From 04/26/2022 to 05/05/2022
- 06:49 PM MapzApp_Android Bug #2130 (Closed): Login with valid credentials--> Open the Home screen-->Go with the Notification tab--> page is getting load only (Loader is running continuously)
- This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed. - 11:28 AM MapzApp_Android Bug #2130 (Resolved): Login with valid credentials--> Open the Home screen-->Go with the Notification tab--> page is getting load only (Loader is running continuously)
- 06:35 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2257 (Resolved): after saving provided "weight" profile page is gets disappear.
- 06:33 PM MapzApp_Android Bug #2140 (Closed): After sending invite mail I got a successful message invitation but the loader still running on the screen.
- This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed. - 11:47 AM MapzApp_Android Bug #2140 (Resolved): After sending invite mail I got a successful message invitation but the loader still running on the screen.
- 06:24 PM MapzApp_Android Bug #2137 (Closed): When a user types a word in the search bar, the search bar stops and searches after 1 character
- This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed. - 11:56 AM MapzApp_Android Bug #2137 (Resolved): When a user types a word in the search bar, the search bar stops and searches after 1 character
- 05:27 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2266 (Closed): when patient create new appointment and select booking type and back to home screen, system is asking "want to exit" apps instead of Home screen,
- Step to reproduce bug.
1. Login with valid credentials
2. create new appointment
3. select general & vip
4. ba... - 04:59 PM Curewell Therapies-Android QUERY #2265 (Feedback): Are the policies of T&C is not implement yet, because of the Clicking on T&C Patient doesn't redirect to the T&C page.
- Step to reproduce bug.
1. Login with valid credential
2. Choose booking Type
3. click on online
4. click on vid... - 04:13 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2264 (Closed): When doctor reject any patient appointment, so the reason for rejection is not visible to the patient.
- Step to reproduce bug.
1. Login with valid credential
2. Go with curewell therapies
3. book appointment
4. Log... - 03:51 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2262 (Closed): User is unable to click "update profile" button
- This issue has been verified
and it has been found that the issue is fixed. - 12:09 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2262 (Resolved): User is unable to click "update profile" button
- 11:46 AM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2262 (Closed): User is unable to click "update profile" button
- Step to reproduce bug.
1. Login with a valid credential.
2. click on the side menu
3. Go with the profile sectio... - 03:45 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2251: General comment by client-->For all the form (Schedule 1, 2, 4 MLRO)-->Comment box(Text field) should expand on increasing the character for that particular text field
- Schedule 4-->Qus.6,7
- 03:44 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2251: General comment by client-->For all the form (Schedule 1, 2, 4 MLRO)-->Comment box(Text field) should expand on increasing the character for that particular text field
- arti saraswat wrote in #note-5:
> Schedule 1-->Qus.16,17
> !clipboard-202205051226-pxvx7.png!
- 12:26 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2251: General comment by client-->For all the form (Schedule 1, 2, 4 MLRO)-->Comment box(Text field) should expand on increasing the character for that particular text field
- Schedule 1-->Qus.16,17
- 12:22 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2251: General comment by client-->For all the form (Schedule 1, 2, 4 MLRO)-->Comment box(Text field) should expand on increasing the character for that particular text field
- Schedule 1-->Qus.15
- 12:15 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2251 (Reopened ): General comment by client-->For all the form (Schedule 1, 2, 4 MLRO)-->Comment box(Text field) should expand on increasing the character for that particular text field
- 12:14 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2251: General comment by client-->For all the form (Schedule 1, 2, 4 MLRO)-->Comment box(Text field) should expand on increasing the character for that particular text field
- Re-opened for:
Schedule 1-->Qus.12(b)
- 10:32 AM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2251 (Resolved): General comment by client-->For all the form (Schedule 1, 2, 4 MLRO)-->Comment box(Text field) should expand on increasing the character for that particular text field
- 01:18 PM MapzApp_Android Bug #2230 (Resolved): After creating a new story user adds a photo from the mobile gallery then a validation message is coming "photo upload successful" but the photo is not showing user's story.
- 01:17 PM MapzApp_Android Bug #2129 (Resolved): my dairy screen -->on clicking on the "record using mobile" button some time user redirects to the login screen and some times on the home screen
- 01:01 PM Curewell Doctor-Android Bug #2263 (Closed): when doctor check the patient details from home screen appointment is getting load only ( Loader is running continuously)
- Step to reproduce Bug.
1. Login with a valid credential
2. Navigate cursor patient details
3. click on the patien... - 11:57 AM MapzApp_Android Bug #2231 (Feedback): if user written description in 5 line and create new story then after in the dairy writing content is appearing in continuous (3) lines instead of 5 line and more .
- 11:57 AM MapzApp_Android QUERY #2134 (Feedback): systen is asking for exit the application instead of back screen.
- 11:56 AM MapzApp_Android Bug #2135 (Feedback): Side menu option is not clickable.(Privacy policy, Rate on store, Refer App to friend)
- 11:56 AM MapzApp_Android Bug #2136 (Feedback): The user is unable to select multiple images from the gallery at a single time.
- 11:55 AM MapzApp_Android QUERY #2138 (Feedback): The user is able to upload a video for only 13 to 14 sec. is this implemented like that, or is this will consider an issue?
- 11:17 AM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2258 (Resolved): if patient update the weight in update profile then patient redirected to booking type screen.
- 11:02 AM MapzApp_Android Bug #2128 (Resolved): Login screen-->click on google-->click back button-->The user is not able to go back by clicking on the back button of the phone, because the page is getting load only.(loader is running continuously)
- 07:08 PM Curewell Therapies-Android QUERY #2260 (Feedback): Help screen is showing only "HELP", will there be any content this screen?
- Step to reproduce bug.
1. Login with a valid credential
2. click on side menu bar
3. Navigate the cursor on hel... - 06:45 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2259 (Closed): Patient is unable to forgot password and system doesn't throw validation message against Forgot password field .
- Step to reproduce bug.
1. Login with a valid credential
2. open intro screen
3. click on book an appointment
4.... - 05:58 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2256 (Resolved): The Password field should not be accept "space".
- 05:05 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2256 (Closed): The Password field should not be accept "space".
- Step to reproduce the bug.
The Password field should not accept space.
See attached screen record:
- 05:58 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2258 (Closed): if patient update the weight in update profile then patient redirected to booking type screen.
- 1. Login with the valid credential
2. click on the side menu bar
3. Navigate the cursor on the profile and click
... - 05:57 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2255 (Reopened ): system doesn't throw validation message against singup application
- 05:57 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2255 (Resolved): system doesn't throw validation message against singup application
- 04:50 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2255 (Closed): system doesn't throw validation message against singup application
- Step to reproduce bug.
system doesn't throw welcome mail against signup apps.
See attached screenshot:
!clip... - 05:42 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2254 (Resolved): if the patient install the apps Login with a valid username and password, after some time patient deletes the apps, and again installs the apps and open the apps Patient has been redirected to the home page without login page.
- 05:39 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2254 (In Progress): if the patient install the apps Login with a valid username and password, after some time patient deletes the apps, and again installs the apps and open the apps Patient has been redirected to the home page without login page.
- 04:02 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2254 (Closed): if the patient install the apps Login with a valid username and password, after some time patient deletes the apps, and again installs the apps and open the apps Patient has been redirected to the home page without login page.
- Step to reproduce the bug.
if the patient installs the apps Login with a valid username and password, after some t... - 05:41 PM Curewell Therapies-Android Bug #2257 (Closed): after saving provided "weight" profile page is gets disappear.
- Step to reproduce the bug.
1. Login with valid Credentials
2. click on the side menu bar
3. Navigate the cursor on... - 04:48 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2248 (Closed): Admin -->Schedule 4-->Schedule 4-->Qus.3, 22 A & 22 B, 30--> Date format getting change.
- 03:42 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2248 (Resolved): Admin -->Schedule 4-->Schedule 4-->Qus.3, 22 A & 22 B, 30--> Date format getting change.
- 12:51 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2248 (Closed): Admin -->Schedule 4-->Schedule 4-->Qus.3, 22 A & 22 B, 30--> Date format getting change.
- Step to reproduce bug.
Admin-->Schedule 4-->Qus.3, 22 A & 22 B, 30--> Date format getting change.
See attache... - 04:48 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2102 (Closed): Admin-->Licence Request-->Pre Licence Request-->Mutual Fund client application-->Schedule 4---> 3,22,30--->Date format is changed in admin panel.
- 04:01 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2102 (Resolved): Admin-->Licence Request-->Pre Licence Request-->Mutual Fund client application-->Schedule 4---> 3,22,30--->Date format is changed in admin panel.
- 04:39 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2100 (Closed): Admin-->Licence Request-->Pre Licence Request--> Mutual Fund client application-->Schedule 1---> 21---> Provided document is missing in admin panel
- 04:10 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2100 (Resolved): Admin-->Licence Request-->Pre Licence Request--> Mutual Fund client application-->Schedule 1---> 21---> Provided document is missing in admin panel
- 04:38 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2249 (Closed): MF-->Admin-->MLRO/MLCO/CO--> Qus 16---> Complete value doesn't reflects at admin end.
- 03:35 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2249 (Resolved): MF-->Admin-->MLRO/MLCO/CO--> Qus 16---> Complete value doesn't reflects at admin end.
- 12:59 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2249 (Closed): MF-->Admin-->MLRO/MLCO/CO--> Qus 16---> Complete value doesn't reflects at admin end.
- Step to reproduce bug.
MF-->Admin-->MLRO/MLCO/CO--> Qus16---> Complete value doesn't reflects at admin end.
S... - 04:37 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2246 (Closed): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.4-->Nationality field shoudl be QUS.4, so make it qus 4
- 03:52 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2246 (Resolved): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.4-->Nationality field shoudl be QUS.4, so make it qus 4
- 12:42 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2246 (Closed): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.4-->Nationality field shoudl be QUS.4, so make it qus 4
- step to reproduce bug.
Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.4-->Nationality field should be QUS.4, so make it qus 4
See attached ... - 04:36 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2245 (Closed): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.3-->There heading should be "Country" Instead of Nationality at admin end.
- 03:53 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2245 (Resolved): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.3-->There heading should be "Country" Instead of Nationality at admin end.
- 12:39 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2245 (Closed): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.3-->There heading should be "Country" Instead of Nationality at admin end.
- Step to reproduce bug.
Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.3-->There heading should be "Country" Instead of Nationality at admin en... - 04:35 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2244 (Closed): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.7-->If married give full name of spouse including maiden name of spouse SHOULD be in parenthesis() at admin
- 03:57 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2244 (Resolved): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.7-->If married give full name of spouse including maiden name of spouse SHOULD be in parenthesis() at admin
- 12:37 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2244 (Closed): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.7-->If married give full name of spouse including maiden name of spouse SHOULD be in parenthesis() at admin
- Step to reproduce bug.
Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.7-->If married give full name of spouse including maiden name of spous... - 04:35 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2247 (Closed): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.6, 11, 14, 17-->Put heading of comment box at correct place.
- 03:51 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2247 (Resolved): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.6, 11, 14, 17-->Put heading of comment box at correct place.
- 12:44 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2247 (Closed): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.6, 11, 14, 17-->Put heading of comment box at correct place.
- Step to reproduce bug.
Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.6, 11, 14, 17-->Put heading of comment box at correct place.
See atta... - 04:34 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2243 (Closed): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.7-->Need to remove "Name of Maiden:" field from admin end
- 03:57 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2243 (Resolved): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.7-->Need to remove "Name of Maiden:" field from admin end
- 12:32 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2243 (Closed): Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.7-->Need to remove "Name of Maiden:" field from admin end
- Step to reproduce bug.
Admin-->MLRO-->Qus.7-->Need to remove "Name of Maiden:" field from admin end
See attach... - 04:32 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2253 (Closed): Admin-->Schedule1-->qus.5-->need to remove asterisk mark from address 2 and P.O Box
- 03:29 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2253 (Resolved): Admin-->Schedule1-->qus.5-->need to remove asterisk mark from address 2 and P.O Box
- 02:47 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2253 (Closed): Admin-->Schedule1-->qus.5-->need to remove asterisk mark from address 2 and P.O Box
- Admin-->Schedule1-->qus.5-->need to remove asterisk mark from address 2 and P.O Box
!clipboard-202205041447-0e6zi.... - 04:31 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2242 (Closed): Admin -->Schedule 1-->Admin-->Qus.4, Qus.3-->Heading for country field is missing at admin end
- 03:58 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2242 (Resolved): Admin -->Schedule 1-->Admin-->Qus.4, Qus.3-->Heading for country field is missing at admin end
- 12:30 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2242 (Closed): Admin -->Schedule 1-->Admin-->Qus.4, Qus.3-->Heading for country field is missing at admin end
- Step to reproduce bug.
admin-->Schedule 1-->Admin-->Qus.4, Qus.3-->Heading for country field is missing at admin e... - 03:50 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2106 (Closed): Admin-->Licence Request-->Pre Licence Request-->Mutual Fund client application-->Schedule 4---> 13 ---> when applicant change admin panel to another lfsc panel and back to admin panel provided value get disappear.
- 03:27 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2106 (Resolved): Admin-->Licence Request-->Pre Licence Request-->Mutual Fund client application-->Schedule 4---> 13 ---> when applicant change admin panel to another lfsc panel and back to admin panel provided value get disappear.
- 03:49 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2101 (Closed): Admin-->Licence Request-->Pre Licence Request--> Mutual Fund client application-->Schedule 1---> 3 and 4--->Provided value on lfsc panel is showing different in the admin panel
- 03:27 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2101 (Resolved): Admin-->Licence Request-->Pre Licence Request--> Mutual Fund client application-->Schedule 1---> 3 and 4--->Provided value on lfsc panel is showing different in the admin panel
- 01:31 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2252 (New): Admin--->Schedule 1-->For every document getting this "No Preview Available"
- Step to reproduce bug.
MF-->Schedule 1-->For every document getting this "No Preview Available"
See attached bu... - 01:26 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2251 (Reopened ): General comment by client-->For all the form (Schedule 1, 2, 4 MLRO)-->Comment box(Text field) should expand on increasing the character for that particular text field
- General comment by client-->For all the form (Schedule 1, 2, 4 MLRO)-->Comment box(Text field) should expand on incre...
- 01:24 PM Sector Name: MUTUAL FUND Bug #2250 (Closed): Admin--> LICENCE REQUESTS--> PRE LICENCE REQUESTS-->Submission --> Request for resubmission---> When applicant click on request for resubmission system throwing error message.
- Step to reproduce bug.
When applicant click on request for resubmission system throwing error message.
- 03:54 PM Saaf Sverige- >.net api Bug #2237 (New): Login as a teamleader > Anvandare > open any user profile >try to send message to user > not working
- 12:46 PM Sector Name: ERSP Bug #2236 (Closed): ERSP-->SCHEDULE 1-->Qus.17--> put value-->save-->edit-->save-->after second time save, values are getting disappear
ERSP-->SCHEDULE 1-->Qus.17--> put value-->save-->edit-->save-->after second time save, values are getting disappear...- 12:42 PM Sector Name: ERSP Bug #2235 (Closed): ERSP-->SCHEDULE 1-->Qus.18--> After save entire table get disappear.
ERSP-->SCHEDULE 1-->Qus.18--> After save entire table get disappear.
See attached screenshot:
!clipboard-2022...- 12:40 PM Sector Name: ERSP Bug #2234 (Closed): ERSP-->SCHEDULE 1-->Qus.19(a) & (b)--> After save provided value get disappear from NAME column
ERSP-->SCHEDULE 1-->Qus.19(a) & (b)--> After save provided value get disappear from NAME column
See attached...- 12:39 PM Sector Name: ERSP Bug #2233 (Closed): ERSP-->SCHEDULE 1-->Qus.17--> This abnormal year "30-11--0001" for Date is appearing.
ERSP-->SCHEDULE 1-->Qus.17--> This abnormal year "30-11--0001" for Date is appearing.
See attached screenshot:
...- 12:37 PM Sector Name: ERSP Bug #2232 (Closed): ERSP-->SCHEDULE 1-->Qus.3-->After save DATE format is getting changed.
ERSP-->SCHEDULE 1-->Qus.3-->After save DATE format is getting changed.
See attached screenshot:
!clipboard-20...- 11:33 AM MapzApp_Android Bug #2231 (Feedback): if user written description in 5 line and create new story then after in the dairy writing content is appearing in continuous (3) lines instead of 5 line and more .
- Step to reproduce the bug.
1. Login with valid credential
2. Click on plus icon
3. select Notes
4. Enter dairy na... - 11:09 AM MapzApp_Android Bug #2230 (Closed): After creating a new story user adds a photo from the mobile gallery then a validation message is coming "photo upload successful" but the photo is not showing user's story.
- Step to reproduce the bug
1. Login with valid credential.
2. Click on the plus icon
3. Select camera click phot...
- 05:32 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1174 (Closed): Form-A-->Qus.1 & Qus.5--->YES-->provide comment-->save-->submit-->payment-->view-->Why does "YES" is not ticked after submit.
- This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed. - 05:26 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1174 (Resolved): Form-A-->Qus.1 & Qus.5--->YES-->provide comment-->save-->submit-->payment-->view-->Why does "YES" is not ticked after submit.
- 05:30 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1172 (Closed): Admin end-->Form-A-->make decent design for marked area fields.
- This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed. - 05:00 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1172 (Resolved): Admin end-->Form-A-->make decent design for marked area fields.
- 12:13 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1172 (Reopened ): Admin end-->Form-A-->make decent design for marked area fields.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is not fixed.- 05:24 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1176 (Closed): License panel-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Qus.8-->Why does uploaded document does not appear after payment at lfsc panel.
- This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed. - 04:59 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1176 (Resolved): License panel-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Qus.8-->Why does uploaded document does not appear after payment at lfsc panel.
- 05:23 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2225 (Reopened ): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->Form 2 Part A -->Inside the business address -->Complete value doesn't reflected to the admin end .
- This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is not fixed. - 04:57 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2225 (Resolved): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->Form 2 Part A -->Inside the business address -->Complete value doesn't reflected to the admin end .
- 03:07 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2225 (Reopened ): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->Form 2 Part A -->Inside the business address -->Complete value doesn't reflected to the admin end .
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is not fixed.- 02:46 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2225 (Resolved): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->Form 2 Part A -->Inside the business address -->Complete value doesn't reflected to the admin end .
- 10:48 AM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2225 (Reopened ): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->Form 2 Part A -->Inside the business address -->Complete value doesn't reflected to the admin end .
- Step to reproduce the bug.
Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->Form 2 Part A -->Inside the busine... - 05:11 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1175 (Closed): License end-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Qus.6--> "Dates" word should just after " related" means should be in same line.
- This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed. - 04:57 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1175 (Resolved): License end-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Qus.6--> "Dates" word should just after " related" means should be in same line.
- 01:41 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1175 (Reopened ): License end-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Qus.6--> "Dates" word should just after " related" means should be in same line.
- This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is not fixed. - 03:09 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2224 (Closed): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->Form 2 Part A -->Below the heading -->Text alignment is not correct place.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 02:46 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2224 (Resolved): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->Form 2 Part A -->Below the heading -->Text alignment is not correct place.
- 10:19 AM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2224 (Closed): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->Form 2 Part A -->Below the heading -->Text alignment is not correct place.
- Step to reproduce bug.
Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->Below the heading -->Text alignment is... - 03:02 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2226 (Closed): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->Form 2 Part A--->Qus.11-->Yes No Text and radio button is not in alignment.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 02:46 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2226 (Resolved): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->Form 2 Part A--->Qus.11-->Yes No Text and radio button is not in alignment.
- 10:58 AM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2226 (Closed): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->Form 2 Part A--->Qus.11-->Yes No Text and radio button is not in alignment.
- Step to reproduce bug.
1. Admin end
4. Form 2 Part A
5. Qus.11
Yes... - 03:01 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2227 (Closed): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->MLRO/MLCO/CO -->Qus.5-->Complete value doesn't reflected to the admin end .
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 02:46 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2227 (Resolved): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->MLRO/MLCO/CO -->Qus.5-->Complete value doesn't reflected to the admin end .
- 11:05 AM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2227 (Closed): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->MLRO/MLCO/CO -->Qus.5-->Complete value doesn't reflected to the admin end .
- Step to reproduce bug.
Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->MLRO/MLCO/CO -->Complete value doesn't... - 03:00 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2228 (Closed): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->MLRO/MLCO/CO -->Qus.13 ---> Text field overlapping
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 02:46 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2228 (Resolved): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->MLRO/MLCO/CO -->Qus.13 ---> Text field overlapping
- 11:17 AM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #2228 (Closed): Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->MLRO/MLCO/CO -->Qus.13 ---> Text field overlapping
- Step to reproduce bug:
Admin end-->LICENSE REQUESTS-->PRE LICENSE REQUEST-->MLRO/MLCO/CO -->Qus.13 ---> Text field... - 01:37 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1178 (Reopened ): Admin end-->Summarize document-->Mentioned document list is not clickable.
- This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is not fixed. - 01:34 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1161 (Reopened ): Money services-->submit-->payment-->Admin panel-->License request-->Pre License-->Need to Update date as per form submit.
- This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is not fixed. - 12:28 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #973 (Reopened ): Licensee application - login page >> users should be able to reset his password
- 12:09 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1163 (Closed): Schedule 2-->submit-->payment-->admin-->license request-->pre license-->schedule 2-->Questions heading do not appear at admin end for all questions.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 12:09 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1164 (Closed): Schedule 2-->submit-->payment-->admin-->license request-->pre license-->schedule 2-->Admin is not able to view the uploaded document.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 12:08 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1166 (Closed): Schedule 2-->submit-->payment-->license panel-->view-->schedule 2-->Qus. 7(d)--->After submit-->table with value gets disappear from license panel.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 12:08 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1167 (Closed): Schedule 2-->submit-->payment-->admin-->license request-->pre license-->schedule 2-->Qus.8-->Need to fetch data as like lfsc panel.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 12:07 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1169 (Closed): Schedule 2-->submit-->payment-->admin-->license request-->pre license-->schedule 2-->Incorrect sequence of qus.9, 10, 11 at admin end.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 12:04 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1168 (Closed): Schedule 2-->submit-->payment-->admin-->license request-->pre license-->schedule 2-->Qus.9-->value does not reflects at admin end for this ques in both field.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.- 12:04 PM Sector Name: Money Services Bug #1170 (Closed): Schedule 2-->submit-->payment-->admin-->license request-->pre license-->schedule 2-->Need to correct sequence and data for Qus.11 at admin end.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.
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