


shefali srivastav's activity

From 07/21/2022 to 07/30/2022


12:34 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2730 (Resolved): Needs to change subject of notifications
shefali srivastav
12:30 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2284 (Resolved): When the doctor creates a new patient profile but patient's profile image icon does not show in the patient Panel.
shefali srivastav


12:15 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2896 (Resolved): Sidebar menu > Change Password > After entering email change success message "PAssword must contain at least 6 digit" to "Password must be at least 6 characters long"
shefali srivastav
12:11 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2808 (Resolved): doctor add appointment through online video call, why these 3 clinic option visible in add appointment screen.
shefali srivastav
12:11 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2787 (Resolved): Doctor add prescription notification does not show in pharmacist notification icon, notification count is not working.
shefali srivastav
11:27 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2715 (Resolved): When doctor postpone the patient appointment and choose another date for appointment, why does showing only clinic option to book postponed appointment.
shefali srivastav


05:25 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3408 (Resolved): Patient > edit profile > when we edit the patient profile picture and tap on update button then Spouse name txt filed getting on screen where patient marital status is unmarried
shefali srivastav
05:14 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3412 (Resolved): Audio call > when patient picking the call doctor application gets crashed..
shefali srivastav
01:33 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #3402 (Resolved): pay option > once doctor will approve the pending appointment then pay option should be in patient app
shefali srivastav
12:17 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3388 (Resolved): Shedule > week name should be only monday to sunday should not display repeatadly
shefali srivastav


06:09 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3328 (Resolved): Menu bar> patient Details > details tab screen >proper date format is not displaying. And same date format is displaying for every appointments
shefali srivastav
05:59 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3347 (Resolved): Add appointments > when doctor Approved pending appointment from doctor app then null money displaing to pay in patient app and when we click on pay null now option then screen gets crashed..
shefali srivastav
04:42 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3365 (Resolved): Prescriptions> edit button>once we click on edit option add prescription tab is displaying
shefali srivastav
04:24 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3304 (Resolved): Appointment details > Document tab > add any document > not saved after adding. please check
shefali srivastav
03:05 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3351 (Resolved): Appointment details screen > postpone the appointment>popup screen displaying for multi time ..after submit it should close..
shefali srivastav
12:50 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3318 (Resolved): if we add the patient from doctor app and logged in with patient application, then gender field getting mismatch Suppose i selected male from doctor app but in patient app female is displaing..
shefali srivastav


06:47 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2812 (Resolved): Invoices >Due payment & Full paid tab > Search with invalid id...then remove the searched invoice data will show again
shefali srivastav


05:03 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #3309 (Resolved): Noptification icon > title of cancelled notication is cancled it should cancelled.
shefali srivastav
04:43 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2757 (Resolved): Select a time slot screen > if no slot available then check design how it overlapping with location button & on same screen calendar date not seems like it is clickable
shefali srivastav
04:42 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2775 (Resolved): Invoices > Due payment > view invoice > tab on view icon to view invoice > it opens with zoomed in screen & why it shows search zoomed in out icons at footer for a while
shefali srivastav
01:20 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3303 (Resolved): Visit in clinic screen > patient profile details> when we click on patient profile then patient details displaying without profile picture
shefali srivastav
01:12 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3307 (Resolved): Add appointment screen > patient name/pin popup > pin number displaing same for every patient
shefali srivastav
12:52 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2779 (Resolved): Pharmacist should not select next due date in past, choose next due date should be in future
shefali srivastav
12:47 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2892 (Resolved): Forgot password > Verification code screen > check issues below
shefali srivastav


07:02 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2289 (Resolved): when pharmacist dispatched medicine, No notification is showing patient panel,
shefali srivastav
06:44 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2818 (Resolved): Left sidemenu > Appointments > check issues below
shefali srivastav
06:09 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3296 (Resolved): Pharmacist >view prescription > right icon popup> medicine company name dropdown box overlapping
shefali srivastav
04:03 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2719 (Resolved): Patient not getting any notification of approved/rejected appointment & messages count. Notification & message count showing 0
shefali srivastav
10:56 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2815 (Resolved): Delete any lab report - after deleting showing wrong lab id getting deleted
shefali srivastav
10:56 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3231 (Resolved): Lab Report - Report description not showing on listing screen & on edit ...& Download report getting failed
shefali srivastav

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