


priyanka Sharma's activity

From 05/19/2022 to 05/28/2022


06:27 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2426 (Closed): Edit cruise notification list > Edit the vessel category dropdown >Change Cruise to pleaseure vessel > Select vessel dropdown will not reset as per vessel category
It is showing listing of cruise veseels instead of pleasure vessels
Please do not allow to edit vessel category field
priyanka Sharma
05:41 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2424 (Closed): Create Cruise arrival notification > Crews list should shown below if there is already Crews on Crews list page
You can check there are individuals under crews list -

And when i go to creat...
priyanka Sharma
05:25 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2423 (Closed): Pleasure Vessels Dashbaord > Check issues below
1. There should be Title "Pleasure Vessels Dashbaord" on Top
2. Vessels count appearing 3 while there is only one pl...
priyanka Sharma
04:58 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2422 (Closed): Dashboard - Pleasure Vessels dashboard > Cruise notification list also viewing under pleasure vessel dashboard
Only pleasure notification should shown there
priyanka Sharma
04:41 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2421 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Click on View icon of Action column > data not appearing
Url :-
priyanka Sharma
04:32 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2420 (Feedback): At the time of creating arrival notification for cruise ship if passenger/Crews uploaded file removed then it should not shown on 4th, 5th tab of Crews & Passengers
Create Arrival notification for Cruise ship
At uplaod tab uplaod any file of crews or pasengers
On next tab it wil...
priyanka Sharma
03:43 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2419 (Closed): Crews list >If i am uploading Crews or Passenger excel file it shows error of Duplicate file found while i have not uploaded any file yet
priyanka Sharma
03:08 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2418 (Closed): Crews List > Individual List > Export & Pdf Button should not be clickable if there is no data
It is downloading blank files priyanka Sharma
03:06 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2417 (Closed): Individual List > Uplaod from Excel Button >Do not upload anything > Click on download template > check below how page appearing
URL :-
priyanka Sharma
02:52 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2416 (Closed): List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > Cruise Vessels > Export to pdf & Export to excel. Check issues below
Check pdf file view -
Check excel file -
priyanka Sharma
02:46 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2415 (Closed): List Of Pleasure vessels > Click on Export To pdf & Export to excel >Pdf file gets downloaded but blank data appearing & excel not downloaded

In pdf -
priyanka Sharma
02:36 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2414 (Closed): List of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > Fields not getting updated
Add new Cruise Vessesl
Then edit Name & Owner Name field
After updating check the fields - it will not update .
priyanka Sharma
02:30 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2413 (Closed): List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels >Some of columns appearing blank always as they are not the part of cruise vessels so instead of them we can show cruise vessel column's there
Registration Number, Year build, home port fields appearing blank always. As there are no such type fields in case of... priyanka Sharma
01:31 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2412 (Closed): Vessel list page > After updating cruise vessel no data appearing on the page
Add new Cruise vessel> Edit the vessel > & then check check vessel list page - no data will appear until i refresh th... priyanka Sharma
01:11 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2411 (Closed): Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List > Click on View icon of Action Column > details not viewing. I have waited atleast 5 minutes.
priyanka Sharma
12:48 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2410 (Feedback): Cruise Arrival notification > At Summary step some of the fields about the arrival notification not appearing. Check below
Arrival country, Destination country , Previous country...etc all are missing .
Please make sure the fields which ...
priyanka Sharma
11:59 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2405 (Closed): Create Cruise arrival notification > Uploaded Documents Confirmation fields - there are 6 fileds but on last step while reviewing only 4 fields showing.
Please check below screenshots:

Please ...
priyanka Sharma
11:36 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2404 (Closed): Cruise Arrival Notification create > Uplaod documents page > Spelling of "Martime delaration" is wrong. Please correct to "Maritime declaration"
URL - https://sailclear2022-training.cclec....
priyanka Sharma
11:09 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2402 (Closed): Copyright at footer should be of current year i.e. 2022
priyanka Sharma
10:54 AM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2401 (Closed): Vessels List > List Of Cruise/Commercial Vessels > View vessel details under Action column > some fields appearing of pleasure vessel
Only fields of Cruise vessel should shown . And Show all fields of Cruise vessels which i have filled during add like... priyanka Sharma


05:44 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2399 (Closed): Edit Arrival Notification List/ Cruise/Commercial Arrival Notification List - Tabs link should clickable and should be of blue color
On edit of Cruise notification list/Arrival notification list the tabs link at top should be clickable & should be of... priyanka Sharma
05:09 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2398 (Closed): Edit Arrival Notification > If vessel type is cruise then some of the fields appearing blank & the tabs at top also changed
Cruise notification also showing under plea...
priyanka Sharma
04:04 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2396 (Closed): Create New Vessel > Cruise vessel > General form > Draugh field - Designed spelling is wrong
URL :-
priyanka Sharma


04:25 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2377 (Closed): Date format should be same on sailclear & RCS system
Needs to confirm from client what should be exact but it should be same
When i created Arrival notification on Sailc...
priyanka Sharma
03:31 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2374 (Closed): Individuals List > check blank pagination . Not able to see records of pages after 30
priyanka Sharma
03:20 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2373 (Closed): Create Arrival /Departure Notification > Vessel category - cruise ship > I am able to go to next page without selecting Port fields
At 1st time it is asking for select port but if i change destination or previou...
priyanka Sharma
03:05 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2370: Create new Vessel - after saving anything it shows No data found & it will not show data until refresh the page
priyanka Sharma
03:05 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2370 (Closed): Create new Vessel - after saving anything it shows No data found & it will not show data until refresh the page
We can show loader if there is large amount of data priyanka Sharma
03:03 PM Sailclear-2022 Bug #2369 (Closed): Vessels List > Add new Vessel Vessel category - Cruise ship > Only general Information form getting saved. Other forms like Ownership & Associated Parties , vessel remark, characterstics..etc not getting saved priyanka Sharma


06:02 PM Licensee Panel Bug #2362 (New): Manage Returns --> Submitted status is showing Late while i have submitted before due date
In the attached screenshot you can see due date is 31 june 2043 & i have submitted on 24 may 2022 but still it's stat... priyanka Sharma
01:20 PM Licensee Panel Bug #2361 (New): I have upload a return in 2040 for annual, but system is calculating due date in 1970...
priyanka Sharma
01:17 PM Super Admin Panel Bug #2360 (New): report-->consolidate report-->insurance-->page is getting load only after selecting year.
report-->consolidate report-->insurance-->page is getting load only after selecting year.
priyanka Sharma


06:52 PM Licensee Panel Bug #2352 (New): Lfsc login page > It should navigate to https url automatically otherwise i am not able to login

priyanka Sharma
06:46 PM Licensee Panel Bug #2350 (New): lfsc panel-->logout--after logout user redirects to url of logout( with login screen
priyanka Sharma
05:59 PM Super Admin Panel Bug #2345 (New): License type > Insurance > Add new Company > FIrst Name dropdown always saved in Mr. form.
I have made a new user with name Mrs. Lizza ...afyter saving info i have edit the same entity . On viewing details Mr... priyanka Sharma

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