


Himanshu Singh's activity

From 02/28/2022 to 03/09/2022


02:31 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1517 (Resolved): Previous Residence Details-->Date is overlapping over the text hint in very first time, means second time its working fine
Himanshu Singh
12:56 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #950 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Declaration Particulars"-->Go with Point No-24-->Select "NO"-->If user selects "No" then point no-25 and point no-26 should hide
Himanshu Singh
12:16 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1349 (Resolved): Compliance Program Information-->Qus.20-->Upload option for police record doesn't added in this form, need to add Resumé and Police Record attached option
Himanshu Singh
11:18 AM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1501 (Resolved): Previous Reseidence Details-->Calendar does not opens at date input field.
Himanshu Singh


02:34 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1499 (Resolved): REPUTATION AND CHARACTER-->Why does comment box appearing in case of "NO"?
Himanshu Singh
01:18 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1467 (Resolved): Application Details-->Qus.11-->Number of members signed on to date-->input field should allow only numeric value as per client comment
Himanshu Singh
01:13 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #953 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Ownership Information"-->Point no-49, 50, 52-->Number and percentage input field should be numeric
Himanshu Singh
01:10 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #950 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Declaration Particulars"-->Go with Point No-24-->Select "NO"-->If user selects "No" then point no-25 and point no-26 should hide
Himanshu Singh
12:59 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1135 (Resolved): REPUTATION & CHARACTER-->Need mention this line “Must not be older than 3 months” after the heading “Police Certificate” ?
Himanshu Singh
12:27 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1132 (Resolved): Previous Reseidence Details-->Need to add document upload option (For Attachment), Point num 32-->there should checkbox instead of radio button, because as per instruction applicant select more than one option, End Date can't fall before start date
Himanshu Singh


07:54 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1491 (Resolved): APPLICANT DEATIL-->Select any option except other-->save-->edit-->even after single selection "by default "Other" option get select
Himanshu Singh
06:55 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1463 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Application Details"-->Qus 9-->Select any option except other than save, Applicant is not able to save
Himanshu Singh
06:12 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1467 (Resolved): Application Details-->Qus.11-->Number of members signed on to date-->input field should allow only numeric value as per client comment
Himanshu Singh
06:07 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1468 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->Credit unions-->Go with form "Ownership Information-->select Qus 51 & 52-->Applicant select if NO-->Details option should be hide and select yes detais option should not be hide.
Himanshu Singh
05:39 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1469 (Resolved): Declaration-->Need to remove asterisk mark from middle name heading as this input field is not mandatory.
Himanshu Singh
05:37 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1470 (Resolved): Declaration Contact Information-->system accepting invalid email, need to extend character length for "occupation" input field, Work number input field should allow alpha numeric.
Himanshu Singh
12:57 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1136 (Resolved): go with form "Ownership Information"-->Question no 50-->percentage can't be more than 100.
Himanshu Singh
12:19 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1371 (Resolved): Declaration Contact Information-->Qus.23-->Home no should allow alphanumeric along with special character
Himanshu Singh


07:50 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1342 (Resolved): Application Details-->Qus.10, 11-->put value-->save form-->edit-->after save uploaded file from q.10 and provided value from q.11 get disappear.
Himanshu Singh
07:49 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1460 (Resolved): lfsc panel-->Go with Form "Declaration"-->Upload document-->system does not update old document to new document.
Himanshu Singh
07:21 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1334 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Application Details"-->Qus.3-->Address, P.O. Box, City, State, County, Zip/Postal code should accept alphanumeric.
Himanshu Singh
07:19 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1448 (Resolved): Applicant Details-->Credit Unions Feb Applicant test Feb-->Application Details-->Registered office information-->Need to add a field from name of Register office.
Himanshu Singh
06:01 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1448 (In Progress): Applicant Details-->Credit Unions Feb Applicant test Feb-->Application Details-->Registered office information-->Need to add a field from name of Register office.
Himanshu Singh
06:31 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1361 (Resolved): Application Details-->Qus.3-->attached document-->save-->After save attached document gets disappear from Qus.3
Himanshu Singh
06:31 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1361 (In Progress): Application Details-->Qus.3-->attached document-->save-->After save attached document gets disappear from Qus.3
Himanshu Singh
06:31 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1351 (Resolved): Declaration-->Provide value-->save-->after save DATE input field gets displace from its actual place.
Himanshu Singh
06:07 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1351 (In Progress): Declaration-->Provide value-->save-->after save DATE input field gets displace from its actual place.
Himanshu Singh
05:54 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1461 (Resolved): lfsc panel-->Go with Form "Declaration Particulars"-->Qus 24 select Yes-->put name-->validate & select radio button --> after clicking on radio button -->as soon as applicant check any radio button then, Value gets disappear
Himanshu Singh
05:00 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #952 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Education Details"-->Enter invalid email address in point no 35, 36, 37-->Applicant is able to save & validate the form with invalid address.
Himanshu Singh
04:34 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #956 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->fill out all the forms-->submit-->go for view only-->go with form " Application Details"-->applicant is able to edit in some forms and points even after submit
Himanshu Singh
04:29 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #948 (Resolved): Login with credit-->Declaration form-->(1). Middle should not mandatory (2). Title should be alphanumeric (3). Character length for Title field should be 100 as per client requirement
Himanshu Singh
04:24 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #950 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Declaration Particulars"-->Go with Point No-24-->Select "NO"-->If user selects "No" then point no-25 and point no-26 should hide
Himanshu Singh
04:07 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #955 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with "MLRO/MLCO/CO"-->(1). Name should be alphanumeric. (2). Former name should not mandatory, As applicant save & validate the form then click on EDIT button then one extra row gets active in point number-17
Himanshu Singh
03:58 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #953 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Ownership Information"-->Point no-49, 50, 52-->Number and percentage input field should be numeric
Himanshu Singh
03:51 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #944 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Application Details"-->point no-3-->(1). As per client requirement P.O. Box*, City*, State* and Zip code should be "ALPHANUMERIC" (2). Middle name should not mandatory.
Himanshu Singh
03:38 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1131 (Resolved): Declaration Particulars-->Date of place input field should allow alphanumeric, Value gets disappear after save IN Qus.24, Date of change for name can't be in future date
Himanshu Singh


07:07 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1123 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Application Details"-->Point 10, 11, qus.1-->need to implement as per client requirement and on save date gets disappear
Himanshu Singh
04:06 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1130 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Declaration Contact Information"-->(1). Name field should allow space (2).Occupation should allow alphanumeric, (3).There should be two option for two upload.
Himanshu Singh
04:00 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1131 (Resolved): Declaration Particulars-->Date of place input field should allow alphanumeric, Value gets disappear after save IN Qus.24, Date of change for name can't be in future date
Himanshu Singh
03:04 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1433 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.13-->add row-->put value-->save -->after save complete table gets disappear and YES, NO gets unticked
Himanshu Singh
02:57 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1436 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->last qus-->date gets disappear after save.
Himanshu Singh
02:32 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1415 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.27-->Sequence for very first column getting change after save.
Himanshu Singh


07:18 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1414 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.22-->Charge, location & result should allow alphanumeric along with special character.
Himanshu Singh
07:18 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1415 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.27-->Sequence for very first column getting change after save.
Himanshu Singh
06:48 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1411 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.22-->provide value-->save-->after save values from Date, age, location & result getting disappear.
Himanshu Singh
06:46 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1408 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.27-->telephone number accepting alphabets, Need to extend the character length
Himanshu Singh
06:46 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1405 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.27-->need to make some modification as per client comment
Himanshu Singh
06:45 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1402 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.16-->make this comment box expendable with character value as like Qus. 11
Himanshu Singh
06:31 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1410 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.13-->value between name and address column gets swapped after save
Himanshu Singh
05:32 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1315 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.17-->change name of very first column from "Account" to Type of Account, Extend character length for every column input field.
Himanshu Singh
11:09 AM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1315 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.17-->change name of very first column from "Account" to Type of Account, Extend character length for every column input field.
Himanshu Singh
03:50 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1303 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.5-->Need to add Qus.5's heading "5.Full home address at present time:" and move this question below the question no.4
Himanshu Singh
11:42 AM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1303 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.5-->Need to add Qus.5's heading "5.Full home address at present time:" and move this question below the question no.4
Himanshu Singh
01:02 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1309 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.13-->Need to modify the table content as per client requirement.
Himanshu Singh
12:31 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1302 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.4-->Need to implement this question as per client requirement.
Himanshu Singh
12:00 PM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1295 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.2-->Need to add " (if different from name given above)." after former name, former name should not be mandatory, extend character length.
Himanshu Singh
11:54 AM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1300 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.3-->need to extend character length, City and State input field should allow alphanumeric along with space.
Himanshu Singh
11:38 AM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1305 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.7-->Select married-->make this simple comment field (See marked area in screenshot)
Himanshu Singh
11:37 AM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1306 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.8-->Passport number input field accepting unlimited character.
Himanshu Singh
11:36 AM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1308 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.10-->Extend character length max to 200, Percentage can't be more than 100%
Himanshu Singh
11:23 AM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1311 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.15-->Select "NO"-->Why does Upload option field not hides?
Himanshu Singh
11:16 AM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1310 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.14-->Percentage of Shareholdings can't be more than 100%
Himanshu Singh
11:11 AM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1312 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.16-->remove this extra comment field.
Himanshu Singh
10:58 AM Sector Name: NRSP Bug #1316 (Resolved): NRSP-->2nd form-->Qus.22-->Age can't fall in negative, Need to extend Character length for every column's input field
Himanshu Singh


07:08 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #947 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Members Of Applicant" -->fill out all the information-->save & validate-->go with edit button-->(1) as soon as user saves the information the date gets disappear...(2).need to remove attachment from the Occupation
Himanshu Singh
07:07 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #949 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Declaration Contact Information"-->(1). Name should be alphanumeric (2). Applicant is able to save & validate the form with "Invalid email address"
Himanshu Singh
06:46 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #948 (Resolved): Login with credit-->Declaration form-->(1). Middle should not mandatory (2). Title should be alphanumeric (3). Character length for Title field should be 100 as per client requirement
Himanshu Singh
04:53 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #948 (Resolved): Login with credit-->Declaration form-->(1). Middle should not mandatory (2). Title should be alphanumeric (3). Character length for Title field should be 100 as per client requirement
Himanshu Singh
04:41 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #944 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Application Details"-->point no-3-->(1). As per client requirement P.O. Box*, City*, State* and Zip code should be "ALPHANUMERIC" (2). Middle name should not mandatory.
Himanshu Singh
04:23 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1123 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Application Details"-->Point 10, 11, qus.1-->need to implement as per client requirement and on save date gets disappear
Himanshu Singh
12:07 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1123 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Application Details"-->Point 10, 11, qus.1-->need to implement as per client requirement and on save date gets disappear
Himanshu Singh
01:15 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1131 (Resolved): Declaration Particulars-->Date of place input field should allow alphanumeric, Value gets disappear after save IN Qus.24, Date of change for name can't be in future date
Himanshu Singh
12:45 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1130 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Declaration Contact Information"-->(1). Name field should allow space (2).Occupation should allow alphanumeric, (3).There should be two option for two upload.
Himanshu Singh
12:45 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1129 (Resolved): lfsc panel-->Form "DECLARATION"-->DATE input field should be there as per client requirement.
Himanshu Singh
12:43 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1124 (Resolved): go with from "Details Of A/C Receivables"-->Need to add "Explain" option with 500 character as per client comment.
Himanshu Singh
11:10 AM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #1127 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Members Of Applicant" -->fill out all the information-->save & validate-->even after save applicant remain on same page.
Himanshu Singh

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