



From 01/26/2022 to 02/04/2022


07:49 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #1101 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Point 17-->add single row-->provide value-->save-->click on edit-->point no.17-->one extra row gets added after save
Trusts-->General Trust-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->
Point 17-->add single row-->provide value-->save-->click on edit-->point no...
arti saraswat
07:18 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #1100 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Point-11--> Need to implement functionality for this question as per client requirement.
Trusts-->General Trust-->MLRO/MLCO/CO-->
Point-11--> Need to implement functionality for this question as per clie...
arti saraswat
06:00 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #1099 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->ADDENDUM--->fill form-->save-->click on edit-->click on save & validate-->not able to save this form.
Trusts-->General Trust-->ADDENDUM--->fill form-->save-->click on edit-->click on save & validate-->not able to save t... arti saraswat
05:55 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #1098 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->ADDENDUM--->Point 28-->Need to modify it as per client comment, right now requirement is not matching as per client comment
Trusts-->General Trust-->ADDENDUM--->Point 28-->Need to modify it as per client comment, right now requirement is not... arti saraswat
05:31 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #1097 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->ADDENDUM-->Points-->need to increase character length, Point 15-->Need to add "upload" option for attachment, percentage can't be more than 100% in q.14
Trusts-->General Trust-->ADDENDUM-->
Point 13-->need to increase character length.
Point 14-->should allow nume...
arti saraswat
05:24 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #1096 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->ADDENDUM-->Point 10-->Need to implement as per client requirement.
Trusts-->General Trust-->ADDENDUM-->Point 10-->Need to implement as per client requirement.
See attached screensho...
arti saraswat
04:39 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #1095 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->ADDENDUM-->Point 2-->Former name should not mandatory, need to add text "(if different from name given above):" after former name
Trusts-->General Trust-->ADDENDUM-->
Point no. 2-->Former name should not mandatory, need to add text "(if different...
arti saraswat
03:48 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #1094 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Point no.9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16-->If user selects NO, then this attached document should not appear here (2)state gets disappear after qus.6
Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->
Point no.9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16-->If user selects NO, then this attached doc...
arti saraswat
01:55 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #1093 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Point no.10-->attachment Not mandatory at the time of filing application (As per client comment)
Trusts-->General Trust-->
Point no.10-->right now system is not allowing user to proceed without attachment, but ...
arti saraswat
01:42 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #1092 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Point no.14-->Telephone num should allow only numeric value, Required modification in Qus.15 and Qus.17
Trusts-->General Trust-->
Point no.14-->Telephone num should allow only numeric value.
Point no.15:- Need to ad...
arti saraswat
01:14 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #1091 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Point no 4-->Need to implement as per client requirement, point no.5, 6-->Need to implement as per client requirement.
Trusts-->General Trust-->
Point no 4-->Need to implement as per client requirement.
Point no 5, 6-->Need to imple...
arti saraswat
12:10 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #1090 (Closed): Trusts-->General Trust-->Schedule 1-->Point no1-->should allow 200 character as per client requirement.
Trusts-->General Trust-->
Point no 1-->should allow 200 character as per client requirement max 200 character, and ...
arti saraswat


05:23 PM Sector Name: Trust & Company Managers Bug #1089 (Closed): Trust comp & managers-->new application-->Trusts--> General Trust-->need to correct the sequence of forms, it should Schedule 1, Addendum and MLRO/MLCO/CO
Trust comp & managers-->new application-->Trusts--> General Trust-->need to correct the sequence of forms, it should ... arti saraswat


04:03 PM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #1088 (Closed): IB-->Schedule 1-->Point no.16-->If user selects NO, then this attached document should not appear here
IB-->Schedule 1-->
Point no.16-->If user selects NO, then this attached document should not appear here.
Point ...
arti saraswat
03:45 PM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #1087 (Closed): IB-->Schedule-->Point 12--> Both input field in table should accept alphanumeric and maximum 200 character...Point no 13-->should option for Yes and No
Point 12--> Both input field in table should accept alphanumeric and maximum 200 character.
arti saraswat
12:27 PM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #1086 (Closed): IB-->Schedule 1-->Point no.4, 5, 6, 7, 8-->Need to Modify as per client requirement.
IB-->Schedule 1-->Point no.4, 5, 6, 7, 8-->Need to Modify as per client requirement.
arti saraswat


04:47 PM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #1085 (Closed): IB-->Schedule 1-->Point no.1-->As per client requirement Input field for point no 1 should have "Special characters and alpha numeric. 200 characters max", City should alphanumeric
IB-->Schedule 1-->Point no.1-->
Issue 1:
As per client requirement Input field for point no 1 should have "Special...
arti saraswat
03:06 PM Inspection Bug #1076 (Closed): Inspection-->add inspection-->edit-->value from "Inspection Type" and "Members of Inspection Team" getting disappear
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
03:06 PM Inspection Bug #1073 (Closed): License type-->select any sector-->inspection tab-->add inspection-->End Date can't fall before start date.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
03:05 PM Inspection Bug #1077 (Closed): Inspection-->add inspection-->Lead Inspector-->Most of the time I am facing this issue, in which user is not able to close the list and blue shade for list values
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #941 (Resolved): why does the system throw a message (Please fill out this field) against the "First Name*" on clicking register even after the "Country*"(Leave it Blank) field is mandatory?
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #940 (Resolved): Registration page-->Mailing Address-->State/Parish/Province/Region*-->This input field does not allow "space" (Like: If user wants to enter Uttar Pradesh, then how will user be put name with space)
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #997 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->fill out all form and submit-->After submitting the application the delete button should not appear for the forms.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #976 (Resolved): Admin panel-->License request-->pre license-->click on application-->verify and approve-->If the admin approves the application, then this verify & approve button should not appear
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #966 (Resolved): Admin panel-->Form "DECLARATION"-->Design and formatting issue
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #974 (Resolved): Admin panel-->Form "MLRO/MLCO/CO"-->(1) Complete information should display in these fields(Every field) (2) Heading should be on top or right side to the field at admin end.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #972 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form " OWNERSHIP INFORMATION"-->put Maturity Date-->save & submit-->click on edit-->save and submit-->Date is getting disappear and then put date-->save & validate-->submit-->payment-->date is getting disappear.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #971 (Resolved): Admin panel-->Form "RELATIONSHIP WITH COMPANY" and "REPUTATION & CHARACTER" and "OWNERSHIP INFORMATION"-->(1). Heading should be on top or right side of field. (2). Complete information should reflect at admin end.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #970 (Resolved): Admin panel-->Form "EDUCATION DETAILS"--> 1. need to put heading against the correct field (2). Complete value should reflect at admin end
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #969 (Resolved): ADMIN-->Login with credit unions-->go with form "PREVIOUS RESEIDENCE DETAILS"-->1. Formatting and design issue. (2) need to correct spelling of "RESEIDENCE" in form name
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #967 (Resolved): Admin panel-->Form "DECLARATION CONTACT INFORMATION"-->Design and formatting issue (2). complete value does not reflects at admin end
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #960 (Resolved): After payment-->admin panel-->form "APPLICATION DETAILS"/ MEMBERS OF APPLICANT-->point number 3-->complete information from lfsc panel should reflect at admin end.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #959 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Application Details"-->go with point "Application Fee attached"-->Attached form gets disappear after payment.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #961 (Resolved): Admin panel-->Form "APPLICATION DETAILS"-->put comment and SAVE-->go with lfsc panel-->view the comment of admin-->there is the time gap between admin panel and lfsc panel
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #958 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->fill out form-->submit-->payment-->admin panel-->license request-->pre-license-->select application-->Form sequence at admin end should be same as license panel.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #956 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->fill out all the forms-->submit-->go for view only-->go with form " Application Details"-->applicant is able to edit in some forms and points even after submit
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #955 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with "MLRO/MLCO/CO"-->(1). Name should be alphanumeric. (2). Former name should not mandatory, As applicant save & validate the form then click on EDIT button then one extra row gets active in point number-17
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #953 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Ownership Information"-->Point no-49, 50, 52-->Number and percentage input field should be numeric
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #952 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Education Details"-->Enter invalid email address in point no 35, 36, 37-->Applicant is able to save & validate the form with invalid address.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #949 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Declaration Contact Information"-->(1). Name should be alphanumeric (2). Applicant is able to save & validate the form with "Invalid email address"
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #950 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Declaration Particulars"-->Go with Point No-24-->Select "NO"-->If user selects "No" then point no-25 and point no-26 should hide
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #945 (Resolved): Login-->go with from "Details Of A/C Receivables"-->input fields allowing unlimited characters.
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #948 (Resolved): Login with credit-->Declaration form-->(1). Middle should not mandatory (2). Title should be alphanumeric (3). Character length for Title field should be 100 as per client requirement
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #947 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Members Of Applicant" -->fill out all the information-->save & validate-->go with edit button-->(1) as soon as user saves the information the date gets disappear...(2).need to remove attachment from the Occupation
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #942 (Resolved): Register page-->fill out all mandatory information-->Go with "Password*"-->put password-->Go with "Confirm Password*"-->leave "Confirm Password*" field blank-->Click on register-->System should throws Invalid message against confirm password input field
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #943 (Resolved): Registration page-->fill out all information-->don't click on captcha-->click on register-->Applicant is able to register the form without clicking on "CAPTCHA"
Himanshu Singh
12:09 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #944 (Resolved): Login with credit unions-->go with form "Application Details"-->point no-3-->(1). As per client requirement P.O. Box*, City*, State* and Zip code should be "ALPHANUMERIC" (2). Middle name should not mandatory.
Himanshu Singh
12:08 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #964 (Resolved): Form "PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS"-->provided information is not reflecting at admin end.
Himanshu Singh
12:08 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #954 (Resolved): login with credit unions-->go with form Provisional Directors"-->Resume-->upload resume-->save and validate-->edit-->again save & validate-->click on edit or view-->Attached document gets disappear as applicant update the form in 2nd time(In case of edit)
Himanshu Singh
12:08 PM Sector Name: CREDIT UNIONS Bug #946 (Resolved): Login-->go with form "Members Of Applicant"-->add multiple row-->then delete any row-->After deleting rows the sequencing of rows is incorrect.
Himanshu Singh


07:16 PM LATE RETURNS Bug #1084 (Closed): Return type at lfsc (Only Annual) should be same at report end (Quarterly & Yearly)
Himanshu Singh
01:36 PM LATE RETURNS Bug #1084 (Closed): Return type at lfsc (Only Annual) should be same at report end (Quarterly & Yearly)
Return type at lfsc (Only Annual) should be same at report end (Quarterly & Yearly)
Only annual return type is allo...
arti saraswat
07:16 PM LATE RETURNS Bug #1083 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->Late returns-->select sector-->year/quarter-->Year-->now switch value from drop down list-->if user does the same then value in other selection field is not getting reset.
Himanshu Singh
01:33 PM LATE RETURNS Bug #1083 (Closed): Report-->Internal report-->Late returns-->select sector-->year/quarter-->Year-->now switch value from drop down list-->if user does the same then value in other selection field is not getting reset.
Report-->Internal report-->Late returns-->select sector-->year/quarter-->Year-->now switch value from drop down list-... arti saraswat
07:15 PM Inspection Bug #1076 (Resolved): Inspection-->add inspection-->edit-->value from "Inspection Type" and "Members of Inspection Team" getting disappear
Himanshu Singh
07:15 PM Inspection Bug #1077 (Resolved): Inspection-->add inspection-->Lead Inspector-->Most of the time I am facing this issue, in which user is not able to close the list and blue shade for list values
Himanshu Singh
07:15 PM Inspection Bug #1073 (Resolved): License type-->select any sector-->inspection tab-->add inspection-->End Date can't fall before start date.
Himanshu Singh
02:40 PM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #996 (Resolved): International bank--Public login—after submitting the application to admin, delete button should not be displayed on any screen.
Himanshu Singh
02:40 PM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #994 (Resolved): Admin panel-->MLRO/,MLCO/CO—complete value does not display.
Himanshu Singh


07:07 PM Sector Name: ERSP Bug #1082 (Closed): MLRO form—point 17—1 row getting add automatically and sequencing issue.
MLRO form—point 17—1 row getting add automatically and sequencing issue.
arti saraswat
07:06 PM Sector Name: ERSP Bug #1081 (Closed): Admin panel—MLRO information is missing.
Issue 1:
Admin panel—MLRO information is missing.
Issue 2:
All the documents are missing at admin section.
arti saraswat
07:05 PM Sector Name: ERSP Bug #1080 (Closed): Schedule1—point 18—address should be accepted special character, alphanumeric character .
Schedule1—point 18—address should be accepted special character, alphanumeric character .
arti saraswat
07:04 PM Sector Name: ERSP Bug #1079 (Feedback): One time scrolling happens only for 20 years.
One time scrolling happens only for 20 years.
arti saraswat
07:04 PM Sector Name: ERSP Bug #1078 (Closed): ERSP—point 6—need to increase length of address 1 field.
ERSP—point 6—need to increase length of address 1 field.
arti saraswat
06:16 PM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #991 (Resolved): International banking—>Admin panel—>why action and add row option are displayed.
Himanshu Singh
06:09 PM Inspection Bug #1077 (Closed): Inspection-->add inspection-->Lead Inspector-->Most of the time I am facing this issue, in which user is not able to close the list and blue shade for list values
Inspection-->add inspection-->Lead Inspector-->Most of the time I am facing this issue, in which user is not able to ... arti saraswat
06:04 PM Inspection Bug #1076 (Closed): Inspection-->add inspection-->edit-->value from "Inspection Type" and "Members of Inspection Team" getting disappear

value from "Inspection Type" and "Members of Inspection Team" getting disappear.
Inspection-->add inspe...
arti saraswat
03:44 PM Sector Name: NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Bug #1033 (Resolved): Admin end-->License type-->NPO-->background information-->NPO profile section-->complete name for all three fields should be displayed under NPO profile section.
Himanshu Singh
03:44 PM Sector Name: NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Bug #1032 (Resolved): NPO application-->fill form-->submit-->payment-->no amount getting calculate for payment after submission of the application
Himanshu Singh
03:44 PM Sector Name: NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Bug #1031 (Resolved): NPO application-->go wit point no-11-->add row button does not work
Himanshu Singh
03:44 PM Sector Name: NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Bug #939 (Resolved): NPO application-->select date in marked area (screen)-->save & validate-->As user save & validate the NPO application form then the Date gets disappear.
Himanshu Singh
03:44 PM Sector Name: NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Bug #938 (Resolved): NPO application-->go wit point no-12-->save & validate-->go with Edit-->then extra row added by default.
Himanshu Singh


04:31 PM ENFORCEMENT Bug #1074 (Closed): License type-->Select any sector-->select company-->Enforcement-->Add enforcement-->Go with dropdown list "TYPE"-->same option appears multiple time
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
04:28 PM ENFORCEMENT Bug #1074 (Resolved): License type-->Select any sector-->select company-->Enforcement-->Add enforcement-->Go with dropdown list "TYPE"-->same option appears multiple time
Himanshu Singh
01:04 PM ENFORCEMENT Bug #1074 (Closed): License type-->Select any sector-->select company-->Enforcement-->Add enforcement-->Go with dropdown list "TYPE"-->same option appears multiple time
License type-->Select any sector-->select company-->Enforcement-->Add enforcement-->Go with dropdown list "TYPE"-->sa... arti saraswat
04:30 PM ENFORCEMENT Bug #1072 (Closed): Add enforcement-->Edit-->(1)If user edits the information of enforcement then system throws message against "Lead regulator" field. (2). Incase of edit Value from "Date" Field is getting disappear.
Both the issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issues has been fixed.
arti saraswat
04:28 PM ENFORCEMENT Bug #1072 (Resolved): Add enforcement-->Edit-->(1)If user edits the information of enforcement then system throws message against "Lead regulator" field. (2). Incase of edit Value from "Date" Field is getting disappear.
Himanshu Singh
04:28 PM ENFORCEMENT Bug #1075 (Resolved): Report-->internal report-->enforcement-->(1)previous and next button should FIXED at the ride side of screen...(2)Comment should not be in single line.
Himanshu Singh
01:12 PM ENFORCEMENT Bug #1075 (Resolved): Report-->internal report-->enforcement-->(1)previous and next button should FIXED at the ride side of screen...(2)Comment should not be in single line.
Report-->internal report-->enforcement-->
(1)previous and next button should FIXED at the ride side of screen...
arti saraswat

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