicant has redirected to the end ...
Mohd Irfan
03:51 PM GLISTEN Bug #5343 (Closed): Home page --> Search --> Select Residential plot --> filter is not working properly if applicant selects Residential plot then only shows two results but properties are not showing here.
Step to reproduce the bug:
filter is not working properly if applicant selects Residential plot then only shows tw...
Mohd Irfan
01:33 PM GLISTEN Bug #5342 (Reopened ): Home page --> Login --> Post properties --> Home page --> Search --> If applicant posts property with "Residential plots" and after that Posts a property search with the address so there is no any Residential plot showing here.
Step to Reproduce the bug:
If applicant posts property with "Residential plots" and after that Posts a property se...
Mohd Irfan
11:46 AM GLISTEN Modification/ Enhancements #5341 (Closed): Client Feedback --> If anyone wants to know about the package to take it, they can do so on the basis of email and mobile number, as in 99 acres.
Step to reproduce the modification:
If anyone wants to know about the package to take it, they can do so on the ba...
Mohd Irfan
11:40 AM GLISTEN Modification/ Enhancements #5340 (Closed): Client Feedback --> In Classic 699, the maximum limit of property post and search for the user will be 10-10 properties.
Step to reproduce the modification:
In Classic 699, the maximum limit of property posts and search for the user w...
Mohd Irfan
11:35 AM GLISTEN Modification/ Enhancements #5339 (Closed): Client Feedback --> Add a special plan to the package. In which only advertisement can be added.
Step to reproduce the bug:
In which this plan can be taken for 200 days in 9990.
In this plan, the user will get ...
Mohd Irfan
11:28 AM GLISTEN Modification/ Enhancements #5338 (Closed): Client Feedback --> Package Plus 2599 has to be changed to 5999 in 9-package.
Step to Reproduce the Modification:
In package plus 5999, the user can post property and the maximum limit for sea...
Mohd Irfan
11:23 AM GLISTEN Modification/ Enhancements #5337 (Closed): Client Feedback --> Package Platinum to be changed from 1999 to 3499

In the package Platinium 3499, the maximum limit for the user to post and search the property will be 30-30 propert...
Mohd Irfan
11:13 AM GLISTEN Modification/ Enhancements #5336 (Closed): Client Feedback --> Package Gold is to be changed from 1299 to 1999.
Step to Reproduce bug:
Package Gold is to be changed from 1299 to 1999.
In Package Gold 1999, the maximum limi...
Mohd Irfan
11:05 AM GLISTEN Modification/ Enhancements #5335 (Closed): Client Feedback --> The name of the property, the address of the property, the name of the property owner or agent, contact number, email should first appear in the columns which are visible in all the properties in the admin panel that has been made avai
Step to reproduce the bug:
The name of the property, the address of the property, the name of the property owner o...
Mohd Irfan
11:01 AM GLISTEN Modification/ Enhancements #5334 (Closed): Client Feedback --> On the home page, no option is visible in the admin panel to post the photos in the property gallery.
Step to reproduce the bug:
On the home page, no option is visible in the admin panel to post the photos in the pro...
Mohd Irfan
10:58 AM GLISTEN Modification/ Enhancements #5333 (Closed): Client feedback --> A slider for the premium property has been installed on the website, which is visible only on the home page, it has to be shown everywhere and the size of the slider has to be reduced a bit.
Step to reproduce the bug:
A slider for the premium property has been installed on the website, which is visible o...
Mohd Irfan
10:53 AM GLISTEN Modification/ Enhancements #5332 (Closed): Client Feedback --> Packages are shown in the main menu of the website, while something should be done for this, so that the user can focus on it.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Client Feedback --> Packages are shown in the main menu of the website, while something...
Mohd Irfan
10:50 AM GLISTEN Modification/ Enhancements #5331 (Closed): Client Feedback --> Now the content of the language is not visible anywhere in the website.
Step to Reproduce the bug:
Now the content of the language is not visible anywhere in the website.
See attache...
Mohd Irfan
10:43 AM GLISTEN Modification/ Enhancements #5330 (Closed): Client Feedback --> This point was also informed earlier that the size of the photo and content is not matching in whatever post properties are visible. If the photo is going out of the content, then somewhere the content is going down from the photo.
Step to reproduce the bug:
3.Filter property
This point was also informed earlier that...
Mohd Irfan

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