



From 09/08/2022 to 09/17/2022


07:37 PM Return Upload-->Credit Unions Bug #4309 (New): LFSC-->Dashboard-->Click on "Material icons"-->Click on downward arrow-->there are only MUTUAL FUND sector is displaying while this webuser exist with all companies.(Means there should be all sector name in the list)
LFSC-->Dashboard-->Click on "Material icons"-->Click on downward arrow-->there are only MUTUAL FUND sector is display... arti saraswat
07:05 PM LFSC-Dashboard Bug #4308 (New): LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Dashboard-->How does this calculation for "Current Balance" gets calculated?
LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Dashboard-->How does this calculation for "Current Balance" gets calculated?
arti saraswat
06:11 PM Return Upload-->Credit Unions Bug #4307 (New): LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Return Upload-->open company-->Click over "RETURN HISTORY"-->The value under "TBR Requested" & "TBR Requested By" does not updated.
LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Return Upload-->open company-->Click over "RETURN HISTORY"-->The value under "TBR R... arti saraswat
06:05 PM RETURN MANAGEMENT Bug #4306 (New): AFSC-->Return Management-->view--> TO RESUBMIT REQUEST RETURN LIST-->The Request for resubmission license list do not appear under this section.
AFSC-->Return Management-->view--> TO RESUBMIT REQUEST RETURN LIST-->The Request for resubmission license list do not... arti saraswat
05:59 PM Lusgo Web Panel issues 2022 Bug #4305 (Closed): Anvandare > search user in search box > repeating users on scroll. Shubham J
05:07 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4304 (Closed): admin > change roll of anvandare >once we click on ok button ,application gets crashed
Abhishek k
05:00 PM GLISTEN QUERY #4303 (Resolved): Login --> Post properties ---> How will the user know whether the distance in Kilo meter or in meter.
Step to the reproduce bug:
1. Post Properties
2. Login
3. Post Properties
4. distance from
See attached scr...
Mohd Irfan
04:35 PM Lusgo Web Panel issues 2022 Bug #4302 (Closed): super-admin login > Create ad from super-admin > Ad is not displayed in android as well as iOS.
Shubham J
04:34 PM Return Upload-->Credit Unions Bug #4301 (New): LFSC-->Return Upload-->CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap.-->Go with 13-->go with (vi)-->Enter value should come at left side like other fields .(Right now value coming at right side)
LFSC-->Return Upload-->CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap.-->Go with 13-->go with (vi)-->Enter value should come at left side li... arti saraswat
04:31 PM LFSC-Dashboard Bug #4300 (New): LFSC-->Return Upload-->validate form-->go with AFSC panel-->Approved-->Notification count at notification bell comes after refresh that Dashboard page, while count should update automatically as soon as action taken by admin.
LFSC-->Return Upload-->validate form-->go with AFSC panel-->Approved-->Notification count at notification bell comes ... arti saraswat
04:28 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4299 (New): Header search > when I am not entering anything in search text field and click on search bar > page is navigated on SHOP page
Expected:- message should be display "Enter the product name" Pravin J
04:25 PM Lusgo Android 2022 Bug #4298 (Closed): subadmin login > kommentera > comment from subadmin.
subadmin can't report his/her own comment.
Shubham J
04:25 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4009 (Closed): I have ordered offline(COD) but in order there is no item showing in the order. please check...working fine in online case. Same issue in delivery agent app
priyanka Sharma
04:25 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4000 (Closed): grocery store - delivery order trends - blank screen appear .fix urgently
priyanka Sharma
04:25 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4016 (Closed): Order is cash on has accepted order and same is accepted by delivery boy but in store app loader not getting stop after accepting order by delivery boy
priyanka Sharma
04:23 PM Lusgo API Issues 2022 Bug #4297 (Closed): when we send invitation a user to 2 3 times it will seen 3 times in invitation list Please check
Abhishek k
04:21 PM Lusgo Android 2022 Bug #4296 (Closed): sub-admin login > grupper > Lagg till deltagare > Add new users > Profile Pic is displaying wrong.
Shubham J
03:29 PM Lusgo Web Panel issues 2022 Bug #4295 (Closed): Skriv Meddelande > Skickat > Vilka har läst > Check the profile pic of user.
Shubham J
03:15 PM GLISTEN Bug #4294 (Closed): Login --> Post properties -->sing up --> Google logo is not appearing on sing up page
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
4. Sing up
Google logo is ...
Mohd Irfan
02:50 PM Lusgo Web Panel issues 2022 Bug #4293 (Closed): Update information > Check issue below.
Shubham J
02:48 PM Lusgo Web Panel issues 2022 Bug #4292 (Closed): Skapa Event > Change text same as apk
Shubham J
02:47 PM GLISTEN Bug #4291 (Closed): Login --> Post properties --->Under the total floors dropdown box sequence is getting wrong.

Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
4. Total floors
Under t...
Mohd Irfan
02:42 PM Lusgo Web Panel issues 2022 Bug #4290 (Closed): Create post > Click info icon > Make text same as apk.
Shubham J
02:35 PM Lusgo Web Panel issues 2022 Bug #4289 (Closed): Glomt Losenord> Aterstall Losenord> Check issue below.
Forget password > Aterstall Losenord.
Enter the text below this - Aterstall Losenord “En verifieringskod har skicka...
Shubham J
02:31 PM Lusgo API Issues 2022 Bug #4288 (Closed): create event from admin > invite the team leader and login the same tealeader on the iOS > Lock the screen of the iOS and see the notification from the screen. Push notification is displayed on the lock screen.
Abhishek k
02:27 PM Lusgo API Issues 2022 Bug #4286 (Closed): Admin sent message (skriv meddelande) to sub-admin, sub-admin not getting push notification and notification count.
Abhishek k
02:26 PM Lusgo API Issues 2022 Bug #4285 (Closed): Admin created event, sub-admin not getting push notification and notification count.
Abhishek k
02:26 PM Lusgo API Issues 2022 Bug #4284 (Closed): Comment reported by teamleader, sub-admin not getting push notification and notification count.
Abhishek k
02:25 PM Lusgo API Issues 2022 Bug #4283 (Reopened ): 4. When teamleader invited user to join in team then no notification count being increased. Note:- Incorrect message is displayed in list>Teamleader bjudarin dig I vk team team.
Abhishek k
01:41 PM Lusgo Web Panel issues 2022 Bug #4281 (Reopened ): Create new teamleader > Login on website > displaying 2 notification count but no notification is there. ( Reference Video Attached.) Shubham J
01:34 PM Lusgo API Issues 2022 Bug #4280 (Reopened ): if super admin will create Ad ,push notification should be displayed in all panel and no Ad displayed in any panel
Abhishek k
01:28 PM Lusgo API Issues 2022 Bug #4279 (Closed): Teamleader created news post > User is not getting push Notification.
Note:if teamleader will create news post,then push-notification should not be displayed to admin,sub-admin Abhishek k
01:27 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4278 (New): When I bought a product > product added automatically in add to cart
Pravin J
01:17 PM GLISTEN Bug #4277 (Closed): Login --> post properties --> Under the Select bathrooms dropdown box sequence is getting wrong.
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
4. Upload Photo & upload video...
Mohd Irfan
01:12 PM GLISTEN Bug #4276 (Closed): Login --> Post properties --> Select property on floor --> Under the Property on floor dropdown list, floor sequence is getting wrong
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
4. Select property on Floor
Mohd Irfan
01:10 PM Lusgo Web Panel issues 2022 Bug #4275 (Closed): create new teamleader > login in website > News Post Screen appearing blank.
Shubham J
01:07 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4274 (New): I gave a review on a product but it is not sowing >My Profile > My Review section
Pravin J
01:02 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4193 (Closed): I am not able to make a payment by Using QR code> getting error message
Pravin J
10:53 AM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4193 (Resolved): I am not able to make a payment by Using QR code> getting error message
Narendra Singh
01:02 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #3553 (Closed): always Home page showing Active when I active on other page that time also Home link Highlighted
Pravin J
01:01 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4225 (Closed): While Buying a Product >Buy Now button is not working/clickable some time > please check
Pravin J
10:56 AM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4225 (Resolved): While Buying a Product >Buy Now button is not working/clickable some time > please check
Narendra Singh
01:01 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4227 (Closed): After makin payment > Online/offline >page is navigated on error page
Pravin J
10:57 AM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4227 (Resolved): After makin payment > Online/offline >page is navigated on error page
Narendra Singh
01:01 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #3552 (Closed): I am not able to give a " REVIEW " on a product
Pravin J
12:53 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4273 (New): My profile >Shipping Address> in State & City dropdown showing blank> Because of that I am not able add Shipping Address
Pravin J
12:49 PM GLISTEN Bug #4272 (Feedback): Login -> Post properties --> : Need to increase width for these “upload photo” & “upload video” field.
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
4. Upload Photo & upload video...
Mohd Irfan
12:49 PM LFSC-Dashboard Bug #4271 (New): LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Dashboard-->Click on "Development Instructions"-->Nothing gets displayed on clicking over "Development Instructions".
LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Dashboard-->Click on "Development Instructions"-->Nothing gets displayed on clickin... arti saraswat
12:33 PM GLISTEN Bug #4270 (Feedback): Login --> Post properties --> Put validation message for “upload Photo” and upload video option.
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
4. Upload photo & video option...
Mohd Irfan
12:26 PM LFSC-Dashboard Bug #4269 (New): LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Dashboard-->Count of SUBMIT return does not displayed in the submit section.
LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Dashboard-->Count of SUBMIT return does not displayed in the submit section.
arti saraswat
12:22 PM GLISTEN Bug #4268 (Closed): Login --> post properties --> Select bathrooms are redundant
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
4. select bathrooms
Mohd Irfan
12:22 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4267 (New): Home > Contact Us > change the validation message
1."Please fill out of this field" change into " enter your name".
2. "Please fill out of this field" change into "...
Pravin J
12:15 PM GLISTEN Bug #4266 (Closed): Login--> Post properties --> Every input field “place holder” name should be start with upper case & after the commas need to put space (See Red marked )
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
4. input fields
Actual Resu...
Mohd Irfan
12:14 PM LFSC-Dashboard Bug #4265 (New): LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Dashboard-->Go with Submitted/Validated Returns section-->In this section Return upload of International Banks's return upload displayed while this is the login of Credit Unions.
LFSC-->Login with Credit Unions-->Dashboard-->Go with Submitted/Validated Returns section-->In this section Return up... arti saraswat
12:06 PM GLISTEN Bug #4264 (Closed): Login --> Post properties --> I think its discover instead of disover.
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
4. Below the Glisten logo
Mohd Irfan
11:48 AM GLISTEN Bug #4263 (Closed): Login --> post properties --> : header is not working when applicant click on header all header should be redirect to mentioned page or link.
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
4. header
Actual Result: h...
Mohd Irfan
11:42 AM GLISTEN Bug #4262 (Closed): Login --> Post properties ---> I think its "other charges" instead of "other changes" .
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
4. Negotiate
5. Other change...
Mohd Irfan
11:39 AM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4261 (New): Login Page >Existing User > Log In > see the Description
1."Your Email" Change into "Enter Your Email"
2."Your Password" Change into "Enter Your Password"
Pravin J
11:36 AM GLISTEN Bug #4260 (Closed): Login --> Post properties --->All input field take unlimited character, input field should limited character, (100-200) Except Address & description field.
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
Actual Result: Right Now inp...
Mohd Irfan
11:32 AM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4256 (Closed): Login Page > NEW USER >Sign Up> Change the Text "Enter Your Password" into "Please Verify Your Password"
Pravin J
10:44 AM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4256 (Closed): Login Page > NEW USER >Sign Up> Change the Text "Enter Your Password" into "Please Verify Your Password"
Pravin J
11:28 AM GLISTEN Bug #4259 (Closed): Login --> post properties --> : When applicant clicking on English & sign up button then system throws the different message in different place.
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
When the applicant clicks...
Mohd Irfan
11:25 AM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4258 (New): Login Page > NEW USER >Sign Up>Please check issue in Description
1.make a validation in all fields.
2.emai id text field should be accept only valid email id format.
3.remove the ...
Pravin J
11:23 AM GLISTEN Bug #4257 (Closed): Login --> Post properties ---> When applicant applies 100% screen size then text is overlapping.
Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Select Post Properties
2. Login
3. post properties
Actual Result: When an app...
Mohd Irfan
10:55 AM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4209 (In Progress): while making a payment > page is navigated on error page
Narendra Singh
10:55 AM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4209 (Resolved): while making a payment > page is navigated on error page
Narendra Singh
10:37 AM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4239 (Resolved): User and Subscription Tab > Check issue below.
Sujeet y


07:23 PM Notifications Bug #4255 (New): AFSC-->Notifications-->Admin is not getting updated notification for all respective tab.
AFSC-->Notifications-->Admin is not getting updated notification for all respective tab.
arti saraswat
06:45 PM Licensee Panel Bug #4254 (New): LFSC-->Login-->Profile & material-icons should at right side (Design issue)....See in attached screenshot.
LFSC-->Login-->Profile & material-icons should at right side (Design issue)....See in attached screenshot.
arti saraswat
06:28 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4253 (New): when user register the account from web application > not getting registration mail
Pravin J
05:35 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4124 (Closed): Facing this issue sometime. Please check below screeenshot.
priyanka Sharma
05:35 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4177 (Closed): After adding any author, book, category, book detail anything should navigate to listing screen.
priyanka Sharma
05:35 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Modification/ Enhancements #4182 (Closed): Book list page > It would be great if you add category filter here. So that we can easily check how many books are there in particular category
priyanka Sharma
05:04 PM Report-->Internal Report Bug #4252 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Internal Reports-->ERSP Register-->Search Bar-->Type single character (Let suppose "z")-->System should filter name that starts from "z" only, while here system filters name by 1st & 2nd letter (EX: z_) then its shows "Z_TEST" company.
AFSC-->Report-->Internal Reports-->ERSP Register-->Search Bar-->Type single character (Let suppose "z")-->System shou... arti saraswat
04:54 PM Report-->Internal Report Bug #4251 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Internal Reports-->ERSP Register & NRSP Register-->Deregistration in "Date of Deregistration" should in same line in list and in pdf as well.
AFSC-->Report-->Internal Reports-->ERSP Register & NRSP Register-->Deregistration in "Date of Deregistration" should ... arti saraswat
04:21 PM Report-->Internal Report Bug #4250 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Internal Reports-->Enforcement-->Click on pdf-->The Date in "Date Issued" & "Effective Date" column should not break into two line.
AFSC-->Report-->Internal Reports-->Enforcement-->Click on pdf-->The Date in "Date Issued" & "Effective Date" column s... arti saraswat
03:47 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4169 (Closed): I have create account from web Application > click on edit button in admin panel > Blood group text field is showing blank
Pravin J
03:42 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4157 (Closed): Create a user from mobile application> when i edit the user account in admin panel > in Date of birth text field user birthday date is not showing
Pravin J
03:28 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #3762 (Reopened ): open the URL > Click on three dots icon > click on Forgot password > enter the email id > click on button > button is not clickable
Still Forgot password is not working Pravin J
03:21 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4155 (Closed): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Pravin J
03:21 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4160 (Closed): in all 3 application > while registration the application > I am selecting other country code and entering the Indian phone number > screen is navigated on OTP Screen > screen should navigated on OTP screen & validation message should be display
Pravin J
03:21 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4154 (Closed): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please select valid country code"
Pravin J
03:20 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3915 (Closed): After registration the application > Getting a email > need to change some words > please check screen short and change it
Pravin J
03:20 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4161 (Closed): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please Enter valid mobile number"
Pravin J
03:19 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4163 (Closed): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Pravin J
03:19 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4178 (Closed): Home Screen > Top of right side >Total Earning is showing blank and also design issues
Pravin J
03:18 PM MIIS User app Bug #4150 (Closed): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Pravin J
03:18 PM MIIS User app Bug #4152 (Closed): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please select valid country code"
Pravin J
03:16 PM Report-->Internal Report Bug #4249 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Internal Reports-->License Status-->Surrendered-->Click on EXCEL-->The " HISTORY" column should should not appear in generated excel report.
AFSC-->Report-->Internal Reports-->License Status-->Surrendered-->Click on EXCEL-->The " HISTORY" column should shoul... arti saraswat
01:06 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4248 (Closed): Author and Categories Tab > Change the Tool Tip Name. (" Detail to Edit ") and Delete to Detail.
Shubham J
01:06 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4247 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Inspection-->Date in Start Date, End Date & Draft Report Issue should not break into next line, as right now year comes in next line.
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Inspection-->Date in Start Date, End Date & Draft Report Issue should not break into ... arti saraswat
12:47 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4246 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Inspection-->Latest added inspection should come at the top of list.
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Inspection-->Latest added inspection should come at the top of list.
License type ...
arti saraswat
12:41 PM License Type -Tab Bug #4245 (New): AFSC-->License Type-->Select any sector-->go with Inspection-->put value in mandatory field till "Lead Inspector *"-->Click on save-->On clicking save system should throw alert message against " Members of Inspection Team" instead of "Status of Completion
AFSC-->License Type-->Select any sector-->go with Inspection-->put value in mandatory field till "Lead Inspector *"--... arti saraswat
12:24 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4117 (Reopened ): Dashboard page > Please correct Dashboard Spelling
priyanka Sharma
12:23 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4183 (Closed): Book list page > Either make image upload field mandatory or show default image on book listing page. Check this issue on all pages
priyanka Sharma
12:23 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4184 (Closed): Please show tool tip in Action column for all icons. Check on all pages
priyanka Sharma
12:23 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4186 (Closed): Provide space between scrollbar & pagination
priyanka Sharma
12:21 PM MIIS User app Bug #4242 (New): Change Text - Your order have been to "has been" in all these kinds of notifications. Please check throughout the apps
priyanka Sharma
11:57 AM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4241 (Closed): Author Tab > add new author > Check Issues below.
1. Author Tab > add new author > personal details > Taking Future dates when entering the birthday manually.
2. Aut...
Shubham J
11:56 AM Report-->Others Report Bug #4240 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Inspection-->Go with "Inspection Start Date *"-->As soon as user select date then system throws alert message that "Start Date Should Always Be Smaller Than End Date" while user didn't select any "date for Inspection End"
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Inspection-->Go with "Inspection Start Date *"-->As soon as user select date then sys... arti saraswat
11:55 AM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3645 (Reopened ): Register new delivery boy > after login I am seeing old orders there & alaram got ranging after 5 seconds until not accepted
Pravin J
11:49 AM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3993 (Reopened ): While making a payment > in payment screen showing $1 > but when get email here amount is showing 1680.
Pravin J
11:49 AM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #3552 (Resolved): I am not able to give a " REVIEW " on a product
Narendra Singh
11:25 AM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4239 (Closed): User and Subscription Tab > Check issue below.
Shubham J
11:23 AM Report-->Internal Report Bug #4238 (New): AFSC-->Report-->"ARROW" mark should be in same line of report name, As of now arrow mark is little bit below to the same line of word. (See attached screenshot)
AFSC-->Report-->"ARROW" mark should be in same line of report name, As of now arrow mark is little bit below to the s... arti saraswat
11:17 AM Puthagam Android App Bug #4174 (Resolved): View more should not shown until more than 3 products shown there
Shivendra s
11:14 AM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4237 (New): After registration the application > Getting mail is wrong > check screen short
Pravin J
11:14 AM Puthagam Android App Bug #4236 (Closed): Library > Saved Tab > Unsaved the book and check the design.
Shubham J
11:12 AM Puthagam Android App Bug #4235 (Closed): Library > Collections tab > Add collection > Check issues below.
Library > Collections tab > Add collection > Spelling error "Collectin" to "Collection".
Shubham J
11:04 AM Puthagam Android App Bug #4234 (Closed): I have Favourite and Saved one book but it is not displaying in library.
Shubham J
10:49 AM Puthagam Android App Bug #4233 (Closed): For You > select education from categories > tap research book > Check issues below.
1. For You > select education from categories > tap research book > download button is disabled.
Shubham J
10:35 AM Puthagam Android App Bug #4232 (Closed): Library > downloads > check the design.
Shubham J
10:35 AM Puthagam Android App Bug #4168 (Resolved): Sign up screen > Check password field ---> Label overlapping on password field
Shivendra s
10:10 AM Puthagam Android App Bug #4172 (Resolved): Create account screen--->Correct signUp to "Sign Up"
Shivendra s


07:17 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4231 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Addition of Director Request-->Click over the link "All Change Director Requests"-->On Clicking over this link system always different screen.
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Addition of Director Request-->Click over the link "All Change Director Requests"-->O... arti saraswat
07:05 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4230 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Inspection-->Click over the link "All Entity Inspection Reports List"-->On Clicking over this link system always takes to "Credit Unions" all Entity list. (This is for all the tab)
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Inspection-->Click over the link "All Entity Inspection Reports List"-->On Clicking o... arti saraswat
06:52 PM Licensee Panel Bug #4229 (New): LESC-->License Type-->Go with Relationship tab-->Go with " ShareHolder %-->This input field should not allow more than one decimal point.
LESC-->License Type-->Go with Relationship tab-->Go with " ShareHolder %-->This input field should not allow more tha... arti saraswat
06:27 PM Oye Cakes - Web App QUERY #4228 (New): while Buying a product > add to cart product automatically added in products list
Pravin J
06:09 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4227 (Closed): After makin payment > Online/offline >page is navigated on error page
Pravin J
06:06 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4226 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Beneficial Owners-->In this report data of only "Beneficial Owners" should reflect while in this data value is for "Director" & "Major Shareholder" is displaying as well.
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Beneficial Owners-->In this report data of only "Beneficial Owners" should reflect wh... arti saraswat
05:44 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4225 (Closed): While Buying a Product >Buy Now button is not working/clickable some time > please check
Pravin J
05:20 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4224 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Beneficial Owners-->why does this "Trust & Company Managers List" displayed at the top of table.
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Beneficial Owners-->why does this "Trust & Company Managers List" displayed at the to... arti saraswat
05:13 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4223 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Beneficial Owners-->go with license type-->select sector-->Relationship tab--select Beneficial Owners-->provide required value-->save->go with Report-->Beneficial Owners-->Provided value does not reflects at the report end.
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Beneficial Owners-->go with license type-->select sector-->Relationship tab--select B... arti saraswat
04:12 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4222 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->New Licensing-->For this screen there should not need to present " Statement Type" field.
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->New Licensing-->For this screen there should not need to present " Statement Type" fi... arti saraswat
03:34 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4221 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Addition of Director Request-->Why does these three "Other Deposit Taking Institutions" & "Friendly Societies" & "Foundations" exists in the drop down list of "Filter by Sector" ?
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Addition of Director Request-->Why does these three "Other Deposit Taking Institution... arti saraswat
03:10 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4220 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Addition of Director Request-->There is no need to keep this " Statement Type: " & "Year" Dropdown field for this report as this data does not depends on return upload year or type.
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Addition of Director Request-->There is no need to keep this " Statement Type: " & "Y... arti saraswat
02:54 PM License Requests Bug #4219 (New): AFSC-->License Request-->Post License Request-->Application under "Post License Request" is reflecting even without payment done.
AFSC-->License Request-->Post License Request-->Application under "Post License Request" is reflecting even without p... arti saraswat
02:48 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4218 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Addition of Director Request-->Why does this "Dummy \-odti" license displays over scree without selecting any sector from dropdown list?
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->Addition of Director Request-->Why does this "Dummy oti" license displays over scree ... arti saraswat
02:11 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4180 (Resolved): Sidebar links should remain active when we active on any page
Sujeet y
02:11 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4124 (Resolved): Facing this issue sometime. Please check below screeenshot.
Sujeet y
01:25 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4217 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Click over the link of "Approved MLRO/MLCO/CO Reports List"-->On clicking over it system takes to some other page instead of mlro/mlco/co screen.
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Click over the link of "Approved MLRO/MLCO/CO Reports List"-->On click... arti saraswat
01:09 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4216 (New): ADD TO CART > Count is showing wrong

in Add to Cart products are 4 but Count is showing 5.
Pravin J
12:25 PM Oye Cakes - Web App QUERY #4215 (New): Special deals > I am Not getting any product on special deals page .so, How to add product please tell me
Pravin J
12:18 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4214 (New): Shop> when we use filter "Hight To Low", "Low To High".......> and search the product > filter is getting reset
Expected:-Filter should not be reset Pravin J
12:16 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4213 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->There is no need to put "Year" dropdown list for this report as this report will fetch from admin panel only.
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->There is no need to put "Year" dropdown list for this report as this r... arti saraswat
12:11 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4212 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Need to fetch the data from "Relationship" tab and that too only for "ACTIVE" license (As per client requirement)
*AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Need to fetch the data from "Relationship" tab and that too only for ... arti saraswat
11:28 AM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4211 (New): Gifts > By JEWELLERY > select any option from by jewellery section > getting 404 message
Pravin J


06:57 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4009 (Resolved): I have ordered offline(COD) but in order there is no item showing in the order. please check...working fine in online case. Same issue in delivery agent app
Ravi L
06:56 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4008 (Resolved): Menu tab > If we toggle off any product then message appeared in popup is wrong . It is saying Now visible for everywhere"
Ravi L
06:56 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4008 (In Progress): Menu tab > If we toggle off any product then message appeared in popup is wrong . It is saying Now visible for everywhere"
Ravi L
04:09 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #4210 (Closed): Homepage > Categories > tap Kids > Tap Harry Potter Book > Tap Chapters > Check issues below.
Shubham J
03:41 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4209 (In Progress): while making a payment > page is navigated on error page
Pravin J
03:33 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4208 (Closed): I have added product from admin panel but it is not showing on web application
Narendra Singh
03:19 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4208 (Closed): I have added product from admin panel but it is not showing on web application
Pravin J
03:06 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4207 (Reopened ): Dashboard > Check issues below.
Dashboard > Payment statement > Two scroll bars.
Dashboard > Payment statemen...
Shubham J
02:46 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4205 (New): I am not able to add product in compare list
Pravin J
01:19 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4204 (Closed): Manage collection tab > Check issues below.
1. Click on Manage Collection Tab > Tab Should get highlighted.
2. Manage Coll...
Shubham J
01:05 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4137 (Closed): Web store > Orders page > Show all filters same as in admin panel. (Country, State, City, Start date & end date)
priyanka Sharma
01:03 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4139 (Reopened ): Grocery & Restaurant order page > Filter should not reset after searching anything. Check video below
priyanka Sharma
01:02 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4203 (New): Check video > Getting crash on search click priyanka Sharma
12:59 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4135 (Closed): Admin panel > Orders page > Fields should not reset after searching with filter. Select start date & end date , click on Search will show result but selected start date field got reset
priyanka Sharma
12:56 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4051 (Closed): Restaurant/Grocery store & order page - after applying filter by country or state, selected values should not reset.
priyanka Sharma
12:54 PM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3862 (Closed): While adding the products >when we click on save & Continue button > page is navigated on error page
Pravin J
12:54 PM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3823 (Closed): while uploading the image or file > there should be an option upload image or file through internal image or file
Pravin J
12:44 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3979 (Closed): sub admin > Report a comment > sub admin getting two notification in one report and not notification count increased
Abhishek k
12:43 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3959 (Closed): subadmin> message tab screen > skickat tab screen > go randomly with any message > tap on vilka har last button > inte last option are displayed for every anvandare should not displayed ..take reference from Apk
Abhishek k
12:42 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3971 (Closed): Sub Admin> Skapa sponsor > when we create the sponsor , after creation it should navigate on sponsorslista screen.. now we navigating on same screen ..take reference from Apk
Abhishek k
12:41 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4202 (New): Admin & web panel > Orders page > end date field should not be mandatory. If i select only start date & want to search then it should not ask to fill end date ...should show records after the start date selected
priyanka Sharma
12:38 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4054 (Closed): Stores - Change the store status Off to On it shows crash if I add store from web panel & Country selected is Afghanistan
priyanka Sharma
12:37 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3988 (Closed): Teamleader> Anvandare screen > change roll of the user > in popup screen cancel and ok button should be in blue color should similar like other screen
Abhishek k
12:37 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4201 (New): Admin & web store > Store & order page -after applying all filter Country , State , & City I am not able to edit State & City fields priyanka Sharma
12:36 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3977 (Closed): send message from sub admin > sub admin getting notification and push notification himself
Abhishek k
12:27 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3990 (Closed): create event from team leader > user getting two notification for a single event
Abhishek k
12:24 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4153 (Reopened ): Admin > Stores >If i do not select anything and click on Search button then website throwing crash . Check issues on all search filters page like store, orders etc
priyanka Sharma
12:24 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4153 (Resolved): Admin > Stores >If i do not select anything and click on Search button then website throwing crash . Check issues on all search filters page like store, orders etc
priyanka Sharma
12:23 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4153 (Closed): Admin > Stores >If i do not select anything and click on Search button then website throwing crash . Check issues on all search filters page like store, orders etc
priyanka Sharma
12:17 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4200 (Reopened ): Manage book tab > Check Issues below.
1. Manage book tab > Change Tool Tip Name "Book Detail" to "Edit".
2. Manage B...
Shubham J
12:08 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4199 (Resolved): Partner & Connect app -> Alarm & online toggle should not fluctuate on each screen. Check attached video
priyanka Sharma
11:59 AM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3482 (Closed): Dashboard >total product is showing 35 > when I view all the product > There are only 31 products
Pravin J
11:57 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4029 (Closed): Teamleader and sub-admin>create post > when we create a post from teamleader then delete option should be there ...take Apk reference
Abhishek k
11:46 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4083 (Closed): Admin login> Information tab> Implement the horizontal line, it should be similar like Apk
Abhishek k
11:38 AM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4198 (Reopened ): Manage books tab > Check Issues below.
1. Manage book Tab should get highlighted after clicking on it.
2. Add New Boo...
Shubham J
11:35 AM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3483 (Closed): Dashboard> click on new order > count should be same as new order and total order
Pravin J
11:34 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4086 (Closed): Admin Login> Menu screen > Uppdatera Information screen> text is too close to left side it should similar like Apk and
Abhishek k
11:27 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4087 (Closed): Admin Login > side menu > Uppdatera information screen > Kontakt and document screen > go with edit option > Spara text size > it is too small ..Make the text in bigger size
Abhishek k
11:26 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4096 (Reopened ): Admin>Skriv meddelande screen > check issues in description
Abhishek k
11:19 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4103 (Closed): change password screen > title of forget password screen> remove question mark from the title of screen
Abhishek k
11:14 AM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3485 (Closed): Dashboard> out of stock count is showing 14 > tap on out of stock > there is only one product
Pravin J
11:13 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3976 (Closed): create event from sub admin > Notification count not getting increased in teamleader
Abhishek k
10:38 AM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4197 (New): user is able to create account same number with multiple times
Pravin J


10:43 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4000 (Resolved): grocery store - delivery order trends - blank screen appear .fix urgently
Ravi L
10:42 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4178 (Resolved): Home Screen > Top of right side >Total Earning is showing blank and also design issues
Ravi L
10:40 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4016 (Resolved): Order is cash on has accepted order and same is accepted by delivery boy but in store app loader not getting stop after accepting order by delivery boy
Ravi L
10:03 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4082 (Resolved): Register new store > without entering zipcode i am able to navigate on next screen. please make validation of mandatory field for zipcode
Ravi L
10:03 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4161 (Resolved): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please Enter valid mobile number"
Ravi L
09:28 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4154 (Resolved): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please select valid country code"
Ravi L
09:28 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4155 (Resolved): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Ravi L
09:28 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4160 (Resolved): in all 3 application > while registration the application > I am selecting other country code and entering the Indian phone number > screen is navigated on OTP Screen > screen should navigated on OTP screen & validation message should be display
Ravi L
08:46 PM MIIS User app Bug #4150 (Resolved): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Ravi L
08:28 PM MIIS User app Bug #4152 (Resolved): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please select valid country code"
Ravi L
07:07 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4118 (Resolved): If i register any user through API then in admin panel its profile pic is not showing default Please show default profile image if user has not uploaded any profile pic
Sujeet y
07:07 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #4196 (Closed): Homepage > For You > Meet The Creator Tab > Tap View More button > View More Button is not working.
Shubham J
07:06 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4120 (Resolved): After deactivating any user no success message appearing like User deactivated or activated successfully"
Sujeet y
07:06 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4121 (Resolved): It is not searching user name if I enter name in lowercase letters. Suppose User name is Priya and i am searching with priya then it not shows any record against this user because here p is small
Sujeet y
07:05 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4177 (Resolved): After adding any author, book, category, book detail anything should navigate to listing screen.
Sujeet y
07:04 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4122 (Resolved): User listing page - User list should shown according to the new joining date . Currently it is showing randomly. Means newly registered users should shown at top
Pradeep K
07:04 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4183 (Resolved): Book list page > Either make image upload field mandatory or show default image on book listing page. Check this issue on all pages
Show default image with book Sujeet y
07:02 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4184 (Resolved): Please show tool tip in Action column for all icons. Check on all pages
Pradeep K
07:01 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4117 (Resolved): Dashboard page > Please correct Dashboard Spelling
Sujeet y
07:00 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Modification/ Enhancements #4182 (Resolved): Book list page > It would be great if you add category filter here. So that we can easily check how many books are there in particular category
Apply search on category and author. No need to add extra filter. Sujeet y
06:59 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4186 (Resolved): Provide space between scrollbar & pagination
Sujeet y
06:51 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #4195 (Closed): Homepage > For You Screen > Collection for you tab > Check issues below.
Homepage > For You Screen > Collection for you tab > Tap On View More > View More button is not working.
Shubham J
06:33 PM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3823 (Resolved): while uploading the image or file > there should be an option upload image or file through internal image or file
Narendra Singh
06:33 PM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3862 (Resolved): While adding the products >when we click on save & Continue button > page is navigated on error page
Narendra Singh
06:29 PM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3555 (In Progress): Catalog >product >always viewed is showing zero
Narendra Singh
06:27 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #4194 (Closed): Homepage > For You > Categories > Check issues below.
Homepage > For You > Categories > Tap On Comedy > Change Logo of Menu Button.
Shubham J
06:27 PM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3485 (Resolved): Dashboard> out of stock count is showing 14 > tap on out of stock > there is only one product
Narendra Singh
06:24 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4193 (Closed): I am not able to make a payment by Using QR code> getting error message
Pravin J
06:05 PM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3483 (Resolved): Dashboard> click on new order > count should be same as new order and total order
Narendra Singh
05:53 PM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3482 (Resolved): Dashboard >total product is showing 35 > when I view all the product > There are only 31 products
Narendra Singh
05:52 PM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3472 (Resolved): Menu> Catalog Tab> Products Sub tab > fill the fields and click on save and continue> Can't add the product because it display error after submit.
Narendra Singh
02:45 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4191 (New): Restaurant & Grocery > I am able create store same mobile number with multiple store
Expected:- user should be able to create only one time with one mobile number.
Pravin J
02:39 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3761 (Closed): Open the application > Tap on Login >Tap On Forgot Password > Enter the email-id in email-id text field >Tap on Continue > I am not getting OTP in email id
Pravin J
01:38 PM MIIS User app Bug #4007 (Closed): After sending RFQ from user app customer not getting any email . Same email user should get which is getting during sending RFQ from web
priyanka Sharma
12:51 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #4190 (Reopened ): Forget Password > check issues below.
1. Forget Password > Entered email id from which i have registered > didn't recieved any verification OTP on mail.
Shubham J
12:45 PM MIIS User app Bug #4189 (New): restaurant & Grocery > Free Delivery text is not showing in store and delivery charge should be showing according to distance
Pravin J
12:32 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4169 (Resolved): I have create account from web Application > click on edit button in admin panel > Blood group text field is showing blank
Narendra Singh
12:15 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4157 (Resolved): Create a user from mobile application> when i edit the user account in admin panel > in Date of birth text field user birthday date is not showing
Narendra Singh
12:05 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4153 (Resolved): Admin > Stores >If i do not select anything and click on Search button then website throwing crash . Check issues on all search filters page like store, orders etc
Narendra Singh
12:03 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #4188 (Closed): Forgot Password > I have entered only "ab123" in the Email textfield > I get navigated to the verification screen.
Shubham J
11:55 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4137 (Resolved): Web store > Orders page > Show all filters same as in admin panel. (Country, State, City, Start date & end date)
Narendra Singh
11:54 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #3762 (Resolved): open the URL > Click on three dots icon > click on Forgot password > enter the email id > click on button > button is not clickable
Narendra Singh
11:46 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4138 (Closed): Admin & web store > Orders page > Show currency sign with the order amount .
priyanka Sharma
11:44 AM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4140 (Reopened ): Order page - Three dot Action column > not clickable . Please make it clickable & responsive
priyanka Sharma
11:32 AM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4012 (Reopened ): All food orders:- after selecting filter if i change food section to grocery app got crash

priyanka Sharma
11:05 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3173 (Resolved): Admin login> create new event(skapa event)>change time (minutes)> It should be 12:00 not 12:60.
chirag wadhwa
11:04 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4037 (Resolved): admin> create event > kalender > open the created event > check event name.
chirag wadhwa
11:02 AM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #3683 (Closed): In admin panel if i view the store details it shows Store name in Operational Hour field
priyanka Sharma
10:58 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4131 (Reopened ): Web panel - Forgot password not working. After entering email id no message appearing. please check
priyanka Sharma
10:58 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4132 (Closed): Admin & web panel Orders page > will be good if you show orders date there. Add one more column "Order date"
priyanka Sharma
10:40 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4166 (Closed): while create Delivery agent account > if email id is already exist the message should be display>email id already exist
Pravin J
10:33 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4166 (Resolved): while create Delivery agent account > if email id is already exist the message should be display>email id already exist
Narendra Singh
10:35 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4063 (Closed): Admin & web store both > When we register the store from web application > There is no option to select state and city field. Please add these two
Pravin J
10:25 AM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4143 (Closed): Restaurant & Grocery > when we create a store from web application>view the store in admin panel >Remove the "Highlighted Text field"
Pravin J
10:22 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3977 (Resolved): send message from sub admin > sub admin getting notification and push notification himself
chirag wadhwa
10:22 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3990 (Resolved): create event from team leader > user getting two notification for a single event
chirag wadhwa
10:22 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3976 (Resolved): create event from sub admin > Notification count not getting increased in teamleader
chirag wadhwa
10:22 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3979 (Resolved): sub admin > Report a comment > sub admin getting two notification in one report and not notification count increased
chirag wadhwa
10:20 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4018 (Resolved): Teamleader > Anvandare screen > change permission of user > when team leader will change the roll of the user then user should do same work as teamleader and turn cancel or ok button in blue colour
chirag wadhwa
10:19 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4083 (Resolved): Admin login> Information tab> Implement the horizontal line, it should be similar like Apk
chirag wadhwa
10:19 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4086 (Resolved): Admin Login> Menu screen > Uppdatera Information screen> text is too close to left side it should similar like Apk and
chirag wadhwa
10:18 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4087 (Resolved): Admin Login > side menu > Uppdatera information screen > Kontakt and document screen > go with edit option > Spara text size > it is too small ..Make the text in bigger size
chirag wadhwa
10:18 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4096 (Resolved): Admin>Skriv meddelande screen > check issues in description
chirag wadhwa
10:18 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #4103 (Resolved): change password screen > title of forget password screen> remove question mark from the title of screen
chirag wadhwa
10:13 AM Licensee Panel Bug #4187 (New): Super Admin-->Return management -->View Return --> IB --> 2023 --> To be request --> go with Lfsc--> Offshore banking (IB) --> Form status is showing TBR but update form option is not available in the Return panel
Step to reproduce the Bug:
the issue is appearing on this id -->
Super Admin-->Return ...
Mohd Irfan
10:10 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4060 (Closed): open the application > click on JOIN US > select AS A Store > fill all the text filed and click on Create New Store > view the store from Admin panel > Country code and Zip code text field is getting blank
Pravin J
07:51 AM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4163 (Resolved): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Ravi L


06:58 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4186 (Closed): Provide space between scrollbar & pagination
priyanka Sharma
06:39 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4185 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Select Credit Unions-->For Credit unions year should be "Monthly" & "Quarterly" Instead of "Monthly" & "Yearly".
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Select Credit Unions-->For Credit unions year should be "Monthly" & "... arti saraswat
06:32 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4184 (Closed): Please show tool tip in Action column for all icons. Check on all pages
priyanka Sharma
06:26 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #4064 (Reopened ): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 13 WI -->As per the formula these two field values is working correctly in both panel.
Mohd Irfan
03:18 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #4064 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 13 WI -->As per the formula these two field values is working correctly in both panel.
sunil gupta
06:02 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4183 (Closed): Book list page > Either make image upload field mandatory or show default image on book listing page. Check this issue on all pages
I forgot to upload image while adding new book and on listing page image is not s...
priyanka Sharma
05:58 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Modification/ Enhancements #4182 (Closed): Book list page > It would be great if you add category filter here. So that we can easily check how many books are there in particular category
priyanka Sharma
05:54 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4181 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->First dropdown list (Marked in attached screenshot)-->Select 'ALL"-->On clicking on "ALL" then all three MLRO, MLCO, CO should select by itself, but here Tick on ALL remain for all only.
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->First dropdown list (Marked in attached screenshot)-->Select 'ALL"-->O... arti saraswat
05:52 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4180 (Closed): Sidebar links should remain active when we active on any page
Suppose I am on Category page then category link should be active with highlighte...
priyanka Sharma
05:51 PM Report-->Others Report Bug #4179 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->First dropdown list (Marked in attached screenshot)-->Design and layout issue for this dropdown list.
AFSC-->Report-->Others Report-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->First dropdown list (Marked in attached screenshot)-->Design and layou... arti saraswat
05:46 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4178 (Closed): Home Screen > Top of right side >Total Earning is showing blank and also design issues
Pravin J
05:37 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4177 (Closed): After adding any author, book, category, book detail anything should navigate to listing screen.
Currently it takes me on update details screen after adding anything new
priyanka Sharma
05:15 PM Report-->Internal Report Bug #4176 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Returns Percentage-->Sector Sector-->Why does data is getting display over the screen without any year selection in the year dropdown list?
AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Returns Percentage-->Sector Sector-->Why does data is getting display over the scre... arti saraswat
05:06 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4175 (New): Restaurant/Grocery >in Home Screen >Total Earnings is showing wrong
user orders ₹305.98 + ₹ 100 give tips > in Home screen Total Earnings is showing > ₹ 1940.98.00 Pravin J
04:40 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #4174 (Closed): View more should not shown until more than 3 products shown there
No need of this if there are one or two products on the screen priyanka Sharma
04:27 PM Report-->Internal Report Bug #4173 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Returns Percentage-->Incorrect calculation.
AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Returns Percentage-->Incorrect calculation.
arti saraswat
04:23 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #4172 (Closed): Create account screen--->Correct signUp to "Sign Up"
priyanka Sharma
04:18 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #4171 (Closed): If I enter wrong login credentials it always says we couldn't find any account with this email....while I have already registered with this email id.
It should show proper error message "Invalid login credentials"
priyanka Sharma
04:11 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #4170 (Closed): User should able to login either enter email in lowercase or uppercase. During registration i wrote and at the time of login i was writing like
Please allow me with lowercase too in this case.
priyanka Sharma
04:07 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4169 (Closed): I have create account from web Application > click on edit button in admin panel > Blood group text field is showing blank
Pravin J
04:04 PM Puthagam Android App Bug #4168 (Closed): Sign up screen > Check password field ---> Label overlapping on password field
priyanka Sharma
04:01 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery QUERY #4167 (New): while create account for delivery boy> I am not getting any option to make payment
Pravin J
03:58 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4166 (Closed): while create Delivery agent account > if email id is already exist the message should be display>email id already exist
Pravin J
03:36 PM Report-->Internal Report Bug #4165 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Late Returns-->Select any sector (Let suppose IB)-->Now change to "Money services" in sector drop down-->Go with year dropdown-->In dropdown no year displayed for Money services is admin change the sector from dropdown.
AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Late Returns-->Select any sector (Let suppose IB)-->Now change to "Money services" ... arti saraswat
03:30 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #4112 (Closed): Test Server --> Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->Sup. C & D --> Table width should be fit to screen size need to extend table width.
This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.
See attached ss:
Mohd Irfan
12:37 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #4112 (Resolved): Test Server --> Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->Sup. C & D --> Table width should be fit to screen size need to extend table width.
sunil gupta
03:29 PM Report-->Internal Report Bug #4164 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Late Returns-->Select International bank Sector-->Go with Year-->There should be "Annual" & "Quarterly" in the year dropdown list, as right now only year is getting appears in dropdown list at report end
AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Late Returns-->Select International bank Sector-->Go with Year-->There should be "A... arti saraswat
03:20 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3937 (Feedback): In report value should separated with commas as like in lfsc. Check ss below
Discuss with Dharamveer Sir sunil gupta
03:19 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3937: In report value should separated with commas as like in lfsc. Check ss below
Discuss with Dharamveer Sir sunil gupta
03:19 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3940 (Feedback): IB8 form - Total expenditure value > check ss below & find the difference. Value in lfsc form is 570,783,370,942,005.25 but in report it shows 570783370942005.2 ...5 missing after.2
sunil gupta
03:12 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4162 (Closed): 1
Pravin J
03:10 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4162 (Closed): 1
Steps to reproduce:- the application
2.Create a account by using Indian mobile number
3. while login the ap...
Pravin J
03:10 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4163 (Closed): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Steps to reproduce:- the application
2.Create a account by using Indian mobile number
3. while login the ap...
Pravin J
03:09 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #4161 (Closed): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please Enter valid mobile number"
Pravin J
03:07 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4160 (Closed): in all 3 application > while registration the application > I am selecting other country code and entering the Indian phone number > screen is navigated on OTP Screen > screen should navigated on OTP screen & validation message should be display
Pravin J
02:57 PM MIIS - Admin Panel QUERY #4159 (New): register as a Delivery Boy from mobile application & web application > when edit delivery boy account in Admin panel > "Driving License", "Govt Id", "Work Permit/Other Govt Id" all file text is showing blank
Pravin J
02:50 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #4089 (Resolved): Report--> Consolidated Report --> offshore banking (IB) --> IB 13 WIII--> As per the Excel sheet formula, values is coming two fields is wrong need to check the condition and fix this issues
sunil gupta
02:43 PM Report-->Internal Report Bug #4158 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Late Returns-->Select Go with "Credit Unions"-->Select quarterly-->If admin does the same then page is getting load only.
AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Late Returns-->Select Go with "Credit Unions"-->Select quarterly-->If admin does th... arti saraswat
02:42 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4157 (Closed): Create a user from mobile application> when i edit the user account in admin panel > in Date of birth text field user birthday date is not showing
Pravin J
01:49 PM Report-->Internal Report Bug #4156 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Late Returns-->Date of Late return should not display at report end before admin's approval. But here data is reflecting even after SUB from LFSC panel only. (Firstly return should approved by admin then it should come)
AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Late Returns-->Date of Late return should not display at report end before admin's... arti saraswat
01:24 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4155 (Closed): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Steps to reproduce:- the application
2.Create a account by using Indian mobile number
3. while login the ap...
Pravin J
01:19 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #4154 (Closed): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please select valid country code"
Pravin J
01:09 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4153 (Reopened ): Admin > Stores >If i do not select anything and click on Search button then website throwing crash . Check issues on all search filters page like store, orders etc
priyanka Sharma
01:03 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4130 (Resolved): Order Cake and click Buy Now button > Application Crashes. (Reference Video Attached).
Narendra Singh
12:55 PM MIIS User app Bug #4152 (Closed): while registration the application > I am selecting other country code & Entering the Indian number > I am getting wrong message > please change the text into "Please select valid country code"
Pravin J
12:35 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4131 (Resolved): Web panel - Forgot password not working. After entering email id no message appearing. please check
Narendra Singh
12:29 PM Report-->Internal Report Bug #4151 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Pending Returns-->Value of Year Dropdown field does not changed On changing the value in Return Type value from dropdown list.
AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Pending Returns-->Value of Year Dropdown field does not changed On changing the val... arti saraswat
12:29 PM MIIS User app Bug #4150 (Closed): I have created account from india > while login the application >I am selecting other country code > enter the mobile number & password >I am able login successfully
Steps to reproduce:- the application
2.Create a account by using Indian mobile number
3. while login the a...
Pravin J
12:10 PM MIIS User app Bug #4149 (New): By using Facebook > I am not able to create or login account > loader is running never ends
Pravin J
12:09 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4138 (Resolved): Admin & web store > Orders page > Show currency sign with the order amount .
Narendra Singh
11:57 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4132 (Resolved): Admin & web panel Orders page > will be good if you show orders date there. Add one more column "Order date"
Narendra Singh
11:56 AM Report-->Internal Report Bug #4148 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Pending Returns-->On changing the year value in table is not getting change, means data remains same even after switching the value in year, quarter dropdown list
AFSC-->Report-->Internal Report-->Pending Returns-->On changing the year value in table is not getting change, means ... arti saraswat
11:39 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4063 (Resolved): Admin & web store both > When we register the store from web application > There is no option to select state and city field. Please add these two
Narendra Singh
10:48 AM MIIS User app Bug #4007 (Resolved): After sending RFQ from user app customer not getting any email . Same email user should get which is getting during sending RFQ from web
Narendra Singh
10:47 AM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3915 (Resolved): After registration the application > Getting a email > need to change some words > please check screen short and change it
Narendra Singh
10:46 AM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3993 (Resolved): While making a payment > in payment screen showing $1 > but when get email here amount is showing 1680.
Narendra Singh
10:46 AM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3645 (Resolved): Register new delivery boy > after login I am seeing old orders there & alaram got ranging after 5 seconds until not accepted
Narendra Singh
10:46 AM Report-->Insurance Bug #4147 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Margin of solvency-->As per client requirement need to remove this tab from here and move to another tab as it with stress report.
AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Margin of solvency-->As per client requirement need to remove this tab from here and move... arti saraswat
10:39 AM Report-->Insurance Bug #4146 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Margin of solvency-->On clicking margin of solvency then this page is getting load only.
AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Margin of solvency-->On clicking margin of solvency then this page is getting load only.
arti saraswat
09:57 AM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3881 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> Need to add generate Pdf , Excel and search button in IB consolidated report.
Mohd Irfan
09:57 AM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3904 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 10--> same values are showing three times instead of one times on consolidated report.
Mohd Irfan
09:56 AM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #4075 (Closed): Report--> Consolidated Report --> offshore banking (IB) --> IB 1 Cont'd -->As per client sheet & lfsc there is no any total field for point 19a, 19b, 19c on consolidated report.
Mohd Irfan
09:56 AM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3905 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 11--> same values are showing two times instead of one times on consolidated report.
Mohd Irfan
09:54 AM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #4111 (Closed): Test server --> Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 1 Cont'd --> if field is blank then no need to show "NAN0" & NAN
Mohd Irfan
09:54 AM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #4114 (Closed): Test server --> Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 10 --> Total value is showing two times instead of one times please need to fix this issue.
Mohd Irfan


07:18 PM Report-->Insurance Bug #4145 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Revenue Accounts-->Is the value of "Net Income(Loss)" at admin panel will fetched from the 2nd Row of Form "B4-Changes in Equity" of LFSC panel?
AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Revenue Accounts-->Is the value of "Net Income(Loss)" at admin panel will fetched from t... arti saraswat
06:57 PM Report-->Insurance Bug #4144 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Reinsurance-->From which input field data of "Income from Life Operations" is getting fetched at admin panel in report end?
AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Reinsurance-->From which input field data of "Income from Life Operations" is getting fet... arti saraswat
06:02 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4143 (Resolved): Restaurant & Grocery > when we create a store from web application>view the store in admin panel >Remove the "Highlighted Text field"
Narendra Singh
05:59 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4143 (Closed): Restaurant & Grocery > when we create a store from web application>view the store in admin panel >Remove the "Highlighted Text field"
Pravin J
06:00 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4062 (In Progress): When we register the store from admin panel > There is no text field to select Country, State ,City
Narendra Singh
04:22 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4062 (Resolved): When we register the store from admin panel > There is no text field to select Country, State ,City
Narendra Singh
06:00 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4135 (Resolved): Admin panel > Orders page > Fields should not reset after searching with filter. Select start date & end date , click on Search will show result but selected start date field got reset
Narendra Singh
04:25 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4135 (Closed): Admin panel > Orders page > Fields should not reset after searching with filter. Select start date & end date , click on Search will show result but selected start date field got reset
priyanka Sharma
06:00 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4139 (Resolved): Grocery & Restaurant order page > Filter should not reset after searching anything. Check video below
Narendra Singh
04:33 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4139 (Reopened ): Grocery & Restaurant order page > Filter should not reset after searching anything. Check video below priyanka Sharma
05:59 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4140 (Resolved): Order page - Three dot Action column > not clickable . Please make it clickable & responsive
Narendra Singh
04:40 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4140 (Reopened ): Order page - Three dot Action column > not clickable . Please make it clickable & responsive
priyanka Sharma
05:38 PM Licensee Panel Bug #4142 (New): LFSC-->Insurance Login-->Upload return-->click on "SAVE"-->After clicking on "SAVE" system takes to error screen.
LFSC-->Insurance Login-->Upload return-->click on "SAVE"-->After clicking on "SAVE" system takes to error screen.
arti saraswat
05:15 PM Report-->Insurance Bug #4141 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Revenue Accounts-->From where the value of "Commissions Paid" does gets fetch?
AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Revenue Accounts-->From where the value of "Commissions Paid" does gets fetch?
arti saraswat
04:38 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #3488: Order cake and make payment by Paytm> displays error.
Shubham J
04:37 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #3488 (Reopened ): Order cake and make payment by Paytm> displays error.
Shubham J
02:20 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #3488 (Resolved): Order cake and make payment by Paytm> displays error.
Paytm is available in Razorpay. Narendra Singh
04:28 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4138 (Closed): Admin & web store > Orders page > Show currency sign with the order amount .
priyanka Sharma
04:27 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4137 (Closed): Web store > Orders page > Show all filters same as in admin panel. (Country, State, City, Start date & end date)
priyanka Sharma
04:26 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4136 (New): Checkout > Order & Delivery Details > Total price displaying wrong.
I have ordered 2 cakes of Rs.450 and shipping charge is Rs.50. Total Price is Rs.950 displaying Rs.450.
Shubham J
04:23 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4134 (New): Checkout > Recipient's mobile > Max 10 numbers should be taken.
Shubham J
04:20 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4133 (New): Admin & web panel > Orders page > Select start date & end date >the whole field should be selectable . Currently only working on click of calendar icon
priyanka Sharma
04:02 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #3484 (Reopened ): Home> Click on Cakes > click best sellers on By Types> check issues below.
2. Home > Scroll down to subscribe email > click on subscribe button > Application crashes.
Shubham J
04:00 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4132 (Closed): Admin & web panel Orders page > will be good if you show orders date there. Add one more column "Order date"
priyanka Sharma
03:58 PM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #4131 (Reopened ): Web panel - Forgot password not working. After entering email id no message appearing. please check
priyanka Sharma
03:56 PM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #4130 (Closed): Order Cake and click Buy Now button > Application Crashes. (Reference Video Attached).
Steps :- Login > Click on Cakes > click Best Seller cakes > Click view detail > enter the details and click Buy Now B... Shubham J
03:50 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4129 (New): Store & Orders page - While downloading excel format, needs to show columns Country , State & City too
priyanka Sharma
03:47 PM Report-->Insurance Bug #4128 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Balance Sheet-->From which input field from lfsc panel the data and value will fetch at report end in admin panel.
AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Balance Sheet-->From which input field from lfsc panel the data and value will fetch at r... arti saraswat
03:38 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #4127 (New): Admin panel > Stores , Products page - > Download as excel or CSV format . Remove these extra columns
priyanka Sharma
02:55 PM Report-->Insurance Bug #4126 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Reinsurance-->From which input field from lfsc panel the data and value will fetch at report end in admin panel.
AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Reinsurance-->From which input field from lfsc panel the data and value will fetch at rep... arti saraswat
02:42 PM Report-->Insurance Bug #4125 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Reinsurance-->No any data is reflecting on this page.
AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Reinsurance-->No any data is reflecting on this page.
arti saraswat
01:38 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4124 (Closed): Facing this issue sometime. Please check below screeenshot.
priyanka Sharma
01:36 PM Report-->Insurance Bug #4123 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Claim Paid-->Not able to understand that from where value in this report is getting fetched.
AFSC-->Report-->Insurance-->Claim Paid-->Not able to understand that from where value in this report is getting fetch... arti saraswat
01:19 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4122 (Closed): User listing page - User list should shown according to the new joining date . Currently it is showing randomly. Means newly registered users should shown at top
priyanka Sharma
01:02 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4121 (Closed): It is not searching user name if I enter name in lowercase letters. Suppose User name is Priya and i am searching with priya then it not shows any record against this user because here p is small
It should not happen because same thing is working with Search field
priyanka Sharma
12:54 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4120 (Closed): After deactivating any user no success message appearing like User deactivated or activated successfully"
And where I can see deactivated users because they got vanish from the list if i...
priyanka Sharma
12:47 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4119 (Closed): Date format should be same everywhere. Means it should show same pattern everywhere. Please check this issue throughout the app.
On User listing screen you are showing date like -30 Aug, 2022
And user detail p...
priyanka Sharma
12:41 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4118 (Closed): If i register any user through API then in admin panel its profile pic is not showing default Please show default profile image if user has not uploaded any profile pic
priyanka Sharma
12:35 PM Puthagam Admin Panel Bug #4117 (Reopened ): Dashboard page > Please correct Dashboard Spelling
priyanka Sharma
11:40 AM Report-->Credit Unions Bug #4116 (New): AFSC-->Report-->Credit Unions-->Balance Sheet-->Statement type Year dropdown-->In this list there should be "Monthly & Quarterly" instead of "Monthly & Yearly", as in credit unions return upload year is only for Monthly & Quarterly in lfsc panel
AFSC-->Report-->Credit Unions-->Pearl Report-->Statement type Year dropdown-->In this list there should be "Monthly &... arti saraswat
11:01 AM Oye Cakes - Web App Bug #3553 (Resolved): always Home page showing Active when I active on other page that time also Home link Highlighted
Narendra Singh

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