chirag wadhwa's activity
From 09/08/2021 to 09/17/2021
- 01:03 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #364 (Feedback): go with menu window-->scroll down that window-->If user scrolls down the menu window, then this window scrolled down, and white space appears at the top, while this menu window should be fixed from the upper side.
- 01:01 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #364: go with menu window-->scroll down that window-->If user scrolls down the menu window, then this window scrolled down, and white space appears at the top, while this menu window should be fixed from the upper side.
- Please check the Bigbasket app for refernce. side menu works same as other Apps
- 01:01 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #362 (Feedback): menu-->select any tab-->half screen of previous screen displayed which is wrong. layout issue
- 12:58 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #366 (Resolved): menu-->lead/estimate/ message-->Layout issue (email and call icon should be same line of text)
- 12:57 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #369: Menu-->lead/estimate/customer/jobs/invoice/Customer assets/Payment/notes/reminder-->scroll screen->If user scrolls down screen, then this screen scrolled down, and white space appears at the top, while this screen should be fixed from the upper side.
- This is not an issue , its a function of scrollview that we are using here, if u want to check please check in other...
- 12:54 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #369 (Feedback): Menu-->lead/estimate/customer/jobs/invoice/Customer assets/Payment/notes/reminder-->scroll screen->If user scrolls down screen, then this screen scrolled down, and white space appears at the top, while this screen should be fixed from the upper side.
- 12:54 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #377 (Feedback): menu-->create estimate-->save-->add item-->add file-->user did not add any files still its showing "Recent 15"...why so?
- those numbers are not numbers selected by you ,those are numbers of pictures contain in phones album
- 12:48 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #377 (In Progress): menu-->create estimate-->save-->add item-->add file-->user did not add any files still its showing "Recent 15"...why so?
- 12:47 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #377 (Feedback): menu-->create estimate-->save-->add item-->add file-->user did not add any files still its showing "Recent 15"...why so?
- 11:58 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #371 (Resolved): Menu-->estimate-->select service-->sub service-->this screen should be fixed, which means the screen should not scroll.
- 11:50 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #372 (Resolved): Menu-->add estimate-->create estimate-->save-->The service name is cutting in "item List" on the Lead estimate page, shift the value a little bit on the left side
- 11:33 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #380 (Resolved): menu-->estimate-->add estimate-->enter value-->save-->As user saves that estimate then user redirect to the same 'Add Estimate" screen from where user selects the lead
- 11:33 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #384 (Resolved): Menu-->create estimate-->save-->then go to estimate again-->eye icon-->change status from DRAFT to SENT-->Save-->status does not change to sent, it remains draft only
- 10:53 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #350 (Resolved): Menu-->lead-->add new-->provide value in each field-->Consumer comments input field is hiding by mobile keyboard.
- 10:36 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #348 (Resolved): Menu-->lead-->add new-->address->postal code-->postal code field allows unlimited characters.
- 10:32 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #315 (Resolved): Menu-->estimate-->Select service-->sub type-->Rate field should not be input field.
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