Mohd Irfan's activity
From 06/02/2022 to 06/11/2022
- 06:58 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #2643 (Closed): CU--> Declaration particular-->Qus.29-->when applicant select radio button then upload option is visible.
- Step to reproduce bug:
CU--> Declaration particular-->Qus.29-->when applicant select radio button then upload opt... - 06:50 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #2642 (Closed): Members Of Applicant-->Qus. 13 -->On clicking “Add Row” double rows are getting add instead of single row.
- Step to reproduce bug:
On clicking “Add Row” double rows are getting add instead of single row.
See attached s... - 05:01 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2641 (Closed): When the doctor adds a new patient, so then the old patients messages are showing on the new patients "message history" tab.
- Step to reproduce the bug:
1. Login with valid credential ( pass 12345)
2. click on si... - 04:12 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2639 (Closed): When doctor edit any patient and update, system throws validation message "Please select your blood group", There is no blood group input field here.
- Step to reproduce bug:
1. Login with valid credential ( pass 12345)
2. click on left s... - 12:23 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2255 (Closed): system doesn't throw validation message against singup application
- 12:22 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2259 (Closed): Patient is unable to forgot password and system doesn't throw validation message against Forgot password field .
- 12:22 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2275 (Closed): when doctor go with prescription screen and select "Rahul Gupta" then app is getting crash.
- 12:22 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2283 (Closed): When doctor Add a new patient then the patient is adding successfully, but the system doesn't throw validation message patient is adding successful.
- This issue has been verified
and it has been found that issue is fixed. - 12:07 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2635 (Feedback): During the Audio & Video Calling Patient name not show in doctor apps.
- Step to Reproduce bug:
1. Login with valid credential ( 12345)
2. Book an appointment on... - 11:36 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2288 (Closed): Next due date should be in future (Right now its not allowed future date)
- 07:22 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2633 (Closed): On clicking forgot password button then screen is getting rotate and input field is not clickable. (This issue is getting Samsung mobile)
- Step to Reproduce bug:
On clicking forgot password button then screen is getting rotate and input field is not cli... - 06:58 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2277 (Closed): When the doctor clicks on forgot password and provides a valid email and submit, no validation message is coming and no message is sent to the mail.
- Fixed
- 06:52 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2282 (Reopened ): When doctor sent email to patient, system throws validation message " Email could not be sent". in doctor application
- 12:05 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2282 (Reopened ): When doctor sent email to patient, system throws validation message " Email could not be sent". in doctor application
- 03:19 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2256 (Closed): The Password field should not be accept "space".
- 03:14 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2259 (Reopened ): Patient is unable to forgot password and system doesn't throw validation message against Forgot password field .
- 03:12 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2264 (Closed): When doctor reject any patient appointment, so the reason for rejection is not visible to the patient.
- Fixed
- 03:10 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2630 (Closed): when patient add a address with max character length then text is overlapping on profile image.
- Step to reproduce bug:
1. Login with valid credential ( pass- 123456)
2. Go with pending appr... - 02:52 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2266 (Closed): when patient create new appointment and select booking type and back to home screen, system is asking "want to exit" apps instead of Home screen,
- 02:51 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2270 (Closed): after saving provided "spouse name" getting disappear
- 02:36 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2629 (Closed): Login button overlapping forgot password text ( Design issue).
- Step to reproduce bug:
1. open application
2. welcome page
Login button overlapping forgot password text ( D... - 01:40 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2284 (Reopened ): When the doctor creates a new patient profile but patient's profile image icon does not show in the patient Panel.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is not fixed.- 01:35 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2279 (Closed): when the doctor uploads the document Loader is running continuously, and the doctor unable to upload a document.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 01:21 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2273 (Reopened ): when doctor add prescription and select date (let suppose 20-05-2022) then ,after submission by default this date (01-01-1970) appears instead of this (20-05-2022) in the date field.(
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is not fixed.- 01:07 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2276 (Closed): When doctor Accept and Rejects pending appointment application is getting crash.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 12:58 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2275 (Reopened ): when doctor go with prescription screen and select "Rahul Gupta" then app is getting crash.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is not fixed.
- 12:26 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2274 (Closed): The doctor is able to edit the patient information like Name, DOB, and Phone no. Age
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 12:26 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2271 (Closed): patient creates a New appointment no notification is visible for the doctor panel. ( Video mode)
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 12:13 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2263 (Closed): when doctor check the patient details from home screen appointment is getting load only ( Loader is running continuously)
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 12:09 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2278 (Closed): When doctor Go with side menu bar and selects "dashboard" and click on "total' tab 2-3 times, the application is getting crash.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 12:00 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2620 (Closed): when doctor open a notification tap and scrolling refresh notification tab, after some time doctor app is getting close.
- step to reproduce bug:
1. Login with valid credential ( pass 123456)
2. Click on notification ... - 11:22 AM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2281 (Reopened ): Patient weight not reflect in doctor application, when patient update 2nd time profile then weight is visible on doctor panel.
- Not fixed
- 11:13 AM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2280 (Closed): if the doctor sends a message to the patient no notification shows "patient" application. (curewell therapies app)
- 11:13 AM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2280: if the doctor sends a message to the patient no notification shows "patient" application. (curewell therapies app)
- This issue has been verified
- 11:09 AM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2619 (Closed): Need to extend character length profile section "Spouse name" field.
- Step to reproduce bug:
1. Click on sign up button
2. fill the sing up form
3. click on sing up icon
see att...
- 05:34 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1000 (Closed): Register page-->Increase character length for postal code input field.
- Fixed
- 05:34 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1001 (Closed): Registration-->provide Mailing Address-->click in the checkbox of Physical Address-->then uncheck-->Why does this Post Code input field not getting reset.(Every fields should reset)
- FiXed
- 04:32 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2601 (Reopened ): INSURANCE-->Insurance Agent--> Schedule 5 (Addendum)--> Qus. no 21 a ---> save---> when applicant add new row and save, after save provided all document is gettng disappear.
- 11:19 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2601 (Closed): INSURANCE-->Insurance Agent--> Schedule 5 (Addendum)--> Qus. no 21 a ---> save---> when applicant add new row and save, after save provided all document is gettng disappear.
- Step to reproduce bug:
INSURANCE-->Insurance Agent--> Schedule 5 (Addendum)-->Qus 21 a---> save---> edit--> when a... - 03:48 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2611 (Closed): Insurance--> Domestic-->Local-->Schedule 2-->Qus.19-->after save provided value are getting disappear
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance--> Domestic-->Local-->Schedule 2-->Qus 19-->after save provided value are gettin... - 03:35 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2602 (Reopened ): Domestic insurance-->External-->Schedule 2--> Qus 6-->save---> edit--> when applicant add new row and save, after save provided document Qus 19 is disappear,
- !clipboard-202206081535-3gf2d.png!
- 11:40 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2602 (Closed): Domestic insurance-->External-->Schedule 2--> Qus 6-->save---> edit--> when applicant add new row and save, after save provided document Qus 19 is disappear,
- Step to reproduce bug:
Domestic insurance-->External-->Schedule 2--> Qus 6-->save---> edit--> wwhen applicant add ... - 03:33 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2610 (Closed): Insurance--> Domestic-->Local-->Schedule 2-->Qus. 19--> After save Table value "Address" and "shareholder percentage" field getting disappear.
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance--> Domestic-->Local-->Schedule 2-->Qus. 19--> After save Table value "Address"... - 03:04 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2599 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4 -> Qus. no 4 b---> save---> edit--> when applicant add new row and save, after save provided all document is disappear, except table document
- 10:20 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2599 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4 -> Qus. no 4 b---> save---> edit--> when applicant add new row and save, after save provided all document is disappear, except table document
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4 -> Qus. no 4 b---> save---> edit--> when... - 03:04 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2608 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4 -> Qus. no 11---> save---> edit--> when applicant add new row 4 b and save, after save table document getting disappear.
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4 -> Qus. no 11---> save---> edit--> when ... - 02:53 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2606 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3-->Qus. 12 -->save --> edit --> while Edit/Update and add row Provided document getting disappear in Resume field.
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3-->Qus 12 -->save --> edit --> while Edit/Up... - 02:48 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2564 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> while Edit/Update all document are disappear in Schedule 3
- 02:44 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1003 (Reopened ): Login with insurance-->Insurance Agent->Schedule 3-->fill out complete field-->save and validate-->click on edit button-->go with point no-12-->Now Address input field does not allowing to enter numeric value(its accepting on alphabet in case of edit)
- Reopened for:
Issue 2:
After validate & submit value from address and Shareholder percentage field getting disapp... - 10:49 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2600 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4 -> Qus. no 4 c, 6 ---> save---> edit--> Applicant is unable to delete a Row
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4 ->Qus no 4 c, 6 ---> save---> edit--> Ap...
- 07:20 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2597 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 4 --> pls remove this (a) at the start of question
- 06:52 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2597 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 4 --> pls remove this (a) at the start of question
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 4 --> pls remove this (a) at the st... - 06:42 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2582 (Closed): INSURANCE-->Insurance Agent--> Schedule 5 (Addendum)--> 27 --> Applicant select "No" Radio button and save system thows error message
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 05:09 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2582 (Closed): INSURANCE-->Insurance Agent--> Schedule 5 (Addendum)--> 27 --> Applicant select "No" Radio button and save system thows error message
- Step to reproduce bug:
INSURANCE-->Insurance Agent--> Schedule 5 (Addendum)-->Save-->edit--> 27 --> Appli... - 06:28 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2564 (Reopened ): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> while Edit/Update all document are disappear in Schedule 3
- when applicant add row Qus no 6 after save all document getting disappear.
See attached scrennshot:
!clipboard... - 11:05 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2564 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> while Edit/Update all document are disappear in Schedule 3
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> while Edit/Update all document are disapp... - 06:12 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2526 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 12-->Shareholder percentage field can't be exceed 100%, percentage field should be numeric 2. after save provided document getting disappear.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 06:07 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2152 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 12 -->After saving Provided document getting disappear.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 06:04 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2207 (Closed): Domestic insurance-->External-->Schedule 2--> Qus.8--> Need to add the "upload document" option as per the client document.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 05:59 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2588 (Feedback): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 2, 3, 4, 5--> Number of shareholder(For all form)-->Put value in more than 10 digits-->save-->after save value gets convert into 999999999
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 2, 3, 4, 5--> Number of shareholder(For all f... - 03:41 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2193 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4--->Qus11-->After saving provided value in table getting disappear
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.
! 03:40 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1017 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4-->(1).Address field should not allow unlimited characters. (2). Shareholder percentage can't fall in negative (3).Number of shares can't fall in negative. (4).Address and shareholder and cv gets disappear
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 03:39 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2563 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus 6-->Position Role field should be alphanumeric along with special character
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 10:09 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2563 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus 6-->Position Role field should be alphanumeric along with special character
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4--->Qus 6-->
1.--> Position Role field... - 03:39 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2562 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus 11--> Save ---> edit ---> save---> After save provided Row in table getting disappear.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 03:39 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2565 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4 -> while update/Edit-> when you edit Ques 11 and remove any row thne Ques 6 all values are disappear
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 11:08 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2565 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4 -> while update/Edit-> when you edit Ques 11 and remove any row thne Ques 6 all values are disappear
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4 -> while update/Edit-> when you edit Que... - 01:43 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2576 (Closed): Domestic-->Local-->Schedule 2-->Qus 2 --> Need to space between Address of
- Step to reproduce bug:
Domestic-->Local-->Schedule 2-->Qus 2 --> Need to space between Address of
See attac...
- 07:09 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1056 (Closed): Domestic-->Local-->Schedule 2-->Point no.6, 7, 19-->Attached document gets disappear after save and validate(also check for 2nd time save), why does this scroller appears in point no 6?, field value should reset for point 9,15, 16
- This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed. - 07:05 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2562 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus 11--> Save ---> edit ---> save---> After save provided Row in table getting disappear.
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus 11--> Save ---> edit ---> save--... - 06:59 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1019 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4-->Point no 4(c)-->put value-->save & validate-->go with edit-->save & validate-->In case of edit why does CV upload field demand for attachment, even applicant has been attached file to this.?
- This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed. - 06:46 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1018 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4-->Point no 4(b), 6-->(1)choose file option gets active when applicant clicks on the save & validate. (2) ADD ROW button is not clickable for point 11. (3). position/role should be alphanumeric
- This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed. - 06:41 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2193 (Reopened ): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4--->Qus11-->After saving provided value in table getting disappear
- 06:33 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2194 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4--->Qus.4(c)-->In edited case after saving provided document get disappears
- This issue has been verified
and it has been found that issue is fixed. - 06:24 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2522 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus.4(b)--> After saving provided document and cv is getting disappear.
- This issue has been verified
and it has been found that issue is fixed. - 05:21 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2555 (Closed): Insurance--> Domestic-->Local-->Schedule 2-->Qus. 15--> If applicant select YES No YES details field should Reset.
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance--> Domestic-->Local-->Schedule 2-->Qus 15--> If applicant select YES No YES de... - 04:11 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2526 (Reopened ): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 12-->Shareholder percentage field can't be exceed 100%, percentage field should be numeric 2. after save provided document getting disappear.
- This issue has been verified
and it has been found that issue is not fixed. - 02:36 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2283 (Reopened ): When doctor Add a new patient then the patient is adding successfully, but the system doesn't throw validation message patient is adding successful.
- This issue has been verified
and it has been found that issue is not fixed. - 02:33 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2286 (Closed): Add new patient "weight" field should be numeric and put dropdown option in marital status field ( Doctor application)
- This issue has been verified
and it has been found that issue is fixed. - 01:37 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2277 (Reopened ): When the doctor clicks on forgot password and provides a valid email and submit, no validation message is coming and no message is sent to the mail.
- This issue is verified
and it has been found issue is not fixed.
- 07:19 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2520 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus.4(b), Qus.6 and 11 -->After save Out of 200 character, only 90 to 100 character appearing
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 01:27 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2520 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus.4(b), Qus.6 and 11 -->After save Out of 200 character, only 90 to 100 character appearing
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus.4(b), Qus.6 and 11 -->After save... - 07:02 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2525 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 4--> Number of share field should be numric and 20 character ..
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 03:09 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2525 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 4--> Number of share field should be numric and 20 character ..
- Step to reproduce beg:
Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 4--> Number of share field should b... - 06:57 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1034 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 5-->select point no.17,21,22 as "NO"-->save & validate-->Go with Edit-->then click on save button-->Now form will not save because it throws error message for blank row means now this point working as "YES
- 06:31 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2531 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 8-->After saving applicant is unable to preview document, document is showing file not found
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 04:40 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2531 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 8-->After saving applicant is unable to preview document, document is showing file not found
- Step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 8-->After saving applicant is unab... - 05:36 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2425 (Closed): Domestic insurance-->External-->Schedule 2--> Qus.19-->when applicant add a new Row Sequence is getting wrong.2 shareholder percentage field can't exceed 100%.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 05:22 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2211 (Closed): Domestic insurance-->External-->Schedule 2--> Qus.19-->After saving out of 200 character only 45 character is appearing on "Name of applicant"
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 04:56 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1011 (Closed): MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->point no 2-->Former Name (if different from given name above) should not mandatory. (2). value in Percentage of Holdings field should not more than 100. (3). num of shares should not allow unlimited characters.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 04:54 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2192 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4-->Qus.4(c),Qus.6,11--> Sequencing issues.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 01:03 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2192 (Reopened ): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4-->Qus.4(c),Qus.6,11--> Sequencing issues.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is not fixed.- 04:53 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2147 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 4--> 5,6,12--> Sequencing issues.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 03:02 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2147 (Reopened ): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 4--> 5,6,12--> Sequencing issues.
- Reopened for 12 still
See attached screenshot:
- 04:42 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2146 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 4-->Need to extend character length 200
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 04:12 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1058 (Closed): Domestic-->local-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Former name should not mandatory, why does Afghanistan appears?
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 04:10 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1036 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Point number 3-->Why does this "Afghanistan" appears by default?
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 03:16 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2151 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 2,12 --> date format getting changed.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 03:13 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2526 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 12-->Shareholder percentage field can't be exceed 100%, percentage field should be numeric 2. after save provided document getting disappear.
- step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 12-->Shareholder percentage field... - 03:04 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2145 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 4-->Why does upload file option get active after clicking save or pressing enter.
- 02:58 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2222 (Closed): Insurance Agent ->Insurance Agent-->Schedule 3--> 12-->After saving out of 200 characters only 45 character is appearing.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 01:31 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2522 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus.4(b)--> After saving provided document and cv is getting disappear.
- step to reproduce bug:
Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus.4(b)--> After saving provided do... - 01:18 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1020 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 5-->Point no.2-->former name should not mandatory.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 01:18 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2186 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus.4(b) --->Bug-->1 Need to extend character length all field. Bug-->2 The first row takes alphabet only and the second row takes alphanumeric along with special characters
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 01:17 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2190 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Qus.4(b), Qus.6-->Why does the upload file option get active after clicking save or pressing enter?
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 01:15 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1057 (Closed): Domestic-->local-->Schedule 2-->Point no.9 and 16-->Even after attaching the document, why does system throwing error message against this Field in case of edit?
- 01:15 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1009 (Closed): Schedule 5-->Point-21-->Click "NO"-->Save & validate-->Applicant is not able to save this form for the "NO" option, because internally system throws error for blank data(for table field for option "YES")
- 01:14 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1010 (Closed): Schedule 5-->Point no-22-->"Yes"-->provide value to all fields-->save & validate-->Click on edit-->As soon as user save & validate the form then Provide date gets disappear.
- 01:14 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1035 (Closed): Schedule 5-->Point no.22 and 27, 3-->provide value-->save and validate-->go with edit-->"Date of Arrest or Detention" getting disappear after save & validate
- 01:11 PM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2188 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4--->Qus.4(c)--> Bug 1-->Address and name field should not allow unlimited character. Bug 2--> Need to extend character length "Nationality & Position/Role)
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 11:39 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2189 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4--->Qus.6-->Bug-->1 Address and name field should not allow unlimited characters. Bug--> 2 Need to extend character length "Nationality & Position/Role)
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 11:37 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1017 (Reopened ): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4-->(1).Address field should not allow unlimited characters. (2). Shareholder percentage can't fall in negative (3).Number of shares can't fall in negative. (4).Address and shareholder and cv gets disappear
- Reopened for Issue 4: Point no-11-->put value-->save and validate-->go with edit-->go with point no 11-->address and ...
- 11:22 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #1007 (Closed): Schedule 5-->Passport number should be alphanumeric. (2).Former name input field should not mandatory (3).Provide value in Nationality field is getting disappear after save and validate
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 11:20 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2195 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4--->Qus02,11-->After saving date format is getting change
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 10:58 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2199 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4--->Qus 11--> After saving out of 200 character only 45 character is appearing
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 10:47 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2182 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> 1--> Need to extend character length 200 as per the client comment.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 10:44 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2181 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4---> Need to correct the content of question as per client document
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 10:40 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2184 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4--->Qus.3-->Need to update the options of question 3 as per the client's comment in the document.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 10:36 AM Sector Name: INSURANCE Bug #2198 (Closed): Insurance Manager-->Insurance Manager-->Schedule 4--->Qus11-->Need to correct the content of question as per client document
- This issue has been verified.
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