


priyanka Sharma's activity

From 06/08/2022 to 06/17/2022


04:14 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2442 (Reopened ): RCS >Pleasure Vessel Details >MOVEMENT section > Time of Arrival & Time of Departure fields seems blank & wrong .
priyanka Sharma
04:05 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2497 (Reopened ): RCS - create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Fields updated by RCS system not getting saved
priyanka Sharma
03:56 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2705 (Closed): Submitted & completed notifications count - please show separate count for them as now it creates confusion how much are submitted & how much are completed
You can see on 1st page it shows - 9 in submitted & 2 completed
On 2nd page 2 submitted & 2 completed
priyanka Sharma
03:40 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2624 (Closed): IRD tab> Add IRD> IRD persons tab> Check issues below.
priyanka Sharma
01:20 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2495 (Closed): RCS Create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Uplaod tab > Crews & pasenger file not getting download & appearing blank tab
priyanka Sharma
12:59 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2704 (Closed): Cruise arrival notification if rejected or approved by immigratoion verifier then after that same notification id created under Pleasure Arrival Notifications List
I have rejected 38361 id of cuise arrival notification now the id not showing a...
priyanka Sharma
12:33 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2439 (Closed): RCS> Inbound >Search by notification id > Action column > view details of Cruise vessel notification> someof fields appearing of pleasure vessels
priyanka Sharma
12:33 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2689 (Reopened ): RCS - cruise arrival notification > create inbound> click on view icon> some fields appearing of pleasure vessels while viewing details
priyanka Sharma
12:29 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2703 (Closed): RCS - Create outbound of pleasure arrival notification - shows error on Review tab Some fields on Add stores & animal tab - shoing blank
Last Ten Port Of Calls
Crews Effects Declaration
Passengers Effects Declaration
priyanka Sharma
12:19 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2504 (Closed): RCS - Create cruise vessel inbound from RCS system but on viewing under IN-port data not binded under Cruise IN port ..showing under Pleasure inport
priyanka Sharma
12:19 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2561 (Closed): CREATE IN- bound for pleasure notification - Arrival countrry belize > Documents tab > 404 - File or directory not found.
priyanka Sharma
11:45 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2492 (Reopened ): RCS - Create inbound of Commercial type cruise arrival notification - After submitting Rotation Reference no not viewing
priyanka Sharma
11:35 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2581 (Closed): RCS - Create direct outbound or Outbound of inbound - While creating outbound of cruise vessels from RCS side SELECT ARRIVAL COUNTRY SELECT ARRIVAL PORT..these fields should not come
priyanka Sharma
11:34 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2581 (Resolved): RCS - Create direct outbound or Outbound of inbound - While creating outbound of cruise vessels from RCS side SELECT ARRIVAL COUNTRY SELECT ARRIVAL PORT..these fields should not come
priyanka Sharma
11:29 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2581 (Reopened ): RCS - Create direct outbound or Outbound of inbound - While creating outbound of cruise vessels from RCS side SELECT ARRIVAL COUNTRY SELECT ARRIVAL PORT..these fields should not come
priyanka Sharma
11:29 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2502 (Closed): Create Inbound - Cruise ship > Upload documents > upload crews/passengers list > on uploading found error in popup "your file contains error"
priyanka Sharma
10:58 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2518 (Reopened ): RCS> Registries> In-port >Cruise In-port Tab> Click details > Details are not displayed.
priyanka Sharma
10:53 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2498 (Reopened ): RCS Create inbound of cruise arrival notification > Summary tab > Master name field appearing blank while its already added
priyanka Sharma
10:52 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2514 (Reopened ): RCS> Create cruise inbound from RCS system> Some of the details is not displaying in the summary tab.
priyanka Sharma
10:44 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2513 (Closed): I am creating outbound of cruise vessel then after submitted in popup it is showing text "Pleasure vessel movement report"
priyanka Sharma


06:20 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2640 (Reopened ): create inbound for cruise from RCS> Summary Tab> Fields are blank.
priyanka Sharma
05:45 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2638 (Closed): create inbound for cruise> summary tab> Master name is missing.
priyanka Sharma
05:37 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2506 (Closed): RCS> Create cruise inbound> Spelling Mistakes.
priyanka Sharma
05:36 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2507 (Closed): RCS> Create cruise inbound> Mandatory sign(*) is missing in date.
priyanka Sharma
12:27 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2696 (Closed): Pleasure vessel outbound created but not displaying under Outbound list
priyanka Sharma
12:10 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2695 (Closed): Login page > Correct spelling of "Password"
priyanka Sharma


06:44 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2692 (Closed): I have rejected one & approved one cruise notification & they both got vanished on Sailclear frontend & RCS enroute. Only showing by searching their notification id
priyanka Sharma
06:26 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2690 (Closed): Cruise arrival notification > search by id > Immigration form rejected & Status rejected but under action column showing pending for approval
priyanka Sharma
06:21 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2689 (Closed): RCS - cruise arrival notification > create inbound> click on view icon> some fields appearing of pleasure vessels while viewing details
priyanka Sharma
06:16 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2569 (Closed): CREATE IN- bound for pleasure notification - Arrival countrry belize > Review tab > Getting error in Vessel form - not able to cretae inbound
priyanka Sharma
06:16 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2575 (Closed): Inbound > Search by notification id > Appearing blank page on click of view & icon
priyanka Sharma
06:13 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2617 (Reopened ): Create inbound of pleasure arrival notification > Vessel category found blank & seems error on Review tab
priyanka Sharma
06:12 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2626 (Closed): Add new pleasure vessel from sailclear & Create inbound on RCS system -->open notification from both side first search by Notifiaction id & 2nd Under enroute
priyanka Sharma
05:38 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2538 (Reopened ): Departure notification>create notification> selected plessure vessel category> showing cruise vessels also in vessels field.
priyanka Sharma
05:33 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2540 (Closed): create departure notification for cruise ship> Form closes automatically.
priyanka Sharma
05:30 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2594 (Closed): Cruise / Commercial Departure Notifications - Copy, Print , delete not working . Not able to copy, print & delete
priyanka Sharma
05:30 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2584 (Closed): Create departure notification for pleasure vessel> edit > Check the issues below.
priyanka Sharma
05:29 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2688 (Closed): Create Pleasure vessel arrival notification -Summary tab - Age column showing value NAN if not filled anything in it
priyanka Sharma
05:24 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2636 (Closed): create departure notification for cruise> form gets automatically closed.
priyanka Sharma
05:23 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2593 (Closed): create departure notification for cruise vessel> upload tab> check the issues below.
priyanka Sharma
05:23 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2533 (Closed): Create Arrival Notification for Pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> select crews> Pop up immigration form> check issues below
priyanka Sharma
05:22 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2536 (Closed): Create arrival notification for pleasure vessel> select Saint Lucia as arrival country> after filling immigration form> check issue below.
priyanka Sharma
05:22 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2534 (Closed): Create Arrival Notification for Pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> select crews> Fill immigration form> check issues below
priyanka Sharma
05:14 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2687 (Reopened ): Copy cruise arrival notifiaction > if i add new individual then covid tab got skipped & directly went to Additional tab...while covid detail for new individuals is mandatory priyanka Sharma
04:02 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2510 (Reopened ): Create cruise arrival notification > Crews & passenger > If i edit the crew, passenger, master form then Travel document type field seems blank & if i change their rank crew to master then without adding their document id it gets saved.
Still Document ID field seems blank & get saved empty.
On changing rank...change th field of Travel Document Type - ...
priyanka Sharma
03:53 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2543 (Closed): Departure notification > Implement functionality for cruise vessels. Intended Arrival Date, Select Arrival Country, Select Arrival Port..these fields should not come
priyanka Sharma
03:51 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2591 (Closed): Cruise / Commercial Departure Notifications - Header title of departure notification should be same as of pleasure departure except Home Country & Home Port . Discuss with neeraj sir for that
priyanka Sharma
03:49 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2535 (Closed): Create Arrival Notification for Pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> select crews> click cancel > Remove the black boundary.
priyanka Sharma
03:48 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2505 (Closed): Sail Clear> Weapon List> Create the weapon List> Check Issues below
priyanka Sharma
03:47 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2505 (Resolved): Sail Clear> Weapon List> Create the weapon List> Check Issues below
priyanka Sharma
03:42 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2505 (Reopened ): Sail Clear> Weapon List> Create the weapon List> Check Issues below
priyanka Sharma
03:23 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2571 (Closed): Create Cruise Arrival notification > 4th step Crews - Master should always shown at top in the Available List
priyanka Sharma
03:22 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2539 (Closed): Cruise / Commercial Departure Notifications - Fix the loader if no record available
priyanka Sharma
03:22 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2508 (Closed): Crews list - on uploading excel it shows me error again "Document type and Document Id already exist"
priyanka Sharma
03:21 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2460 (Closed): RCS - View or create inbound of Cruise arrival notification - File uplaoded on sailclear not showing under RCS. Check notification id 38240
priyanka Sharma
03:20 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2686 (Closed): Crews arrival notification>Upload tab > Crew, Passenger, Embark and Disembark list toggle showing off while it is On on sailclear side
On Sailclear -
On RCS -
priyanka Sharma
03:14 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2685 (Closed): Cruise edit arrival notification > Document name not getting the time of creating i have added Sample 1 doc name but it is showing default additionalDoc text over there
priyanka Sharma
03:10 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2684 (Closed): Cruise arrival notification >Upload documents > Health declaration radio button >On summary tab its not showing
priyanka Sharma
03:08 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2683 (Closed): Create Cruise/ Commercial Arrival Notifications - Passengers tab > Check issues below
1. I am selecting same passenger again & again & it allows me to add same...please make validation over there as word... priyanka Sharma
03:01 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2682 (Closed): Cruise / Commercial Arrival Notifications List - view details - Crew List:,Passenger list , Crew's effects declaration etc...... no data showing against these labels
priyanka Sharma
02:59 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2436 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Action Column > check issues below
priyanka Sharma
02:57 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2681 (Feedback): Cruise Arrival notification > If i am uploading any crew's excel during create arrival notification after creating same individual list showing on Crews List page while it should not shown there
And i have uplaoded excel of 2 users but on edit notification it shows 8 users in it priyanka Sharma
02:49 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2573 (Closed): Create Cruise Arrival notification > Crews & Passenger steps > Search not working here...i think there is no need of Search here. if it is requirement then it should work
priyanka Sharma
02:47 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2552 (Reopened ): Crews list > export pdf > check issues below
priyanka Sharma
02:43 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2579 (Reopened ): Date format is not displaying correct at some places
Do fix on print pages priyanka Sharma
01:35 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2680 (Feedback): Cruise / Commercial Arrival Notifications List > Crash on view icon >this happened only for that cruise whose inbound is created> fix this on urgent basis
priyanka Sharma
01:32 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2679 (Closed): Pleasure Arrival Notifications List> "No Data Found" shpould text shown in center
priyanka Sharma
01:07 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2553 (Closed): Individuals list - newly added user should shown at top. i have uplaoded new individual is showing on last page
priyanka Sharma
12:52 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2558 (Closed): Pleasure arrival notification - Belize country - Documents tab - Download documents - not ab;le to download
priyanka Sharma
12:48 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2557 (Closed): Pleasure arrival notification - Belize country - covid form - Footer burrons - It should be Back & Next
priyanka Sharma
12:40 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2554 (Closed): Correct speeling of Departure - Health declaration form for Belize country
priyanka Sharma
12:40 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2556 (Closed): Pleasure arrival notification - Belize country - health declaration form - not able to go to Next or back page...buttons not working. It works with tab selection
priyanka Sharma
12:39 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2673 (Closed): Cruise inbound created but not showing under In-port . Please check on urgent basis
priyanka Sharma
12:21 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2672 (Closed): Cruise arrival notification > Create inbound> check crews passenger list> 4 crews & 4 passenger showing while there is only 1-1 record uploaded there. Please check urgent basis
priyanka Sharma
11:58 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2496 (Closed): Edit Cruise arrival notification > 1st step Vessel details > general form ?Call sign value dispalying "null"
priyanka Sharma
11:53 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2578 (Closed): Registration confirmation email not goint to user
priyanka Sharma
11:53 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2404 (Closed): Cruise Arrival Notification create > Uplaod documents page > Spelling of "Martime delaration" is wrong. Please correct to "Maritime declaration"
priyanka Sharma
11:51 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2415 (Closed): List Of Pleasure vessels > Click on Export To pdf & Export to excel >Pdf file gets downloaded but blank data appearing & excel not downloaded
priyanka Sharma
11:43 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2441 (Closed): Pleasure Dashbaord > Pleasure Departure Notification List > loader running if there is no departure notification
priyanka Sharma


06:40 PM RCS - 2022 Support #2517 (Closed): Registries > Outbound > we can show notification or vessel id for easy search as we are getting confuse to check the record without any id
priyanka Sharma
06:39 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2560 (Reopened ): Create inbound of plasure arrival notifictaion - Vessel category field appearing blank
priyanka Sharma
06:38 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2491 (Closed): RCS - Create inbound of Pleasure vessel > chnage text in the popup > Vessel movement report to "Pleasure Vessel Movement Report"
priyanka Sharma
06:37 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2561 (Reopened ): CREATE IN- bound for pleasure notification - Arrival countrry belize > Documents tab > 404 - File or directory not found.
priyanka Sharma
05:48 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2668 (Feedback): Crews list > On uploading excel its not getting uplaoded & after some time showing 1000 records..please work on this issue on urgent basis. Syncing not working properly
And make sure Individual count match with the list priyanka Sharma
05:35 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2667 (Feedback): Departure Notification > Upload tab > Uploaded Documents Confirmation > this should not come for departure notifications
priyanka Sharma
04:18 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2631 (Closed): RCS Dashbaord > In-Port section > data not viewing properly. Pnly one record showing..
priyanka Sharma
02:40 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2544 (Closed): Cruise Arrival notification > Enable health & immigration declaration question answers on sailcelar
priyanka Sharma
10:54 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2552 (Reopened ): Crews list > export pdf > check issues below
priyanka Sharma
10:38 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2579 (Reopened ): Date format is not displaying correct at some places
priyanka Sharma
10:36 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2583 (Reopened ): Departure notification for cruise vessel - Make validation for Intended Departure Date field & Brief particular of voyage field appearing blank
priyanka Sharma
10:30 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2590 (Closed): Departure notification > Cruise departure notification also showing under Pleasure Departure Notifications . There are two notifications created with same id
priyanka Sharma
10:29 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2628 (Closed): Departure notification for cruise vessel > Arrival Country - Next Destination field --on selecting this field its not reflected under Brief particulars of Voyage textbox & on changing countries it should show accurate company name
priyanka Sharma
10:19 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2570 (Closed): Create Cruise Arrival notification > Uplaod Tab 3rd > Embark & Disembark List > click on download icon >shows page not found
priyanka Sharma
10:15 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2587 (Closed): After creating departure notification for cruise it navigates on cruise-dashboard . it should remain on Departure notifications page
priyanka Sharma
10:12 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2461 (Closed): View cruise/pleasure arrival notification > tabs should be clickable in case of view details..
priyanka Sharma


04:04 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2594 (Reopened ): Cruise / Commercial Departure Notifications - Copy, Print , delete not working . Not able to copy, print & delete
Print still not working... priyanka Sharma
03:42 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2632 (Resolved): Pagination on all pages should work like at above it should show total records and at footer if we are on next page then show how many records are on one page. Check ss below to make same design
Implement same
priyanka Sharma
03:35 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2501 (Closed): Pleasure Arrival Notifications List > Inbound created & trying to print the details but no data appearing in the print popup
priyanka Sharma
03:33 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2593 (Reopened ): create departure notification for cruise vessel> upload tab> check the issues below.
priyanka Sharma
03:17 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2631 (Closed): RCS Dashbaord > In-Port section > data not viewing properly. Pnly one record showing..
priyanka Sharma
02:20 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2628 (Closed): Departure notification for cruise vessel > Arrival Country - Next Destination field --on selecting this field its not reflected under Brief particulars of Voyage textbox & on changing countries it should show accurate company name
Please check video fro the refernce :-
priyanka Sharma
01:00 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2627 (Resolved): Cruise arrival notification > Risk, warning, IRD not working . Only works for pleasure vessel
priyanka Sharma
12:58 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2626 (Closed): Add new pleasure vessel from sailclear & Create inbound on RCS system -->open notification from both side first search by Notifiaction id & 2nd Under enroute
If i search same notificatiod id from INBOUND search - it shows error on Submit form
priyanka Sharma
11:00 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2618 (Closed): Add warning alert - If choosing Association type Crew fields are First name, last name etc... & If we edit the same then Association type crew name fields gets disppear and showing Association blank field
At the time of add -
Edit -
priyanka Sharma
10:56 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2617 (Closed): Create inbound of pleasure arrival notification > Vessel category found blank & seems error on Review tab
priyanka Sharma
10:23 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2616 (Feedback): After creating pleasure arrival notifictation it seems No data found for Pleasure Arrival Notifications List
priyanka Sharma
10:21 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2615 (Closed): Create Arrival Notification for pleasure vessel > Additional tab > by default some radio buttons found selected to No.. Is it requirement or done by mistake..Please check once
Default No is selected for following fields :-
Last 10 Ports of Calls
Crew Effects Declaration
Passenger Effects...
priyanka Sharma
09:58 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2614 (Closed): Add IRD - page getting block on Review Tab ---> not able to add new IRD on RCS
priyanka Sharma
09:54 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2613 (Closed): Crews list > One user with same Document id has been showing with multiple entries
Either we uplaod from excel or create new have to make validation for user with existing document id ... priyanka Sharma

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