


Dharmanshu Gupta's activity

From 08/27/2022 to 09/05/2022


10:20 AM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #4035 (Resolved): Report --> Consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 6 --> As per the client document & Lfsc need to remove this red marked value because there is no any arrears fields here.
Dharmanshu Gupta


06:03 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3895 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 8--> Provided value from lfsc does not showing same on IB consolidated report.
Dharmanshu Gupta
04:27 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3892 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 6--> Provided value from lfsc does not showing same on IB consolidated report.
Dharmanshu Gupta
02:29 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3891 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> Sup. G--> As per lfsc & and client document "Total Resaves for loan" will come only at once.
Dharmanshu Gupta
01:10 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3882 (Feedback): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> NO need to show value after the point as per client discussed over call.
Dicussed with dharamveer sir that after point we can show up to 2 point values for now. Dharmanshu Gupta
01:06 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3960 (Resolved): Report ---> consolidated report --> offshore banking (IB) --> Need to Remove yearly option under the "statement type" dropdown box.
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:41 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3992 (Resolved): Insurance--> Domestic Insurance --> Local -->Schedule 1--> Qus15 --> when applicant select NO YES NO field value should be reset.
Dharmanshu Gupta


04:22 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3982 (Resolved): Insurance--> Domestic Insurance -->Local/external --> schedule 1 -->Qus3 --> Very first time address input field character length is showing only 30 character, need to extend character length
Dharmanshu Gupta
03:54 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3981 (Feedback): Insurance--> Class 'B' Insurer's Association Licence -->International Insurance --> schedule 5 -->sequence is getting wrong ( sequencing issue).
Have to discuss with sunil for the same. Dharmanshu Gupta
03:53 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3986 (Resolved): Insurance --> insurance broker --> insurance broker --> schedule3 & 4 --> Qus3a & 3b -->when applicant click on input field Hint text is overlapp with "Registered office in Anguilla"
Dharmanshu Gupta
03:11 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3991 (Resolved): Insurance --> International Insurance--> Class 'B' Insurer's Association Licence --> schedule 2 -->Qus6 --> when applicant provide value more then 10 char of "number of share" input field after saving provide value convert to 9999999999.
Dharmanshu Gupta
02:33 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3983 (Resolved): Insurance--> Domestic Insurance -->Local/external --> schedule 1 -->Qus 12 --> Save --> edit --> save --> after saving provided document getting disappear.
Dharmanshu Gupta
02:23 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3984 (Resolved): Insurance--> Domestic Insurance -->Local/external --> schedule 1--> Qus 19 --> save --> edit --> save --> after saving provided date getting disappear
Dharmanshu Gupta


03:10 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3897 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 13 WIII-->As per the lfsc provided value does not showing on consolidated report.
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:15 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3923 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> Submitted values are coming all quarters Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 instead of only Quarter 1.
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:07 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3852 (Resolved): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->Sup. C & D --> Table width should be fit to screen size need to extend table width
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:00 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3884 (Feedback): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->Sup A & B--> why is this extra field appearing on the consolidated report.
As discussed with Irfan the form has not to be shown in the report. Dharmanshu Gupta
10:50 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3896 (Resolved): Schedule 2 --> Ques 8--> Name of company field showing blank on edit
Dharmanshu Gupta

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