


priyanka Sharma's activity

From 06/18/2022 to 06/27/2022


07:18 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2580 (Reopened ): Sometimes header dropdown links not clickable. Loader ends but not able to open the page . Check attached video link
priyanka Sharma
07:17 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2596 (Closed): RCS -> In-Port - Departure notification for Cruise vessels not showing on RCS system
priyanka Sharma
06:59 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2583 (Closed): Departure notification for cruise vessel - Make validation for Intended Departure Date field & Brief particular of voyage field appearing blank
priyanka Sharma
06:54 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2961 (Closed): Departure notification for cruise > print detail> check issues below
priyanka Sharma
03:36 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2961 (Closed): Departure notification for cruise > print detail> check issues below
1. change...
priyanka Sharma
06:32 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2684 (Closed): Cruise arrival notification >Upload documents > Health declaration radio button >On summary tab its not showing
priyanka Sharma
06:30 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2527 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notifications List > Once vessel inbounded from RCS side then on sailclear system user should not able to edit, copy, delete of any arrival notification
priyanka Sharma
06:29 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2736 (Closed): cruise vessel dashboard> cruise arrival notification> click view button> check issues below
priyanka Sharma
06:29 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2574 (Closed): Edit Cruise arrival notification > Upload step - upload excel of large no of cruise users & then submit the form - not able to submit...taking too much time
priyanka Sharma
06:28 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2546 (Closed): Individuals List - Masse Delete button should work for users ...But here only 10 records per page getting deleted
priyanka Sharma
06:24 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2971 (Closed): Pleasure vessel category field appearing blnk if arrival notification has immigration or health form enabled.
priyanka Sharma
05:53 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2683 (Closed): Create Cruise/ Commercial Arrival Notifications - Passengers tab > Check issues below
priyanka Sharma
05:53 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2914 (Closed): Pleasure vessel arrival notification---Health, immigration form enabled & all required fields are filled...On Review tab i am not able to submit the form...
priyanka Sharma
05:46 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2705 (Reopened ): Submitted & completed notifications count - please show separate count for them as now it creates confusion how much are submitted & how much are completed
It's not looking good. Needs to work on this more. As now submitted 4 notifications come on 1st page, 4 on 2nd page, ... priyanka Sharma
04:24 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2966 (Closed): Outbound of Cruise departure notification > check issues below
1. wr...
priyanka Sharma
03:53 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2963 (Closed): Pleasure vessel Outbound > Searh by notification id > check departure notification issues below
1. VESSEL NAME field blank
2. REGISTRATION NO field blank
3. Outbound icon wr...
priyanka Sharma
03:44 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2689 (Closed): RCS - cruise arrival notification > create inbound> click on view icon> some fields appearing of pleasure vessels while viewing details
priyanka Sharma
03:23 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2490 (Closed): RCS - During create inbound of Cruise vessel > Review step > we need same text as coming in Pleasure vessel with Submit button
priyanka Sharma
03:22 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2717 (Closed): Inport - Create outbpund of cruise vessel > appearing blank screen & it navgates to 2020 portal...i found this issue many times...after refresh hard it works fine
priyanka Sharma
03:21 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2500 (Closed): RCS - Create outbound of Pleasure arrival notification > On Review tab getting Error inStores And Animals & not able to create outbound
priyanka Sharma
03:21 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2512 (Closed): once inbound created then it should not shown under Enroute or to create inbound again
priyanka Sharma
01:39 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2957 (Closed): Pleasure arrival or departure notification > Add Stores And Animals > Tab key not working fine...It works with 2 times pressed on tab key
priyanka Sharma
01:32 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2956 (Closed): Not able to create outbound of cruise notification....
1. DEPARTURE VOYAGE DETAILS - INTENDED DEPARTURE DATE field showing blank while going to make outbound
2. Summary ta...
priyanka Sharma
01:07 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2922 (Closed): Edit pleasure notification > Intended Arrival & departure time field appearing blank if we copy the pleasure notification & creating new
priyanka Sharma
01:05 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2510 (Closed): Create cruise arrival notification > Crews & passenger > If i edit the crew, passenger, master form then Travel document type field seems blank & if i change their rank crew to master then without adding their document id it gets saved.
priyanka Sharma
12:45 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2695 (Closed): Login page > Correct spelling of "Password"
priyanka Sharma
11:48 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2904 (Closed): Crews list- scrollbar appeared & in passengers list - no scrollbar. Check ss below
priyanka Sharma
11:32 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2615 (Closed): Create Arrival Notification for pleasure vessel > Additional tab > by default some radio buttons found selected to No.. Is it requirement or done by mistake..Please check once
priyanka Sharma
11:03 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2613 (Reopened ): Crews list > One user with same Document id has been showing with multiple entries
priyanka Sharma
11:03 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2900 (Reopened ): Create Arrival notification > Crews tab > Change text from confirmation popup - Are you sure you want to remove all?
priyanka Sharma


03:22 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2696 (Reopened ): Pleasure vessel outbound created but not displaying under Outbound list
priyanka Sharma
03:01 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2926 (Closed): Not able to create outbound of Pleasure notification...Submit button not working
priyanka Sharma
02:52 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2924 (Closed): Outbound > Search notification id > check outbound icon
priyanka Sharma
02:50 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2703 (Closed): RCS - Create outbound of pleasure arrival notification - shows error on Review tab Some fields on Add stores & animal tab - shoing blank
priyanka Sharma
02:48 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2923 (Closed): During create outbound of pleasure - some fields are missing on Vessel tab

priyanka Sharma
02:33 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2568 (Closed): CREATE IN- bound for pleasure notification - Arrival countrry belize >Health Tab > Maritime Declaration Of Health > some fields not displaying information
priyanka Sharma
02:26 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2567 (Closed): Create inbound of pleasure notification > Individuals & Covid tab tab > View & download icon of healh declaration, quarantine file, covid negative report - not able to see uploaded files
priyanka Sharma
01:32 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2566 (Reopened ): Create inbound of arrival pleasure notification - Individuals tab > View immigration details > showing blank data in the popup
priyanka Sharma
01:31 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2922 (Closed): Edit pleasure notification > Intended Arrival & departure time field appearing blank if we copy the pleasure notification & creating new
1. Create one pleasure notification, Fill all the fields & submit the form
2. ...
priyanka Sharma
01:23 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2920 (Closed): Pleasure vessel arrival notification- -> TIME OF DEPARTURE field appearing blank view, print, create inbound...not appearing oneverywhere...while added from sailclear
priyanka Sharma
01:21 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2919 (Closed): RCS - pleasure vessel category appearing blank....Search by notification id> create inbound of pleasure notification> check vessel category field
priyanka Sharma
01:17 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2690 (Reopened ): Cruise arrival notification > search by id > Immigration form rejected & Status rejected but under action column showing pending for approval
priyanka Sharma
12:31 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2914 (Closed): Pleasure vessel arrival notification---Health, immigration form enabled & all required fields are filled...On Review tab i am not able to submit the form...
There is an error of one or more validation required....but at user end th...
priyanka Sharma
11:49 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2560 (Closed): Create inbound of plasure arrival notifictaion - Vessel category field appearing blank
priyanka Sharma
11:49 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2617 (Closed): Create inbound of pleasure arrival notification > Vessel category found blank & seems error on Review tab
priyanka Sharma
11:48 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2911 (Closed): After creating cruise inbound ..serach with same notification id--> it is showing to create should not shown there
priyanka Sharma
11:47 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2499 (Closed): RCS > I have created inbound & after submitting its still showing in the list to create again ..not going under CRUISE IN PORT & showing under pleasure in port
priyanka Sharma
11:44 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2826 (Closed): Create cruise inbound by searching notification id> click print button > field appearing blank
priyanka Sharma
11:44 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2637 (Closed): create inbound for cruise with notification id> click to print button> Fields are blank.
priyanka Sharma
11:42 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2586 (Closed): Departure notification for cruise vessel - Summary Tab > fields appearing wrong . Check below screenshot. we have to show same fields which we are filling on Departure Voyage Details form
priyanka Sharma
11:42 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2712 (Closed): Cruise arrival notification > Enroute > View details > Check issues below of vessel details
priyanka Sharma
11:40 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2672 (Closed): Cruise arrival notification > Create inbound> check crews passenger list> 4 crews & 4 passenger showing while there is only 1-1 record uploaded there. Please check urgent basis
priyanka Sharma
11:39 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2714 (Closed): Create inbound of cruise vessel from Search notification id page - Create inbound --->showing pleasure vessel fields
priyanka Sharma
11:38 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2592 (Reopened ): Cruise / Commercial Departure Notifications - View details of notification - appearing fields of pleasure such there is no need of view page as it is not available for pleasure departure
priyanka Sharma
11:29 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2688 (Closed): Create Pleasure vessel arrival notification -Summary tab - Age column showing value NAN if not filled anything in it
priyanka Sharma
11:28 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2685 (Closed): Cruise edit arrival notification > Document name not getting the time of creating i have added Sample 1 doc name but it is showing default additionalDoc text over there
priyanka Sharma
11:27 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2907 (Feedback): Create Cruise Arrival notification > Upload tab > More uplaods - if you replace your doc file 2 or 3 times...after submitting check the upload will show same field name with different uploads
priyanka Sharma
11:18 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2552 (Closed): Crews list > export pdf > check issues below
priyanka Sharma
11:15 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2435 (Closed): Taking too much time to submit pleasure arrival notification
priyanka Sharma
11:07 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2681 (Reopened ): Cruise Arrival notification > If i am uploading any crew's excel during create arrival notification after creating same individual list showing on Crews List page while it should not shown there
priyanka Sharma
10:53 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2904 (Closed): Crews list- scrollbar appeared & in passengers list - no scrollbar. Check ss below
priyanka Sharma
10:44 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2577 (Closed): Check how it appears on Summary tab if we uplaod two sheets of crews on upload tab
priyanka Sharma
10:36 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2493 (Closed): Create Cruise Arrival notification > 4th step Crews & 5th step - Passenger> Mass delete option should be there . As we can't delete user one by one
priyanka Sharma
10:36 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2900 (Closed): Create Arrival notification > Crews tab > Change text from confirmation popup - Are you sure you want to remove all?
priyanka Sharma
10:33 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2899 (Closed): Needs to make validation on this i am not able to go to next page...because i have not select Documents Confirmation fields at below...if they are mandatory then show mandatory sign & make validation too
priyanka Sharma
10:22 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2682 (Closed): Cruise / Commercial Arrival Notifications List - view details - Crew List:,Passenger list , Crew's effects declaration etc...... no data showing against these labels
priyanka Sharma
10:18 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2621 (Closed): Dashboard >pleasure & curse >in Arrival & Departure notification > count & pagination is not there.
priyanka Sharma
10:12 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2695 (Reopened ): Login page > Correct spelling of "Password"
priyanka Sharma
10:09 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2679 (Closed): Pleasure Arrival Notifications List> "No Data Found" shpould text shown in center
priyanka Sharma
10:07 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2541 (Closed): My profile icon - show profile image of user
priyanka Sharma
10:06 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2589 (Closed): Cruise Dashboard - Only Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notifications List appearing. Needs to show departure notifications too
priyanka Sharma


06:32 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2896 (Closed): Sidebar menu > Change Password > After entering email change success message "PAssword must contain at least 6 digit" to "Password must be at least 6 characters long"
priyanka Sharma
06:06 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2892 (Closed): Forgot password > Verification code screen > check issues below
1. Change text Please type the verificaion code to "Enter verification code"
2. Button name Validate to "Verify"...c...
priyanka Sharma
05:03 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2887 (Resolved): Prescription added by doctor not showing to pharmacist under pending dispatched
Payment is done by patient & doctor added prescription for the patient. its not showing to pharmacist priyanka Sharma
04:16 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2880 (Feedback): Login screen > If we try to login two or three times with invalid credentials then it shows this error message "Temporary locked ut. please try again"
It should say "Invalid email id or password" priyanka Sharma
04:12 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2879 (Resolved): API Issue - Three times showing same time slot when patient going to book an appointment
We have created 9pm for threee locations its working fine for visit clinic but for online it is showing same t... priyanka Sharma
02:29 PM Curewell Therapies - Admin Bug #2865 (New): On patient list page it shows balance due 0 but if we check the payment details here it shows balance due rs 800 which is wrong
If payment is done by patient then it shoul...
priyanka Sharma
12:38 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2853 (Closed): Incoming meeting invitation on mobile phone - check issues below
1. keep video icon, cancel icon same in doctor & patient mobile
2. Patient not getting profile icon of doctor on mob...
priyanka Sharma


06:27 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2829 (New): Auto email templates not working...all emails are active but it's not going automatically
Payment successful email to patient
Patient Registration Confirmation...etc
priyanka Sharma
05:21 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2473 (Reopened ): Create Cruise Arrival notification > 4th step Crews > Individual list appearing but we have to keep same format as in Pleasure Vessel
priyanka Sharma
05:21 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2442 (Reopened ): RCS >Pleasure Vessel Details >MOVEMENT section > Time of Arrival & Time of Departure fields seems blank & wrong .
priyanka Sharma
04:21 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2827 (Feedback): Patient not getting Appointment Confirmation email ...appointment confirmed by doctor but patient did not get any email..while it is active from admin panel
priyanka Sharma
03:31 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2825 (Closed): Sidebar menu > Email > Email field is blank by default...just go to select patient but not select any patient & come back...check appeared on email field...wher it comes from?
priyanka Sharma
03:25 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2824 (Closed): Sidebar menu > Email > Check issues below
1. Select any one try to search with other patient name will not list that user
2. No close ico...
priyanka Sharma
01:28 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2820 (Closed): Sidebar menu > Prescriptions > After deleting prescription it seems no prescription deleted...& after refreshing screen will be removed from there
priyanka Sharma
01:26 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2818 (Closed): Left sidemenu > Appointments > check issues below
1.Add appointment > Patient name dropdown> needs to work on design...not getting which patient is selected & same for... priyanka Sharma
01:03 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2815 (Closed): Delete any lab report - after deleting showing wrong lab id getting deleted
Suppose there are ids 33,32,31, i am deleting shows the latest one at top which is 33 gets deleted in... priyanka Sharma
12:43 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2813 (Closed): Sidebar Menu > Lab > tab on any one lab to view details> navigating to Documents tab..please navigate to lab tab only
priyanka Sharma
12:15 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2812 (Closed): Invoices >Due payment & Full paid tab > Search with invalid id...then remove the searched invoice data will show again
Suppose on due payment & full paid tab invoices showing..& i am going to search with any id...but i have entered wron... priyanka Sharma
12:08 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2811 (Closed): Sidebar menu > Prescriptions > check search issues below
1. search with any invalid text means invalid data...Items not found icon showing just below the search sh... priyanka Sharma
11:58 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2810 (Closed): Sidebar menu > Prescriptions > Tab on any prescription ..sometimes getting crash or sometimes navigating to Lab report tab ..please navigate on patient details prescription tab
priyanka Sharma


06:35 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2805 (Closed): After adding new slot in any week shows that week name selected on listing but slots are showing of Monday....either monday should selected or week days of that day should shown
priyanka Sharma
06:12 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2801 (Closed): Title getting changed to "Schedule" on all screens ....Go to Schedule >Add holiday > Come back to schedule>again back> check dashboard title gets changed to Schedule
priyanka Sharma
05:45 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2798 (Closed): Schedule > Check issues below
1. After addding new time slot fields should get reset
2. Correct speeling of Already - "Time slot already exist"
priyanka Sharma
05:05 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2795 (Closed): No show appointment detail - Location field displaying wrong value "Online" & field name Consultation type should change to Consultation Mode
priyanka Sharma
04:59 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2794 (Closed): If appointment status is No show then Cancel & Postpone button should not shown to doctor while viewing appointment details
priyanka Sharma
04:58 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2793 (Closed): After marking No show appointment change toast message Appointment set to no show change to "Appointment marked as no show successfully"
priyanka Sharma
04:55 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2792 (Closed): No show appointment message in popup ...change it to ..."Are you sure you want to close this appointment and mark the client as a No Show?"
priyanka Sharma
04:46 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2790 (Resolved): Audio/ video call is going to wrong loggedin user . check scenario below
Suppose doctor confirmed new appointment with Aman patient & in another phone aman loggedout now & login Misha user .... priyanka Sharma
04:24 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2789 (Closed): Notification title of cancel booking request should be "Booking Cancellation request"
priyanka Sharma
04:22 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2788 (Closed): Cancel & postpone any appointment request - needs to change success message our support staff will contact you soon..
It should be in popup with close button and text should be "Your cancellation request has been successfully submitted... priyanka Sharma
03:55 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2785 (Resolved): Documents > upload document >check issues below
1. Change success message Document uplaod successfully to "Document uplaoded successfully"
2. latest doc should show...
priyanka Sharma
03:02 PM Curewell Therapies - Admin Bug #2783 (New): Schedule > All Schedule > Add new > Not able to add schedule > seems HTTP ERROR 500
priyanka Sharma
01:35 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2781 (Closed): Visits in clinic - why we showing patient apointment created date & time to doctor...& visitor time appearing two times
priyanka Sharma
01:08 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2778 (Closed): Invoices screen > Search placeholder text - we can change it to Search by id
priyanka Sharma
01:04 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2777 (Closed): Doctor & patient invoice both > View Invoice screen > Show rs sign with amount at all places
priyanka Sharma
01:02 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2776 (Closed): Throughout the app > Issue with time > it appears with need of it...only show upto minutes
Incorrect - 12:47:51 PM
Correct - 12:47 PM
priyanka Sharma
12:59 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2775 (Resolved): Invoices > Due payment > view invoice > tab on view icon to view invoice > it opens with zoomed in screen & why it shows search zoomed in out icons at footer for a while
priyanka Sharma
12:53 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2774 (Closed): Appointment details >Add document > uplaod document image file > after downloading open it> it gives file format error
Make validation while uplaoding image file... priyanka Sharma
12:53 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2773 (Closed): Add document screen > It shows message No message found can check after adding new document or on blank screen too
priyanka Sharma
12:51 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2772 (Closed): Appointment details > Add document > Enter doc title but not select file and tab on submit button - check suuceesful message "The file is required field is required"
Message should be "Please upload file" priyanka Sharma
12:49 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2771 (Closed): I have added prescription for #309 appointment & after getting new appointment #310 it is showing same prescription there
This is new appointment & old prescriptions of other appointments should not shown there priyanka Sharma
12:45 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2769 (Closed): Add Lab report > Check issues below
1. Please show fields label name with there
2. Report history not getting added & not showing on listing screen & if...
priyanka Sharma
12:32 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2767 (Closed): Invoices screen > there is already one invoice showing on screen but if i open the same screen again then it shows"no invoice found"...please remove should show only when there will be no data
priyanka Sharma
12:30 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2766 (New): If prescription added by doctor for any appointment then why its status showing pending to patient.? & i am not able to get this prescription is for which appointment?
priyanka Sharma
12:29 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2765 (Closed): Appointment details > Prescription tab . check issues below
1. After adding prescription by doctor change text of successfull message "prescription is added suucessfully". It sh... priyanka Sharma
11:42 AM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2760 (Feedback): Upload profile pic - i want to upload pic direct from camera but it first saved in gallery then ask to select should not work like that...should direct upload from camera
priyanka Sharma


06:55 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2757 (Closed): Select a time slot screen > if no slot available then check design how it overlapping with location button & on same screen calendar date not seems like it is clickable
please shiw calendar icon with dropdown icon with it so that we can know that we can select date from there priyanka Sharma
06:49 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2756 (Closed): Exit Confirmation popup > Cancel Exit Button Text color appearing of purple color... it should be same as working throughout the app
And make in title case like "Are you sure you want to exit?" priyanka Sharma
06:47 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2755 (Feedback): I have registeredwith new user & trying to book an appointment of today but not able to book for slot 10pm
Login credentials -
priyanka Sharma
06:45 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2754 (Closed): After sign up Create profile screen issues - check below
1. After sign up screen title shoule be "Create Profile" instead of Profile
2. Please enter dateof birth change to "...
priyanka Sharma
06:33 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2753 (Closed): Sign Up > Password entered but stilll asking for enter password ...Fill all the fields & tab on create will show "Please enter your password"
priyanka Sharma
06:31 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2752 (Closed): Sign Up form> if email & password fieldare blank then show toast message separately
Currently both appearing together priyanka Sharma
06:27 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2751 (Closed): After log out no need to show toast message "Logout successfully" remove these for both apps
priyanka Sharma
06:13 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2749 (Closed): Sign up - change text up to "Up" It should be Sign Up & and also below - or Sign up with- Google...change there too
priyanka Sharma
06:04 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2747 (Closed): After selecting booking type, consultaion mode, should highlight that box for a little so that patient can get to know what hehas selected
priyanka Sharma
06:02 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2746 (Closed): Please chnge mode of consultation screen - Correct spelling of Consultation
priyanka Sharma
06:02 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2745 (Closed): There is no app back button showing while booking an appointment or creating steps like booking type thenconsultation mode...It will be ggod if you add back icon at top in all these steps
priyanka Sharma
05:56 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2744 (Closed): Today Earning Tab should not get change on changing the calendar date otherwise change the title of tab if it is showing earning of that day .
priyanka Sharma
05:52 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2743 (Resolved): Appointment details > Doctor trying to delete document id 337 & it deletes 335id & change text of confirmation popup "Are you sure you want to delete this document" Please take care of title case throughoutthe app
priyanka Sharma
05:45 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2741 (Closed): Once appointmenet cancelled by doctor then button name should change to Cancelled & it should not be clickable again
priyanka Sharma
05:42 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2740 (Closed): After cancelling appointment check spelling of "Cancelled" . & Confirmation popup Cancel &booking text should be in title case
Like "Do you want to cancel this booking?"
And after cancelling message should be "Appointment Cancelled"
priyanka Sharma
05:14 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2739 (New): Patient not able to view audio video call if mobile screen is locked or off . Patient should get call on screen as like wtsapp
priyanka Sharma
05:11 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2738 (New): Invoices > Due payment > no due payments showing there.I have book an appointment & its approved by doctor & pending payment from patient side but under due payment no record showing
priyanka Sharma
05:07 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2737 (Closed): During confirm booking - change the text in confirmation booking Are you sure to book an appointment to "Are you sure you want to book this appointment"
priyanka Sharma
05:04 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2735 (Closed): Message details popup > if we open the message again & there will be no new message then no need to show toast message "No message found by this id"
priyanka Sharma
05:00 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2734 (Closed): Appointments screen > Remove confirmation popup of confirm payment from there & show where you confirm your UPI id while making payment
priyanka Sharma
04:20 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2731 (Closed): If appointment cancel or postpone request made by patient then button name should change as per below
1. If patient request for cancel booking the button name will change to "Cancellation request sent"
2. If patient r...
priyanka Sharma
04:18 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2730 (Closed): Needs to change subject of notifications
If new booking found the show "New Appointment Booking Request"
If cancel any appointment then it should be "Booking...
priyanka Sharma
04:13 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2728 (Closed): Button name should change to Cancelled & Postponed once we cancel or postpone the appointment
priyanka Sharma
04:06 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2727 (Closed): Patient & Doctor - not able to open attached document after download it
After downloading it shows incorrupt file while i have uplaodded image file priyanka Sharma
03:56 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2725 (Closed): If appointment is rejected then why we giving option to doctor to postpone it. This button should not come while viewing rejected appointment details
priyanka Sharma
03:53 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2724 (Resolved): Appointment rejection details - Reason field not showing to patient. Why appointment is rejected
Please show reason to aptient too. priyanka Sharma
03:46 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2723 (New): If patient already book any appointment for any slot then he/she should not allow to book same slot with same doctor at same location
I have book one appointment slot & its already approved. Now i am going to book same slot and it allows me ...make va... priyanka Sharma
03:45 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2722 (Closed): Notification, Pending aappointment notification, Dispatch notifications count - It should be red instead of black
priyanka Sharma
03:41 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2721 (Closed): Notification Id's - please show # iconn with id' #283
Currently appearing like 283 priyanka Sharma
03:40 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2719 (Closed): Patient not getting any notification of approved/rejected appointment & messages count. Notification & message count showing 0
priyanka Sharma
03:38 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2718 (New): Doctor notifications> Please differentiate new notifications(whole box area) with light blue color so that we can check which one is new
Check refernce of gmailapp. once we read it , it can change to white background which is already working now priyanka Sharma
03:01 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2521 (Closed): RCS > Registries > Outbound > When view inbound & outbound details - it shows fields of plasure vessel
priyanka Sharma
02:59 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2516 (Closed): RCS> Create cruise inbound from RCS system > After clicking on submit, reference number of inbound is not displayed.
priyanka Sharma
02:57 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2673 (Closed): Cruise inbound created but not showing under In-port . Please check on urgent basis
priyanka Sharma
02:50 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2717 (Closed): Inport - Create outbpund of cruise vessel > appearing blank screen & it navgates to 2020 portal...i found this issue many times...after refresh hard it works fine
If i already refresh hard then why it n...
priyanka Sharma
02:47 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2716 (Feedback): Cruise -In port - change the icon of oubound
priyanka Sharma
02:43 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2498 (Closed): RCS Create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Summary tab > Master name field appearing blank while its already added
priyanka Sharma
02:43 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2518 (Closed): RCS> Registries> In-port >Cruise In-port Tab> Click details > Details are not displayed.
priyanka Sharma
02:42 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2492 (Closed): RCS - Create inbound of Commercial type cruise arrival notification - After submitting Rotation Reference no not viewing
priyanka Sharma
02:41 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2640 (Closed): create inbound for cruise from RCS> Summary Tab> Fields are blank.
priyanka Sharma
02:40 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2459 (Closed): RCS - View cruise arrival notification details > Crew & Passenger list - gets intermixed .
priyanka Sharma
02:37 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2514 (Reopened ): RCS> Create cruise inbound from RCS system> Some of the details is not displaying in the summary tab.
On Summary tab Master name - Mani null sharma showing. please check
priyanka Sharma
02:34 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2503 (Closed): Create Inbound for cruise ship >Uploaded excel file of crews & passengers but its not showing user under Crew & passenger tab
priyanka Sharma
02:33 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2714 (Closed): Create inbound of cruise vessel from Search notification id page - Create inbound --->showing pleasure vessel fields
priyanka Sharma
01:26 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2712 (Closed): Cruise arrival notification > Enroute > View details > Check issues below of vessel details
1. I...
priyanka Sharma
01:23 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2689 (Reopened ): RCS - cruise arrival notification > create inbound> click on view icon> some fields appearing of pleasure vessels while viewing details
priyanka Sharma

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