


Manessh p's activity

From 09/14/2021 to 09/23/2021


11:59 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #573 (Resolved): Registration page-->State/Parish/Province/Region-->This input field should not allow special characters and numbers
Manessh p
11:59 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #582 (Resolved): Fill form-->go with state input field-->State input field allows numeric and Special characters
Manessh p


09:24 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel QUERY #498 (Resolved): Fill for first-->then go with MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->go with point number 8-->Passport Number *-->enter 0000000000 -->it should throw error message against this type of passport number because passport number can't be 000000000
Manessh p
09:17 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #476 (Resolved): Fill the form-->point no 19-->add row-->put address-->submit-->value from address getting disappear.
Manessh p
09:15 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #576 (Resolved): Registration page-->Go with "Password*" and "Confirm Password*"-->put a different values in "Password*" and "Confirm Password" input field-->click on register-->Even after inputting different values in both input fields, the applicant is able to register
Manessh p
09:13 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #552 (Resolved): New application-->Insurance-->Domestic-->Go with MLRO/MLCO/CO-->Point No-13-->put value-->click on validate & save-->edit icon to view/update that form-->As soon as user validate & save that form then the value from point no-13 are getting disappear.
Manessh p
09:10 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #549 (Resolved): New application-->Insurance-->Domestic-->External--Go with MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->point no-13-->"number of shares" input should not allow alphabets and special characters
Manessh p
09:09 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #539 (Resolved): New application-->Insurance-->Domestic-->External-->Go with very first form-->point no-6-->there is no any choose file option before validate & save-->as user clicks on validate and save then why this choose file option get active only for first row?
Manessh p
09:09 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #550 (Resolved): New application-->Insurance-->Domestic-->External--Go with MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->point no-8-->"Passport number" input field should not allow special characters.
Manessh p


09:20 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #484 (Resolved): fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form "Schedule 5"-->even after done with payment that user still able to edit or change the value in for "Schedule 5"
Manessh p
09:09 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #543 (Resolved): Fill form-->save-->edit or go with same form to view-->validate & save-->Go with point no-18-->Provided value are getting disappear from points 18 in case of edit.
Manessh p
09:07 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #557 (Resolved): Registration process--->telephone number-->telephone number field allows alphabets, Special characters with unlimited characters.
Manessh p
09:01 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #476 (Resolved): Fill the form-->point no 19-->add row-->put address-->submit-->value from address getting disappear.
Manessh p
09:00 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #503 (Resolved): Fill form-->save-->Done with payment-->go with same form to view-->Go with point no-18-->Provided value are getting disappear from points 18 after payment.
Manessh p
08:54 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #558 (Resolved): Registration process--->Email id-->marked area input field allows invalid email for registration.
Manessh p
01:28 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel QUERY #489 (Resolved): Go with the first form-->Go with point no-15, 16-->select option "NO"--> if applicant select "No" So shouldn't these marked area fields (Where applicant will enter value)be hidden?
Manessh p
10:22 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #494 (Resolved): Go with the first form-->Go with point no-15, 16-->select option "YES"-->put required value-->validate & save-->edit icon-->what is happening now, the input field in which applicant enters the value get disappear after save
Manessh p
10:22 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #499 (Resolved): Go with the first form-->MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->Go with point no-13, 15-->select option "YES"-->put required value-->validate & save-->edit icon-->what is happening now, the input field in which applicant enters the value get disappear after save
Manessh p
10:21 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #497 (Resolved): Fill for first-->then go with MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->go with point number 19-->Why does it automatically show "01-01-1970" Date even applicant has not entered this date?
Manessh p
10:20 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #520 (Resolved): Public user panel-->email address field at time of registration-->Provide invalid email id (aru@)-->even after providing an invalid email id user is able to register successfully.
Manessh p


03:38 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #522 (Resolved): Applicant registered with>user got successfully registered message-->go with yopmail-->enter registered email id-->Applicant didn't get any email for verification
Manessh p
01:17 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #480 (Resolved): fill mlro/mlco/co form-->validate & save-->click on edit button for upadate in the same mlro form-->click on validate & save-->in case of edit of form MLRO form user is not able to click on validate & submit button means can't update that same form
Manessh p
01:06 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #505 (Resolved): fill form-->done with payment-->go with admin-->License request-->pre license request-->submitted application does not reflect at admin end in pre-License application.
Manessh p
01:02 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #423 (Resolved): Registration page-->fill all field-->Click on register button-->System takes user to "Registeration Successful !--->The spelling should be "Registration" instead of "Registeration"
Manessh p


05:14 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #480 (Resolved): fill mlro/mlco/co form-->validate & save-->click on edit button for upadate in the same mlro form-->click on validate & save-->in case of edit of form MLRO form user is not able to click on validate & submit button means can't update that same form
Manessh p
05:12 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #505 (Resolved): fill form-->done with payment-->go with admin-->License request-->pre license request-->submitted application does not reflect at admin end in pre-License application.
Fixed Please Verify Manessh p


11:56 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #470 (Resolved): AFTER submit and payment-->go with admin panel-->license request-->pre license request-->Go with tab "SCHEDULE 5"-->go with point no.8-->"Service provided Address" field should not be editable.
Manessh p
11:53 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #483 (Resolved): fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form "Schedule 5"-->layout of complete form get deteriorated
Manessh p
11:33 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #482 (Resolved): fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form-->why "An uncaught Exception was encountered" occurs after point no-19?
Manessh p


07:12 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #446 (Resolved): Fill form-->submit the form-->go with payment-->offline payment mode-->there are two option "check payment" and "wired transfer"-->click on "update payment detail"-->user is able to complete payment process even user did not select any method.
Manessh p
02:39 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #447 (Resolved): Click on "NEW APPLICATION"-->list do not appears in dropdown list (this is blocker if user want new for with same login)
Manessh p


09:35 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #444 (Resolved): user is unable to logout even user is not able to click on the profile image
Manessh p
09:34 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #423 (Resolved): Registration page-->fill all field-->Click on register button-->System takes user to "Registeration Successful !--->The spelling should be "Registration" instead of "Registeration"
Manessh p
09:23 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #454 (Resolved): Register with Insurance-->international-->captive-->click on organization name-->click on form + icon for form filling-->User is unable to click on that + icon ,so that can't open form.
Manessh p

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