



From 07/15/2022 to 07/24/2022


07:48 PM Licensee Panel Bug #3310 (New): demo server --> Credit union --> Return upload panel -->Applicant click on save button system throw's "database error message" and Creating New return draft form same date more than 20

demo server --> Credit union --> Return upload panel -->Applicant click on save button system throw's "database ...
Mohd Irfan
05:03 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #3309 (Resolved): Noptification icon > title of cancelled notication is cancled it should cancelled.
shefali srivastav
03:43 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #3309 (Closed): Noptification icon > title of cancelled notication is cancled it should cancelled.
Abhishek k
04:43 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2757 (Resolved): Select a time slot screen > if no slot available then check design how it overlapping with location button & on same screen calendar date not seems like it is clickable
shefali srivastav
04:42 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2775 (Resolved): Invoices > Due payment > view invoice > tab on view icon to view invoice > it opens with zoomed in screen & why it shows search zoomed in out icons at footer for a while
shefali srivastav
03:49 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3306 (In Progress): while Creating outbound for Pleasure > I missed select the date in Health Page > I click on submit > I got message that "Error in Health Page" > I solved the issue but Now I am not getting submit button in review Page
satyam vishwakarma
12:27 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3306 (Resolved): while Creating outbound for Pleasure > I missed select the date in Health Page > I click on submit > I got message that "Error in Health Page" > I solved the issue but Now I am not getting submit button in review Page
Pravin J
03:37 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3305 (Closed): Create a pleasure vessels for arrival notification > with notification id search in inbound > click on view button > PREVIOUS PORT text field is showing blank
Pravin J
03:35 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3305 (Resolved): Create a pleasure vessels for arrival notification > with notification id search in inbound > click on view button > PREVIOUS PORT text field is showing blank
satyam vishwakarma
11:24 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #3305 (Closed): Create a pleasure vessels for arrival notification > with notification id search in inbound > click on view button > PREVIOUS PORT text field is showing blank
Pravin J
03:36 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3308 (In Progress): outbound tab> search departure cruise notification id> click details> Form displaying blank.
satyam vishwakarma
01:18 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3308 (Closed): outbound tab> search departure cruise notification id> click details> Form displaying blank.
Shubham J
01:33 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3137 (Closed): Pleasure & cruise both > Create outbound of departure notification from sailclear - check issues below in form on RCS
priyanka Sharma
01:20 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3303 (Resolved): Visit in clinic screen > patient profile details> when we click on patient profile then patient details displaying without profile picture
shefali srivastav
01:12 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3307 (Resolved): Add appointment screen > patient name/pin popup > pin number displaing same for every patient
shefali srivastav
12:42 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3307 (Closed): Add appointment screen > patient name/pin popup > pin number displaing same for every patient
Steps to reproduce :-
menu list > Appointments> Add >select patient from drop-down > once we go to select patient f...
Abhishek k
12:52 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2779 (Resolved): Pharmacist should not select next due date in past, choose next due date should be in future
shefali srivastav
10:27 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2779 (Reopened ): Pharmacist should not select next due date in past, choose next due date should be in future
priyanka Sharma
12:47 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2892 (Resolved): Forgot password > Verification code screen > check issues below
shefali srivastav
11:12 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2892 (Reopened ): Forgot password > Verification code screen > check issues below
priyanka Sharma
12:42 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2942 (Reopened ): Immigration panel> Before creating outbound of pleasure vessel > if we check the details..then some of fields appearing blank. check below
Shubham J
12:25 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3231 (Closed): Lab Report - Report description not showing on listing screen & on edit ...& Download report getting failed
priyanka Sharma
12:25 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3231 (Resolved): Lab Report - Report description not showing on listing screen & on edit ...& Download report getting failed
priyanka Sharma
10:37 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3231 (Reopened ): Lab Report - Report description not showing on listing screen & on edit ...& Download report getting failed
priyanka Sharma
12:14 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2965 (Closed): create inbound of cruise by searching notification id> click print button > showing some fields of pleasure vessel and some fields details missing.
Shubham J
12:06 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3126 (Closed): create inbound for cruise/commercial vessel> page showing on print.
Shubham J
10:42 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2744 (Closed): Today Earning Tab should not get change on changing the calendar date otherwise change the title of tab if it is showing earning of that day .
priyanka Sharma
10:41 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2896 (Reopened ): Sidebar menu > Change Password > After entering email change success message "PAssword must contain at least 6 digit" to "Password must be at least 6 characters long"
priyanka Sharma
10:36 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2887 (Reopened ): Prescription added by doctor not showing to pharmacist under pending dispatched
priyanka Sharma
10:33 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2809 (Closed): doctor add appointment through patient id and submit successfully, after book appointment another patient id (name) showing doctor dashboard.
priyanka Sharma
10:25 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3304 (Closed): Appointment details > Document tab > add any document > not saved after adding. please check
priyanka Sharma
10:24 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2773 (Closed): Add document screen > It shows message No message found can check after adding new document or on blank screen too
priyanka Sharma
10:19 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2807 (Closed): Schedule> Add holiday> Field should get reset after creating holiday
priyanka Sharma
10:19 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2811 (Closed): Sidebar menu > Prescriptions > check search issues below
priyanka Sharma
10:18 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2815 (Closed): Delete any lab report - after deleting showing wrong lab id getting deleted
priyanka Sharma
10:17 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3232 (Closed): After deleting lab report success message appearing Deleted successfully but report still showing on screen...working fine after refreshing
priyanka Sharma
10:17 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3233 (Closed): After updating prescription of any appointment it navigate to dashbaord screen..please navigate on Prescription tab..where listing appearing
priyanka Sharma


07:28 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2801 (Closed): Title getting changed to "Schedule" on all screens ....Go to Schedule >Add holiday > Come back to schedule>again back> check dashboard title gets changed to Schedule
priyanka Sharma
07:27 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2816 (Closed): Tap on menu bar > go to Appointments > Tap on Add button >without selecting General & VIP > I am able to submit the form
priyanka Sharma
07:27 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2821 (Closed): Tap on menu bar > go to Prescriptions > Tap on downlow button >Tap on on open > Age is not print correctly
priyanka Sharma
07:26 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2822 (Closed): Tap on menu bar > go to Patients > Tap on Add button > I do not select "Notify patient " > Patient is getting notification on email
priyanka Sharma
07:26 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2824 (Closed): Sidebar menu > Email > Check issues below
priyanka Sharma
07:26 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2825 (Closed): Sidebar menu > Email > Email field is blank by default...just go to select patient but not select any patient & come back...check appeared on email field...wher it comes from?
priyanka Sharma
07:25 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2774 (Closed): Appointment details >Add document > uplaod document image file > after downloading open it> it gives file format error
priyanka Sharma
07:24 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2770 (Closed): No need to show toast message "No visitor found in clinic" remove these for doctor apps.
priyanka Sharma
07:24 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2768 (Closed): In rotate screen (horizontal) need to extend Dashboard appointment screen. at least one appointment is show doctor dashboard screen.
priyanka Sharma
07:24 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2765 (Closed): Appointment details > Prescription tab . check issues below
priyanka Sharma
07:24 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2792 (Closed): No show appointment message in popup ...change it to ..."Are you sure you want to close this appointment and mark the client as a No Show?"
priyanka Sharma
07:23 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2793 (Closed): After marking No show appointment change toast message Appointment set to no show change to "Appointment marked as no show successfully"
priyanka Sharma
07:23 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2794 (Closed): If appointment status is No show then Cancel & Postpone button should not shown to doctor while viewing appointment details
priyanka Sharma
07:23 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2797 (Closed): After couple of second input field expand on courier screen.
priyanka Sharma
07:23 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2799 (Closed): 1--> why HTML text is showing here.2--> total visit count is showing 3, after refresh its showing 9.
priyanka Sharma
07:22 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2806 (Closed): Patients>Search the name in search field >Patient Details >Prescriptions >tap on edit button and edit the field and tap on submit > edit is not working
priyanka Sharma
07:20 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3230 (Closed): After adding/updating lab report it navigates to Prescription tab
priyanka Sharma
07:02 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2289 (Resolved): when pharmacist dispatched medicine, No notification is showing patient panel,
shefali srivastav
06:46 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3303 (Closed): Visit in clinic screen > patient profile details> when we click on patient profile then patient details displaying without profile picture
Attached two screen shots
Abhishek k
06:44 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2818 (Resolved): Left sidemenu > Appointments > check issues below
shefali srivastav
06:09 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3296 (Resolved): Pharmacist >view prescription > right icon popup> medicine company name dropdown box overlapping
shefali srivastav
04:29 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3296 (Closed): Pharmacist >view prescription > right icon popup> medicine company name dropdown box overlapping
Steps to reproduce :-
1. Menu bar > dashboard > pending dispatches screen >view prescription icon > tap on top righ...
Abhishek k
06:07 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #3302 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->MLRO --> Qus18 --> Save --> Edit--> save --> selected checkbox getting unselected

Trusts-->General Trust-->MLRO --> Qus18 --> Save --> Edit--> save --> selected checkbox getting unselected
See ...
Mohd Irfan
06:05 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #3301 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->MLRO -->Qus7 -->Input field should be reset when applicant select "Married", singe and divorced.

Trusts-->General Trust-->MLRO -->Qus7 -->Input field should be reset when applicant select "Married", singe and d...
Mohd Irfan
05:57 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #3300 (Closed): Trusts-->Restricted Trust-->MLRO --> applicant filled entire form then after click on save button system throw's error message "please enter all mandatory field"
Trusts-->General Trust-->MLRO --> applicant filled entire form then after click on save button system throw's erro... Mohd Irfan
05:43 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #3299 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->MLRO -->Qus 6-->save --> edit --> Zip code field accept 500 character, need to reduce character length of zip code field ( 20-30 character ).
Trusts-->General Trust-->MLRO -->Qus 6--> Postal code field accept 500 character, need to reduce character length of ... Mohd Irfan
05:37 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #3298 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->MLRO -->Qus6, 14 --> sequence is starting with zero instead of 1.
Trusts-->General Trust-->MLRO -->Qus6, 14--> sequence is starting with zero instead of 1.\
See attached screensho...
Mohd Irfan
05:23 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3286 (Closed): Credit unions --> applicant details --> Qus9 -->save --> edit -->Very first time applicant select other checkbox and save, edit case applicant not select other checkbox and save after save other checkbox is getting selected.
priyanka Sharma
04:13 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3286 (Resolved): Credit unions --> applicant details --> Qus9 -->save --> edit -->Very first time applicant select other checkbox and save, edit case applicant not select other checkbox and save after save other checkbox is getting selected.
sunil gupta
04:57 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #3297 (Closed): Crews list > Click on Add new individual > select master and fill all the text field and click two three times on save button >I am more than one individuals with same document id .
Pravin J
04:24 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #3295 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->Addendum-->Qus21--> Applicant is unable to select calendar on 2nd row ( date picker is not working)
Trusts-->General Trust-->Addendum-->Qus21--> Applicant is unable to select calendar ( date picker is not working)
Mohd Irfan
04:07 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3084 (Closed): create cruise inbound by notification id> click print button> check issue below.
Shubham J
04:05 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #3152 (Closed): create inbound of Commercial vessel>click on view button > see the below issue
priyanka Sharma
04:03 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2719 (Resolved): Patient not getting any notification of approved/rejected appointment & messages count. Notification & message count showing 0
shefali srivastav
03:59 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #3294 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->Addendum-->Qus6--> end date can't fall in start date ( need to validation in date field )
Trusts-->General Trust-->Addendum-->Qus6--> end date can't be fall in start date.( need to validation in date field )... Mohd Irfan
03:46 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #3293 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Qus14--> After saving sequence is getting wrong

Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Qus14--> After saving sequence is getting wrong
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
03:41 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #3292 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Qus6 and 5 --> save --> edit --> Applicant is not able to delete row.
Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Qus6 and 5-->Applicant is unable to delete row
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
03:37 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #3291 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Qus4--> save --> edit -->add row select Provided document getting disappear
Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Qus4--> save --> edit -->add row select Provided document getting disappear
Mohd Irfan
03:24 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #3290 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Qus6 and 7 -->Provided value does not appear in country field,

Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Qus6 and 7 -->Provided value does not appear in country field.
See attac...
Mohd Irfan
03:19 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #3289 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Qus4 -->applicant select "director" position column input field are deactive after saving position column input field active

Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Qus4 -->applicant select "director" position column input field are deactive ...
Mohd Irfan
01:39 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #3288 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Qus 3 --> Name input field accept unlimited character.
Step to reproduce bug:
Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Qus 3 --> Name input field accept unlimited characte...
Mohd Irfan
01:18 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #3119 (Closed): create commercial arrival / departure notification > check issue below.
priyanka Sharma
12:39 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3287 (Closed): patient details screen > prescriptions tab>edit prescriptions > Once we tap on update button medicine properties getting blanks and before upade not able to change medicine properties
Steps to reproduce:-
1. go with patient profile screen and tap on add prescription tab button
2. tap on add prescri...
Abhishek k
12:26 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2572 (Closed): Create Cruise Arrival notification > 4th step Crews & 5th step - Passenger> After selecting users from the available list it should show minus icon to remove the individual from the Individual List
priyanka Sharma
11:30 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2542 (Closed): Cruise Arrival notification > Crew Tab > After selecting user from the list it should not shown under Available list
priyanka Sharma
11:03 AM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3285 (Resolved): Cu--> Ownership information --> calendar should be open 1922 as is going on everywhere in cu.
sunil gupta
10:56 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2815 (Resolved): Delete any lab report - after deleting showing wrong lab id getting deleted
shefali srivastav
10:56 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3231 (Resolved): Lab Report - Report description not showing on listing screen & on edit ...& Download report getting failed
shefali srivastav
10:45 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3246 (Closed): Appoinntment details page >Postpone button > Location dropdown details overlapped...
Abhishek k
10:38 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3248 (Closed): Appointment details screen > year of patient not dispaying
Abhishek k


07:29 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3277 (Closed): Cu --> MLRO --> Qus14 --> Applicant is unable to select date field on 2nd row.
Mohd Irfan
03:45 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3277 (Resolved): Cu --> MLRO --> Qus14 --> Applicant is unable to select date field on 2nd row.
sunil gupta
03:37 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3277 (Closed): Cu --> MLRO --> Qus14 --> Applicant is unable to select date field on 2nd row.
Cu --> MLRO --> Qus14 --> Applicant is unable to select date field on 2nd row.
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
07:28 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3278 (Closed): Cu--> MLRO --> Qus11 --> applicant select Status column "Not active" and save after saving dropdown value reset to Active
Mohd Irfan
04:04 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3278 (Resolved): Cu--> MLRO --> Qus11 --> applicant select Status column "Not active" and save after saving dropdown value reset to Active
sunil gupta
03:55 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3278 (Closed): Cu--> MLRO --> Qus11 --> applicant select Status column "Not active" and save after saving dropdown value reset to Active
Step to reproduce bug:
Cu--> MLRO --> Qus11 --> applicant select Status column "Not active" and save after saving...
Mohd Irfan
07:27 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3279 (Closed): Cu--> MLRO --> Qus.16 --> When applicant select Yes NO Yes then Qus15 and Qus16 both input details field open.
Mohd Irfan
04:14 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3279 (Resolved): Cu--> MLRO --> Qus.16 --> When applicant select Yes NO Yes then Qus15 and Qus16 both input details field open.
sunil gupta
04:01 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3279 (Closed): Cu--> MLRO --> Qus.16 --> When applicant select Yes NO Yes then Qus15 and Qus16 both input details field open.
Cu--> MLRO --> Qus.16 --> When applicant select Yes NO Yes then Qus15 and Qus16 both input details field ope...
Mohd Irfan
07:21 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3285 (Reopened ): Cu--> Ownership information --> calendar should be open 1922 as is going on everywhere in cu.
Mohd Irfan
07:13 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3285 (Resolved): Cu--> Ownership information --> calendar should be open 1922 as is going on everywhere in cu.
Discuss with Dharamveer Sir sunil gupta
06:56 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3285 (Resolved): Cu--> Ownership information --> calendar should be open 1922 as is going on everywhere in cu.
Step to reproduce bug:
Cu--> Ownership information --> calendar should be open 1922, as is going on everywhere in ...
Mohd Irfan
07:20 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3281 (Closed): cu--> Applicant details --> after saving provided document getting disappear .
Mohd Irfan
06:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3281 (Resolved): cu--> Applicant details --> after saving provided document getting disappear .
sunil gupta
04:28 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3281 (Closed): cu--> Applicant details --> after saving provided document getting disappear .
Step to reproduce bug:
cu--> Applicant details --> after saving provided document getting disappear .
see attac...
Mohd Irfan
07:20 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3265 (Closed): CU--> applicant details --> I am getting this issue when i am click on "applicant details" system throws false validation message.
Mohd Irfan
01:31 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3265 (Resolved): CU--> applicant details --> I am getting this issue when i am click on "applicant details" system throws false validation message.
sunil gupta
11:52 AM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3265 (Closed): CU--> applicant details --> I am getting this issue when i am click on "applicant details" system throws false validation message.
Step to reproduce bug:
CU--> applicant details --> I am getting this issue when i am click on "applicant details" ...
Mohd Irfan
07:19 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3282 (Closed): Cu--> member of applicant -->Information displayed below should be visible to the user at all times. Kindly format the table to allow for this. (by default one row should be added in table )
Mohd Irfan
06:25 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3282 (Resolved): Cu--> member of applicant -->Information displayed below should be visible to the user at all times. Kindly format the table to allow for this. (by default one row should be added in table )
sunil gupta
04:34 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3282 (Closed): Cu--> member of applicant -->Information displayed below should be visible to the user at all times. Kindly format the table to allow for this. (by default one row should be added in table )
step to reproduce bug:
Cu--> member of applicant -->Information displayed below should be visible to the user at a...
Mohd Irfan
07:18 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3283 (Closed): Cu--> Education details --> applicant is unable to save form, system throw's error message "please fill all mandatory field"
Mohd Irfan
07:13 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3283 (Resolved): Cu--> Education details --> applicant is unable to save form, system throw's error message "please fill all mandatory field"
sunil gupta
05:34 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3283 (Closed): Cu--> Education details --> applicant is unable to save form, system throw's error message "please fill all mandatory field"
Step to reproduce bug:
Cu--> Education details --> applicant is unable to save form, system throw's error message ...
Mohd Irfan
07:18 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3286 (Closed): Credit unions --> applicant details --> Qus9 -->save --> edit -->Very first time applicant select other checkbox and save, edit case applicant not select other checkbox and save after save other checkbox is getting selected.
Credit unions --> applicant details --> Qus9 -->save --> edit -->Very first time applicant select other checkbox and ... Mohd Irfan
07:11 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3261 (Closed): Test server --> Credit unions --> applicant details --> Qus 9 --> when applicant select other checkbox and provide value input field after saving provided value does not show and other checkbox is unchecked
Mohd Irfan
01:22 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3261 (Resolved): Test server --> Credit unions --> applicant details --> Qus 9 --> when applicant select other checkbox and provide value input field after saving provided value does not show and other checkbox is unchecked
sunil gupta
06:51 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3023 (Closed): Cerate account of delivery agent> 2nd step(About & addresses screen) refreral spelling wrong everywhere..plese correct Referal to "Referral"
priyanka Sharma
06:47 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3017 (Closed): Store & Delivery agent app> On login screen there is no option to login through password...i have to login through OTP always...please add the password field on login screen
priyanka Sharma
06:46 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3284 (Closed): Store app-- > Alarm is not ringing when new order arrives 9.
priyanka Sharma
06:23 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2767 (Closed): Invoices screen > there is already one invoice showing on screen but if i open the same screen again then it shows"no invoice found"...please remove should show only when there will be no data
priyanka Sharma
06:23 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2853 (Closed): Incoming meeting invitation on mobile phone - check issues below
priyanka Sharma
06:22 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2788 (Closed): Cancel & postpone any appointment request - needs to change success message our support staff will contact you soon..
priyanka Sharma
06:22 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2776 (Closed): Throughout the app > Issue with time > it appears with need of it...only show upto minutes
priyanka Sharma
06:22 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2756 (Closed): Exit Confirmation popup > Cancel Exit Button Text color appearing of purple color... it should be same as working throughout the app
priyanka Sharma
06:21 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2731 (Closed): If appointment cancel or postpone request made by patient then button name should change as per below
priyanka Sharma
06:21 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2752 (Closed): Sign Up form> if email & password fieldare blank then show toast message separately
priyanka Sharma
06:21 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2749 (Closed): Sign up - change text up to "Up" It should be Sign Up & and also below - or Sign up with- Google...change there too
priyanka Sharma
06:20 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2727 (Closed): Patient & Doctor - not able to open attached document after download it
priyanka Sharma
06:20 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2711 (Closed): Profile update screen all input field size should be same size. both side should be use same input field for patients profile update option.
priyanka Sharma
02:58 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2711 (Resolved): Profile update screen all input field size should be same size. both side should be use same input field for patients profile update option.
shefali srivastav
06:19 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2782 (Closed): when patient select prescription and lab on side menu tab, below the screen menu bar is not moving to prescription & lab
priyanka Sharma
02:58 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2782 (Resolved): when patient select prescription and lab on side menu tab, below the screen menu bar is not moving to prescription & lab
shefali srivastav
02:43 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2782 (Reopened ): when patient select prescription and lab on side menu tab, below the screen menu bar is not moving to prescription & lab
priyanka Sharma
06:18 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2795 (Closed): No show appointment detail - Location field displaying wrong value "Online" & field name Consultation type should change to Consultation Mode
priyanka Sharma
05:54 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #2644 (Closed): CU--> Application Details -->Qus.6-->Upload option will be there in both the case (either YES or NO)
Mohd Irfan
05:54 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3272 (Closed): Cu --> Reputation & Character --> Provided document should be same line
Mohd Irfan
03:30 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3272 (Resolved): Cu --> Reputation & Character --> Provided document should be same line
sunil gupta
02:59 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3272 (Closed): Cu --> Reputation & Character --> Provided document should be same line
Cu --> Reputation & Character --> Provided document should be same line
See attached screenshot:
Mohd Irfan
05:40 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3274 (Closed): CU-->Details of account receivables-->Why does this 2 and 2 appears in last two rows?
Mohd Irfan
03:32 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3274 (Resolved): CU-->Details of account receivables-->Why does this 2 and 2 appears in last two rows?
sunil gupta
03:24 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3274 (Closed): CU-->Details of account receivables-->Why does this 2 and 2 appears in last two rows?
CU-->Details of account receivables-->Why does this 2 and 2 appears in last two rows?
see attached screen...
Mohd Irfan
05:40 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3273 (Closed): Cu --> Ownership information --> Qus53 --> Applicant is unable to select input field, need to space between "Declarant’s Proposed Title/Position in the credit union" and input field.
Mohd Irfan
03:49 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3273 (Resolved): Cu --> Ownership information --> Qus53 --> Applicant is unable to select input field, need to space between "Declarant’s Proposed Title/Position in the credit union" and input field.
sunil gupta
03:20 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3273 (Closed): Cu --> Ownership information --> Qus53 --> Applicant is unable to select input field, need to space between "Declarant’s Proposed Title/Position in the credit union" and input field.
Cu --> Ownership information --> Qus53 --> Applicant is unable to select input field, need to space between ...
Mohd Irfan
05:38 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3269 (Closed): Cu --> Education details --> Qus35 -->applicant add row sequence is starting zero instead of 1 ( wrong sequence )
Mohd Irfan
02:33 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3269 (Resolved): Cu --> Education details --> Qus35 -->applicant add row sequence is starting zero instead of 1 ( wrong sequence )
sunil gupta
12:40 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3269 (Closed): Cu --> Education details --> Qus35 -->applicant add row sequence is starting zero instead of 1 ( wrong sequence )
Step to reproduce bug:
Cu --> Education details --> Qus35 -->applicant add row sequence is starting zero instead o...
Mohd Irfan
05:37 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3268 (Closed): CU -->Education Details --.> Qus34--> Date awarded --> Applicant is unable to select date on 2nd added row.
Mohd Irfan
02:32 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3268 (Resolved): CU -->Education Details --.> Qus34--> Date awarded --> Applicant is unable to select date on 2nd added row.
sunil gupta
12:33 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3268 (Closed): CU -->Education Details --.> Qus34--> Date awarded --> Applicant is unable to select date on 2nd added row.
Step to reproduce bug:
CU -->Education Details --.> Qus34--> Date awarded --> Applicant is unable to select date o...
Mohd Irfan
05:36 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3276 (Closed): Cu -->Previous Residence Details -->Qus 31--> Provided document should be same line
Mohd Irfan
03:37 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3276 (Resolved): Cu -->Previous Residence Details -->Qus 31--> Provided document should be same line
sunil gupta
03:30 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3276 (Closed): Cu -->Previous Residence Details -->Qus 31--> Provided document should be same line
Cu -->Previous Residence Details -->Qus 31--> Provided document should be same line
See attached scree...
Mohd Irfan
05:35 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3271 (Closed): Cu --> Relationship With Company--> Qus42--> when applicant select Yes NO Yes then input field value should be reset.
Mohd Irfan
02:47 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3271 (Resolved): Cu --> Relationship With Company--> Qus42--> when applicant select Yes NO Yes then input field value should be reset.
sunil gupta
02:47 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3271 (Closed): Cu --> Relationship With Company--> Qus42--> when applicant select Yes NO Yes then input field value should be reset.
Cu --> Relationship With Company--> Qus42--> when applicant select Yes NO Yes then input field value should...
Mohd Irfan
05:34 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2785 (Reopened ): Documents > upload document >check issues below
priyanka Sharma
05:27 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2735 (Closed): Message details popup > if we open the message again & there will be no new message then no need to show toast message "No message found by this id"
priyanka Sharma
05:21 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2778 (Closed): Invoices screen > Search placeholder text - we can change it to Search by id
priyanka Sharma
05:20 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2713 (Closed): Address and city input field complete address is not visible ( With max character city and address input field should expand ) & Labeled name should be visible in top on input field both panel.
priyanka Sharma
05:10 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #3065 (Closed): Sign Up Screen > If patient try to sign up with same email then validation message displaying wrong "The email field must contain unque value"
priyanka Sharma
05:08 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3266 (Closed): CU--> Declaration Particulars --> Qus28 --> After saving date format getting change.
Mohd Irfan
01:37 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3266 (Resolved): CU--> Declaration Particulars --> Qus28 --> After saving date format getting change.
sunil gupta
12:20 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3266 (Closed): CU--> Declaration Particulars --> Qus28 --> After saving date format getting change.
Step to reproduce bug:
CU--> Declaration Particulars --> Qus28 --> After saving date format getting change.
Mohd Irfan
04:40 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3263 (Closed): Members Of Applicant-->Qus. 13 -->Applicant is unable to select date picker on 2nd row .
Mohd Irfan
01:30 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3263 (Resolved): Members Of Applicant-->Qus. 13 -->Applicant is unable to select date picker on 2nd row .
sunil gupta
11:13 AM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3263 (Closed): Members Of Applicant-->Qus. 13 -->Applicant is unable to select date picker on 2nd row .
Step to reproduce bug:
Members Of Applicant-->Qus. 13 -->Applicant is unable to select date picker on 2nd row .
Mohd Irfan
04:40 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3262 (Closed): Members Of Applicant-->Qus13 -->On clicking “Add Row” double rows are getting add, instead of single row.
Mohd Irfan
01:31 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3262 (Resolved): Members Of Applicant-->Qus13 -->On clicking “Add Row” double rows are getting add, instead of single row.
sunil gupta
10:57 AM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3262 (Closed): Members Of Applicant-->Qus13 -->On clicking “Add Row” double rows are getting add, instead of single row.
Step to reproduce bug:
Members Of Applicant-->Qus13 -->On clicking “Add Row” double rows are getting add, instead ...
Mohd Irfan
04:15 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3280 (Feedback): CU-->DECLARATION'S PARTICULARS-->Qus.29-->On switching to one option to other then document upload value should reset
Discuss with dharamveer sir regarding this issue. sunil gupta
04:12 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3280 (Feedback): CU-->DECLARATION'S PARTICULARS-->Qus.29-->On switching to one option to other then document upload value should reset
CU-->DECLARATION'S PARTICULARS-->Qus.29-->On switching to one option to other then document upload value sho...
Mohd Irfan
04:14 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1764 (Closed): TEST LINK-->APPLICANTION DEATIL-->Click action button-->fill form-->Qus.3-->By default select yes comment box is not coming.
Mohd Irfan
04:14 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #3090 (In Progress): Copy departure notification for pleasure vessel> Change departure port> check issues below.
satyam vishwakarma
04:01 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3232 (Resolved): After deleting lab report success message appearing Deleted successfully but report still showing on screen...working fine after refreshing
shefali srivastav
03:49 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2777 (Closed): Doctor & patient invoice both > View Invoice screen > Show rs sign with amount at all places
priyanka Sharma
03:46 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #3153 (In Progress): Crews list > click on Upload From Excel > upload excel file and click on save > Excel file is not uploading
satyam vishwakarma
03:34 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3275 (Feedback): Cu-->Application Details-->On switching YES-->NO-->YES-->NO-->why attached documents is not getting reset??
Dicuss with dharamveer sir regarding this issue. sunil gupta
03:33 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3275: Cu-->Application Details-->On switching YES-->NO-->YES-->NO-->why attached documents is not getting reset??
Dicuss with dharamveer sir regarding this issue. sunil gupta
03:27 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3275 (Feedback): Cu-->Application Details-->On switching YES-->NO-->YES-->NO-->why attached documents is not getting reset??
Cu-->Application Details-->On switching YES-->NO-->YES-->NO-->why attached documents is not getting reset??...
Mohd Irfan
01:37 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3248 (Resolved): Appointment details screen > year of patient not dispaying
shefali srivastav
12:55 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #3151 (In Progress): Create a pleasure vessels > click on edit > edit the Home country > click on save button > Validation message should be display "Please select The Home Port"
satyam vishwakarma
12:47 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3270 (Reopened ): Create new user> gets cross sign while login.
Create new user> gets cross sign while login.
Make a pop-up in which message should display:- "Your account is no...
Shubham J
12:47 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #3154 (In Progress): Weapons List > upload from excel sheet > when I upload weapons format 4 then it is not uploading but when i upload weapons format 5 then it is uploading> watch the video
rajat gupta
12:29 PM MIIS User app Bug #3267 (Closed): Created New user on user application> while creating user, entered password- abc@12345, user can't login by entering this password, but when user enter abc@123 from another number ,user gets login .
Created New user on user application> while creating user, entered password- abc@12345, user can't login by entering ... Shubham J
12:07 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2549 (In Progress): Count appearing wrong after deleting the users...There was 1002 users & i have selected 4 to delete shows count 1000
satyam vishwakarma
12:07 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2974 (Resolved): Needs to add loader on all it shows no data found on all pages..taking time to load the will be good if there will be loader there
satyam vishwakarma
12:07 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #3119 (Resolved): create commercial arrival / departure notification > check issue below.
satyam vishwakarma
12:07 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2542 (Resolved): Cruise Arrival notification > Crew Tab > After selecting user from the list it should not shown under Available list
satyam vishwakarma
11:50 AM MIIS User app Bug #3264 (Closed): I have Created a Store as a Pravin Kirana store and added some product > when I try to search on user application I am not getting store and also product
Pravin J
11:08 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2825 (Resolved): Sidebar menu > Email > Email field is blank by default...just go to select patient but not select any patient & come back...check appeared on email field...wher it comes from?
shefali srivastav
11:03 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2824 (Resolved): Sidebar menu > Email > Check issues below
shefali srivastav
10:20 AM MIIS - Web store Restaurant/Grocery Bug #3060 (Closed): choose the Grocery section> go to with User > click on add > popup will be display > see the issue below
Pravin J


06:36 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2974 (In Progress): Needs to add loader on all it shows no data found on all pages..taking time to load the will be good if there will be loader there
satyam vishwakarma
06:04 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3257 (Closed): Test server-->Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business --> Point 22 -->Calculation of two companies is not getting added, but value of both the companies is visible on consolidated report.
Mohd Irfan
04:49 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3257 (Resolved): Test server-->Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business --> Point 22 -->Calculation of two companies is not getting added, but value of both the companies is visible on consolidated report.
Dharmanshu Gupta
02:58 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3257 (Closed): Test server-->Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business --> Point 22 -->Calculation of two companies is not getting added, but value of both the companies is visible on consolidated report.
Step to reproduce bug:
Test server-->Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Busin...
Mohd Irfan
06:03 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3256 (Closed): Test server-->Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business --> Point 24 --> Question content is different as per the consolidated report document
Mohd Irfan
04:49 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3256 (Resolved): Test server-->Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business --> Point 24 --> Question content is different as per the consolidated report document
Dharmanshu Gupta
02:45 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3256 (Closed): Test server-->Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business --> Point 24 --> Question content is different as per the consolidated report document
Step to reproduce bug:
Test server-->Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Busin...
Mohd Irfan
05:12 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #3261 (Closed): Test server --> Credit unions --> applicant details --> Qus 9 --> when applicant select other checkbox and provide value input field after saving provided value does not show and other checkbox is unchecked
Step to reproduce bug:
Test server --> Credit unions --> applicant details --> Qus9 -->applicant select other chec...
Mohd Irfan
05:11 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3260 (Closed): Test server --> Credit unions --> applicant details --> Qus 9 --> when applicant select other checkbox and provide value details field after saving provided value does not show and other checkbox is unselected
Mohd Irfan
05:10 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3260 (Closed): Test server --> Credit unions --> applicant details --> Qus 9 --> when applicant select other checkbox and provide value details field after saving provided value does not show and other checkbox is unselected
Step to reproduce bug:
Test server --> Credit unions --> applicant details --> Qus9 -->applicant select other chec...
Mohd Irfan
04:16 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3259 (Closed): in Order go to in picked up screen or Ready screen > in price there is two times point
Expected:- there should be only one time point. Pravin J
04:02 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2809 (Resolved): doctor add appointment through patient id and submit successfully, after book appointment another patient id (name) showing doctor dashboard.
shefali srivastav
03:44 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2806 (Resolved): Patients>Search the name in search field >Patient Details >Prescriptions >tap on edit button and edit the field and tap on submit > edit is not working
shefali srivastav
03:21 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3258 (Closed): Order dish> go to history screen> see the amount on ordered dish>Check issues below.
Order dish> go to history screen> see the amount on ordered dish> tap on the order> Displaying wrong amount.
Shubham J
03:15 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2542 (In Progress): Cruise Arrival notification > Crew Tab > After selecting user from the list it should not shown under Available list
satyam vishwakarma
03:08 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3230 (Resolved): After adding/updating lab report it navigates to Prescription tab
shefali srivastav
02:33 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3255 (Closed): Delevery Status is Ready but it is not showin on mobile application > see the below issue
Pravin J
01:27 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3254 (Closed): in Account Screen Toatal Earning is showing Zero but i got money from coustomer
Pravin J
01:11 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #3119 (In Progress): create commercial arrival / departure notification > check issue below.
satyam vishwakarma
01:08 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3233 (Resolved): After updating prescription of any appointment it navigate to dashbaord screen..please navigate on Prescription tab..where listing appearing
shefali srivastav
01:02 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3253 (Closed): Order >Go to All History > in price After Decimal there should be only 2 digits.
Pravin J
12:41 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3252 (Closed): in front Screen > top of right side > Total Earning > there should be always show 0.00 Don't show null null
Pravin J
12:34 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3251 (Closed): in front Screen > online and alarm colour should be change
Pravin J
12:25 PM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3250 (New): MII user >when user order the product and see in the history time is showing wrong
Pravin J
12:25 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #2644 (Resolved): CU--> Application Details -->Qus.6-->Upload option will be there in both the case (either YES or NO)
sunil gupta
11:53 AM MIIS - Store Android app Bug #3249 (Closed): Select the Groceries > search the store name > getting same store name four times
Pravin J
11:20 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3239 (Feedback): Notification icon > Getting notification from patient app but number of count always displaying zero in doctor app
shefali srivastav
11:20 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3241 (Feedback): Pending Appointments icon> Getting notification from patient app but number of count always displaying zero in doctor app
shefali srivastav
11:18 AM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #3238 (Feedback): Notifications icon> Getting notification from doctor application but not able to see notification count ,number of count always displaying zero
shefali srivastav
11:18 AM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #3244 (Feedback): Message icon> Getting message from doctor application but not able to see message count ,number of count always displaying zero
shefali srivastav
11:08 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3171 (Closed): can't send the invitation to the User from Team leader.
Shubham J
11:08 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3164 (Closed): Admin/Team- leader login> tap Chat Icon> Check issues below.
Shubham J
11:06 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3160 (Closed): Create new teamleader> no profile picture is displayed at the home page.
Shubham J
11:05 AM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2756 (Resolved): Exit Confirmation popup > Cancel Exit Button Text color appearing of purple color... it should be same as working throughout the app
shefali srivastav
11:01 AM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2754 (Closed): After sign up Create profile screen issues - check below
priyanka Sharma
11:01 AM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2754 (Resolved): After sign up Create profile screen issues - check below
priyanka Sharma


07:31 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3246 (Resolved): Appoinntment details page >Postpone button > Location dropdown details overlapped...
shefali srivastav
04:47 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3246 (Closed): Appoinntment details page >Postpone button > Location dropdown details overlapped...
Steps to reproduce :-
a. Go with Dashboard screen of the doctor application
b. tap on patient profile
c. Now go w...
Abhishek k
07:01 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #2646 (Closed): CU-->Members of applicant, Provisional Directors, Compliance Program Information, Declaration and Relationship With Company --> Need to add a "Section heading" as per the client Comment.
priyanka Sharma
07:01 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #2647 (Closed): CU-->Education Details, Previous Residence Details, Declaration Particulars, Declaration Contact Information, Ownership Information--->Need to add a "Section heading" as per the client Comment.
priyanka Sharma
07:00 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1537 (Reopened ): Education Details & MLRO /MLCO-->Qus.34 & 35/MLRO Qus. 11,14,17-->Delete>edit-->even after delete row form these two question didn't deleted.
priyanka Sharma
06:36 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3182 (Closed): create new teamleader/user > Change the camera icon on profile pic
Shubham J
06:35 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Modification/ Enhancements #1579 (Closed): Login with lfsc credit unions applicant-->Go with form "MLRO/MLCO"-->Qus no. 18-->Need to implement as per the client requirement Answer option should be multi-selected instead of multiple choice.(Feedback given by the client)
priyanka Sharma
06:34 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1747 (Closed): MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Qus.18-->Select option-->save-->click on edit button-->then save-->after 2nd time same selected option gets unselect.
priyanka Sharma
06:02 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2801 (Resolved): Title getting changed to "Schedule" on all screens ....Go to Schedule >Add holiday > Come back to schedule>again back> check dashboard title gets changed to Schedule
shefali srivastav
05:56 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3240 (Closed): can't send invitation(Skicka inbjudan) from admin.
Shubham J
01:16 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3240 (Resolved): can't send invitation(Skicka inbjudan) from admin.
chirag wadhwa
12:50 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3240 (Closed): can't send invitation(Skicka inbjudan) from admin.
Shubham J
05:41 PM MIIS - Delivery Agent Bug #3022 (Closed): When i come 1st step (personal info screen) to 2nd step(About and addresses) it always give error message Please select any vehicle..while this field is on another step
priyanka Sharma
05:38 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3248 (Closed): Appointment details screen > year of patient not dispaying
Steps to reproduce:-
a. dashboard page of the application
b. tap on patient profile
c now see the age yr of the...
Abhishek k
04:04 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2740 (Resolved): After cancelling appointment check spelling of "Cancelled" . & Confirmation popup Cancel &booking text should be in title case
shefali srivastav
04:00 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #3244 (Feedback): Message icon> Getting message from doctor application but not able to see message count ,number of count always displaying zero
Steps to reproduce :-
a. sent approval request to doctor doctor application tap on patient profile
c. in ...
Abhishek k
02:49 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3236 (Closed): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business and company management -->Total-->Calculation of Total percentage of region is not working correctly. 100%
Mohd Irfan
02:47 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3235 (Closed): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business --> Value is not showing in consolidated report when applicant is entering alphanumeric country name.
Mohd Irfan
12:33 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3235 (Resolved): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business --> Value is not showing in consolidated report when applicant is entering alphanumeric country name.
Dharmanshu Gupta
01:13 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3241 (Feedback): Pending Appointments icon> Getting notification from patient app but number of count always displaying zero in doctor app
Steps to reproduce:-
a. book an appointment from patient application
b. now check the pending notification count i...
Abhishek k
12:51 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1654 (Reopened ): Login with credit unions-->Go with form "Members Of Applicant-->Qus no. 13-->Fill the form and save-->Edit-->delete all rows and save--> Even after save deleted rows did not deleted .
Mohd Irfan
12:45 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1778 (Closed): Login with Credit unions-->Go with form "Education details--> 04-->After save date format getting change.
Mohd Irfan
12:39 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1642 (Closed): Provisional Directors-->Check the checkbox-->save-->Checked check box gets uncheck after save.
Mohd Irfan
12:37 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #2642 (Closed): Members Of Applicant-->Qus. 13 -->On clicking “Add Row” double rows are getting add instead of single row.
Mohd Irfan
12:31 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #2643 (Closed): CU--> Declaration particular-->Qus.29-->when applicant select radio button then upload option is visible.
Mohd Irfan
12:28 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #2644 (Reopened ): CU--> Application Details -->Qus.6-->Upload option will be there in both the case (either YES or NO)
Mohd Irfan
12:26 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3239 (Feedback): Notification icon > Getting notification from patient app but number of count always displaying zero in doctor app
Steps to reproduce :-
a. Book An Appointment from Patient application.
b. Now Check the notification count in docto...
Abhishek k
12:07 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #2645 (Closed): CU--> Education Details -->Qus.37-->Need to remove extra space.
Mohd Irfan
12:02 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #3238 (Feedback): Notifications icon> Getting notification from doctor application but not able to see notification count ,number of count always displaying zero
Steps to reproduce :-
a. Book An Appointment from Patient application.
b. Reject the appointment from doctor appl...
Abhishek k


07:10 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3236 (Resolved): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business and company management -->Total-->Calculation of Total percentage of region is not working correctly. 100%
Dharmanshu Gupta
06:51 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3236 (Closed): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business and company management -->Total-->Calculation of Total percentage of region is not working correctly. 100%
Step to reproduce bug:
Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business and compan...
Mohd Irfan
06:26 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3156 (Closed): Tap on calender icon> tap event> Date (Datum) is not displayed.
Shubham J
06:15 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3235 (Closed): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business --> Value is not showing in consolidated report when applicant is entering alphanumeric country name.
Step to reproduce bug:
Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business --> Value ...
Mohd Irfan
06:04 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3176 (Closed): Admin login> Change time> can't create event> Showing Starttiden har redan passerat. Valj senare starttid.
Shubham J
05:57 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3188 (Closed): Teamleader login> check issues below.
Shubham J
11:25 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3188 (Resolved): Teamleader login> check issues below.
chirag wadhwa
05:22 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3192 (Reopened ): Admin/ Teamleader login> Menu> anvandare> tap any user> Skicka meddelande>send message> log out> try login> app crashed.
Shubham J
05:19 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3193 (Reopened ): Admin login> calender icon> tap on the created event> tap invited users (!) to the event>choose one user> Skicka meddelande> send message to the user> log out> tap on the email text field on logga in page> app crashes.
Shubham J
05:11 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3194 (Closed): admin-teamleader-user login> message icon> inkorg> open the message> tap on the profile pic of the sender> app crashes...............Same thing on skickat also.
Shubham J
05:01 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3197 (Closed): Team leader login> send messgae(skriv meddelande)> select 1 user(anvandare)> sending to to all users (Admin also)..
Shubham J
04:49 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3189 (Closed): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with--> company management --> (zoom in and zoom out issue ) as compared to lfsc return upload panel form width should be full in consolidated report.
Mohd Irfan
01:15 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3189 (Resolved): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with--> company management --> (zoom in and zoom out issue ) as compared to lfsc return upload panel form width should be full in consolidated report.
Dharmanshu Gupta
04:48 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3226 (Closed): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business & company management --> Small and capital same company name should be added to the same company.
Mohd Irfan
12:13 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3226 (Resolved): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business & company management --> Small and capital same company name should be added to the same company.
The functionality is working fine and it will work like this for now,already discussed the same with Dharamveer sir. Dharmanshu Gupta
02:56 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3225 (Closed): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business -->excel--> why HTML code appearing on Generated excel sheet .
arti saraswat
01:11 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3225 (Resolved): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business -->excel--> why HTML code appearing on Generated excel sheet .
Dharmanshu Gupta
02:51 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3161 (Closed): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers and General management-->go with-->Trust Business tab-->Why does this "NAN" displays in column "TOTAL % OF REGION"
arti saraswat
11:10 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3161 (Resolved): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers and General management-->go with-->Trust Business tab-->Why does this "NAN" displays in column "TOTAL % OF REGION"
Dharmanshu Gupta
01:19 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3233 (Closed): After updating prescription of any appointment it navigate to dashbaord screen..please navigate on Prescription tab..where listing appearing
Same for document - after adding/updating document navigates on home screen priyanka Sharma
01:15 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2769 (Closed): Add Lab report > Check issues below
priyanka Sharma
01:15 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3232 (Closed): After deleting lab report success message appearing Deleted successfully but report still showing on screen...working fine after refreshing
priyanka Sharma
01:14 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3231 (Closed): Lab Report - Report description not showing on listing screen & on edit ...& Download report getting failed
priyanka Sharma
01:11 PM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3195: Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers -->go with-->Trust Business -->excel--> After point 4 number is coming in consolidated report but in excel and pdf instead of 4 digits one and zero digit is coming somewhere in excel and pdf
Have to dicuss the same with Dharamveer sir Dharmanshu Gupta
01:11 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #3230 (Closed): After adding/updating lab report it navigates to Prescription tab
priyanka Sharma
01:09 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2772 (Closed): Appointment details > Add document > Enter doc title but not select file and tab on submit button - check suuceesful message "The file is required field is required"
priyanka Sharma
01:06 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2771 (Closed): I have added prescription for #309 appointment & after getting new appointment #310 it is showing same prescription there
priyanka Sharma
01:03 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2730 (Reopened ): Needs to change subject of notifications
priyanka Sharma
12:53 PM Sector- Money Services Bug #3201 (Resolved): Consolidated Report > Money Services > Form 4 - Data not getting same in report ..please check issues below
sunil gupta
12:52 PM Sector- Money Services Bug #3203 (Resolved): Throughout the report -- amount columns ---> amount value should separate with commas as in web user panel
sunil gupta
12:52 PM Sector- Money Services Bug #3204 (Resolved): Form 1, 2, 3 & 4 - Column titles should be in title case ..means 1st letter in upper rest in lower case…In reports all are in uppercase
sunil gupta
12:51 PM Sector- Money Services Bug #3205 (Resolved): Download excel & pdf in any form – always shows Money Services Consolidated Report in Title … Will be good if you show report name according to Form name Title’s.
sunil gupta
12:51 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2751 (Closed): After log out no need to show toast message "Logout successfully" remove these for both apps
priyanka Sharma
12:47 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2741 (Closed): Once appointmenet cancelled by doctor then button name should change to Cancelled & it should not be clickable again
priyanka Sharma
12:46 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2740 (Reopened ): After cancelling appointment check spelling of "Cancelled" . & Confirmation popup Cancel &booking text should be in title case
priyanka Sharma
12:45 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3200 (Closed): admin> menu> uppdatera information> dokument> delete the dokument> tap spara> tap on info> dokument not deleted.
Shubham J
12:41 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2725 (Closed): If appointment is rejected then why we giving option to doctor to postpone it. This button should not come while viewing rejected appointment details
priyanka Sharma
12:39 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2789 (Closed): Notification title of cancel booking request should be "Booking Cancellation request"
priyanka Sharma
12:16 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2815 (Reopened ): Delete any lab report - after deleting showing wrong lab id getting deleted
priyanka Sharma
12:13 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2820 (Closed): Sidebar menu > Prescriptions > After deleting prescription it seems no prescription deleted...& after refreshing screen will be removed from there
priyanka Sharma
12:10 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2810 (Closed): Sidebar menu > Prescriptions > Tab on any prescription ..sometimes getting crash or sometimes navigating to Lab report tab ..please navigate on patient details prescription tab
priyanka Sharma
12:00 PM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3207 (Closed): Tap any user profile pic on comment screen> App crashes.
Shubham J
11:54 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2825 (Reopened ): Sidebar menu > Email > Email field is blank by default...just go to select patient but not select any patient & come back...check appeared on email field...wher it comes from?
priyanka Sharma
11:54 AM IOS Lusgo 2022 Issues Bug #3219 (Closed): Log out the user>Go to NYHETER screen( tap back button after log out)> tap profile of user> app crashes.
Shubham J
11:47 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2798 (Closed): Schedule > Check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:44 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2781 (Closed): Visits in clinic - why we showing patient apointment created date & time to doctor...& visitor time appearing two times
priyanka Sharma
11:40 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2813 (Closed): Sidebar Menu > Lab > tab on any one lab to view details> navigating to Documents tab..please navigate to lab tab only
priyanka Sharma
11:25 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2827 (New): Patient not getting Appointment Confirmation email ...appointment confirmed by doctor but patient did not get any email..while it is active from admin panel
priyanka Sharma
11:13 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2824 (Reopened ): Sidebar menu > Email > Check issues below
After sending email...success message should be "Email sent successfully" instead of send priyanka Sharma
11:08 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3163 (Feedback): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers & company management-->go with-->Trust Business tab-->Why does this "PDF & Excel" generate option is for every question (Means pdf & excel generate option should be at once only at the top of form)
Dharmanshu Gupta
11:08 AM Sector-Trust & Company Managers Bug #3165 (Feedback): Report-->Consolidated Report-->Trust & comp managers & company management-->go with-->Trust Business & company management-->Why does this "previous & Next" buttons appears multiple of types (While it should be once in the bottom right of form)
Dharmanshu Gupta

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