


Shubham J's activity

From 05/27/2022 to 06/05/2022


04:32 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2538 (Closed): Departure notification>create notification> selected plessure vessel category> showing cruise vessels also in vessels field.
Shubham J


03:24 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2537 (Closed): Delete the crew from the crew list without selecting any member> spelling mistake.
Shubham J
03:03 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2536 (Closed): Create arrival notification for pleasure vessel> select Saint Lucia as arrival country> after filling immigration form> check issue below.
I can't go forward and backward after filling the immigration form when i click on next and back button.
Shubham J
02:52 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2535 (Closed): Create Arrival Notification for Pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> select crews> click cancel > Remove the black boundary.
Shubham J
02:41 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2534 (Closed): Create Arrival Notification for Pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> select crews> Fill immigration form> check issues below
after submitting the immigration form, i selected another user. it shows this and blocking me when i click on the but... Shubham J
01:52 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2533 (Closed): Create Arrival Notification for Pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> select crews> Pop up immigration form> check issues below
when i view the immigration form in selected users, details is not displayed an...
Shubham J
01:31 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2532 (Feedback): Arrival notification> select Saint Lucia as arrival country >create notification for pleasure vessel>individuals tab> purpose of visit in pop up immigration form> check issue below.
Shubham J
12:46 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2505 (Reopened ): Sail Clear> Weapon List> Create the weapon List> Check Issues below
Shubham J


01:36 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2523 (Closed): RCS> Registries > In-port> Cruise In-port> Click Details> Scroll to Individual And Passenger List> Displaying DPC in Country of issue.
Shubham J
01:24 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2518 (Closed): RCS> Registries> In-port >Cruise In-port Tab> Click details > Details are not displayed.
Shubham J
01:07 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2516 (Closed): RCS> Create cruise inbound from RCS system > After clicking on submit, reference number of inbound is not displayed.
Reference number is not displayed.
Shubham J
01:04 PM RCS - 2022 Bug #2514 (Closed): RCS> Create cruise inbound from RCS system> Some of the details is not displaying in the summary tab.
Steps:- RCS>Create cruise inbound> Fill the details and go to summary tab.
Reference video:- https://www.screencas...
Shubham J
11:29 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2507 (Closed): RCS> Create cruise inbound> Mandatory sign(*) is missing in date.
Shubham J
11:28 AM RCS - 2022 Bug #2506 (Closed): RCS> Create cruise inbound> Spelling Mistakes.
Shubham J
11:16 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2505 (Closed): Sail Clear> Weapon List> Create the weapon List> Check Issues below
Icons of action column Getting changed on weapons list...if we use any weapon dur...
Shubham J


03:44 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2478 (Feedback): Cruise Arrival Notification> taking time in submitting the arrival notification.
Taking time after submitting the arrival notification.
Shubham J
03:39 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2477 (Closed): Arrival notification> crew tab> Add New individuals> middle name is not displaying.
Middle name of the individual is not displaying after adding an individual in the arrival notification.
steps:- Ar...
Shubham J
02:37 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2472 (Closed): Arrival notification> Create Notification> select pleasure vessel> Individual Tab> deleted users list also displayed in the list.
Deleted users are also displayed in the individual list.
steps:- click Arrival notification> Create Notification> ...
Shubham J
11:35 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2468 (Closed): Displaying the deleted crew and passengers members in the departure notification.
Deleted the passengers and crew from the crew list and creating the departure notification, deleted crew and passenge... Shubham J

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