



From 09/28/2021 to 10/07/2021


06:50 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel QUERY #554 (Feedback): New application-->Insurance-->Domestic-->External-->fill both form-->back to application-->Why "Registration Charges" is ZERO? Is there any concept behind it?
zero is fetching from the backend. now Sunil has set as 1 so you will not see zero now. himanshu bhardwaj
06:25 PM Kanzo customer Bug #617 (Resolved): Gmail -> Created new account -> Use your mail -> add credentials -> it says invalid credentials
amir r
06:19 PM Kanzo customer Bug #685 (Closed): Home -> Store -> add product -> view cart ->Add custom location-> proceed -> payment -> It throws error msg -> which I would not able place an order
Minal Watmode
06:10 PM Kanzo customer Bug #684 (Closed): Home -> store -> add product -> view cart -> There will throw processing route will never end.
Minal Watmode
06:07 PM Kanzo customer Bug #670 (Closed): Home -> Store -> Items listed in the store user would not be able to add item in the cart because of menu and cart button.
Minal Watmode
06:06 PM Kanzo customer Bug #468 (Resolved): The time of order to place order& same order placed to received notification on restro application time is different than actual time same as in users history as well
Plz check again, when order generated, it is giving right time. amir r
04:21 PM Kanzo customer Bug #468 (Reopened ): The time of order to place order& same order placed to received notification on restro application time is different than actual time same as in users history as well
Minal Watmode
06:05 PM Kanzo customer Bug #660 (Closed): Home -> Store -> User not able see while item list in the restaurant.
Minal Watmode
06:03 PM Kanzo customer Bug #639 (Closed): Home -> Delivery, Dining, Review field should align properly. Dining word should be in a middle.
Minal Watmode
05:52 PM Kanzo customer Bug #636 (Feedback): Home -> Click on Share icon -> when share to another application it goes restaurant description to the receiver instead of kanzo application link
Sharing functionality works, But once application go live it should share an link of the application. Minal Watmode
05:49 PM Kanzo customer Bug #629 (Resolved): Home -> store -> coupon added successfully to the cart, but it has added without even a single items in the cart
amir r
05:41 PM Kanzo customer Bug #629 (Reopened ): Home -> store -> coupon added successfully to the cart, but it has added without even a single items in the cart
Minal Watmode
05:48 PM Kanzo customer Bug #633 (Closed): Home -> Store -> add -> add to cart -> remove item from cart -> Click on cross two times bottom panel goes down.
Minal Watmode
05:47 PM Kanzo customer Bug #635 (Closed): Restaurant description user would not able to see, when click on restaurant image it will open full image.
Minal Watmode
05:27 PM Kanzo customer Bug #627 (Closed): Home -> Store -> Add product -> View cart -> set delivery location manually -> Apply - > it will redirect to store menu page only. It should navigate to Proceed for the payment.
Minal Watmode
05:26 PM Kanzo customer Bug #626 (Reopened ): Search bar -> type any product which is in the application -> it should open the list of the same product.
It should search by dish as well
User would not be able to see product which is already in application.
Minal Watmode
05:17 PM Kanzo customer Bug #624 (Closed): Home -> Navigation drawer -> order history -> Track order -> Order status rejected icon doesn't match to accepted one
Minal Watmode
05:00 PM Kanzo customer Bug #623 (Closed): Login -> Add mobile nu. -> received OTP -> timer starts -> click on resent OTP button - > User did not receive any OTP
Minal Watmode
04:49 PM Kanzo customer Bug #619 (Closed): Home -> navigation drawer -> about -> it redirects the -.> on the page the never ending processing route will be display
Minal Watmode
04:46 PM Kanzo customer Bug #618 (Closed): Home -> header location field ->adding manual address -> added USA address -> dropdown click on USA -> it takes to error page
Minal Watmode
04:44 PM Kanzo customer Bug #252 (Resolved): When single item added to cart, And Remove the same item using minus key cart screen does not update
amir r
02:41 PM Kanzo customer Bug #252 (Reopened ): When single item added to cart, And Remove the same item using minus key cart screen does not update
It has not implemented properly.
refer attached screenshot.
Minal Watmode
04:28 PM Kanzo customer Bug #579 (Closed): Header search bar should be adjust as per screens of the devices, it should not go outside of application's page
Minal Watmode
11:10 AM Kanzo customer Bug #579 (Resolved): Header search bar should be adjust as per screens of the devices, it should not go outside of application's page
amir r
04:27 PM Kanzo customer Bug #577 (Closed): Home -> Restaurant -> items -> Click on add, Item does not move to cart in one click, User need to click 2-3 times to add item in the cart
Minal Watmode
04:26 PM Kanzo customer Bug #523 (Reopened ): Navigation drawer -> Track order -> recently ordered items displays an individual not in a single order
It has not solved yet
User has placed order with using 3 items but in the order history -> track order -> it displa...
Minal Watmode
04:22 PM Kanzo customer Bug #253 (Closed): Restaurant --when we go with any restaurant, complete address does not display. either display the complete address by wrapping which is entered by admin or show the complete address on screen where we show the full image.
himanshu bhardwaj
04:12 PM Kanzo customer Bug #517 (Reopened ): In the bellow screenshots, there are two different restaurants with the same dining page, both tables are not available for booking still it shows different
It is not solved yet. Minal Watmode
04:06 PM Kanzo customer Bug #438 (Closed): OTP place holder when add OTP & by mistake use use different value to erase the Number it does not work, User want to go previous value it does not work
Minal Watmode
04:02 PM Kanzo customer Bug #717 (Resolved): Login page -> Gmail -> It start please wait processing route which will never end.
amir r
03:04 PM Kanzo customer Bug #717 (Closed): Login page -> Gmail -> It start please wait processing route which will never end.
Login page -> Gmail -> It start please wait processing route which will never end.
Minal Watmode
04:01 PM Kanzo customer Bug #718 (Resolved): Login -> Click on Gmail -> Added all information accept image -> click on create It creates blocker.
amir r
03:16 PM Kanzo customer Bug #718 (Closed): Login -> Click on Gmail -> Added all information accept image -> click on create It creates blocker.
Login ->
Click on Gmail ->
Added all information accept image ->
click on create It creates blocker.
Minal Watmode
04:00 PM Kanzo customer Bug #363 (Closed): On Item price original to selling price discount counted that calculation is not correct
Minal Watmode
03:48 PM Kanzo customer Bug #279 (Closed): while launching the application it takes 12-15 seconds to load a full page on the screen
Minal Watmode
03:46 PM Kanzo customer Bug #273 (Closed): Home -> Go out -> Red screen displays on banner field, From admin panel banner status on still red screen displays
Minal Watmode
03:23 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #455 (Resolved): submit application-->payment-->online payment-->as user select on line payment then system takes to "ERROR" screen
sunil gupta
03:21 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #445 (Resolved): fill form-->submit the form-->go with payment-->Online payment-->go back without payment-->again back to payment page-->now select offline mode-->go back again without payment-->Issue is this now on main screen system allows only offline payment option.
sunil gupta
01:32 PM Kanzo customer Bug #715 (Resolved): Login Page -> skip & cross button does not work properly, User have to click 3-4 times then it navigate to home page of an application
In debug mode it is taking time to click, but i already shown u in release mode. there is no issue on click. amir r
12:33 PM Kanzo customer Bug #715 (Closed): Login Page -> skip & cross button does not work properly, User have to click 3-4 times then it navigate to home page of an application
*Login Page -> skip & cross button does not work properly,
User have to click 3-4 times then it navigate to home pa...
Minal Watmode
01:28 PM KANZO_Admin panel Feature #509 (Resolved): Delivery boy -> change status OFF to ON -> New signed up delivery boy while signing in added mail, On the same mail he should receive that now he would be able start the login & deliver the item
Now sending email on status change.. Email is sending on same email which is added by delivery boy during registration. amir r
01:01 PM Kanzo customer Bug #716 (New): Home -> Store -> While loading the items it shows no product but in the next moment product list will be open
Home -> Store -> While loading the items it shows no product but in the next moment product list will be open
In th...
Minal Watmode
12:18 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #463 (Resolved): New restaurant added from back end-> with the same number using made previously one restaurant-> last restaurant status OFF-> we would be able to make new restaurant by using same mobile number.
status change validation removed and added mobile number validation. amir r
12:15 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #404 (Resolved): Restaurant -> view -> edit -> duplicate number has accepted in the admin panel
validation added. amir r
12:07 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #625 (Resolved): Product amount -> selling price should be less than original price accepting, while editing the product validation does not work in editing case
validation added on both admin panels. amir r
10:58 AM Blaze Bug #641 (Closed): Home page -> profile -> Image -> User's image has stretched in circle on both side i.e., left & right side
Minal Watmode
10:54 AM Blaze Bug #171 (Closed): Delete account-->again go with continue with phone-->enter country and number-->otp sent-->enter otp-->click on confirm-->Confirm button is not responding-->then close app-->again click on "Continue with phone number"-->now system throws "incorrect code"
Minal Watmode
10:54 AM Blaze Bug #171: Delete account-->again go with continue with phone-->enter country and number-->otp sent-->enter otp-->click on confirm-->Confirm button is not responding-->then close app-->again click on "Continue with phone number"-->now system throws "incorrect code"
Yes, It is not an issue. Minal Watmode
10:49 AM Blaze Bug #170 (Closed): Delete account-->again go with continue with phone-->enter country and number-->otp sent-->enter otp-->click on confirm-->User is not able to go next page after clicking on confirm button.
Minal Watmode
10:48 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #430 (Resolved): login-->go with the second form-->date of the birth field-->Should DOB field be allowed for future dates?
sunil gupta


07:20 PM Kanzo customer Feature #280 (Resolved): Click on restaurant, If in the restaurant there is no items still it shows loading
amir r
07:12 PM Kanzo customer Feature #324 (Resolved): For the registration after adding mobile number next OTP page to be added
amir r
07:11 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #525 (Resolved): All orders -> Payment id -> All items -> shows wrong timing of the day in the order
amir r
07:10 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #464 (Resolved): In the application, order received from user time has to show, restaurant user at least supposed to know 'at what time order has received & when order accepted.
amir r
07:10 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #514 (Resolved): Timing issue in the application , as have attached screenshot order placed by user & received in restaurant application the time is different shows in application
amir r
06:58 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #608 (Resolved): Registration page-->provide password in "Password*" input field-->keep "Confirm Password*" field blank-->click on register-->message should be different in case when applicant leave confirm password field blank.
sunil gupta
06:53 PM Kanzo customer Bug #263 (Resolved): Signup with youremail--app allows to processed with the number which is already linked in different account.
amir r
06:53 PM Kanzo customer Bug #273 (Resolved): Home -> Go out -> Red screen displays on banner field, From admin panel banner status on still red screen displays
amir r
06:47 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #612 (Resolved): Registration page-->Go with email id input field-->provide any character/ any input-->Why system throws the "Email already exists" message?
sunil gupta
06:40 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #481 (Resolved): fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form-->" delete" text appears instead of "deleted icon"
sunil gupta
06:13 PM Kanzo customer Bug #618 (Resolved): Home -> header location field ->adding manual address -> added USA address -> dropdown click on USA -> it takes to error page
plz check in USA address amir r
05:52 PM Kanzo customer Bug #523 (Resolved): Navigation drawer -> Track order -> recently ordered items displays an individual not in a single order
amir r
05:51 PM Kanzo customer Bug #622 (Resolved): Home -> Click on pro icon -> Click Join pro button -> redirect to payment page -> Click on cross -> Toast message pops up, User did not proceed payment method -> Toast message says Thank you for Purchasing pro plan.
amir r
05:48 PM Kanzo customer Bug #517 (Resolved): In the bellow screenshots, there are two different restaurants with the same dining page, both tables are not available for booking still it shows different
amir r
05:45 PM Kanzo customer Bug #468 (Resolved): The time of order to place order& same order placed to received notification on restro application time is different than actual time same as in users history as well
amir r
05:39 PM Kanzo customer Bug #626 (Resolved): Search bar -> type any product which is in the application -> it should open the list of the same product.
i already said u in previous bugs, this search is working according to restaurant name, tag, type_cuisines etc. in zo... amir r
05:06 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #698 (Closed): Credit Unions-->Go with Add relationship-->fill all the information-->Click on Save Information-->unable to click on this save button, so that can't save this information
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
05:02 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #697 (Closed): Credit Unions-->Credit unions Register-->there should be some decent margin between Business address and mailing address.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
04:59 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #702 (Closed): Credit Unions-->Credit unions Register-->resume-->attached MP 4-->system throws message that "This file type not allowed"'', still this uploaded file exist in resume field.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed
arti saraswat
04:51 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #432 (Resolved): Login-->go with MLRO/MLCO/CO form-->go with "age" field-->Age should not be negative.
sunil gupta
04:50 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #425 (Resolved): Login-->go with first form-->go with "Number of Shares" field-->Number of Shares should not be negative.
sunil gupta
04:48 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #496 (Resolved): Fill for first-->then go with MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->go with point number 13-->percentage of shareholdings can't be more than 100%
sunil gupta
04:48 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #687 (Closed): Go with license type-->add relationship-->Email id input field-->provide invalid input-->Click on Save information-->system saves information with invalid email address.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
04:47 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #546 (Resolved): New application-->Insurance-->Domestic-->External--Go with MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->point no-13-->"percentage of shareholdings" and "number of shares" input field should not allow unlimited characters
sunil gupta
04:46 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #545 (Resolved): New application-->Insurance-->Domestic-->External-->Form MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Point no-6-->line is breaking, I guess this sentence should be in single line.
sunil gupta
04:45 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #580 (Resolved): New application-->fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->edit button-->go with Point no-6 (Number of Shares) & Point no-19(Shareholder percentage)-->even after done with the payment the user is still able to edit or change the value for the "Schedule 5"
sunil gupta
04:44 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #479 (Resolved): fill mlro form-->Go with point no-7-->select option "single"-->even after selecting on single why does this field "name of wife" active?
sunil gupta
01:57 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #709 (Resolved): Report-->Trust & company managers-->Report Service type Trust-->Entity count is wrong.
Manessh p


07:07 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #270 (Resolved): On restaurant application order which receive from user that recent order should be on top of the page.
amir r
07:06 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #415 (Resolved): Profile page of the application received order count does not displays & Please correct spelling of the received word
Plz check order received page , if the order available then the amount will be displayed on account page recieved sec... amir r
06:58 PM Trust & Company Managers Modification/ Enhancements #269 (Closed): REPORT-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report of Service type of manager companies-->generate pdf-->download-->information should cover complete page in managed/decent way.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
06:57 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #222 (Resolved): profile edit--previously uploaded image does not fetched and when we upload a new image that also does not get update at the same time.
amir r
06:42 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #508 (Resolved): Product which have added earlier in the restaurant ( food garage) But now same product displays in different restaurant ( Yoma store) product name is Veggie stuffed pita pocket.
amir r
06:41 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #504 (Resolved): In both admin panel-> menu -> add menu -> select status -> there are two status please correct inactive word in both panel.
amir r
06:34 PM Kanzo customer Bug #619 (Resolved): Home -> navigation drawer -> about -> it redirects the -.> on the page the never ending processing route will be display
amir r
06:27 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #309 (Closed): lfsc--->upload 2 return with same year-->put value-->submit-->admin panel-->verify-->TBR-->lfsc-->submit-->admin-->verify-->Report-->trust & comp managers-->trust business and comp manager tab-->Added company and country get disappear from the report.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
06:25 PM Blaze Bug #714 (New): Home -> profile -> Setting -> Delete account , -> Press YES -> User would not be able delete account sometimes.
Home ->
profile ->
Setting ->
Delete account ->
Press YES ->
User would not be able delete account sometimes.
Minal Watmode
06:22 PM Kanzo customer Bug #660 (Resolved): Home -> Store -> User not able see while item list in the restaurant.
amir r
06:20 PM Kanzo customer Bug #438 (Resolved): OTP place holder when add OTP & by mistake use use different value to erase the Number it does not work, User want to go previous value it does not work
when the previous value of OTP field is blank then the cursor will not navigate automatically. you have to manually s... amir r
06:18 PM Kanzo customer Bug #363 (Resolved): On Item price original to selling price discount counted that calculation is not correct
amir r
06:16 PM Kanzo customer Bug #279 (Resolved): while launching the application it takes 12-15 seconds to load a full page on the screen
app is taking 8-10 sec during splash because the application is in debug mode. amir r
06:15 PM Kanzo customer Bug #253 (Resolved): Restaurant --when we go with any restaurant, complete address does not display. either display the complete address by wrapping which is entered by admin or show the complete address on screen where we show the full image.
i have added full address where full image is displaying. amir r
06:14 PM Kanzo customer Bug #252 (Resolved): When single item added to cart, And Remove the same item using minus key cart screen does not update
amir r
06:12 PM Kanzo customer Bug #577 (Resolved): Home -> Restaurant -> items -> Click on add, Item does not move to cart in one click, User need to click 2-3 times to add item in the cart
amir r
06:08 PM Blaze Bug #713 (New): While video/ audio calling throws wrong toast message
While video/ audio calling throws wrong toast message Minal Watmode
06:03 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #712 (New): Report-->Trust & company managers-->Report Service type CM-->Download PDF-->Issue in Pdf design issue (Sentence is breaking in two line)
Report-->Trust & company managers-->Report Service type CM-->Download PDF-->Issue in Pdf design issue (Sentence is br... arti saraswat
05:55 PM Kanzo customer Bug #639 (Resolved): Home -> Delivery, Dining, Review field should align properly. Dining word should be in a middle.
amir r
05:48 PM Kanzo customer Bug #670 (Resolved): Home -> Store -> Items listed in the store user would not be able to add item in the cart because of menu and cart button.
amir r
05:42 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #698 (Resolved): Credit Unions-->Go with Add relationship-->fill all the information-->Click on Save Information-->unable to click on this save button, so that can't save this information
Manessh p
11:12 AM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #698 (Closed): Credit Unions-->Go with Add relationship-->fill all the information-->Click on Save Information-->unable to click on this save button, so that can't save this information
Credit Unions-->Go with Add relationship-->fill all information-->try to attached MP4 in resume-->system throws error... arti saraswat
05:38 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #711 (New): Report-->Report of Total countries-->PDF-->design issue in pdf file.
Report-->Report of Total countries-->PDF-->design issue in pdf file.
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
05:30 PM Blaze Bug #710 (New): User 1 Like to User 2 sometimes Its like page does not open when two users like each other.
User 1 Like to User 2 sometimes Its like page does not open when two users like each other. Minal Watmode
04:45 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #702 (Resolved): Credit Unions-->Credit unions Register-->resume-->attached MP 4-->system throws message that "This file type not allowed"'', still this uploaded file exist in resume field.
Manessh p
01:37 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #702 (Closed): Credit Unions-->Credit unions Register-->resume-->attached MP 4-->system throws message that "This file type not allowed"'', still this uploaded file exist in resume field.
Credit Unions-->Credit unions Register-->resume-->attached MP 4-->system throws message that "This file type not allo... arti saraswat
04:17 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #709 (Resolved): Report-->Trust & company managers-->Report Service type Trust-->Entity count is wrong.
Report-->Trust & company managers-->Report Service type Trust-->Entity count is wrong.
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
04:10 PM Blaze Bug #708 (New): User 1 Like to user 2 profile -> User 2 to click on notification -> application gets crash
User 1 Like to user 2 profile ->
User 2 to click on notification ->
Application got crash.
Minal Watmode
04:08 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #707 (New): Report-->Report Service type CM-->download PDF-->decimal value is breaking into two lines with the decimal
Report-->Report Service type CM-->download PDF-->decimal value is breaking into two lines with the decimal
See att...
arti saraswat
04:04 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #695 (Closed): Go with Company Management-->Point no-28-->put normal value(without decimal)-->validate & submit-->approve-->report-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report service type Comp managers-->Why more than 4 digits showing after decimal.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
04:04 PM Blaze Bug #706 (New): User 1 unmatched the User 2 -> User 2 would be able to message user 1
User 1 unmatched the User 2 ->
User 2 would be able to message user 1
Minal Watmode
04:01 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #696 (Closed): rust & Company Managers-->Report of company managers countries-->Go with report Section-->where is the Pdf and Excel download option?

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
03:55 PM Blaze Bug #705 (New): User 1 make video call to another user 2 -> user one hang up the call Toaster message throws in both ends
User 1 make video call to another user 2 ->
user one hang up the call Toaster message throws in both ends.
Minal Watmode
03:38 PM Blaze Bug #704 (New): User one message to User 2 -> User 2 click on message notification, application got crashed.
User one message to User 2 ->
User 2 click on message notification, application got crashed.
Minal Watmode
03:24 PM Blaze Bug #703 (New): Continue with phone -> Click on Next -> It retrieve to verify page without adding Phone number & country code it should not navigate to next page.
Continue with phone ->
Click on Next ->
It retrieve to verify page without adding Phone number & country code it...
Minal Watmode
01:43 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #687 (Resolved): Go with license type-->add relationship-->Email id input field-->provide invalid input-->Click on Save information-->system saves information with invalid email address.
Manessh p
11:24 AM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #687 (Reopened ): Go with license type-->add relationship-->Email id input field-->provide invalid input-->Click on Save information-->system saves information with invalid email address.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has not been fixed yet.
See attached screen...
arti saraswat
01:10 PM Kanzo customer Bug #685 (Resolved): Home -> Store -> add product -> view cart ->Add custom location-> proceed -> payment -> It throws error msg -> which I would not able place an order
amir r
01:09 PM Kanzo customer Bug #684 (Resolved): Home -> store -> add product -> view cart -> There will throw processing route will never end.
amir r
01:02 PM Blaze Bug #701 (New): Login with Gmail -> Delete account -> login with Gmail -> User would be able to login With previous account has deleted.
Login with Gmail ->
Delete account ->
login with Gmail ->
User would be able to login With previous account has ...
Minal Watmode
12:50 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #697 (Resolved): Credit Unions-->Credit unions Register-->there should be some decent margin between Business address and mailing address.
Manessh p
10:43 AM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #697 (Closed): Credit Unions-->Credit unions Register-->there should be some decent margin between Business address and mailing address.
Credit Unions-->Credit unions Register-->there should be some decent margin between Business address and mailing addr... arti saraswat
12:34 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #700 (New): Credit Unions-->Go with Add relationship-->Select start date (Let suppose 2013)-->Go with End date field-->Why are the years after 2013 not coming?
Credit Unions-->Go with Add relationship-->Select start date (Let suppose 2013)-->Go with End date field-->Why are th... arti saraswat
12:21 PM Blaze Bug #699 (New): Launch the application -> continue with phone -> add wrong country code -> Add number -> toast message throws which is very large in content, Please make it short.
Launch the application ->
continue with phone ->
add wrong country code ->
Add number ->
toast message throws...
Minal Watmode
12:08 PM Blaze Bug #169 (Closed): Go to setting-->Click on LOGOUT-->Instead of giving message for logout, why system throws message "Unable to find location"?
Minal Watmode
12:05 PM Blaze Bug #168 (Closed): Go with edit profile-->enter details in input field-->"DONE" button should be in DARK color.
Minal Watmode
11:57 AM Blaze Bug #164 (Closed): Select country-->tap inside number field-->As user tap in number field then user automatically reached at home page.
Minal Watmode
11:51 AM Blaze Bug #162 (Reopened ): Add number-->otp send-->User didn't get the otp.
Minal Watmode
11:47 AM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #690 (Closed): Go with Report-->credit unions-->register Credit unions-->Generate -->MLRO/MLCO/CO, key officers, director-->If address is different for the "MLRO/MLCO/CO, key officers, director"-->then in report Both address should appear

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
11:41 AM Blaze Bug #163 (Closed): Add number-->otp send-->Without entering otp user is still able to login or Home page.
Minal Watmode
11:33 AM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #688 (Closed): Go with license type-->add relationship-->Resume-->attached mp4 file-->System allows to upload mp4 file in resume field(Resume can't be in audio or video)

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
01:47 AM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #688 (Resolved): Go with license type-->add relationship-->Resume-->attached mp4 file-->System allows to upload mp4 file in resume field(Resume can't be in audio or video)
Manessh p
11:04 AM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #686 (Reopened ): Go with license type-->add relationship-->End date can't fall before Start Date.
arti saraswat
11:01 AM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #686: Go with license type-->add relationship-->End date can't fall before Start Date.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has not been fixed yet.
Its actual concept ...
arti saraswat
12:39 AM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #686 (Resolved): Go with license type-->add relationship-->End date can't fall before Start Date.
Manessh p
10:47 AM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #689 (Closed): Report-->Credit Unions-->Registered tab-->UI issue(layout)

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat


10:56 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #695 (Resolved): Go with Company Management-->Point no-28-->put normal value(without decimal)-->validate & submit-->approve-->report-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report service type Comp managers-->Why more than 4 digits showing after decimal.
Manessh p
07:56 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #695 (Closed): Go with Company Management-->Point no-28-->put normal value(without decimal)-->validate & submit-->approve-->report-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report service type Comp managers-->Why more than 4 digits showing after decimal.
Go with Company Management-->Point no-28-->put normal value(without decimal)-->validate & submit-->approve-->report--... arti saraswat
10:26 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #696 (Resolved): rust & Company Managers-->Report of company managers countries-->Go with report Section-->where is the Pdf and Excel download option?
Manessh p
08:03 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #696 (Closed): rust & Company Managers-->Report of company managers countries-->Go with report Section-->where is the Pdf and Excel download option?
rust & Company Managers-->Report of company managers countries-->Go with report Section-->where is the Pdf and Excel ... arti saraswat
07:59 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #631 (Closed): Go with Company Management-->Point no-28-->put normal value(without decimal)-->validate & submit-->approve-->report-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report service type Comp managers-->no need to show 0000 after decimal if user has given normal value(Ex-10)
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
07:53 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #351 (Closed): Report-->trust comp & managers-->Report of total countries-->count value is wrong for countries.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
07:40 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #351 (Resolved): Report-->trust comp & managers-->Report of total countries-->count value is wrong for countries.
Manessh p
07:51 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #614 (Reopened ): trust & comp manager--> "Trust Business" & "Company Management"-->Go with report-->Trust and comp managers-->"Report of comp managers countries" & "Report of trust countries"-->click on pdf-->Decimal value is breaking with the decimal(22.3334)
Issue not fixed yet
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
07:47 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #632 (Closed): Go with Trust Business-->point no-20-->put same name in others tab-->put value-->submit-->verify-->report-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report service type trust-->same name should come in single and value should add
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
07:43 PM Trust & Company Managers Modification/ Enhancements #407 (Closed): Report-->trust & comp managers-->Report service type trust-->the field inside "Other (please specify)" should reflect separately in report at admin end
arti saraswat
07:18 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #569 (Resolved): login with admin-->reminder-->with the time there should be a "clock icon" like an android.
chirag wadhwa
07:13 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #602 (Resolved): After creating job-->go with the menu-->job-->"Job type" and "job-name" is not appearing for that created job
chirag wadhwa
06:48 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #690 (Resolved): Go with Report-->credit unions-->register Credit unions-->Generate -->MLRO/MLCO/CO, key officers, director-->If address is different for the "MLRO/MLCO/CO, key officers, director"-->then in report Both address should appear
Manessh p
04:27 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #690 (Closed): Go with Report-->credit unions-->register Credit unions-->Generate -->MLRO/MLCO/CO, key officers, director-->If address is different for the "MLRO/MLCO/CO, key officers, director"-->then in report Both address should appear
Go with Report-->credit unions-->register Credit unions-->Generate -->MLRO/MLCO/CO, key officers, director-->If addre... arti saraswat
06:21 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #687 (Resolved): Go with license type-->add relationship-->Email id input field-->provide invalid input-->Click on Save information-->system saves information with invalid email address.
Manessh p
01:04 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #687 (Closed): Go with license type-->add relationship-->Email id input field-->provide invalid input-->Click on Save information-->system saves information with invalid email address.
Go with license type-->add relationship-->Email id input field-->provide invalid input-->Click on Save information-->... arti saraswat
06:20 PM Blaze Bug #694 (New): User send any notification from to another user, It goes wrong push notification under the same name of another user
User send any notification from to another user, It goes wrong push notification under the same name of another user ... Minal Watmode
06:18 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #595 (Resolved): menu-->job-->add new-->Select customer-->Select branch-->go with estimate-->check to "with Estimate"-->+ button-->Click on back arrow to customer estimate-->system says to add at least one item while no any data is showing inside estimate creation-->click
chirag wadhwa
06:18 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #594 (Resolved): menu-->job-->add new-->Select customer-->Select branch-->go with estimate-->check to "with Estimate"-->+ button-->as user clicks on + button to add estimate then system throws "The request is invalid" message.
chirag wadhwa
06:01 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #689 (Resolved): Report-->Credit Unions-->Registered tab-->UI issue(layout)
Manessh p
02:24 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #689 (Closed): Report-->Credit Unions-->Registered tab-->UI issue(layout)
Report-->Credit Unions-->Registered tab-->UI issue(layout)
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
05:58 PM Blaze Bug #693 (New): Chat page -> Attach ->Take photo -> Application got crashed
Chat page ->
Attach ->
Take photo ->
Application got crashed
Minal Watmode
05:46 PM Blaze Bug #691 (New): Home -> Like -> match -> Message -> record audio -> send to another user -> click on same audio to play, user would not be able to listen the audio
Home ->
Like ->
match ->
Message ->
record audio ->
send to another user ->
click on same audio to play, ...
Minal Watmode
05:41 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #597 (Resolved): menu-->job-->add new-->Select customer-->Select branch-->go with estimate-->Select estimate-->click on repeat job-->UI issue-->this input box and days/month/year should be in decent manner.
chirag wadhwa
05:13 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #598 (Resolved): menu-->job-->add new-->Select customer-->Select branch-->go with estimate-->Select estimate-->click on repeat job-->Input box allow alphabets and special characters, while it should accept only numeric value
chirag wadhwa
05:08 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #599 (Resolved): menu-->job-->add new-->"cancel" and ADD button should be a little bit at the upper side.
chirag wadhwa
05:03 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #600 (Resolved): menu-->job-->add new-->Select customer-->Select branch-->go with estimate-->Select estimate-->click on "ADD" button-->why user admin getting this page?
chirag wadhwa
05:02 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #601 (Resolved): menu-->job-->add new-->Select customer-->Select branch-->go with estimate-->Select estimate-->click on "ADD" button-->system throws error message-->click on OK-->admin remain on the same "job Details" page after clicking on Add button-->ok
chirag wadhwa
05:01 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #603 (Resolved): After creating job-->go with the menu-->job-->Eye icon-->system throws an error message "NO HTTP resource was found that matches the request URL(See screenshot)
chirag wadhwa
05:01 PM Field orbit-ios Modification/ Enhancements #604 (Resolved): After creating job-->go with the menu-->job-->Eye icon-->Click on MORE-->there are only two option appears(1.Recursion job, 2.Payment), instead of three (3.Estimate Details) (take reference of android device)
chirag wadhwa
04:40 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #605 (Resolved): After creating a job-->go with menu-->Schedule-->click on date--->Click on view job-->system throws error on that screen(See attached screenshot)
chirag wadhwa
04:38 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #596 (Feedback): menu-->job-->add new-->Select customer-->Select branch-->go with estimate-->check to "with Estimate"-->+ button-->why this "more" button appearing on top right side?
chirag wadhwa
04:20 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #678 (Reopened ): Go with report Section-->generate pdf-->Design issue in pdf file.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has not been fixed yet.
See attached pdf
arti saraswat
04:14 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #677 (Closed): Admin Panel-->why did this session get out even when I was Working on this page?
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
04:14 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #593 (Resolved): menu-->job-->add new-->Select customer-->Select branch-->go with estimate-->Click on Done without selecting estimate-->as user clicks on the DONE without selecting estimate then app getting crash.
chirag wadhwa
03:43 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #592 (Resolved): menu-->job-->add new-->customer-->invalid email address (22sep let suppose)-->Even after providing invalid email system throw message "successfully saved" and customer get saved.
chirag wadhwa
03:30 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #591 (Resolved): menu-->job-->add new-->customer-->go with Address field-->Go with Country input field-->this "Country " input field is hiding behind the phone keyboard
chirag wadhwa
02:53 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #567 (Resolved): Create lead-->create estimate-->login with client(Ex:, 123456)-->Go with estimate-->Why do all estimate showing to that particular client. meanwhile client should able to see only their estimate.
chirag wadhwa
02:28 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #590 (Resolved): menu-->job-->add new-->customer-->go with Address field-->Postal code input field should not allow special characters and this input field allow unlimited characters.
chirag wadhwa
01:39 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #589 (Resolved): menu-->job-->add new-->customer-->go with Address field-->State input field should not allow special characters.
chirag wadhwa
01:35 PM Blaze Bug #657 (Resolved): Profile -> settings -> delete account -> it navigate to signup page -> And toast message " unable to find location" instead of you have deleted account successfully
Duplicate Issue sweta Gupta
01:32 PM Blaze Bug #170 (Resolved): Delete account-->again go with continue with phone-->enter country and number-->otp sent-->enter otp-->click on confirm-->User is not able to go next page after clicking on confirm button.
Duplicate issue sweta Gupta
01:22 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #586 (Resolved): menu-->job-->+ button-->phone number input field allows some specials characters.
chirag wadhwa
01:09 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #583 (Resolved): Sign In screen-->Click on "Forget Password"-->click on cancel-->then forget password-->screens are overlapping
chirag wadhwa
01:07 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #688 (Closed): Go with license type-->add relationship-->Resume-->attached mp4 file-->System allows to upload mp4 file in resume field(Resume can't be in audio or video)
Go with license type-->add relationship-->Resume-->attached mp4 file-->System allows to upload mp4 file in resume fie... arti saraswat
01:00 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #686 (Reopened ): Go with license type-->add relationship-->End date can't fall before Start Date.
Go with license type-->add relationship-->End date can't fall before Start Date.
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
12:51 PM Blaze Bug #641 (Resolved): Home page -> profile -> Image -> User's image has stretched in circle on both side i.e., left & right side
sweta Gupta
12:47 PM Kanzo customer Bug #685 (Closed): Home -> Store -> add product -> view cart ->Add custom location-> proceed -> payment -> It throws error msg -> which I would not able place an order
Home ->
Store ->
add product->
view cart ->
Add custom location->
proceed ->
payment ->
It throws error...
Minal Watmode
12:40 PM Kanzo customer Bug #684 (Closed): Home -> store -> add product -> view cart -> There will throw processing route will never end.
add product
view cart
There will throw processing route will never end.
Minal Watmode
12:37 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #676 (Closed): Address -->This Address should not come in a single line.(See below 2nd Screenshot) You can also separate it by Coma as well.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:37 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #675 (Closed): Add Relationship-->Put comment along with all information-->Save information-->This added comment does not appears at very first time. But when the comment is written by going to the edit, then it appears in the comment column.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:36 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #568 (Resolved): login with admin-->menu-->reminder-->why Re is appearing before add new button(See marked area)
chirag wadhwa
12:31 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #674 (Closed): Shareholder %-->it should not accepts alphabets
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:30 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #673 (Closed): License type-->add new company-->Try to create company with any existing company name(Let Suppose Credit_Oct)-->Fill all the information-->Click on Save Information Button-->information is going saved and pop message is coming in green color(Top right)
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
Message:- Entity already exist
arti saraswat
12:28 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #679 (Closed): Go with report Section-->generate pdf-->Sentence is breaking into two lines, while it should be in same line in decent way
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:26 PM Kanzo customer Bug #622 (Reopened ): Home -> Click on pro icon -> Click Join pro button -> redirect to payment page -> Click on cross -> Toast message pops up, User did not proceed payment method -> Toast message says Thank you for Purchasing pro plan.
Minal Watmode
12:26 PM Kanzo customer Bug #622: Home -> Click on pro icon -> Click Join pro button -> redirect to payment page -> Click on cross -> Toast message pops up, User did not proceed payment method -> Toast message says Thank you for Purchasing pro plan.
Now on the click Join pro button it show processing route which is never ending. Minal Watmode
12:09 PM Kanzo customer Bug #619 (Reopened ): Home -> navigation drawer -> about -> it redirects the -.> on the page the never ending processing route will be display
Nothing has changed it shows the same. Minal Watmode
12:07 PM Blaze Bug #171 (Resolved): Delete account-->again go with continue with phone-->enter country and number-->otp sent-->enter otp-->click on confirm-->Confirm button is not responding-->then close app-->again click on "Continue with phone number"-->now system throws "incorrect code"
This is not an issue. Verification failed by firebase due to unusual activity. please check screenshot. sweta Gupta
12:06 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #565 (Resolved): open app-->click inside email-->FIieldOrbit is cutting (Screen should not be at that much up)
chirag wadhwa
12:03 PM Kanzo customer Bug #618 (Reopened ): Home -> header location field ->adding manual address -> added USA address -> dropdown click on USA -> it takes to error page
Minal Watmode
12:03 PM Field orbit-ios Change Request #564 (Resolved): Menu-->it should be "Customer Asset" instead of Customer Equipment.
chirag wadhwa
12:00 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #563 (Resolved): Menu-->Notes-->text should be on the upper side and alignment of text should be in a decent manner.
chirag wadhwa
11:55 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #413 (Resolved): Menu-->lead-->add new-->Go with consumer comment-->down the keyboard by clicking on "done" button from keyboard-->as user down the keyboard then black screen appears at the top of this screen(see the attached video)
chirag wadhwa
11:50 AM Blaze Bug #169 (Resolved): Go to setting-->Click on LOGOUT-->Instead of giving message for logout, why system throws message "Unable to find location"?
sweta Gupta
11:50 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #491 (Resolved): Fill the first form-->attached all required attachment-->validate & save-->go with edit icon to update from-->preview attached form-->should able to preview the attached form
sunil gupta
11:50 AM Kanzo customer Bug #616 (Closed): Home -> store -> add items in a cart -> add button has to click to twice to items add in the cart
Minal Watmode
11:49 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #492 (Resolved): Fill the first form-->attached all required attachment-->validate & save-->go with edit icon to update from-->preview attached form-->Applicant is not able to even click/open these already attached for(If applicant wants to see what he/she attached)
sunil gupta
11:30 AM Kanzo customer Bug #660 (Reopened ): Home -> Store -> User not able see while item list in the restaurant.
Minal Watmode
11:25 AM Kanzo customer Bug #660: Home -> Store -> User not able see while item list in the restaurant.
Still Facing same issue, Please check with all restaurant Minal Watmode
11:25 AM Blaze Bug #168 (Resolved): Go with edit profile-->enter details in input field-->"DONE" button should be in DARK color.
sweta Gupta
11:15 AM Blaze Bug #164 (Resolved): Select country-->tap inside number field-->As user tap in number field then user automatically reached at home page.
sweta Gupta
11:13 AM Blaze Bug #163 (Resolved): Add number-->otp send-->Without entering otp user is still able to login or Home page.
Already worked sweta Gupta
11:13 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #429 (Resolved): go with form-->add row-->put value in class of share field-->go with form-->add row-->put value in class of share field-->at that time no any option "CHOOSE FILE" does display, but when user click on validate button then these "choose file" field getting
sunil gupta
11:05 AM Blaze Bug #162 (Resolved): Add number-->otp send-->User didn't get the otp.
Already done sweta Gupta
10:31 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #533 (Resolved): New application-->Insurance-->Domestic-->External-->Go with very first form-->Go with point no.6-->click on add row-->why choose file option does not appears for very first row
sunil gupta


08:07 AM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #678 (Resolved): Go with report Section-->generate pdf-->Design issue in pdf file.
Manessh p


08:33 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #677 (Resolved): Admin Panel-->why did this session get out even when I was Working on this page?
Manessh p
03:48 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #677 (Closed): Admin Panel-->why did this session get out even when I was Working on this page?
Admin Panel-->why did this session get out even when I was Working on this page?
See attached screenshots
himanshu bhardwaj
07:31 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #679 (Resolved): Go with report Section-->generate pdf-->Sentence is breaking into two lines, while it should be in same line in decent way
Manessh p
03:54 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #679 (Closed): Go with report Section-->generate pdf-->Sentence is breaking into two lines, while it should be in same line in decent way
Go with report Section-->generate pdf-->Sentence is breaking into two lines, while it should be in the same line in a... himanshu bhardwaj
07:22 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #673 (Resolved): License type-->add new company-->Try to create company with any existing company name(Let Suppose Credit_Oct)-->Fill all the information-->Click on Save Information Button-->information is going saved and pop message is coming in green color(Top right)
Manessh p
03:44 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #673 (Closed): License type-->add new company-->Try to create company with any existing company name(Let Suppose Credit_Oct)-->Fill all the information-->Click on Save Information Button-->information is going saved and pop message is coming in green color(Top right)
License typeadd new company-->Try to create a company with any existing company name(Let Suppose Credit_Oct)-->Fill ... himanshu bhardwaj
06:58 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #524 (Resolved): In all histories Page, It is same order but it displays individuals On the page
no i merged into single order. amir r
06:56 PM Kanzo customer Bug #660 (Resolved): Home -> Store -> User not able see while item list in the restaurant.
plz check the status of item. it is working fine. i have already checked. amir r
02:49 PM Kanzo customer Bug #660 (Closed): Home -> Store -> User not able see while item list in the restaurant.
Home -> Store -> User not able see while item list in the restaurant. Minal Watmode
06:54 PM Kanzo customer Bug #638 (Resolved): Home -> Red kitchen -> Add item -> View cart -> Place order -> Proceed -> Razor pay -> User receive toast message login now to continue although User already logged in.
amir r
06:53 PM Kanzo customer Bug #637 (Resolved): Home -> Navigation drawer -> Click on sign out -> user cannot sign out from the application
amir r
06:53 PM Kanzo customer Bug #636 (Resolved): Home -> Click on Share icon -> when share to another application it goes restaurant description to the receiver instead of kanzo application link
instead of description i have added full address of restaurant. amir r
06:48 PM Kanzo customer Bug #635 (Resolved): Restaurant description user would not able to see, when click on restaurant image it will open full image.
amir r
06:43 PM Kanzo customer Bug #633 (Resolved): Home -> Store -> add -> add to cart -> remove item from cart -> Click on cross two times bottom panel goes down.
now there is no issue. amir r
06:41 PM Kanzo customer Bug #630 (Resolved): Home -> Eat what makes you happy -> click on any category -> same item available in the list, click on the item it does not open item.
category is appearing according to the product category. those restaurant selected categories according to their need... amir r
06:39 PM Kanzo customer Bug #629 (Resolved): Home -> store -> coupon added successfully to the cart, but it has added without even a single items in the cart
there was two module one is discount and anathor is for coupon. u were adding in discount option . plz add inside cou... amir r
06:37 PM Kanzo customer Bug #627 (Resolved): Home -> Store -> Add product -> View cart -> set delivery location manually -> Apply - > it will redirect to store menu page only. It should navigate to Proceed for the payment.
now custom address is working. plz check amir r
06:30 PM Kanzo customer Bug #624: Home -> Navigation drawer -> order history -> Track order -> Order status rejected icon doesn't match to accepted one
changed it to red cross button amir r
06:30 PM Kanzo customer Bug #624 (Resolved): Home -> Navigation drawer -> order history -> Track order -> Order status rejected icon doesn't match to accepted one
amir r
06:28 PM ARIAS-II Client Feedback-INSURNACE QUARTERLY QUERY #683 (New): Return date should not be allowed to be a future date. See below which allowed 31 August (For this we need to ask from client, that in actually what does the client want)
Return date should not be allowed to be a future date. See below which allowed 31 August.
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
06:26 PM Kanzo customer Bug #623 (Resolved): Login -> Add mobile nu. -> received OTP -> timer starts -> click on resent OTP button - > User did not receive any OTP
That was some network error. now there is no issue. amir r
06:26 PM Kanzo customer Bug #622 (Resolved): Home -> Click on pro icon -> Click Join pro button -> redirect to payment page -> Click on cross -> Toast message pops up, User did not proceed payment method -> Toast message says Thank you for Purchasing pro plan.
Now message has been chenged. amir r
06:24 PM Kanzo customer Bug #619 (Resolved): Home -> navigation drawer -> about -> it redirects the -.> on the page the never ending processing route will be display
changed to amir r
06:24 PM ARIAS-II Client Feedback-INSURNACE QUARTERLY Modification/ Enhancements #682 (Reopened ): Insurance-->quarterly-->Q6-Deposit Requirements--> Row 3 should not be an input field but be calculated as Row 1 minus Row 2.
Form Q.6 - Row 3 should not be an input field but be calculated as Row 1 minus Row 2.
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
06:24 PM Kanzo customer Bug #618 (Resolved): Home -> header location field ->adding manual address -> added USA address -> dropdown click on USA -> it takes to error page
amir r
06:23 PM Kanzo customer Bug #616 (Resolved): Home -> store -> add items in a cart -> add button has to click to twice to items add in the cart
amir r
06:22 PM ARIAS-II Client Feedback-INSURNACE QUARTERLY Modification/ Enhancements #681 (Reopened ): Insurance-->quarterly-->Q5-Sec 8(13) Solvency-->Client wants changes in calculation for solvency form(latest excel sheet have provided by client)
Q5 solvency form – the field where the percentage of premiums is calculated (second field on the form) does not take ... arti saraswat
06:18 PM ARIAS-II Client Feedback-INSURNACE QUARTERLY Modification/ Enhancements #680 (Reopened ): Insurance-->quarterly-->Q1-Balance Sheet-->There needs to be an input field for number 17 on the balance sheet so that the explanation of the “other assets” can be inserted.
Insurance-->quarterly-->Q1-Balance Sheet-->There needs to be an input field for number 17 on the balance sheet so tha... arti saraswat
05:09 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #488 (Resolved): Go with first form-->number of input field allows to enter unlimited characters, make sure number of character should be limited for every field
sunil gupta
04:55 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #535 (Resolved): New application-->Insurance-->Domestic-->External-->Go with very first form-->point number 2-->UI issue (both address field should be in same line)
sunil gupta
04:55 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #537 (Resolved): New application-->Insurance-->Domestic-->External-->Go with very first form-->point number 8 and 14-->UI issue (both address field should be in same line)
sunil gupta
04:11 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #676 (Resolved): Address -->This Address should not come in a single line.(See below 2nd Screenshot) You can also separate it by Coma as well.
Manessh p
03:47 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #676 (Closed): Address -->This Address should not come in a single line.(See below 2nd Screenshot) You can also separate it by Coma as well.
Address -->This Address should not come in a single line.(See below 2nd Screenshot)
You can also separate it by Coma...
himanshu bhardwaj
03:58 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #675 (Resolved): Add Relationship-->Put comment along with all information-->Save information-->This added comment does not appears at very first time. But when the comment is written by going to the edit, then it appears in the comment column.
Manessh p
03:45 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #675 (Closed): Add Relationship-->Put comment along with all information-->Save information-->This added comment does not appears at very first time. But when the comment is written by going to the edit, then it appears in the comment column.
Add Relationship-->Put comment along with all informationSave information-->This added comment does not appear at th... himanshu bhardwaj
03:58 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #674 (Resolved): Shareholder %-->it should not accepts alphabets
Manessh p
03:44 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #674 (Closed): Shareholder %-->it should not accepts alphabets
Shareholder %-->it should not accepts alphabets
See attached screenshot
himanshu bhardwaj
03:53 PM Report Section Bug #666 (Resolved): Shareholder %-->it should not accepts alphabets
Manessh p
03:04 PM Report Section Bug #666 (Resolved): Shareholder %-->it should not accepts alphabets
Shareholder %-->it should not accepts alphabets
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
03:51 PM Credit Unions-Report Section Bug #678 (Reopened ): Go with report Section-->generate pdf-->Design issue in pdf file.
Go with report Section-->generate pdf-->Design issue in pdf file.
See attached screenshot
himanshu bhardwaj
03:39 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #519 (Resolved): Public user panel-->Telephone at the time of registration-->This input field allows users to enter alphabets and special characters.
sunil gupta
03:31 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #560 (Resolved): Registration page-->UI issue (Input field text box should same shape and size)
sunil gupta
03:17 PM Kanzo customer Bug #670 (Closed): Home -> Store -> Items listed in the store user would not be able to add item in the cart because of menu and cart button.
Home -> Store -> Items listed in the store user would not be able to add item in the cart because of menu and cart b... Minal Watmode
03:09 PM Report Section Bug #668 (New): Go with report Section-->generate pdf-->Design issue in pdf file.
Go with report Section-->generate pdf-->Design issue in pdf file.
See attached pdf file
arti saraswat
03:06 PM Report Section Bug #667 (New): License type-->add new company-->Try to create company with any existing company name(Let Suppose Credit_Oct)-->Fill all the information-->Click on Save Information Button-->information is going saved and pop message is coming in green color(Top right)
License typeadd new company-->Try to create a company with any existing company name(Let Suppose Credit_Oct)-->Fill ... arti saraswat
03:04 PM Report Section Bug #665 (New): Add Relationship-->Put comment along with all information-->Save information-->This added comment does not appears at very first time. But when the comment is written by going to the edit, then it appears in the comment column.
Add Relationship-->Put comment along with all informationSave information-->This added comment does not appear at th... arti saraswat
03:02 PM Report Section Bug #664 (New): Address -->This Address should not come in a single line.(See below 2nd Screenshot) You can also separate it by Coma as well.
Address -->This Address should not come in a single line.(See below 2nd Screenshot)
You can also separate it by Coma...
arti saraswat
03:01 PM Report Section Bug #663 (New): Admin Panel-->why did this session get out even when I was Working on this page?
Admin Panel-->why did this session get out even when I was Working on this page?
See attached screenshots
arti saraswat
02:57 PM Kanzo customer Bug #662 (Closed): Home -> Store -> Extra Space to be removed from the page.
Home -> Store -> Extra Space to be removed from the page. Minal Watmode
01:13 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #420 (Resolved): Public user panel-->Telephone-->This input field allows users to enter unlimited characters.
sunil gupta
12:47 PM Kanzo customer Bug #659: Login with Gmail -> It navigate to signup page -> On the information page while signing in with mail. it should by default receive user's data on the same page.
Login with Gmail > It navigate to signup page -> On the information page while signing in with mail. it should by def... Minal Watmode
12:46 PM Kanzo customer Bug #659 (Closed): Login with Gmail -> It navigate to signup page -> On the information page while signing in with mail. it should by default receive user's data on the same page.
Login with Gmail -> It navigate to signup page -> On the information page while signing in with mail. it should by d... Minal Watmode
10:30 AM Kanzo customer Bug #658 (Resolved): Login page -> click on Facebook icon -> continue with user -> application does not support to receive data from the user's Facebook ID
Login page -> click on Facebook icon -> continue with user -> application does not support to receive data from the u... Minal Watmode


02:58 PM Blaze Bug #657 (Resolved): Profile -> settings -> delete account -> it navigate to signup page -> And toast message " unable to find location" instead of you have deleted account successfully
Profile -> settings -> delete account -> it navigate to signup page -> And toast message " unable to find location"... Minal Watmode
02:35 PM Blaze Bug #656 (New): Profile -> Settings -> Show me -> Women -> User put to show me women but still in the application it shows men's profile.
Profile -> Settings -> Show me -> Women -> User put to show me women but still in the application it shows men's ... Minal Watmode
01:03 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #421 (Resolved): Registration page-->"Security Captcha" does not display on the registration page.
Resolved sunil gupta
12:27 PM Blaze Bug #655 (New): Edit Profile -> Profile photo move to next image -> picture has changed to one place to another -> But User can not be able change profile image save while signing in the application.
Edit Profile -> Profile photo move to next image -> picture has changed to one place to another -> But User can not b... Minal Watmode
12:11 PM Blaze Bug #654 (New): Continue with phone -> add new mobile nu. -> resend OTP -> Toast message pops up "Enter correct number"
Continue with phone -> add new mobile nu. -> resend OTP -> Toast message pops up "Enter correct number" Minal Watmode


06:46 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #615 (Resolved): New Delivery boy logged in, On All order page displays so many orders which restaurant find for the delivery, same notification received.
Please use different phones for testing, i think it is displaying the restaurant toast on your phone. and the toast a... amir r
06:35 PM Blaze Bug #652 (New): Home -> Profile -> settings -> Swiping in -> My current location & Add new location's Toggle Does not work
Home -> Profile -> settings -> Swiping in -> My current location & Add new location's Toggle Does not work Minal Watmode
06:16 PM Blaze Bug #651 (New): Home -> profile -> Edit profile -> Add about -> adding lots of values in the field , but certain amount of values saved in the profile.
Home -> profile -> Edit profile -> Add about -> adding lots of values in the field , but certain amount of values sav... Minal Watmode
05:05 PM Blaze Bug #649 (New): Home -> Edit profile -> Profile photo User has used while creating account on blaze -> same image for profile user cannot change
Home -> Edit profile -> Profile photo User has used while creating account on blaze -> same image for profile user ca... Minal Watmode
04:50 PM Blaze Bug #647 (New): Home -> Another users Profile -> report -> once one user report to another, their profile should disappear just the next moment.
Home -> Another users Profile -> report -> once one user report to another, their profile should disappear just the ... Minal Watmode
04:10 PM Blaze Bug #645 (New): Login -> Home -> Profile -> Edit profile -> User can not be able to see Done key.
Login -> Home -> Profile -> Edit profile -> User can not be able to see Done key.
Minal Watmode
03:43 PM Blaze Bug #644 (New): Launch the application -> Continue with Facebook -> click anywhere on the screen -> Toast message shows Login cancel
Launch the application -> Continue with Facebook -> click anywhere on the screen -> Toast message shows Login cance... Minal Watmode
03:34 PM Blaze Bug #643 (New): Launch the application -> Continue with Facebook -> User can not signup with the Facebook.
Launch the application -> Continue with Facebook -> User can not signup with the Facebook. Minal Watmode
01:20 PM Blaze Bug #642 (New): Continue with mail -> asked for date of birth -> User added future year in the date of birth. it has accepted.
Continue with mail -> asked for date of birth -> User added future year in the date of birth. it has accepted.
Minal Watmode
01:09 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #631 (Resolved): Go with Company Management-->Point no-28-->put normal value(without decimal)-->validate & submit-->approve-->report-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report service type Comp managers-->no need to show 0000 after decimal if user has given normal value(Ex-10)
Manessh p
01:06 PM Blaze Bug #641 (Closed): Home page -> profile -> Image -> User's image has stretched in circle on both side i.e., left & right side
Home page -> profile -> Image -> User's image has stretched in circle on both side i.e., left & right side. Minal Watmode
12:19 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #632 (Resolved): Go with Trust Business-->point no-20-->put same name in others tab-->put value-->submit-->verify-->report-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report service type trust-->same name should come in single and value should add
Manessh p
11:31 AM Public User panel Bug #184 (Resolved): Public user-->Email Id field accepts email in invalid format for every form.
Manessh p
11:30 AM Blaze Bug #640 (New): Signup -> Add Country -> Add Mobile number -> Received OTP -> add OTP -> User try to edit the OTP but, its clear only single value. User should be able edit all values added on the OTP field.
Signup -> Add Country -> Add Mobile number -> Received OTP -> add OTP -> User try to edit the OTP but, its clear only... Minal Watmode
10:59 AM Trust & Company Managers Bug #614 (Resolved): trust & comp manager--> "Trust Business" & "Company Management"-->Go with report-->Trust and comp managers-->"Report of comp managers countries" & "Report of trust countries"-->click on pdf-->Decimal value is breaking with the decimal(22.3334)
Manessh p
10:57 AM ARIAS-II REPORT SECTION Bug #174 (Resolved): Report-->Credit Unions-->Registered credit unions-->Generate pdf and excel-->download-->unmanaged data is coming in pdf and excel format.
Manessh p


05:27 PM Kanzo customer Bug #639 (Closed): Home -> Delivery, Dining, Review field should align properly. Dining word should be in a middle.
Home -> Delivery, Dining, Review field should align properly. Dining word should be in a middle. Minal Watmode
04:12 PM Kanzo customer Bug #638: Home -> Red kitchen -> Add item -> View cart -> Place order -> Proceed -> Razor pay -> User receive toast message login now to continue although User already logged in.
Home -> Red kitchen -> Add item -> View cart -> Place order -> Proceed -> Razor pay -> User receive toast message "lo... Minal Watmode
04:09 PM Kanzo customer Bug #638 (Closed): Home -> Red kitchen -> Add item -> View cart -> Place order -> Proceed -> Razor pay -> User receive toast message login now to continue although User already logged in.
Minal Watmode
02:19 PM Kanzo customer Bug #637 (Closed): Home -> Navigation drawer -> Click on sign out -> user cannot sign out from the application
Home -> Navigation drawer -> Click on sign out -> user cannot sign out from the application Minal Watmode
01:29 PM Kanzo customer Bug #636 (Feedback): Home -> Click on Share icon -> when share to another application it goes restaurant description to the receiver instead of kanzo application link
Home -> Click on Share icon -> when share to another application it goes restaurant description to the receiver inste... Minal Watmode
01:19 PM Kanzo customer Bug #635 (Closed): Restaurant description user would not able to see, when click on restaurant image it will open full image.
Restaurant description user would not able to see, when click on restaurant image it will open full image. Minal Watmode
01:10 PM Kanzo customer Bug #634 (Resolved): Home -> Eat what makes you happy -> healthy -> On the page please remove extra space
Home -> Eat what makes you happy -> healthy -> On the page please remove extra space
Minal Watmode
11:43 AM Kanzo customer Bug #633 (Closed): Home -> Store -> add -> add to cart -> remove item from cart -> Click on cross two times bottom panel goes down.
Home -> Store -> add -> add to cart -> remove item from cart -> Click on cross two times bottom panel goes down. Minal Watmode

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