


Himanshu Singh's activity

From 01/19/2022 to 01/28/2022


06:16 PM Sector Name: INTERNATIONAL BANKS Bug #991 (Resolved): International banking—>Admin panel—>why action and add row option are displayed.
Himanshu Singh
03:44 PM Sector Name: NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Bug #1032 (Resolved): NPO application-->fill form-->submit-->payment-->no amount getting calculate for payment after submission of the application
Himanshu Singh
03:44 PM Sector Name: NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Bug #1033 (Resolved): Admin end-->License type-->NPO-->background information-->NPO profile section-->complete name for all three fields should be displayed under NPO profile section.
Himanshu Singh
03:44 PM Sector Name: NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Bug #1031 (Resolved): NPO application-->go wit point no-11-->add row button does not work
Himanshu Singh
03:44 PM Sector Name: NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Bug #938 (Resolved): NPO application-->go wit point no-12-->save & validate-->go with Edit-->then extra row added by default.
Himanshu Singh
03:44 PM Sector Name: NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Bug #939 (Resolved): NPO application-->select date in marked area (screen)-->save & validate-->As user save & validate the NPO application form then the Date gets disappear.
Himanshu Singh


04:28 PM ENFORCEMENT Bug #1074 (Resolved): License type-->Select any sector-->select company-->Enforcement-->Add enforcement-->Go with dropdown list "TYPE"-->same option appears multiple time
Himanshu Singh
04:28 PM ENFORCEMENT Bug #1075 (Resolved): Report-->internal report-->enforcement-->(1)previous and next button should FIXED at the ride side of screen...(2)Comment should not be in single line.
Himanshu Singh
04:28 PM ENFORCEMENT Bug #1072 (Resolved): Add enforcement-->Edit-->(1)If user edits the information of enforcement then system throws message against "Lead regulator" field. (2). Incase of edit Value from "Date" Field is getting disappear.
Himanshu Singh

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