



From 08/19/2022 to 08/28/2022


09:29 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3913 (Resolved): After registration the application > Getting a message "You request has been submitted successfully " change to "Your request has been submitted successfully"
Ravi L
09:26 PM MIIS User app Bug #3872 (Resolved): Restaurant >Home Screen is Showing Blank
Ravi L
09:24 PM MIIS User app Bug #3691 (Resolved): User app > while registration the application > personal information screen > Date of Birth Text field >I am getting date till 2002 so please set date of birth to minimum 18 years dynamically
Ravi L
11:09 AM MIIS User app Bug #3691 (Reopened ): User app > while registration the application > personal information screen > Date of Birth Text field >I am getting date till 2002 so please set date of birth to minimum 18 years dynamically
Note:- In calendar year should be till 2070 but visible only present year- 12 Pravin J
11:08 AM MIIS User app Bug #3691: User app > while registration the application > personal information screen > Date of Birth Text field >I am getting date till 2002 so please set date of birth to minimum 18 years dynamically
Note:- In calendar year should be till 2070 but visible only present year- 12 Pravin J
09:23 PM MIIS User app Bug #3737 (Resolved): while registration the application >upload profile picture > there is no option to upload with camera
Ravi L
09:23 PM MIIS User app Bug #3738 (Resolved): Restaurant >Home Screen > No Restaurants is showing in "Buy what makes you happy" sections
Ravi L
11:10 AM MIIS User app Bug #3738 (Reopened ): Restaurant >Home Screen > No Restaurants is showing in "Buy what makes you happy" sections
Pravin J
09:22 PM MIIS User app Bug #3889 (Resolved): while making a payment for Delivery boy tips > razor pay is not working >getting error message
Ravi L
09:22 PM MIIS User app Bug #3890 (Resolved): the store which is added by mobile application > I am not able to make a payment by razorpay> getting error message
Ravi L
07:01 PM ARIAS Panel Bug #3950 (New): AFSC-->Profile-->My Profile-->Reset Password-->Input field should not allow unlimited characters.
AFSC-->Profile-->My Profile-->Reset Password-->Input field should not allow unlimited characters.
arti saraswat
06:59 PM ARIAS Panel Bug #3949 (New): AFSC-->Profile-->My Profile-->Reset Password-->Redmark icon in below attached screenshot is not clickable and there is no any word or name of this button.
AFSC-->Profile-->My Profile-->Reset Password-->Redmark icon in below attached screenshot is not clickable and there i... arti saraswat
06:39 PM PROFILE Bug #3948 (New): AFSC-->Profile-->My Profile-->Update-->Design issue
AFSC-->Profile-->My Profile-->Update-->Design issue.
arti saraswat
06:34 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3947 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 13 WII Cont'd --> As per the formula "CONVERTED WEIGHTED VALUE (V X C X W)" is not working properly.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 13 WII Cont'd --> As pe...
Mohd Irfan
06:24 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3793 (Closed): Team leader > when admin send a message , notification count not getting increased to teamleader
Abhishek k
12:14 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3793 (Resolved): Team leader > when admin send a message , notification count not getting increased to teamleader
chirag wadhwa
06:22 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3794 (Closed): Teamleader> Inbjudningslista screen > skicka inbjudan igen button name should be changed like Apk (skicka inbjudan)
Abhishek k
06:22 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3946 (Closed): Return year 2024 year IB 13 W||| form - i, j column values not appearing in the report . Check ss below
(i) Retained earnings (accumulated losses) - ...
priyanka Sharma
06:21 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3809 (Closed): Admin > Rapportlista screen>erase and ok comment button> Anmarkningar popup > Avbryt & ok button > button colour should be blue for every section like Apk
Abhishek k
04:11 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3809 (Resolved): Admin > Rapportlista screen>erase and ok comment button> Anmarkningar popup > Avbryt & ok button > button colour should be blue for every section like Apk
chirag wadhwa
06:20 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3864 (Closed): teamleader> Create group > now teamleader able to add same users multiple time in a group ....need only one user may be add in group
Abhishek k
06:19 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3875 (Closed): change user roll screen > in popup screen change position of ok and avbryt each other
Abhishek k
05:42 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3875 (Resolved): change user roll screen > in popup screen change position of ok and avbryt each other
chirag wadhwa
05:26 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3875 (Reopened ): change user roll screen > in popup screen change position of ok and avbryt each other
Abhishek k
05:54 PM License Requests Bug #3945 (New): AFSC-->License Requests-->Post-License Request-->open company-->In some applications "SUBMISSION" button is absent.
AFSC-->License Requests-->Post-License Request-->open company-->In some applications "SUBMISSION" button is absent.
arti saraswat
05:07 PM License Requests Bug #3944 (New): AFSC-->License Requests-->Pos-License Request-->Excel-->generate excel-->"Action" column should not present in excel file.
AFSC-->License Requests-->Post-License Request-->Excel-->generate excel-->"Action" column should not present in excel... arti saraswat
05:01 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3943: IB11 - Please correct text as per ss below
priyanka Sharma
05:01 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3943 (In Progress): IB11 - Please correct text as per ss below
Correct - Directors and Controllers are associated Of which: Due to Banks
priyanka Sharma
05:00 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3412 (Feedback): Audio call > when patient picking the call doctor application gets crashed..
shefali srivastav
04:49 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3942 (Feedback): Form IB10 --> Column name i & j missing in lfsc & report form. Check the client feedback excel
priyanka Sharma
04:44 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3941 (Closed): Check in all forms ---> if field is blank then no need to show 0.00 in case of blank
priyanka Sharma
04:41 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3867 (Closed): Teamleader > Skriv meddelande screen > Anvandare > velj alla check box> when we mark in valj alla box then all anvandare should be selected but now it`s not working fine
Abhishek k
04:40 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3940 (Feedback): IB8 form - Total expenditure value > check ss below & find the difference. Value in lfsc form is 570,783,370,942,005.25 but in report it shows 570783370942005.2 ...5 missing after.2
priyanka Sharma
04:33 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3883 (Closed): Notification >tap on reported comment notification > delete and ok popup screen > cancel button not displayed for every section
Abhishek k
04:31 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3939 (In Progress): All forms - Check capitalise issue. Heading should capitalise as per client requirement provided in excel sheet.
priyanka Sharma
04:28 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3894 (Closed): Admin > message tab screen > skickat tab > tap randomly on skickat message >check the isuues below
Abhishek k
04:17 PM ADMINISTRATION Module Bug #3938 (New): AFSC-->Administrator-->Activity log-->there is no activity appears for any other user role, only superadmin's activity logs displayed in the data grid.
AFSC-->Administrator-->Activity log-->there is no activity appears for any other user role, only superadmin's activi... arti saraswat
04:11 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3937 (Feedback): In report value should separated with commas as like in lfsc. Check ss below
priyanka Sharma
03:59 PM License Requests Bug #3936 (New): AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->PDF-->"APPLICATION STATUS" column is missing in exported pdf file.
AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->PDF-->"APPLICATION STATUS" column is missing in exported pdf file.
arti saraswat
03:49 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3906 (Closed): Teamleader > mesaage tab screen > check the issue below
Abhishek k
03:47 PM License Requests Bug #3935 (New): AFSC-->License Requests-->Post-License Request-->ALL ENTITIES LICENSE REQUESTS LIST-->this button is not clickable.
AFSC-->License Requests-->Post-License Request-->ALL ENTITIES LICENSE REQUESTS LIST-->this button is not clickable.
arti saraswat
03:25 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3934 (Feedback): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 2--> Need to remove these extra percentage field

Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 2--> Need to remove these ...
Mohd Irfan
03:01 PM License Requests Bug #3933 (New): AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->Excel-->generate excel-->"Action" column should not present in excel file.
AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->Excel-->generate excel-->"Action" column should not present in excel ... arti saraswat
03:00 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3411 (Closed): Dashboard> Scroll down to pleasure notification> Displaying wrong details.> check issue below.
Shubham J
02:52 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3901 (Closed): Schedule 1 form --> On edit it is asking for fill mandatory fields while i have not updated anything in the form
priyanka Sharma
01:13 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3901 (Resolved): Schedule 1 form --> On edit it is asking for fill mandatory fields while i have not updated anything in the form
sunil gupta
02:44 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3903 (Closed): Schedule 3 & schedule 4 --> Ques3rd --> Adrress of field appearing two times
priyanka Sharma
02:33 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3898 (Closed): Schedule 5 - After adding if i edit schedule 5 it ask to fill mandatory field while i have not made any changes yet. Not showing which field is required at the time of edit
priyanka Sharma
02:26 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3896 (Reopened ): Schedule 2 --> Ques 8--> Name of company field showing blank on edit
priyanka Sharma
02:26 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3893 (Closed): Schedule 2 --> Ques 18 After updating this ques it is not showing updated in view details & on edit page and check checkbox of ques 5 too
priyanka Sharma
01:32 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2942 (Resolved): Immigration panel> Before creating outbound of pleasure vessel > if we check the details..then some of fields appearing blank. check below
now popup will open with correct details satyam vishwakarma
01:23 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2580 (Feedback): Sometimes header dropdown links not clickable. Loader ends but not able to open the page . Check attached video link
training server was too slow perhaps this problem was occuring just because of that.
now check this issue on live s...
satyam vishwakarma
01:17 PM License Requests Bug #3932 (New): AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->SUBMISSION-->Click any button (Verify & approve, Request for Resubmission, Reject)-->on clicking on any button, for a couple of second a message displayed over the white screen (See attached screenshot)
AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->SUBMISSION-->Click any button (Verify & approve, Request for Resubmis... arti saraswat
12:56 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3931 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> Sup. F --> As per the formula "percentage of total loans" column & Total Row is not working properly.
Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> Sup. F --> As per the formula ...
Mohd Irfan
12:53 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2545 (Feedback): RCS - If immigration or health form enabled then it should not work for old notifications...only work for new notifications
as per discussion with neeraj sir now this functionality cannot change. later when it will required to have change t... satyam vishwakarma
12:48 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3417 (Resolved): create inbound of pleasure when immigration is on> Review tab > Check issues below.
satyam vishwakarma
12:44 PM License Requests Bug #3930 (New): AFSC->License Requests->Pre License Request->select application->open it->Submission->Request for resubmission->again click on company name link-->even after resubmission, Verify & approve and Request for resubmission button should hide
AFSC->License Requests->Pre License Request->select application->open it->Submission->Request for resubmission->again... arti saraswat
12:25 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3487 (Feedback): Dashboard> Pleasure Notification tab> Check issues below.
it is working fine kindly check at live site
on training site code is not published.
satyam vishwakarma
12:23 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3602 (Feedback): Dashboard > Health form is not displayed at details button of pleasure vessel.
when health is on then it will show health section satyam vishwakarma
12:04 PM License Requests Bug #3929 (New): AFSC->License Requests->Pre-License Request->select submitted application->open it->Submission button->verify & Approve->again click on company name link-->even after approved, Verify & approve button does still appears on the screen, while it should hide
AFSC->License Requests->Pre-License Request->select submitted application->open it->Submission button->verify & Appro... arti saraswat
12:03 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3928 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->Sup. A & B, IB 6, IB 8-->previous report values is showing without filling form on every quarter need to reset the mentioned form
step to reproduce the bug:
Quarter 1 2024
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->Sup. A &...
Mohd Irfan
11:41 AM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3927 (Feedback): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->Sup. A & B-->Only one company values appearing on consolidated report instead of both company values showing on consolidated report.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Only one company value appears on the consolidated report instead of both company value...
Mohd Irfan
11:19 AM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3926 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 1 Cont'd --> As per the formula, percentage is not working properly in IB 1 Cont'd form please need to check and fix this issues
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the formula, percentage is not working properly in IB 1 Cont'd form please need...
Mohd Irfan
11:11 AM License Requests Bug #3925 (New): AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->PDF-->"APPLICATION STATUS" column is missing in exported pdf file.
AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->PDF-->"APPLICATION STATUS" column is missing in exported pdf file.
arti saraswat
11:09 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #3051 (Resolved): Create outbound by departure notification id> Review tab> check issues below.
satyam vishwakarma
11:08 AM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3688 (Reopened ): Delivery Agent >while registration the application > personal information screen > Date of Birth Text field >I am getting date till 2002 so please set date of birth to minimum 18 years dynamically
Note:- In calendar year should be till 2070 but visible only present year -18 year Pravin J
11:06 AM License Requests Bug #3924 (New): AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->ALL ENTITIES LICENSE REQUESTS LIST-->this button is not clickable.
AFSC-->License Requests-->Pre-License Request-->ALL ENTITIES LICENSE REQUESTS LIST-->this button is not clickable.
arti saraswat
11:00 AM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3679 (Reopened ): Sign Up > getting error "Something went wrong" when trying to existing mobile number. Please show proper validation message . "Mobile number is already registered. Please try with another number"
priyanka Sharma
10:49 AM MIIS User app Bug #3780 (Closed): Restaurant And Grocery > order the product > when Ordered Completed > tips popup will display > give tips > then getting popup for "Add Review For Delivery Boy " Change To "Add Review" only
Pravin J
10:44 AM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3923 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> Submitted values are coming all quarters Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 instead of only Quarter 1.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> Submitted values are co...
Mohd Irfan


07:12 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3867 (Resolved): Teamleader > Skriv meddelande screen > Anvandare > velj alla check box> when we mark in valj alla box then all anvandare should be selected but now it`s not working fine
chirag wadhwa
06:47 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3922 (In Progress): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 13 WII Cont'd--> As per the Lfsc & client document need to add missing content on consolidated report.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 13 WII Cont'd--> As per...
Mohd Irfan
06:40 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3921 (New): AFSC-->License Type-->Non Profit Organization-->go with section "NPO PROFILE"-->Design issue (Section boundary should be as per upper section)
AFSC-->License Type-->Non Profit Organization-->go with section "NPO PROFILE"-->Design issue (Section boundary should... arti saraswat
06:36 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3864 (Resolved): teamleader> Create group > now teamleader able to add same users multiple time in a group ....need only one user may be add in group
chirag wadhwa
06:35 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3920 (In Progress): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 13 WI & IB 13 WI Cont'd--> As per the Lfsc & client document need to add missing content on consolidated report.

Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 13 WI--> As per the Lfsc & client document need to ...
Mohd Irfan
06:32 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3919 (In Progress): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 8 --> As per the Lfsc & client document need to add missing content on consolidated report.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 8 --> As per the Lfsc...
Mohd Irfan
06:08 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3918 (In Progress): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB7-> As per the Lfsc & client document need to add missing content on consolidated report.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB7--> As per the Lfsc & c...
Mohd Irfan
06:07 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3898 (Resolved): Schedule 5 - After adding if i edit schedule 5 it ask to fill mandatory field while i have not made any changes yet. Not showing which field is required at the time of edit
sunil gupta
04:08 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3898 (Closed): Schedule 5 - After adding if i edit schedule 5 it ask to fill mandatory field while i have not made any changes yet. Not showing which field is required at the time of edit priyanka Sharma
06:03 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3906 (Resolved): Teamleader > mesaage tab screen > check the issue below
chirag wadhwa
05:07 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3906 (Closed): Teamleader > mesaage tab screen > check the issue below
1. skickat tab > chane title name of the screen and same data displyed in every message
2. Inkong tab screen > sam...
Abhishek k
05:59 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3917 (In Progress): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 6 --> As per the Lfsc & client document need to add missing content on consolidated report.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 6 --> As per the Lfsc &...
Mohd Irfan
05:52 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3903 (Resolved): Schedule 3 & schedule 4 --> Ques3rd --> Adrress of field appearing two times
sunil gupta
04:38 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3903 (Closed): Schedule 3 & schedule 4 --> Ques3rd --> Adrress of field appearing two times
priyanka Sharma
05:50 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3916 (In Progress): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 2 Cont'd --> Need to add missing content as per the lfsc & client document.
Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 2 Cont'd --> Need to add...
Mohd Irfan
05:47 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3915 (Closed): After registration the application > Getting a email > need to change some words > please check screen short and change it
Pravin J
05:44 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3914 (New): AFSC-->License Type-->All Licensed Entities-->Value in "Sub Sector" column does not reflect.
AFSC-->License Type-->All Licensed Entities-->Value in "Sub Sector" column does not reflect.
arti saraswat
05:39 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3913 (Closed): After registration the application > Getting a message "You request has been submitted successfully " change to "Your request has been submitted successfully"
Pravin J
05:38 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3912 (Closed): After registration the application > Getting a message "You request has been submitted successfully " change to "Your request has been submitted successfully"
Pravin J
05:33 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3911 (In Progress): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->Sup. C & D--> Need to add missing content as per the lfsc & provided client document.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->Sup. C & D--> Need to add m...
Mohd Irfan
05:16 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3896 (Resolved): Schedule 2 --> Ques 8--> Name of company field showing blank on edit
sunil gupta
04:00 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3896 (Closed): Schedule 2 --> Ques 8--> Name of company field showing blank on edit priyanka Sharma
05:16 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3893 (Resolved): Schedule 2 --> Ques 18 After updating this ques it is not showing updated in view details & on edit page and check checkbox of ques 5 too
sunil gupta
03:42 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3893 (Closed): Schedule 2 --> Ques 18 After updating this ques it is not showing updated in view details & on edit page and check checkbox of ques 5 too priyanka Sharma
05:12 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #3910 (New): Grocery > while adding the product > Add new Product > static product is not showing eg:- potato, onion, Tomato etc
Pravin J
05:11 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3909 (New): AFSC-->License Type-->Non-License Entity-->ALL LICENSED ENTITIES LIST-->this button is not clickable
AFSC-->License Type-->Non-License Entity-->ALL LICENSED ENTITIES LIST-->this button is not clickable
arti saraswat
05:07 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3907 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 13 WI Cont'd-->provided values from lfsc does not showing After 50% on consolidated report.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 13 WI Cont'd--> provided...
Mohd Irfan
04:56 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3905 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 11--> same values are showing two times instead of one times on consolidated report.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 11--> same values are sh...
Mohd Irfan
04:41 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3904 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 10--> same values are showing three times instead of one times on consolidated report.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> same values are showing t...
Mohd Irfan
04:36 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Support #3902 (Closed): Teamleader & Uesr > Login & update password screen > if we dont enter otp in text then view and hide password icon should be Active . it should work similar like Apk
Abhishek k
04:25 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3901 (Closed): Schedule 1 form --> On edit it is asking for fill mandatory fields while i have not updated anything in the form
Save the form by filling all mandatory fields --> Now edit the form and click on Validate & Save button --> it is sho... priyanka Sharma
04:18 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3817 (Closed): users>Uppdatera losenordet screen view & hide icon >it is working opposite, it should work as Apk
Abhishek k
04:12 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3717 (Closed): Dashboard > Change the inbound button in Health Questionnaire
Shubham J
12:44 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3717 (Resolved): Dashboard > Change the inbound button in Health Questionnaire
rajat gupta
04:12 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3807 (Closed): .teamleader> Sidemenu > once we tap on skicka inbjudan , Application gets crashed
Abhishek k
04:10 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3894 (Resolved): Admin > message tab screen > skickat tab > tap randomly on skickat message >check the isuues below
chirag wadhwa
03:45 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3894 (Closed): Admin > message tab screen > skickat tab > tap randomly on skickat message >check the isuues below
1. whenever we tap on message then title name of screen should be skickat not Inkong
2. Actual message is not disp...
Abhishek k
04:09 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3899 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 13 WIV--> Provided value from lfsc does not showing same on IB consolidated report.
step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 13 WIV--> Provided value fro...
Mohd Irfan
04:07 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3804 (Closed): .calendar icon >latest event should be displayed top of the screen. Now it is showing below of the screen
Abhishek k
04:05 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3628 (Closed): Create inbound of pleasure > search notification id > Displaying cruise field in pleasure vessel.
Shubham J
12:44 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3628 (Resolved): Create inbound of pleasure > search notification id > Displaying cruise field in pleasure vessel.
rajat gupta
04:05 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3897 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> IB 13 WIII-->As per the lfsc provided value does not showing on consolidated report.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> As per the lfsc provided v...
Mohd Irfan
03:57 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3805 (Closed): Event tab screen >In Date format month name should be in string values As Apk
Abhishek k
03:56 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3895 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 8--> Provided value from lfsc does not showing same on IB consolidated report.
Step to the reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 8--> Provided value fr...
Mohd Irfan
03:56 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3806 (Closed): Redigera grupp screen > No Anvandare name is showing on the screen like as Apk
Abhishek k
03:55 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3554 (Closed): Create Pleasure inbound > Details displaying wrong and empty.
Shubham J
03:52 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3803 (Closed): The Team can be displayed under the name just like APK
Abhishek k
03:51 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3802 (Closed): Meddelande tab >skickat & inkorg tab screen> check issues below
Abhishek k
03:45 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3874 (Closed): Schedule 2 - ques no 15 - For the text box field name “If so please give details”, change field name to “Details” - not fixed yet
priyanka Sharma
02:43 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3874 (Resolved): Schedule 2 - ques no 15 - For the text box field name “If so please give details”, change field name to “Details” - not fixed yet
sunil gupta
11:53 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3874 (Closed): Schedule 2 - ques no 15 - For the text box field name “If so please give details”, change field name to “Details” - not fixed yet
priyanka Sharma
03:45 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3878 (Closed): Schedule 2 - ques 19 - Delete “Add Row” answer option as per feedback. You have deleted ques 19. It should delete Add row option not question
priyanka Sharma
02:36 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3878 (Resolved): Schedule 2 - ques 19 - Delete “Add Row” answer option as per feedback. You have deleted ques 19. It should delete Add row option not question
sunil gupta
12:07 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3878 (Closed): Schedule 2 - ques 19 - Delete “Add Row” answer option as per feedback. You have deleted ques 19. It should delete Add row option not question
priyanka Sharma
03:37 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3892 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 6--> Provided value from lfsc does not showing same on IB consolidated report.
Step to the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->IB 6--> Provided value from lfsc does...
Mohd Irfan
03:22 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3891 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> Sup. G--> As per lfsc & and client document "Total Resaves for loan" will come only at once.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> Sup. G--> As per lfsc & an...
Mohd Irfan
03:21 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3801 (Closed): Meddelande tab > skickat screen > change title of screen skicka to Skickat
Abhishek k
03:14 PM MIIS User app Bug #3890 (Closed): the store which is added by mobile application > I am not able to make a payment by razorpay> getting error message
Pravin J
03:12 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3800 (Closed): Skapa event > spelling error - change ocksa to aven as Apk
Abhishek k
03:12 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3797 (Closed): admin > skapa inlagg screen > complete the check bok instruction like Apk
Abhishek k
03:11 PM MIIS User app Bug #3889 (Closed): while making a payment for Delivery boy tips > razor pay is not working >getting error message
Pravin J
03:10 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3799 (Closed): Admin> Delete the post> Spelling mistake. Replace inlagg to inlagget like as Android and Avbyt and Ja text should be in upper case
Abhishek k
03:10 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3877 (Closed): SChedule 2 - ques 18 - you have changed wrong column name as per feedback point .
priyanka Sharma
02:41 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3877 (Resolved): SChedule 2 - ques 18 - you have changed wrong column name as per feedback point .
sunil gupta
12:06 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3877 (Closed): SChedule 2 - ques 18 - you have changed wrong column name as per feedback point .
And I am not getting this point exactly wha...
priyanka Sharma
03:08 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3873 (Closed): Question 22 repeated two times in Schedule
priyanka Sharma
03:03 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3873 (Resolved): Question 22 repeated two times in Schedule
sunil gupta
11:29 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #3873 (Closed): Question 22 repeated two times in Schedule
priyanka Sharma
03:06 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3796 (Closed): Admin > nytt event screen >calendar popup> change button name cancel to Adbryt like Apk
Abhishek k
03:03 PM MIIS User app Bug #3888 (New): Grocery & Restaurant > Newly added store is not visible in Home Screen & restaurant near you , if the name is searched it is showing the name
Pravin J
03:02 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3795 (Closed): user login screen > when user not selected profile and cover image then in popup message there should be JA .Now ok is viewing
Abhishek k
03:00 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3887 (New): AFSC-->License Type-->All Licensed Entities-->very first 4 rows are blank (Means without any saved data)
AFSC-->License Type-->All Licensed Entities-->very first 4 rows are blank (Means without any saved data)
arti saraswat
02:51 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3886 (New): AFSC-->Administrator-->Fee structure-->Annual Fee-->Add annual fee-->year of "Fees Period Ends to Month/Year*" can't fall before "Fees Period Starts from Month/Year*"
AFSC-->Administrator-->Fee structure-->Annual Fee-->Add annual fee-->year of "Fees Period Ends to Month/Year*" can't ... arti saraswat
02:41 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3875 (Resolved): change user roll screen > in popup screen change position of ok and avbryt each other
chirag wadhwa
12:01 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3875 (Closed): change user roll screen > in popup screen change position of ok and avbryt each other
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
02:41 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3883 (Resolved): Notification >tap on reported comment notification > delete and ok popup screen > cancel button not displayed for every section
chirag wadhwa
01:13 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3883 (Closed): Notification >tap on reported comment notification > delete and ok popup screen > cancel button not displayed for every section
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
02:39 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3885 (New): AFSC-->License Type-->Non-License Entity-->add relationship-->resume-->attach resume-->save-->after save attached resume gets disappear from the resume field.
AFSC-->License Type-->Non-License Entity-->add relationship-->resume-->attach resume-->save-->after save attached res... arti saraswat
02:28 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3333 (Closed): Pleasure inbound> search by notification id> Review tab> Fields displaying wrong details.
Shubham J
02:27 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #3656 (Closed): When we change the status of Store or Product > page is navigated on error page
Pravin J
02:21 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3884 (Feedback): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->Sup A & B--> why is this extra field appearing on the consolidated report.
step to reproduce the bug:
why is this extra field appearing on the consolidated report
See attached screensh...
Mohd Irfan
01:07 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3602 (Reopened ): Dashboard > Health form is not displayed at details button of pleasure vessel.
Shubham J
12:44 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3602 (Resolved): Dashboard > Health form is not displayed at details button of pleasure vessel.
rajat gupta
01:01 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3882 (Feedback): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> NO need to show value after the point as per client discussed over call.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> NO need to show values aft...
Mohd Irfan
12:57 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3417 (Reopened ): create inbound of pleasure when immigration is on> Review tab > Check issues below.
Shubham J
12:49 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #3532 (Resolved): Crew List> Download the format > Create new list and upload the new excel file > can't upload the excel file (excel file attached)
rajat gupta
12:48 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #3700 (Resolved): Create arrival notification(when immigration is on) > next button is not working in Health and Covid tab.
rajat gupta
12:47 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #3839 (Resolved): create new arrival of pleasure > click print button > stops at loading .
rajat gupta
12:46 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3689 (Resolved): After creating cruise inbound , search again Notification id in inbound tab > click details > fields appearing blank.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3869 (Resolved): Warnings > Add sightings > check issues below.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3750 (Resolved): Inbound/outbound > If i edit/add crews in individual tab and submit the form in review tab > can't create inbound.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3787 (Resolved): After click on save, Change the text Succssfully to Successfully.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3788 (Resolved): create inbound from rcs> No rotation reference number is displayed.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3786 (Resolved): Weapons > Add a weapon through RCS > Fields appear blank.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3721 (Resolved): after creating inbound of pleasure > click review health> fields appearing blank.
rajat gupta
12:44 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3678 (Resolved): I have deleted pleasure arrival notification from sailclear but it is displaying in RCS dashboard. (Reference Video Attached).
rajat gupta
12:44 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3682 (Resolved): Create inbound of pleasure > Go to inport and click on details > check issue below.
rajat gupta
12:40 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3881 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> Need to add generate Pdf , Excel and search button in IB consolidated report.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> Need to add generate Pdf...
Mohd Irfan
12:34 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3880 (New): AFSC-->License Type-->Non-License Entity-->add relationship-->Go with Service Provided By *-->System doesn't provide the suggestion for existing entity.
AFSC-->License Type-->Non-License Entity-->add relationship-->Go with Service Provided By *-->System doesn't provide ... arti saraswat
12:32 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3879 (In Progress): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> As per the client document need to change background color in mentioned form on consolidated report.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> As per the client document...
Mohd Irfan
12:24 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3825 (Closed): App got crash while changing user role .
priyanka Sharma
12:17 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3809 (Reopened ): Admin > Rapportlista screen>erase and ok comment button> Anmarkningar popup > Avbryt & ok button > button colour should be blue for every section like Apk
Abhishek k
12:12 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3818 (Reopened ): Users > users are able to login with both old and new password
Abhishek k
12:03 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3876 (New): AFSC-->License Type-->Non-License Entity-->dropdown list-->Choose SubSector-->why does this "Choose SubSector" appears in the dropdown list.
AFSC-->License Type-->Non-License Entity-->dropdown list-->Choose SubSector-->why does this "Choose SubSector" appear... arti saraswat
11:38 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3832 (Closed): Teamleader > sidemenu > teamlista > add button > title of the screen should be skapa team not lagg till anvandare
Abhishek k
11:37 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3838 (Closed): Team leader > Anvandare screen > Whenever we want to add anvandare in team then in popup massage Avbryt or ok position replaced each other
Abhishek k
11:35 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3842 (Closed): Teamleader > Anvandare screen > Andra behorighet > updated successfully popup should be in swedish language har uppdaterats
Abhishek k
11:30 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3845 (Closed): Teamleader> Redigera team screen> profile edit icon not displayed to screen it should similar as Apk
Abhishek k
11:25 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3855 (Closed): Users>message tab screen > screen getting blanks till before tap on inkorg option
Abhishek k
11:03 AM MIIS User app Bug #3872 (Closed): Restaurant >Home Screen is Showing Blank
Pravin J


07:43 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3566 (Feedback): Warning button is not displayed when searching the cruise id on inbound tab.
it's working fine,
it was not working because warning was not created for that record
satyam vishwakarma
07:30 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3565 (Feedback): Create inbound of cruise> search by notification id> Check issues below.
please note down the issue (note which port is note showing on the selected country)
data missing and mismatch
satyam vishwakarma
07:18 PM MIIS User app Bug #3738 (Resolved): Restaurant >Home Screen > No Restaurants is showing in "Buy what makes you happy" sections
Ravi L
07:03 PM MIIS User app Bug #3780 (Resolved): Restaurant And Grocery > order the product > when Ordered Completed > tips popup will display > give tips > then getting popup for "Add Review For Delivery Boy " Change To "Add Review" only
Ravi L
06:30 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3602 (In Progress): Dashboard > Health form is not displayed at details button of pleasure vessel.
health form details will show when health is active satyam vishwakarma
05:52 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3869 (In Progress): Warnings > Add sightings > check issues below.
now only digits are allowed satyam vishwakarma
04:58 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3869 (Closed): Warnings > Add sightings > check issues below.
1. able to fill only alphabets in Latitude and longitude fields.
2. after sa...
Shubham J
05:48 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3866 (Feedback): Outbound > next country details displaying wrong.
please note this issue in notebook.
wrong database entry or mismatch
satyam vishwakarma
01:39 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3866 (Feedback): Outbound > next country details displaying wrong.
Shubham J
03:25 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3867 (Closed): Teamleader > Skriv meddelande screen > Anvandare > velj alla check box> when we mark in valj alla box then all anvandare should be selected but now it`s not working fine
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
02:44 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3804 (Resolved): .calendar icon >latest event should be displayed top of the screen. Now it is showing below of the screen
chirag wadhwa
12:09 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3804 (In Progress): .calendar icon >latest event should be displayed top of the screen. Now it is showing below of the screen
chirag wadhwa
02:29 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3819 (Resolved): Event listing > events not synced with android apk. Whenever i open Event screen it should show upcoming events of future but it shows past events. Please check android refrence
chirag wadhwa
01:39 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3841 (Feedback): Query Tab > Query weapon tab > search weapon > click export to pdf> No Pdf is created.
satyam vishwakarma
01:17 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3864 (Closed): teamleader> Create group > now teamleader able to add same users multiple time in a group ....need only one user may be add in group
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
11:34 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3818 (Resolved): Users > users are able to login with both old and new password
chirag wadhwa
11:30 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3824 (Resolved): Update info > Add contact > getting server error while saving & Only name OR description mandatory & mobilenumber OR email. Check android apk
chirag wadhwa
11:22 AM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3862 (Closed): While adding the products >when we click on save & Continue button > page is navigated on error page
Pravin J
11:11 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3855 (Resolved): Users>message tab screen > screen getting blanks till before tap on inkorg option
chirag wadhwa
11:02 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3821 (Resolved): Update info > Upload document > Only pdf document should allow. Currently taking images too
chirag wadhwa


05:33 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3857 (Closed): Team leader & user > kalender tab icon > kalender screen > if we select todays date then only todays event should be displayed but other id data also getting .it should similar like Apk
see the attach sc
User Id
Teamleader id :-
Abhishek k
05:05 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3856 (Feedback): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> As per the lfsc & client document need to add form name on the consolidated report entire form.
Step to reproduce the bug:
As per the lfsc & client document need to add the form name on the consolidated report ...
Mohd Irfan
04:43 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3855 (Closed): Users>message tab screen > screen getting blanks till before tap on inkorg option
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
04:33 PM Words of War Game Android App Bug #3854 (New): when friend sent the message > notification is not getting
Pravin J
04:27 PM Words of War Game Android App Bug #3853 (Resolved): while chatting with friend when we sent emoji's > it is displaying as Question marks(?)
Pravin J
04:18 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3852 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->Sup. C & D --> Table width should be fit to screen size need to extend table width
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) -->Sup. C & D --> Table width...
Mohd Irfan
04:05 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3842 (Resolved): Teamleader > Anvandare screen > Andra behorighet > updated successfully popup should be in swedish language har uppdaterats
chirag wadhwa
12:24 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3842 (Closed): Teamleader > Anvandare screen > Andra behorighet > updated successfully popup should be in swedish language har uppdaterats
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
04:04 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3851 (In Progress): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> heading content should be bold on entire form as per the provided document.
Step to reproduce the bug:
heading content should be bold on the entire form as per the provided document.
See ...
Mohd Irfan
03:53 PM Words of War Game Android App Bug #3850 (Resolved): Forgot password is working but when we enter the OTP in Otp text field >incorrect OTP message is displaying
Pravin J
03:46 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3805 (Resolved): Event tab screen >In Date format month name should be in string values As Apk
chirag wadhwa
03:35 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3807 (Resolved): .teamleader> Sidemenu > once we tap on skicka inbjudan , Application gets crashed
chirag wadhwa
03:35 PM Sector-INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #3849 (Closed): Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> when applicant select Quarter & return year and fetching Report after that, applicant is unable to change Quarter & Return year, drop down is deactivate
Step to reproduce the bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> Offshore banking (IB) --> when applicant selects Q...
Mohd Irfan
03:32 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3845 (Resolved): Teamleader> Redigera team screen> profile edit icon not displayed to screen it should similar as Apk
chirag wadhwa
01:21 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3845 (Closed): Teamleader> Redigera team screen> profile edit icon not displayed to screen it should similar as Apk
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
03:22 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3838 (Resolved): Team leader > Anvandare screen > Whenever we want to add anvandare in team then in popup massage Avbryt or ok position replaced each other
chirag wadhwa
11:32 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3838 (Closed): Team leader > Anvandare screen > Whenever we want to add anvandare in team then in popup massage Avbryt or ok position replaced each other
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
03:18 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3832 (Resolved): Teamleader > sidemenu > teamlista > add button > title of the screen should be skapa team not lagg till anvandare
chirag wadhwa
03:17 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3803 (Resolved): The Team can be displayed under the name just like APK
chirag wadhwa
03:17 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3800 (Resolved): Skapa event > spelling error - change ocksa to aven as Apk
chirag wadhwa
03:17 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3799 (Resolved): Admin> Delete the post> Spelling mistake. Replace inlagg to inlagget like as Android and Avbyt and Ja text should be in upper case
chirag wadhwa
03:16 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3801 (Resolved): Meddelande tab > skickat screen > change title of screen skicka to Skickat
chirag wadhwa
03:16 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3802 (Resolved): Meddelande tab >skickat & inkorg tab screen> check issues below
chirag wadhwa
03:15 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3806 (Resolved): Redigera grupp screen > No Anvandare name is showing on the screen like as Apk
chirag wadhwa
03:15 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3809 (Resolved): Admin > Rapportlista screen>erase and ok comment button> Anmarkningar popup > Avbryt & ok button > button colour should be blue for every section like Apk
chirag wadhwa
03:15 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3817 (Resolved): users>Uppdatera losenordet screen view & hide icon >it is working opposite, it should work as Apk
chirag wadhwa
03:14 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3797 (Resolved): admin > skapa inlagg screen > complete the check bok instruction like Apk
chirag wadhwa
03:14 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3796 (Resolved): Admin > nytt event screen >calendar popup> change button name cancel to Adbryt like Apk
chirag wadhwa
03:14 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3795 (Resolved): user login screen > when user not selected profile and cover image then in popup message there should be JA .Now ok is viewing
chirag wadhwa
03:13 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3794 (Resolved): Teamleader> Inbjudningslista screen > skicka inbjudan igen button name should be changed like Apk (skicka inbjudan)
chirag wadhwa
03:13 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3825 (Resolved): App got crash while changing user role .
chirag wadhwa
03:02 PM Words of War Game Android App Bug #3848 (Resolved): While registration the application > if password containing alphas numeric and special characters when we do not enter as per the requirement > validation message should be display as > see the below
Expected:- "Please use special characters for your password and ..." change to "Your password must be more than 6 cha... Pravin J
02:57 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3747 (Closed): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU1-Supp D Invest Con.---> PDF file ---> Full column name "Investment Concentration vs Reg. Capital" is not visible in Generated pdf file
Mohd Irfan
02:56 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3775 (Closed): Demo Server --> Report --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions -->CU2-Credit by Economic Activity --> " PERCENTAGE OF EACH ECONOMIC SECTOR TO THE TOTAL" column is not working properly as per the formula
Mohd Irfan
02:50 PM Licensee Panel Bug #3847 (New): Offshore banking (IB) --> Return upload panel --> Ib3 & IB4--> when applicant switch the tab IB3 to IB 4 and again switch the tab IB4 to IB3 system throws error message "page unresponsive"
Step to reproduce bug:
Offshore banking (IB) --> Return upload panel --> Ib3 & IB4--> when applicant switches the ...
Mohd Irfan
01:35 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3846 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->"Non-Licensed Entity list" Button is not clickable.
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->"Non-Licensed Entity list" Button is not clickable.
arti saraswat
12:48 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3844 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type-> Non-License Entity-->Add company-->Provide value till "Phone 1"-->click on SAVE-->Put Red Asterisk mark on "Email" as it is the mandatory input field.
AFSC-->Licensee Type-> Non-License Entity-->Add company-->Provide value till "Phone 1"-->click on SAVE-->Put Red Aste... arti saraswat
12:37 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3843 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type-> Non-License Entity-->Add company-->Provide value till "First Name"-->click on SAVE-->Put Red Asterisk mark on "Phone 1" as it is the mandatory input field.
AFSC-->Licensee Type-> Non-License Entity-->Add company-->Provide value till "First Name"-->click on SAVE-->Put Red A... arti saraswat
12:24 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3841 (Feedback): Query Tab > Query weapon tab > search weapon > click export to pdf> No Pdf is created. Shubham J
12:13 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3541 (Closed): After creating inbound, search again with same notification id > Vessel type and Next country details displaying blank.
Shubham J
12:07 PM Words of War Game Android App Bug #3840 (Resolved): After Login the application >Tap on menu bar > tap on My Profile > Tap on Edit Profile > While uploading the image > there is no option to upload image from camera
Pravin J
11:43 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #3839 (Resolved): create new arrival of pleasure > click print button > stops at loading . Shubham J
10:36 AM Words of War Game Android App Bug #3837 (Resolved): While login the application > Enter the e-mail in email text field and left the password text field OR enter the incorrect password > tap on Continue > validation message is not displaying
Expected :- Validation message should be display Pravin J
10:30 AM Words of War Game Android App Bug #3836 (Resolved): After registration the application > getting mail> in mail > Spelling mistake are there >so please correct the spelling of Knowledge & rewards
1. knowladge change to Knowledge
2.rewads change to rewards
Pravin J


07:13 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3835 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->Company Information Section-->Name-->Put maximum character length name (400)-->save-->After save system accepts only 255 initial character (Means value after 255th character gets disappear)
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->Company Information Section-->Name-->Put maximum character length name (40... arti saraswat
06:58 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3834 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type-> Non-License Entity-->add company-->go with entity list-->open that added company-->In start Date field in "Allow Exemption to Submit Return" are blank, but as user clicks on Update button then bye default "01-01-1970" date appears.
AFSC-->Licensee Type-> Non-License Entity-->add company-->go with entity list-->open that added company-->In start Da... arti saraswat
06:52 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3812 (Feedback): Create pleasure inbound by Notification id > Newly created inbound should be shown on the last on In-port tab.
table shows data in descending order as per last discussion satyam vishwakarma
03:49 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3812 (Feedback): Create pleasure inbound by Notification id > Newly created inbound should be shown on the last on In-port tab.
Shubham J
06:36 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3833 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->Address-->City-->(1). Need to extend the character length. (2). City should be alphanumeric.
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->Address-->City-->(1). Need to extend the character length. (2). City shoul... arti saraswat
06:33 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3832 (Closed): Teamleader > sidemenu > teamlista > add button > title of the screen should be skapa team not lagg till anvandare
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
06:18 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3831 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->even I am working on AFSC panel, still system throws pop-up for stay login or logout (Means session out message)
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->even I am working on AFSC panel, still system throws pop-up for stay login... arti saraswat
06:11 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3829 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->First Name-->Select "Miss" prefix for first name-->save-->After save prefix value gets convert into "Mr." instead of "Miss"
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->First Name-->Select "Miss" prefix for first name-->save-->After save prefi... arti saraswat
06:05 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3828 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->First Name-->Need to extend character length.
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Non-License Entity-->First Name-->Need to extend character length.
arti saraswat
05:38 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3825 (Closed): App got crash while changing user role .
Anvandares > user profile> change role teamleader to user > app got crash
priyanka Sharma
05:31 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3824 (Closed): Update info > Add contact > getting server error while saving & Only name OR description mandatory & mobilenumber OR email. Check android apk
priyanka Sharma
05:20 PM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3823 (Closed): while uploading the image or file > there should be an option upload image or file through internal image or file
Pravin J
05:09 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3821 (Closed): Update info > Upload document > Only pdf document should allow. Currently taking images too
priyanka Sharma
04:58 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3786 (In Progress): Weapons > Add a weapon through RCS > Fields appear blank.
satyam vishwakarma
11:38 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #3786 (Closed): Weapons > Add a weapon through RCS > Fields appear blank.
If i doesn't mark the check box of sealed on board, after saving it should disp...
Shubham J
04:56 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3819 (Closed): Event listing > events not synced with android apk. Whenever i open Event screen it should show upcoming events of future but it shows past events. Please check android refrence
priyanka Sharma
04:49 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3818 (Reopened ): Users > users are able to login with both old and new password
steps to reproduce:-
1. login with email & password
2. Go with change password and now login with new password
Abhishek k
04:31 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3787 (In Progress): After click on save, Change the text Succssfully to Successfully.
satyam vishwakarma
11:46 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #3787 (Closed): After click on save, Change the text Succssfully to Successfully.
Shubham J
04:27 PM Oye-Cakes Admin App Bug #3463 (Closed): Login > Menu > Customers > Add new customers> Fill the fields and submit > After submit, displays error.
priyanka Sharma
04:26 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3788 (In Progress): create inbound from rcs> No rotation reference number is displayed.
satyam vishwakarma
11:51 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #3788 (Closed): create inbound from rcs> No rotation reference number is displayed.
Shubham J
04:14 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3817 (Closed): users>Uppdatera losenordet screen view & hide icon >it is working opposite, it should work as Apk
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
04:01 PM Muslim Moodfit - Android app Bug #3816 (New): Home Screen > spelling mistake of Activities> "Activites" change to "Activities"
Pravin J
03:59 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3815 (New): Home Screen > spelling mistake of Activities> "Activites" change to "Activities"
Pravin J
03:58 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3814 (New): Home Screen > Tap on Activities > Back button is not there all sub screen of Activities
expected:-Back button should be all sub screen of Activities Pravin J
03:50 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3813 (New): Home> Tap on Mood > when we choose multiplies Shortcuts > Shortcuts should be separate by comma(,)
Pravin J
03:47 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3811 (New): Home Screen> Tap on Tools > Tap on Breathing > Tap on Deep Breathing> in 3rd point "5" missing in the so add there
Expected:- Hold your breath for a count of 5. Pravin J
03:47 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3810 (New): Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> why "0" is showing on consolidated report instead of blank form & and given value.
Step to reproduce bug:
Report --> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> why "0" is showing on entire form
Mohd Irfan
03:45 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3809 (Closed): Admin > Rapportlista screen>erase and ok comment button> Anmarkningar popup > Avbryt & ok button > button colour should be blue for every section like Apk
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
03:35 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3776 (Reopened ): Open the application > Tap on setting , playlist, Reminder> tap on Help, FAQ, Feedback, Support etc.> There is no Back button
Pravin J
12:55 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3776 (Resolved): Open the application > Tap on setting , playlist, Reminder> tap on Help, FAQ, Feedback, Support etc.> There is no Back button
Mohd Imran
03:30 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3808 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->REINSURANCE--> add REINSURANCE-->Click on "Save information"-->Value is getting add without filling any detail in any field.
AFSC-->Licensee Type->REINSURANCE--> add REINSURANCE-->Click on "Save information"-->Value is getting add without fil... arti saraswat
03:28 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3503 (Closed): In all the sub-Screen >there should be Back button then user can go back in main screen
Pravin J
01:02 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3503 (Resolved): In all the sub-Screen >there should be Back button then user can go back in main screen
Mohd Imran
03:26 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3773 (Closed): Open the Application >Tap on Tools Icon >Tap on Breathing > Tap on "Belly Breathing" & "Pursed Lip Breathing" > in both screen Back button is not there
Pravin J
12:57 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3773 (Resolved): Open the Application >Tap on Tools Icon >Tap on Breathing > Tap on "Belly Breathing" & "Pursed Lip Breathing" > in both screen Back button is not there
Mohd Imran
03:24 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3772 (Reopened ): When we refresh the application > application getting flash watch the video for more clarity
Pravin J
12:31 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3772 (Resolved): When we refresh the application > application getting flash watch the video for more clarity
Mohd Imran
03:08 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3807 (Closed): .teamleader> Sidemenu > once we tap on skicka inbjudan , Application gets crashed
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
03:06 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3806 (Closed): Redigera grupp screen > No Anvandare name is showing on the screen like as Apk
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
03:02 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3805 (Closed): Event tab screen >In Date format month name should be in string values As Apk
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
03:00 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3804 (Closed): .calendar icon >latest event should be displayed top of the screen. Now it is showing below of the screen
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
02:58 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3803 (Closed): The Team can be displayed under the name just like APK
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
02:53 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3802 (Closed): Meddelande tab >skickat & inkorg tab screen> check issues below
1. When we tab on meddelande icon then we should navigate on skickat screen not on lnkorg screen.
2. Inkorg tab scre...
Abhishek k
02:47 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3801 (Closed): Meddelande tab > skickat screen > change title of screen skicka to Skickat
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
02:35 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3800 (Closed): Skapa event > spelling error - change ocksa to aven as Apk
see the attach sc
Abhishek k
02:29 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3799 (Closed): Admin> Delete the post> Spelling mistake. Replace inlagg to inlagget like as Android and Avbyt and Ja text should be in upper case
see the attach screenshot
Abhishek k
01:36 PM Muslim Moodfit - Android app Bug #2994 (Reopened ): Not able to come back from Custom activities screen
priyanka Sharma
01:29 PM Muslim Moodfit - Android app Bug #2994 (Resolved): Not able to come back from Custom activities screen
Mohd Imran
01:32 PM Muslim Moodfit - Android app Bug #3003 (Closed): Home Screen> Go to mood tab>when we add multiple shortcuts > there should be comma(,) for separate
Pravin J
01:24 PM Muslim Moodfit - Android app Bug #3003 (Resolved): Home Screen> Go to mood tab>when we add multiple shortcuts > there should be comma(,) for separate
Mohd Imran
01:29 PM Muslim Moodfit - Android app Bug #3008 (Reopened ): Home Screen >Go to in Exercise tab >in Heading "Exercise" Spelling mistake &" Enter your exercise information " in that (exercise ,information) in both spelling mistake
Pravin J
01:12 PM Muslim Moodfit - Android app Bug #3008 (Resolved): Home Screen >Go to in Exercise tab >in Heading "Exercise" Spelling mistake &" Enter your exercise information " in that (exercise ,information) in both spelling mistake
Mohd Imran
01:24 PM Muslim Moodfit - Android app Bug #3018 (Closed): Tools menu >tap on though > tap on next > Back button is no working
Pravin J
01:05 PM Muslim Moodfit - Android app Bug #3018 (Resolved): Tools menu >tap on though > tap on next > Back button is no working
Mohd Imran
01:23 PM Muslim Moodfit - Android app Bug #3169 (Closed): Mobile app > Deep Breating screen > 3rd point> "5" missing in the line . It should be Hold your breath for a count of 5.
priyanka Sharma
01:04 PM Muslim Moodfit - Android app Bug #3169 (Resolved): Mobile app > Deep Breating screen > 3rd point> "5" missing in the line . It should be Hold your breath for a count of 5.
Mohd Imran
01:16 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3797 (Closed): admin > skapa inlagg screen > complete the check bok instruction like Apk
see the attach screenshot
Abhishek k
01:09 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3796 (Closed): Admin > nytt event screen >calendar popup> change button name cancel to Adbryt like Apk
see the attach screenshot
Abhishek k
12:59 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3795 (Closed): user login screen > when user not selected profile and cover image then in popup message there should be JA .Now ok is viewing
see the attach screenshot
Abhishek k
12:58 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3794 (Closed): Teamleader> Inbjudningslista screen > skicka inbjudan igen button name should be changed like Apk (skicka inbjudan)
Abhishek k
12:57 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3793 (Closed): Team leader > when admin send a message , notification count not getting increased to teamleader
Abhishek k
12:20 PM MIIS - Admin Panel Bug #3789 (Closed): open the website >Click on Delivery Boy >Click on view >click on edit button > page is navigated on Error page
Pravin J
10:50 AM MIIS User app Bug #3785 (New): After Order the Product >getting message on screen > "you Order has been placed successfully" change to "your Order has been placed successfully"
1.when we order the product getting message "you Order has been placed successfully" change to "your Order has been ... Pravin J
10:16 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3729 (Closed): Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU1-Supp F- Concentration --> Part A 2nd table --> Total value is not appearing "% of Total Deposits" column.
Mohd Irfan


07:04 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3739 (Resolved): Report - Ques 19 & 26 missing in the report & ques 20 is shifted in the right
Dharmanshu Gupta
06:45 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3784 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Reinsurance-->add Reinsurance-->provide date in "Period From" & "Period To"-->Date in "Period To" can't fall before date "Period From" field.
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Reinsurance-->add Reinsurance-->provide date in "Period From" & "Period To"-->Date in "Period T... arti saraswat
06:35 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3783 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->REINSURANCE-->REINSURANCE-->provide value in entire fields get disappear after save
AFSC-->Licensee Type->REINSURANCE-->REINSURANCE-->provide value in entire fields get disappear after save
arti saraswat
06:30 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3687 (Closed): Cruise Movement Report > Make text smaller.
satyam vishwakarma
06:15 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3678 (In Progress): I have deleted pleasure arrival notification from sailclear but it is displaying in RCS dashboard. (Reference Video Attached).
satyam vishwakarma
06:12 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3682 (In Progress): Create inbound of pleasure > Go to inport and click on details > check issue below.
satyam vishwakarma
06:11 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3782 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->REINSURANCE--> add REINSURANCE-->Spelling of "Participation" is wrong in "Percentage Partcipation"
AFSC-->Licensee Type->REINSURANCE--> add REINSURANCE-->Spelling of "Participation" is wrong in "Percentage Partcipati... arti saraswat
06:02 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3768 (Feedback): Demo Server --> Report --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap. --> Search box & PDF Excel moving with the table it should be in one place.
Need to discuss this point with dharamveer sir. Dharmanshu Gupta
11:54 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3768 (Feedback): Demo Server --> Report --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap. --> Search box & PDF Excel moving with the table it should be in one place.
Step to reproduce the bug:
Demo Server --> Report --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. ...
Mohd Irfan
06:00 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3747 (Resolved): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU1-Supp D Invest Con.---> PDF file ---> Full column name "Investment Concentration vs Reg. Capital" is not visible in Generated pdf file
Dharmanshu Gupta
04:47 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3781 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type-> REINSURANCE-->design issue (Save information & Cancel button gets hide) NOTE: This layout issue in on "DEMO" link only.
AFSC-->Licensee Type-> REINSURANCE-->design issue (Save information & Cancel button gets hide) NOTE: This layout issu... arti saraswat
04:41 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3729 (Resolved): Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU1-Supp F- Concentration --> Part A 2nd table --> Total value is not appearing "% of Total Deposits" column.
Dharmanshu Gupta
04:40 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3775 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Report --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions -->CU2-Credit by Economic Activity --> " PERCENTAGE OF EACH ECONOMIC SECTOR TO THE TOTAL" column is not working properly as per the formula
Dharmanshu Gupta
01:16 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3775 (Closed): Demo Server --> Report --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions -->CU2-Credit by Economic Activity --> " PERCENTAGE OF EACH ECONOMIC SECTOR TO THE TOTAL" column is not working properly as per the formula
Step to reproduce bug:
Demo Server --> Report --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions -->CU2-Credit by Economic ...
Mohd Irfan
03:58 PM MIIS User app Bug #3780 (Closed): Restaurant And Grocery > order the product > when Ordered Completed > tips popup will display > give tips > then getting popup for "Add Review For Delivery Boy " Change To "Add Review" only
Pravin J
03:34 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3779 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->Go with "Action Plan"-->attach file-->Click on Update information-->Not able to update the information with attached file in Action Plan field (Button is not clickable)
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->Go with "Action Plan"-->attach file-->Click on Update information--... arti saraswat
03:23 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3778 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->attach Pdf-->Click on link-->User does not able to to preview pdf file.
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->attach Pdf-->Click on link-->User does not able to to preview pdf f... arti saraswat
02:44 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3777 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->click on "SAVE"-->0000 00 00 Date format appears for the blank date field.
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->click on "SAVE"-->0000 00 00 Date format appears for the blank date... arti saraswat
01:26 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3776 (Reopened ): Open the application > Tap on setting , playlist, Reminder> tap on Help, FAQ, Feedback, Support etc.> There is no Back button
Add the Back Button On playlist & Reminder Screen
Expected:-Back Button should be there
Pravin J
01:17 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3767 (Closed): Demo Server --> Report --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap. --> Why 0 is showing on consolidated Report instead of value.
Mohd Irfan
12:00 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3767 (Resolved): Demo Server --> Report --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap. --> Why 0 is showing on consolidated Report instead of value.
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:05 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3767 (Closed): Demo Server --> Report --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap. --> Why 0 is showing on consolidated Report instead of value.
Step to reproduce bug:
Demo Server --> Report --> Consolidated Report --> Credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & Ca...
Mohd Irfan
01:07 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3774 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->PDF-->End Date, Issued Report, status & Action plan column does not reflects in exported PDF.
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->PDF-->End Date, Issued Report, status & Action plan column does not... arti saraswat
01:04 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3773 (Closed): Open the Application >Tap on Tools Icon >Tap on Breathing > Tap on "Belly Breathing" & "Pursed Lip Breathing" > in both screen Back button is not there
Expected:- Back button should be there Pravin J
01:01 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3745 (Closed): Demo server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.-->In " DELINQUENT AS A % OF BALANCE OUTSTANDING %" column Total is not coming as per the formula its showing 2 instead of 2201.08
Mohd Irfan
10:45 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3745 (Resolved): Demo server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU4-Asset Quality & Req. Prov.-->In " DELINQUENT AS A % OF BALANCE OUTSTANDING %" column Total is not coming as per the formula its showing 2 instead of 2201.08
Dharmanshu Gupta
01:00 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3744 (Closed): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss --> Change background color of "SPECIFIC/GENERAL % BALANCE OF 90+DAYS ARREARS" Rows as per lfsc
Mohd Irfan
10:45 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3744 (Resolved): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions --> CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss --> Change background color of "SPECIFIC/GENERAL % BALANCE OF 90+DAYS ARREARS" Rows as per lfsc
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:43 PM Muslim Moodfit IOS App 2022 Bug #3772 (Reopened ): When we refresh the application > application getting flash watch the video for more clarity
Pravin J
12:36 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3771 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->Inspection at*-->"ASTRICK" mark should close to the "Inspection at"
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->Inspection at*-->"ASTRICK" mark should close to the "Inspection at"... arti saraswat
12:32 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3770 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->Inspection Start Date *-->System allows to select date of inspection in past, Is is incorrect or requirement from client end? (Please look over this concern once)
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->Inspection Start Date *-->System allows to select date of inspectio... arti saraswat
12:26 PM License Type -Tab Bug #3769 (New): AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->click on "SAVE" without filling any input field-->as user clicks on SAVE button, Date picker gets open along with the alert message that "Please fill out this field", while this calendar should not open
AFSC-->Licensee Type->Inspection->Add Inspection->click on "SAVE" without filling any input field-->as user clicks on... arti saraswat
12:08 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3753 (Closed): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU7-PEARLS Rating --> Form heading should be visible on Excel & pdf file .---> Excel & Pdf file --->CU7-PEARLS Rating Form heading should be visible on Excel & pdf file
Mohd Irfan
12:04 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3753 (Resolved): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU7-PEARLS Rating --> Form heading should be visible on Excel & pdf file .---> Excel & Pdf file --->CU7-PEARLS Rating Form heading should be visible on Excel & pdf file
Dharmanshu Gupta
12:04 PM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3749 (Closed): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU2-Credit by Economic Activity.---> Excel & Pdf file ---> why 736.00 Is showing Generated pdf file and Report panel
Mohd Irfan
11:29 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3749 (Resolved): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU2-Credit by Economic Activity.---> Excel & Pdf file ---> why 736.00 Is showing Generated pdf file and Report panel
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:42 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3728 (Closed): Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU6-PEARLS Ratios--> why "361" is appearing on "Percentage of each economic sector to the Total" column in consolidated report
Mohd Irfan
10:46 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3728 (Resolved): Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU6-PEARLS Ratios--> why "361" is appearing on "Percentage of each economic sector to the Total" column in consolidated report
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:42 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3718 (Closed): Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap.--> 10 BORROWING ---> why is showing "0" and in the credit unions consolidated report.
Mohd Irfan
10:46 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3718 (Resolved): Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU1-Assets, Liab. & Cap.--> 10 BORROWING ---> why is showing "0" and in the credit unions consolidated report.
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:41 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3733 (Closed): Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss--> Table width out of the screen please need to fixed this issue
Mohd Irfan
10:45 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3733 (Resolved): Test server --> Report ---> consolidated Report --> credit unions --> CU5A-Allowance for Loan Loss--> Table width out of the screen please need to fixed this issue
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:35 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3751 (Closed): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios.---> Excel & Pdf file ---> Last Period's Amount in EC $ value is not showing on excel sheet
Mohd Irfan
11:29 AM Sector: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3751 (Resolved): Test server --> Report --> consolidated report --> credit unions -->CU6-PEARLS Ratios.---> Excel & Pdf file ---> Last Period's Amount in EC $ value is not showing on excel sheet
Dharmanshu Gupta
10:23 AM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #3474 (Closed): Home screen> bottom prescriptions tab screen > once we click on prescriptions tab, instead of prescriptions screen , Appointments screen are displayed
Abhishek k
10:19 AM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #3551 (Closed): Menu bar > labs > tittle of the screen should be labs not appointments
Abhishek k

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