


Mohd Irfan's activity

From 04/03/2022 to 04/12/2022


02:10 PM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #1895 (Reopened ): Login with IB-->Schedule 1--> 17,18--> After saving provided document getting disappear.
Case--> Add 6 rows in> 17,18-->upload document, Fill all form-->save after saving provided document ... Mohd Irfan
11:56 AM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #1895 (Closed): Login with IB-->Schedule 1--> 17,18--> After saving provided document getting disappear.
Step to reproduce the bug.
1. Login with IB
2. Schedule 1
3. 117,18
After saving provided document get...
Mohd Irfan
01:22 PM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #1862 (Closed): Schedule 1-->Qus.4-->Add 6 row-->save-->edit-->(1). After save 3 rows are getting disappear. (2). Select value for dropdown gets disappear after save
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.
Mohd Irfan
01:15 PM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #1889 (Closed): Login with IB--->Addendum--> 08---> Applicant is able to upload only pdf file.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue is fixed.

its working fine select all files
Mohd Irfan
09:59 AM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #1889 (Closed): Login with IB--->Addendum--> 08---> Applicant is able to upload only pdf file.
Step to reproduce the bug.
1. Login with IB
2. Go with the form Addendum
3. 08
Actual Result: Applic...
Mohd Irfan
01:08 PM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #1891 (Closed): Login with IB-->schedule1--> 03--> Percentage field can't be exceed 100%.
This issue has been verified.
and it has been found that the issue has is fixed.
Mohd Irfan
10:46 AM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #1891 (Closed): Login with IB-->schedule1--> 03--> Percentage field can't be exceed 100%.
Step to reproduce the bug.
1. Login with IB
2. schedule1
3. 03
Percentage field can't exceed 100%.
Mohd Irfan
12:45 PM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #1900 (Closed): Login with IB-->MLRO/MLCO/CO--> 06--> End date can't fall before start date.
Step to reproduce bug.
1. Login with IB
3. 06
End date can't foal before start date
Mohd Irfan
10:10 AM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #1890 (Closed): Login with IB--->Addendum--> 07,22,26---> Field value does not reset after switching NO YES .
Step to reproduce the bug.
1. Login with IB
2. Addendum
3. 07,22,26
Actual Result: Field value does not ...
Mohd Irfan

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