



From 09/08/2021 to 09/17/2021


08:09 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #522 (Closed): Applicant registered with>user got successfully registered message-->go with yopmail-->enter registered email id-->Applicant didn't get any email for verification
Applicant registered with>user got successfully registered message-->go with yopmail-->enter... arti saraswat
08:00 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #428 (Closed): after login-->go with form-->why the name of the organization does not display?
This issue has been verified,
and it has found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
07:58 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #505 (Reopened ): fill form-->done with payment-->go with admin-->License request-->pre license request-->submitted application does not reflect at admin end in pre-License application.
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has NOT been fixed YET
I can see only of 11-s...
arti saraswat
05:12 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #505 (Resolved): fill form-->done with payment-->go with admin-->License request-->pre license request-->submitted application does not reflect at admin end in pre-License application.
Fixed Please Verify Manessh p
12:37 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #505 (Closed): fill form-->done with payment-->go with admin-->License request-->pre license request-->submitted application does not reflect at admin end in pre-License application.
fill form-->done with payment-->go with admin-->License request-->pre license request-->submitted application does no... arti saraswat
07:49 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #480 (Reopened ): fill mlro/mlco/co form-->validate & save-->click on edit button for upadate in the same mlro form-->click on validate & save-->in case of edit of form MLRO form user is not able to click on validate & submit button means can't update that same form
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has NOT been fixed YET.
arti saraswat
05:14 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #480 (Resolved): fill mlro/mlco/co form-->validate & save-->click on edit button for upadate in the same mlro form-->click on validate & save-->in case of edit of form MLRO form user is not able to click on validate & submit button means can't update that same form
Manessh p
06:43 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #466 (Closed): In the application, On received page displays only current day order In the attached SS it shows last day's order notification
Minal Watmode
12:06 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #466 (Resolved): In the application, On received page displays only current day order In the attached SS it shows last day's order notification
yes, it is possible because user have already paid for the items. so restaurant will have to clear either it is accep... amir r
06:42 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #500 (Closed): Apk version 1.0.6 -.> install -> denied location permission-> did not allow photo -> Added nu.-> Received OTP added -> but on The OTP Page timer did not display, & added correct OTP still it says invalid OTP
Minal Watmode
12:03 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #500 (Resolved): Apk version 1.0.6 -.> install -> denied location permission-> did not allow photo -> Added nu.-> Received OTP added -> but on The OTP Page timer did not display, & added correct OTP still it says invalid OTP
amir r
11:57 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #500 (Closed): Apk version 1.0.6 -.> install -> denied location permission-> did not allow photo -> Added nu.-> Received OTP added -> but on The OTP Page timer did not display, & added correct OTP still it says invalid OTP
Apk version 1.0.6 -.> install -> denied location permission-> did not allow photo -> Added nu.-> Received OTP added -... Minal Watmode
06:17 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #521 (Closed): Admin panel -> delivery boy -> add new delivery boy -> On second document field 2 asterisk added Please remove one
Admin panel -> delivery boy -> add new delivery boy -> On second document field 2 asterisk added Please remove one Minal Watmode
06:08 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #423 (Reopened ): Registration page-->fill all field-->Click on register button-->System takes user to "Registeration Successful !--->The spelling should be "Registration" instead of "Registeration"
This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has not been fixed yet.
see attached screensh...
arti saraswat
06:04 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #520 (Closed): Public user panel-->email address field at time of registration-->Provide invalid email id (aru@)-->even after providing an invalid email id user is able to register successfully.
even after entering an invalid email.
See attached screenshots
arti saraswat
05:57 PM Kanzo customer Bug #516 (Closed): Non Veg toggle button should be in red colour, Please implement it
Minal Watmode
04:13 PM Kanzo customer Bug #516 (Closed): Non Veg toggle button should be in red colour, Please implement it
Non Veg toggle button should be in red colour, Please implement it Minal Watmode
05:54 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #519 (Closed): Public user panel-->Telephone at the time of registration-->This input field allows users to enter alphabets and special characters.
Public user panel-->Telephone at the time of registration-->This input field allows users to enter alphabets and spec... arti saraswat
05:29 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #518 (Closed): While signing up -> on rating field Add validation it should be neither more than 5 or nor less than 0
While signing up -> on rating field Add validation it should be neither more than 5 or nor less than 0 Minal Watmode
04:52 PM Kanzo customer Bug #517 (Resolved): In the bellow screenshots, there are two different restaurants with the same dining page, both tables are not available for booking still it shows different
In the bellow screenshots, there are two different restaurants with the same dining page, both tables are not availab... Minal Watmode
04:08 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Feature #515 (Reopened ): From the menu list when we change the status of item toast message should pop up
From the menu list when we change the status of item toast message should pop up Minal Watmode
04:05 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #514 (Resolved): Timing issue in the application , as have attached screenshot order placed by user & received in restaurant application the time is different shows in application
Timing issue in the application , as have attached screenshot order placed by user & received in restaurant applicati... Minal Watmode
03:24 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #513 (Closed): Table reserved for the customer, Once accepted table booking i would not able see information of the user like; Name, contact no., Gmail id. etc
Table reserved for the customer, Once accepted table booking i would not able see information of the user like; Nam... Minal Watmode
03:15 PM Kanzo customer Bug #512 (Closed): Table Booking accepted by the restaurant but in the customer application on notification page it did not displays, User receive toast message only.
Table Booking accepted by the restaurant but in the customer application on notification page it did not displays, Us... Minal Watmode
02:58 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #511 (Closed): All accepted order -> Click on find delivery boy It says something went wrong.
All accepted order -> Click on find delivery boy It says something went wrong
I am not able to find delivery boy to...
Minal Watmode
02:51 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #510 (Closed): On received order all items shows in One order But In accepted order page its 2 different orders
On received order all items shows in One order But In accepted order page its 2 different orders
Minal Watmode
01:54 PM KANZO_Admin panel Feature #509 (Closed): Delivery boy -> change status OFF to ON -> New signed up delivery boy while signing in added mail, On the same mail he should receive that now he would be able start the login & deliver the item
Delivery boy -> change status OFF to ON -> New signed up delivery boy while signing in added mail, On the same mail h... Minal Watmode
01:15 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #508 (Closed): Product which have added earlier in the restaurant ( food garage) But now same product displays in different restaurant ( Yoma store) product name is Veggie stuffed pita pocket.
Product which have added earlier in the restaurant ( food garage) But now same product displays in different restaura... Minal Watmode
01:00 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #507 (Closed): In the both admin panel -> discount-> edit discount -> first country was India-> edited only discount field -> without asking for country it changes to Afghanistan
In the both admin panel -> discount-> edit discount -> first country was India-> edited only discount field -> witho... Minal Watmode
12:45 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #506 (Closed): In both admin panel -> Discount -> on Discount field where we add values, it accepted more than 100 in percentage. there should be validation to be applied
In both admin panel -> Discount -> on Discount field where we add values, it accepted more than 100 in percentage. t... Minal Watmode
12:41 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Modification/ Enhancements #345 (Resolved): On Personal information page Personal information title field should be on header of the page
personal details title added on header of account page. amir r
12:37 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Modification/ Enhancements #388 (Resolved): Wizard screen to be added of 2 pages after splash screen
amir r
12:35 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #493 (Resolved): Restaurant should have original price is less than selling price, validation to be added, it causes minus in discount same problems comes while processing the payment.
validation added on both admin panels. amir r
11:14 AM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #493 (Closed): Restaurant should have original price is less than selling price, validation to be added, it causes minus in discount same problems comes while processing the payment.
Restaurant should have original price is less than selling price, validation to be added, it causes minus in discou... Minal Watmode
12:33 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #504 (Resolved): In both admin panel-> menu -> add menu -> select status -> there are two status please correct inactive word in both panel.
amir r
12:11 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #504 (Closed): In both admin panel-> menu -> add menu -> select status -> there are two status please correct inactive word in both panel.
In both admin panel-> menu -> add menu -> select status -> there are two status please correct inactive word in both ... Minal Watmode
12:19 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #433 (Closed): fill all form-->validate & submit-->user will redirect to main screen-->click on "back to application'-->After clicking on "back to application" user redirect to a blank screen, while the user should go to the screen where the submit button should appear.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:18 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #434 (Closed): fill all form-->validate & submit-->back to application-->system takes user to blank screen-->In that screen where the submit button should appear, that the user has to enter the URL again, and then the same user has to log in with the same credentials.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:17 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #443 (Closed): Logout-->as user logout then system takes to "" while it should take user to "" URL.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:15 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #448 (Closed): main screen-->click on profile-->user getting logout while user clicks on "PROFILE" only

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
12:11 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #503 (Closed): Fill form-->save-->Done with payment-->go with same form to view-->Go with point no-18-->Provided value are getting disappear from points 18 after payment.
Fill form-->save-->Done with payment-->go with the same form to view-->Go with point no-18-->Provided values are gett... arti saraswat
12:06 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #502 (Closed): Fill form-->save-->Done with payment-->go with same form to view-->Go with point no-7, 19>the attached files are getting disappear from these 7, 19 points after payment.
Fill form-->save-->Done with payment-->go with the same form to view-->Go with point no-7, 19>the attached files are ... arti saraswat
11:58 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #501 (New): Fill form-->go with off line payment-->why does this confirmation message "You have been successfully updated the payment." not go away from the screen.
Fill form-->go with off-line payment-->why does this confirmation message "You have been successfully updated the pay... arti saraswat
11:53 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #499 (Closed): Go with the first form-->MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->Go with point no-13, 15-->select option "YES"-->put required value-->validate & save-->edit icon-->what is happening now, the input field in which applicant enters the value get disappear after save
Go with the first form-->MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->Go with point no-13, 15-->select option "YES"-->put required value-->val... arti saraswat
11:43 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel QUERY #498 (Feedback): Fill for first-->then go with MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->go with point number 8-->Passport Number *-->enter 0000000000 -->it should throw error message against this type of passport number because passport number can't be 000000000
Fill for first-->then go with MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->go with point number 8-->Passport Number *-->enter 0000000000 -->it... arti saraswat
11:37 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #497 (Closed): Fill for first-->then go with MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->go with point number 19-->Why does it automatically show "01-01-1970" Date even applicant has not entered this date?
Fill for first-->then go with MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->go with point number 19-->Why does it automatically show "01-01-197... arti saraswat
11:30 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #496 (Closed): Fill for first-->then go with MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->go with point number 13-->percentage of shareholdings can't be more than 100%
Fill for first-->then go with MLRO/MLCO/CO Form-->go with point number 13-->
1. percentage of shareholdings can't be...
arti saraswat
11:19 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #482 (Closed): fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form-->why "An uncaught Exception was encountered" occurs after point no-19?

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
11:18 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #483 (Closed): fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form "Schedule 5"-->layout of complete form get deteriorated

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
11:16 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #494 (Closed): Go with the first form-->Go with point no-15, 16-->select option "YES"-->put required value-->validate & save-->edit icon-->what is happening now, the input field in which applicant enters the value get disappear after save
Go with the first form-->Go with point no-15, 16-->select option "YES"-->put required value-->validate & save-->edit ... arti saraswat
11:10 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #492 (Closed): Fill the first form-->attached all required attachment-->validate & save-->go with edit icon to update from-->preview attached form-->Applicant is not able to even click/open these already attached for(If applicant wants to see what he/she attached)
Fill the first form-->attached all required attachment-->validate & save-->go with edit icon to update from-->preview... arti saraswat
11:06 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #491 (Reopened ): Fill the first form-->attached all required attachment-->validate & save-->go with edit icon to update from-->preview attached form-->should able to preview the attached form
Fill the first form-->attached all required attachment-->validate & save-->go with edit icon to update from-->preview... arti saraswat
11:05 AM KANZO_Admin panel Feature #490 (Reopened ): In the both admin panel, In weight type field add Litre & milliliter (ML) category as well for beverages
In the both admin panel, In weight type field add Litre & milliliter (ML) category as well for beverages Minal Watmode
10:57 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel QUERY #489 (Feedback): Go with the first form-->Go with point no-15, 16-->select option "NO"--> if applicant select "No" So shouldn't these marked area fields (Where applicant will enter value)be hidden?
Go with the first form-->Go with point no-15, 16-->select option "NO"--> if applicant select "No" So shouldn't these ... arti saraswat
10:49 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #488 (Closed): Go with first form-->number of input field allows to enter unlimited characters, make sure number of character should be limited for every field
Go with first form-->number of input field allows to enter unlimited characters, make sure number of character should... arti saraswat


11:56 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #470 (Resolved): AFTER submit and payment-->go with admin panel-->license request-->pre license request-->Go with tab "SCHEDULE 5"-->go with point no.8-->"Service provided Address" field should not be editable.
Manessh p
11:53 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #483 (Resolved): fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form "Schedule 5"-->layout of complete form get deteriorated
Manessh p
11:16 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #483 (Closed): fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form "Schedule 5"-->layout of complete form get deteriorated
fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form "Schedule 5"-->layout of complete form get deteriorated.
arti saraswat
11:33 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #482 (Resolved): fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form-->why "An uncaught Exception was encountered" occurs after point no-19?
Manessh p
11:10 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #482 (Closed): fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form-->why "An uncaught Exception was encountered" occurs after point no-19?
fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form-->why "An uncaught Exception was encountered" occurs afte... arti saraswat
06:58 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #307 (Closed): When notification send to all ( User / restaurant / delivery boy) individually, it goes 2 notification at a same time which supposed to notify with single notification
Minal Watmode
06:53 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #306 (Closed): Notifications -> send to all restaurants -> when notifications send from admin panel on restaurant application push notification receive but it did not show in the application
Minal Watmode
06:51 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #304 (Closed): Restaurant--when we enter already existing number , system displayed vendor is already exist even message should be "mobile number already exist"
Minal Watmode
06:27 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #301 (Closed): Table order -> add table time -> on the add table time page. there is button with the name add table day
Minal Watmode
06:26 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #300 (Closed): Table Order -> Add table time -> when added table time & selected, there was processing route and it did not save table timing
Minal Watmode
06:14 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #297 (Closed): Dashboard -> Email anyone -> the will go under the name of kanzo but user received from different mailer
Minal Watmode
06:03 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #296 (Closed): Across application-- there should be asterisk sign for the mandatory fields.
Minal Watmode
06:00 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #291 (Closed): URL gets convert into invalid string once session gets timeout.
Minal Watmode
05:59 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #294 (Closed): Category--edit--image does not fetch so system asked to upload the image while updating the record.
Minal Watmode
05:55 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #293 (Closed): Category --when user creates new record , field indicates select store even there is already selected a default value. would suggest to add a --select--row instead of selecting a default value.
Minal Watmode
05:47 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #292 (Closed): forgot password-- there is no mandatory field validation. without entering anything user click on submit , nothing happens
Minal Watmode
04:16 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #487 (New): While sign up on first page fill all information, click on next it says please enter valid account number
While sign up on first page fill all information, click on next it says please enter valid account number
Minal Watmode
03:55 PM Kanzo customer Bug #486 (Closed): When added category from restaurant admin panel & in the user application it is not aligned as per picture & other categories
When added category from restaurant admin panel & in the user application it is not aligned as per picture & other c... Minal Watmode
02:47 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #458 (Closed): Order placed from user application, But in the restaurant application on received order page it shows, different items order in the list.
Minal Watmode
01:37 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #485 (Closed): Product ->Add product -> Add all fields -> save -> go back to different tab, same go to product -.> Edit same product -> Product have added to in different restaurant & once you click on edit it shows in different restaurant
Product ->Add product -> Add all fields -> save -> go back to different tab, same go to product -.> Edit same product... Minal Watmode
01:27 PM Kanzo customer Bug #363 (Reopened ): On Item price original to selling price discount counted that calculation is not correct
Validation which have added to admin panel that does not work still same minus in discount shows Minal Watmode
12:28 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #439 (Closed): Home -> all history -> History wrong word used please make it correct
Minal Watmode
12:27 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #415 (Reopened ): Profile page of the application received order count does not displays & Please correct spelling of the received word
Minal Watmode
12:17 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #411 (Closed): footer menu-> profile > sign-out , There should not be space in between sign & out. It Is a single word signout, please correct it
Minal Watmode
12:07 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #410 (Closed): On second wizard screen easily words spelling should make correct
Minal Watmode
12:02 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #409 (Closed): To signup in the application on currency dropdown country name displays. there should show currency only
Minal Watmode
11:51 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #308 (Closed): While launching the application already signed up in the app still toast message shows, 'no account found please sign up first.'
Minal Watmode
11:41 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #218 (Closed): New restaurant signed up successfully, and status changed from admin panel OFF to ON. But when try to log in with same credentials it does not work
Minal Watmode
11:40 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #214 (Closed): In KANZO RESTAURANT application new restaurant signed up twice but it did not display on Admin Panel. which two restaurants has added and waiting for status update the status
Minal Watmode
11:34 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #406 (Closed): Once created account with the new number-.> filled all the information -> saved.->It navigates to login page-> add same number. it says you dont have any account create , & it takes to signup page
Minal Watmode
11:19 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #484 (Closed): fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form "Schedule 5"-->even after done with payment that user still able to edit or change the value in for "Schedule 5"
fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form "Schedule 5"-->even after done with a payment that user s... arti saraswat
11:03 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #481 (Closed): fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form-->" delete" text appears instead of "deleted icon"

fill form-->submit-->done with payment-->now open that form-->" delete" text appears instead of "deleted icon"
arti saraswat
09:41 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #428 (Resolved): after login-->go with form-->why the name of the organization does not display?
himanshu bhardwaj
09:40 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #443 (Resolved): Logout-->as user logout then system takes to "" while it should take user to "" URL.
Fixed. please verify himanshu bhardwaj
09:39 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #448 (Resolved): main screen-->click on profile-->user getting logout while user clicks on "PROFILE" only
fixed. please verify. himanshu bhardwaj


08:10 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #446 (Closed): Fill form-->submit the form-->go with payment-->offline payment mode-->there are two option "check payment" and "wired transfer"-->click on "update payment detail"-->user is able to complete payment process even user did not select any method.
issue has been fixed arti saraswat
07:12 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #446 (Resolved): Fill form-->submit the form-->go with payment-->offline payment mode-->there are two option "check payment" and "wired transfer"-->click on "update payment detail"-->user is able to complete payment process even user did not select any method.
Manessh p
07:59 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #480 (Closed): fill mlro/mlco/co form-->validate & save-->click on edit button for upadate in the same mlro form-->click on validate & save-->in case of edit of form MLRO form user is not able to click on validate & submit button means can't update that same form
fill mlro/mlco/co form-->validate & save-->click on the edit button for an update in the same mlro form-->click on va... arti saraswat
07:51 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #479 (Closed): fill mlro form-->Go with point no-7-->select option "single"-->even after selecting on single why does this field "name of wife" active?
fill mlro form-->Go with point no-7-->select option "single"-->even after selecting on single why does this field "na... arti saraswat
07:45 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #478 (Closed): fill first form-->row num 19-->put value in address and Shareholder percentage fields-->validate & submit-->go with same form after clicking on edit button-->then the value in "Shareholder percentage" fields get ZERO
fill first form-->row num 19-->put value in address and Shareholder percentage fields-->validate & submit-->go with s... arti saraswat
07:40 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #444 (Closed): user is unable to logout even user is not able to click on the profile image
issue has been fixed arti saraswat
07:39 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #447 (Closed): Click on "NEW APPLICATION"-->list do not appears in dropdown list (this is blocker if user want new for with same login)
issue has been fixed arti saraswat
02:39 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #447 (Resolved): Click on "NEW APPLICATION"-->list do not appears in dropdown list (this is blocker if user want new for with same login)
Manessh p
07:16 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #477 (Closed): admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-19-->"DATE" and "APPLICANT" name do not reflect at admin end.
admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-19-->"DATE" and "APPLICANT" name do not reflect at adm... arti saraswat
07:13 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #476 (Closed): Fill the form-->point no 19-->add row-->put address-->submit-->value from address getting disappear.
Fill the form-->point no 19-->add row-->put address-->submit-->value from address getting disappear.
See attached ...
arti saraswat
07:10 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #475 (New): admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->for all the address fields, make sure these address fields should not be editable at the admin end.
admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->for all the address fields, make sure these address fields shou... arti saraswat
07:07 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #474 (New): admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-13, 14, 15-->title heading of these field should top to that field(see lfsc for reference)
admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-13, 14, 15-->title heading of these field should top t... arti saraswat
07:03 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #473 (New): admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-9, 10, 11, 12-->attached file should associate with that own row, means attached file should be in too below to that field.
admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-9, 10, 11, 12-->attached file should associate with th... arti saraswat
07:02 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #378 (Closed): Order notification did not displays on the front page when order placed.
Minal Watmode
06:59 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #272 (Closed): accept order--incorrect order date gets display . it should have 3rd sep but app displays 2nd.
Minal Watmode
06:58 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #272 (Resolved): accept order--incorrect order date gets display . it should have 3rd sep but app displays 2nd.
amir r
06:54 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #272 (Reopened ): accept order--incorrect order date gets display . it should have 3rd sep but app displays 2nd.
Minal Watmode
06:58 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #472 (New): admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-3-->"Address" heading should be on top of address field
admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-3-->"Address" heading should be on top of address fiel... arti saraswat
06:55 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #471 (New): admin panel-->License request-->pre-license request-->point no.7--->Delete icon should not be reflect at admin end
admin panel-->License request-->pre-license request-->point no.7--->Delete icon should not be reflect at admin end
arti saraswat
06:54 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #469 (Resolved): While signing up, added all credentials, pay now page, click on razor pay it says invalid currency, how would i login in delivery boy application
amir r
05:06 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #469 (Closed): While signing up, added all credentials, pay now page, click on razor pay it says invalid currency, how would i login in delivery boy application
While signing up, added all credentials, pay now page, click on razor pay it says invalid currency, how would i logi... Minal Watmode
06:52 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #270 (Reopened ): On restaurant application order which receive from user that recent order should be on top of the page.
Minal Watmode
06:51 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #470 (Closed): AFTER submit and payment-->go with admin panel-->license request-->pre license request-->Go with tab "SCHEDULE 5"-->go with point no.8-->"Service provided Address" field should not be editable.
AFTER submit and payment-->go with admin panel-->license request-->pre license request-->Go with tab "SCHEDULE 5"-->g... arti saraswat
06:36 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Feature #198 (Closed): For signup put validations to all important field to be added
Minal Watmode
06:11 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #467 (Resolved): Signup -> Personal information -> add values in the mail field then select gender, value added in the mail field will reset
removed clear function from email textfield on kanzo - 1.0.9 amir r
04:25 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #467 (Closed): Signup -> Personal information -> add values in the mail field then select gender, value added in the mail field will reset
Signup -> Personal information -> add values in the mail field then select gander, value added in the mail field will... Minal Watmode
05:50 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #382 (Resolved): On the profile of the user below name of the user mobile number to be added
Already available amir r
05:49 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #383 (Resolved): Notification icon to be added in application where user should receive the notification related application
Notification Page Added. apk - 1.0.9 amir r
04:45 PM Kanzo customer Bug #468 (Closed): The time of order to place order& same order placed to received notification on restro application time is different than actual time same as in users history as well
The time of order to place order& same order placed to received notification on restro application time is different... Minal Watmode
03:54 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #466 (Closed): In the application, On received page displays only current day order In the attached SS it shows last day's order notification
In the application, On received page displays only current day order In the attached SS it shows last day's order not... Minal Watmode
03:12 PM Kanzo customer Feature #465 (Closed): Once order placed-> payment done -> Map -> There is no Back key to go back to application, please add accordingly.
Once order placed-> payment done -> Map -> There is no Back key to go back to application, please add accordingly. Minal Watmode
02:39 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #454 (Closed): Register with Insurance-->international-->captive-->click on organization name-->click on form + icon for form filling-->User is unable to click on that + icon ,so that can't open form.
issue has been fixed now. himanshu bhardwaj
12:34 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #385 (Resolved): Payment failed error page to be added when if there is something failed in application while paying
Payment failed page added. 1.0.7 amir r
12:33 PM Kanzo customer Feature #340 (Reopened ): In the navigation drawer page add 2 fields 1 is My cart & 2 settings
Minal Watmode
12:33 PM Kanzo customer Feature #338 (Reopened ): When click on order history there should be button added for reorder & help need
Minal Watmode
11:32 AM Kanzo customer Feature #338: When click on order history there should be button added for reorder & help need
Need help button has been added But Re-Order has not added yet Minal Watmode
12:29 PM Kanzo customer Bug #457 (Closed): If version 1.0.5 is updated but in the application it shows 1.0.0
Minal Watmode
12:26 PM Kanzo customer Bug #437 (Reopened ): Home-> navigation drawer -> order history-> track order -> Restaurant address field yellow & black lines displays
Minal Watmode
11:10 AM Kanzo customer Bug #437 (Resolved): Home-> navigation drawer -> order history-> track order -> Restaurant address field yellow & black lines displays
Black and line removed and wrapped into multiple lines. amir r
12:26 PM Kanzo customer Bug #438 (Reopened ): OTP place holder when add OTP & by mistake use use different value to erase the Number it does not work, User want to go previous value it does not work
Minal Watmode
11:59 AM Kanzo customer Bug #375 (Closed): Every page of the header field is blank it supposed to show the current location of the user
Minal Watmode
11:55 AM Kanzo customer Bug #365 (Closed): cart does not get reset even after ordered and paid.
Minal Watmode
11:20 AM Kanzo customer Feature #268 (Closed): Application should have track order feature so user could track their order as per the updates.
Minal Watmode
11:17 AM Kanzo customer Bug #260 (Closed): Restaurant -> Add items -> View cart -> Place order -> Razor pay -> while paying for an order it says Invalid currency
Minal Watmode
11:00 AM Kanzo customer Bug #244 (Closed): Sing in added password Move to next field and added info cursor still blink on password field
himanshu bhardwaj
10:59 AM Kanzo customer Bug #244 (Resolved): Sing in added password Move to next field and added info cursor still blink on password field
amir r
10:37 AM Kanzo customer Bug #244 (Reopened ): Sing in added password Move to next field and added info cursor still blink on password field
himanshu bhardwaj
10:54 AM Kanzo customer Bug #245 (Closed): All positive ( successful ) toaster message supposed to be in green colour
himanshu bhardwaj


09:35 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #444 (Resolved): user is unable to logout even user is not able to click on the profile image
Manessh p
09:34 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #423 (Resolved): Registration page-->fill all field-->Click on register button-->System takes user to "Registeration Successful !--->The spelling should be "Registration" instead of "Registeration"
Manessh p
09:23 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #454 (Resolved): Register with Insurance-->international-->captive-->click on organization name-->click on form + icon for form filling-->User is unable to click on that + icon ,so that can't open form.
Manessh p
11:11 AM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #454 (Closed): Register with Insurance-->international-->captive-->click on organization name-->click on form + icon for form filling-->User is unable to click on that + icon ,so that can't open form.
Register with Insurance-->international-->captive-->click on organization name-->click on form + icon for form fillin... arti saraswat
07:11 PM Kanzo customer Feature #338 (Resolved): When click on order history there should be button added for reorder & help need
amir r
07:09 PM Kanzo customer Feature #268 (Resolved): Application should have track order feature so user could track their order as per the updates.
track feature added. amir r
07:04 PM Kanzo customer Feature #340 (Resolved): In the navigation drawer page add 2 fields 1 is My cart & 2 settings
My cart option will not be there because every restaurant having different cart system. amir r
06:48 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #209 (Closed): Click on 'Log in' if number is not registered it directly navigate to signup page
Minal Watmode
06:47 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #209 (Resolved): Click on 'Log in' if number is not registered it directly navigate to signup page
amir r
06:42 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #209 (Reopened ): Click on 'Log in' if number is not registered it directly navigate to signup page
Minal Watmode
06:41 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #206 (Closed): When select the country, cursor blinks to previous field
Minal Watmode
06:40 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Feature #205 (Closed): Image validation to be added so that can accept all information
Minal Watmode
06:38 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #204 (Closed): On Bank details page without adding information click on continue button wrong validation massage displays
Minal Watmode
06:34 PM Kanzo customer Bug #459 (Resolved): Order placed -> when order accepted by restaurant, in the users end push notification comes twice as items as in the order.
This is not twice message ... these notifications are coming according by items... plz verify your screenshot again, ... amir r
03:53 PM Kanzo customer Bug #459 (Closed): Order placed -> when order accepted by restaurant, in the users end push notification comes twice as items as in the order.
Order placed -> when order accepted by restaurant, in the users end push notification comes twice as items as in the ... Minal Watmode
06:06 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #200 (Closed): while adding inputs on confirm password field then click on eye icon to see what password has used it will start adding values on same field
Minal Watmode
01:31 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #200 (Resolved): while adding inputs on confirm password field then click on eye icon to see what password has used it will start adding values on same field
amir r
06:04 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #195 (Closed): Singup--app should be displayed validation error message when user click on next button. right now it displays but on the last screen.
Minal Watmode
06:04 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #196 (Closed): Signup--bank details --when we put large amount of data in text field and submit the record. app catches the processing route and that never end.
Minal Watmode
05:57 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #197 (Closed): Blocker --not able to complete the signup process. app shows processing only that never ends.
Minal Watmode
05:53 PM Kanzo customer Bug #260 (Resolved): Restaurant -> Add items -> View cart -> Place order -> Razor pay -> while paying for an order it says Invalid currency
Please add restaurant with valid currency then this will popup will not appear.
amir r
05:52 PM Kanzo customer Bug #363 (Resolved): On Item price original to selling price discount counted that calculation is not correct
not updated on that restaurant whos having original price is less than selling price. now i have set validation on ad... amir r
01:29 PM Kanzo customer Bug #363 (Reopened ): On Item price original to selling price discount counted that calculation is not correct
calculations is not correct yet Minal Watmode
05:47 PM Kanzo customer Bug #244 (Resolved): Sing in added password Move to next field and added info cursor still blink on password field
amir r
05:45 PM Kanzo customer Bug #457 (Resolved): If version 1.0.5 is updated but in the application it shows 1.0.0
changed with 1.0.5 amir r
03:21 PM Kanzo customer Bug #457 (Closed): If version 1.0.5 is updated but in the application it shows 1.0.0
If version 1.0.5 is updated but in the application it shows 1.0.0
If apk's version changes from the the application...
Minal Watmode
05:42 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #464 (Resolved): In the application, order received from user time has to show, restaurant user at least supposed to know 'at what time order has received & when order accepted.
amir r
04:44 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #464 (Closed): In the application, order received from user time has to show, restaurant user at least supposed to know 'at what time order has received & when order accepted.
In the application, order received from user time has to show, restaurant user at least supposed to know 'at what tim... Minal Watmode
05:05 PM Kanzo customer Bug #437 (Reopened ): Home-> navigation drawer -> order history-> track order -> Restaurant address field yellow & black lines displays
Minal Watmode
05:01 PM Kanzo customer Bug #440 (Closed): New restaurant added from admin panel -> Food garage restaurant -> item list -> Add -> view cart -> click on cart it shows error page
Minal Watmode
05:00 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #461 (Resolved): Home -> Profile -> Received , accepted shows negative amount
old data already available and it is calculating automatically with old data so it coming with (-) sign. plz check wi... amir r
04:15 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #461 (Closed): Home -> Profile -> Received , accepted shows negative amount
Home -> Profile -> Received , accepted shows negative amount Minal Watmode
04:50 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #460 (Resolved): Currency has added from admin panel but in the application on received order it displays values instead currency
amir r
04:11 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #460 (Closed): Currency has added from admin panel but in the application on received order it displays values instead currency
Currency has added from admin panel but in the application on received order it displays values instead currency Minal Watmode
04:44 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #458 (Resolved): Order placed from user application, But in the restaurant application on received order page it shows, different items order in the list.
amir r
03:42 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #458 (Closed): Order placed from user application, But in the restaurant application on received order page it shows, different items order in the list.
Order placed from user application, But in the restaurant application on received order page it shows, different ite... Minal Watmode
04:42 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #271 (Resolved): Search delivery boy--there should be image of delivery boy and name.
image and name added successfully. amir r
04:36 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #463 (Closed): New restaurant added from back end-> with the same number using made previously one restaurant-> last restaurant status OFF-> we would be able to make new restaurant by using same mobile number.
New restaurant added from back end-> with the same number using made previously one restaurant-> last restaurant sta... Minal Watmode
04:21 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #462 (Closed): Signup ->adding information for signup -> keyboard open there is lots of spaced used which is not required.
Signup ->adding information for signup -> keyboard open there is lots of spaced used which is not required. Minal Watmode
03:18 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #456 (Closed): Go with registration page-->enter value with already exist email id-->as user clicks on register button then page gets resets with already exist email message
Go with registration page-->enter a value with already existing email id-->as the user clicks on register button then... arti saraswat
03:14 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #455 (Resolved): submit application-->payment-->online payment-->as user select on line payment then system takes to "ERROR" screen
submit application-->payment-->online payment-->as user select on line payment then system takes to "ERROR" screen
arti saraswat
03:13 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #221 (Resolved): new delivery boy signin--app shows 4 accepted orders and 410 earning even delivery boy has not received or done anything.
amir r
03:05 PM Kanzo customer Bug #416 (Feedback): Home page -> navigation drawer -> order history -> track order -> your order, In the list of items is non-veg but sign displays veg from the same store and restaurant items list will show correct icon
red color image for non veg products and green color for veg products. amir r
02:52 PM Kanzo customer Bug #416 (Reopened ): Home page -> navigation drawer -> order history -> track order -> your order, In the list of items is non-veg but sign displays veg from the same store and restaurant items list will show correct icon
Minal Watmode
03:04 PM Kanzo customer Bug #248 (Closed): Search--right now search only works for the stores even it should be working for any keyword. like global search.
himanshu bhardwaj
02:58 PM Kanzo customer Bug #417 (Closed): Home page -> store -> menu -> Open the menu list, in that list wrong spellings has used, please correct accordingly
Minal Watmode
02:49 PM Kanzo customer Bug #381 (Closed): User did not receive any notification when restaurant accepted table booking it should be implemented to send a push notification to user & it should show in the application as well
Minal Watmode
01:23 PM Kanzo customer Bug #367 (Closed): Order placed from users end but at the same time in the restaurant application it did not appear the same order
Minal Watmode
01:06 PM Kanzo customer Bug #442 (Closed): Profile-> Edit -> when click on edit on circle profile picture it shows Square picture, it should show in the circle only
fixed himanshu bhardwaj
01:04 PM Kanzo customer Bug #368 (Feedback): While placing order on the payment mode panel mobile number option does not work
While placing order on the payment mode panel , user unable to choose mobile number radio button.
please check.
himanshu bhardwaj
12:09 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #270 (Resolved): On restaurant application order which receive from user that recent order should be on top of the page.
amir r
11:56 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #272 (Resolved): accept order--incorrect order date gets display . it should have 3rd sep but app displays 2nd.
Now i have added 'NOW()' date (international format) while ordering. amir r
11:50 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #411 (Resolved): footer menu-> profile > sign-out , There should not be space in between sign & out. It Is a single word signout, please correct it
amir r
11:48 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #409 (Resolved): To signup in the application on currency dropdown country name displays. there should show currency only
now i have added currency symbol and country name together. amir r
11:42 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #410 (Resolved): On second wizard screen easily words spelling should make correct
amir r
11:41 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #406 (Resolved): Once created account with the new number-.> filled all the information -> saved.->It navigates to login page-> add same number. it says you dont have any account create , & it takes to signup page
It is saying because admin didn't approve the account of restaurant. after aprovel, then only restaurant can login. amir r
11:32 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #415 (Resolved): Profile page of the application received order count does not displays & Please correct spelling of the received word
amir r
11:29 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #439 (Resolved): Home -> all history -> History wrong word used please make it correct
amir r
11:26 AM Kanzo customer Bug #346 (Closed): Already logged in user while launching the application it displays wizard screen
Minal Watmode
11:21 AM Kanzo customer Bug #274 (Feedback): While placing order click on razorpay it says invalid currency and the currency is INR
Please check restaurant admin panel, i have included to manage currency option where you can change the currency of a... amir r
11:12 AM Kanzo customer Bug #336 (Closed): Profile -> EDIT -> application got crashed when click on edit
Minal Watmode
11:11 AM Kanzo customer Bug #334 (Closed): Store -> Dinning & reviews -> there are so many reviews but cart field is also there i would not be to read third comment
Minal Watmode
11:00 AM Kanzo customer Bug #375 (Resolved): Every page of the header field is blank it supposed to show the current location of the user
Location added on restaurant detail page. amir r


10:43 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #433 (Resolved): fill all form-->validate & submit-->user will redirect to main screen-->click on "back to application'-->After clicking on "back to application" user redirect to a blank screen, while the user should go to the screen where the submit button should appear.
Manessh p
10:42 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #434 (Resolved): fill all form-->validate & submit-->back to application-->system takes user to blank screen-->In that screen where the submit button should appear, that the user has to enter the URL again, and then the same user has to log in with the same credentials.
Manessh p
07:25 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #453 (New): lfsc-->fill form-->point no-19-->add three row-->submit-->payment-->rows sequence should be 1, 2, 3 instead of 1,1, 1
lfsc-->fill form-->point no-19-->add three row-->submit-->payment-->rows sequence should be 1, 2, 3 instead of 1,1, 1... arti saraswat
07:19 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #452 (Closed): fill form-->point number 6-->system ask for attach file in for class of share column-->validate-->as user submit the form then attached files getting disappear
fill form
point number 6
system ask for attach file in for class of share column
validate-->as user submit the for...
arti saraswat
07:12 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #451 (New): admin panel-->License request-->pre-license request-->point no-3-->this address field should not be editable.
admin panel
License request
pre-license request
point no-3
Actual result:-
admin is bale to edit this address ...
arti saraswat
07:07 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #450 (New): admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-3-->"Address" heading should be on top of address field
admin panel-->License request-->pre license request-->point no-3-->"Address" heading should be on top of address fiel... arti saraswat
07:01 PM Kanzo customer Bug #274 (Reopened ): While placing order click on razorpay it says invalid currency and the currency is INR
Minal Watmode
01:00 PM Kanzo customer Bug #274 (Resolved): While placing order click on razorpay it says invalid currency and the currency is INR
Now i have removed restaurant currency from restaurant edition page, now every restaurant can change their currency b... amir r
07:01 PM Kanzo customer Bug #260 (Reopened ): Restaurant -> Add items -> View cart -> Place order -> Razor pay -> while paying for an order it says Invalid currency
Minal Watmode
07:00 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #402 (Resolved): While adding information of the restaurant's user bank details page should be added as have attached screenshot
We are taking bank details while registration of restaurant. amir r
06:58 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #344 (Resolved): While adding number to sign up on mobile number i did not receive any OTP, and any toast message, it redirected to the personal details page
You didn't get OTP because admin will approve delivery boy from admin panel with their necessary documents. then only... amir r
06:56 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #355 (Resolved): text field and label design pattern do not match as per the client approved design.
I have added label text, which working as a placeholder, when delivery will click on the textfiled then the placehold... amir r
06:47 PM Kanzo customer Bug #354 (Closed): Text of Veg & Non- veg side's toggle button should be align in a same field
Minal Watmode
05:18 PM Kanzo customer Bug #354 (Resolved): Text of Veg & Non- veg side's toggle button should be align in a same field
aligned to center amir r
06:46 PM Kanzo customer Bug #326 (Closed): In the application i have logged in still it shows item in the cart
Minal Watmode
04:55 PM Kanzo customer Bug #326 (Resolved): In the application i have logged in still it shows item in the cart
cart is working with device id so anyone can add and view cart items even they are not logged in. Login is require on... amir r
04:55 PM Kanzo customer Bug #326: In the application i have logged in still it shows item in the cart
cart is working with device id so anyone can add and view cart items even they are not logged in. Login is require on... amir r
06:41 PM Kanzo customer Bug #252 (Reopened ): When single item added to cart, And Remove the same item using minus key cart screen does not update
Minal Watmode
06:38 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #357 (Resolved): Signup--field Address, state , city and pincode are missing on personal information as per the approved design of client.
On the basis of delivery boy latitude and longitude. we are getting their country name, city name, state name, pincod... amir r
06:37 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #357: Signup--field Address, state , city and pincode are missing on personal information as per the approved design of client.
On the basis of delivery boy latitude and longitude. we are getting their country name, city name, state name, pincod... amir r
06:34 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #343 (Resolved): In the delivery boy application, Pay now page written you are our valuable customer.
now i have the message from valuable customer to valuable service provider. amir r
06:30 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #225 (Resolved): While signing up add date of birth, cursor will blink to email field It supposed to navigate next page
when clicking on gender then i have changed the state of textfield as unfocus. Now delivery boy will not go to the pr... amir r
06:27 PM Kanzo customer Bug #266 (Closed): Account-- edit-- app displays validation error message for DOB " Select DOB" even date is already selected
Minal Watmode
02:14 PM Kanzo customer Bug #266 (Resolved): Account-- edit-- app displays validation error message for DOB " Select DOB" even date is already selected
now validation removed from dte of birth field. amir r
06:27 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #224 (Resolved): Click on 'Log in' if number is not registered it directly navigate to signup page
Now i have added message when the user credentials are not available. amir r
06:26 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #220 (Resolved): after singup successfully-- successful message appear time is very less. user is not able to read.
i have increased the toast message time ... Now its visible clearly. amir r
06:25 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #219 (Resolved): signup--account details-- account number and confirm account number do not match still app allow to do further processing.
now i added validation on account number and confirm account numer. No one can add their details when entering mismat... amir r
06:23 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #449 (New): fill form from lfsc-->done payment-->go with admin-->License Request-->pre license request-->value of "Principal Office" does not reflect at admin end
fill the form from lfsc
done payment
go with admin
License Request
pre-license request
value of "Principal Offic...
arti saraswat
06:17 PM Kanzo customer Bug #265 (Closed): Account --edit--screen do not fetched the information about the gender and image which we have provided at the time of signup.
Minal Watmode
04:52 PM Kanzo customer Bug #265 (Resolved): Account --edit--screen do not fetched the information about the gender and image which we have provided at the time of signup.
amir r
06:07 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #448 (Closed): main screen-->click on profile-->user getting logout while user clicks on "PROFILE" only
main screen-->click on profile-->user getting logout while user clicks on "PROFILE" only
See attached screenshots
arti saraswat
05:52 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #447 (Closed): Click on "NEW APPLICATION"-->list do not appears in dropdown list (this is blocker if user want new for with same login)
Click on "NEW APPLICATION"-->list do not appears in dropdown list (this is blocker if user want new for with same log... arti saraswat
05:47 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #446 (Closed): Fill form-->submit the form-->go with payment-->offline payment mode-->there are two option "check payment" and "wired transfer"-->click on "update payment detail"-->user is able to complete payment process even user did not select any method.
Fill form
submit the form
go with payment
offline payment mode
there are two options "check payment" and "wired t...
arti saraswat
05:45 PM Kanzo customer Bug #239 (Closed): Check out page supposed to go upside when keyboard open to add number for payment process
Minal Watmode
05:44 PM Kanzo customer Bug #365 (Resolved): cart does not get reset even after ordered and paid.
amir r
05:40 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #445 (Reopened ): fill form-->submit the form-->go with payment-->Online payment-->go back without payment-->again back to payment page-->now select offline mode-->go back again without payment-->Issue is this now on main screen system allows only offline payment option.
fill form
submit the form
go with payment
Online payment
go back without payment
again back to a payment page
arti saraswat
05:31 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #444 (Closed): user is unable to logout even user is not able to click on the profile image
user is unable to logout even user is not able to click on the profile image
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
05:27 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #443 (Closed): Logout-->as user logout then system takes to "" while it should take user to "" URL.
Logout-->as the user log-out then the system takes to "" while it should take the user to " https://ari... arti saraswat
05:23 PM Kanzo customer Bug #368 (Resolved): While placing order on the payment mode panel mobile number option does not work
Actually admin is providing their mobile number by push notification. so user will get only push notification. and us... amir r
05:20 PM Kanzo customer Bug #440 (Resolved): New restaurant added from admin panel -> Food garage restaurant -> item list -> Add -> view cart -> click on cart it shows error page
there was currency issue.. i solved it by some modifications on admin panel. amir r
01:41 PM Kanzo customer Bug #440 (Closed): New restaurant added from admin panel -> Food garage restaurant -> item list -> Add -> view cart -> click on cart it shows error page
New restaurant added from admin panel -> Food garage restaurant -> item list -> Add -> view cart -> click on cart it ... Minal Watmode
05:19 PM Kanzo customer Bug #442 (Resolved): Profile-> Edit -> when click on edit on circle profile picture it shows Square picture, it should show in the circle only
amir r
04:44 PM Kanzo customer Bug #442 (Closed): Profile-> Edit -> when click on edit on circle profile picture it shows Square picture, it should show in the circle only
Profile-> Edit -> when click on edit on circle profile picture it shows Square picture, it should show in the circle ... Minal Watmode
05:08 PM Kanzo customer Bug #438 (Resolved): OTP place holder when add OTP & by mistake use use different value to erase the Number it does not work, User want to go previous value it does not work
amir r
01:06 PM Kanzo customer Bug #438 (Closed): OTP place holder when add OTP & by mistake use use different value to erase the Number it does not work, User want to go previous value it does not work
OTP place holder when add OTP & by mistake use use different value to erase the Number it does not work, User want to... Minal Watmode
05:07 PM Kanzo customer Bug #381 (Resolved): User did not receive any notification when restaurant accepted table booking it should be implemented to send a push notification to user & it should show in the application as well
amir r
05:06 PM Kanzo customer Bug #363 (Resolved): On Item price original to selling price discount counted that calculation is not correct
fixed, now i have resolved by (v2-v1)/v2*100 amir r
05:03 PM Kanzo customer Bug #346 (Resolved): Already logged in user while launching the application it displays wizard screen
amir r
04:57 PM Kanzo customer Bug #336 (Resolved): Profile -> EDIT -> application got crashed when click on edit
amir r
04:57 PM Kanzo customer Bug #367 (Resolved): Order placed from users end but at the same time in the restaurant application it did not appear the same order
amir r
04:56 PM Kanzo customer Bug #334 (Resolved): Store -> Dinning & reviews -> there are so many reviews but cart field is also there i would not be to read third comment
now i have added some spaces from bottom now can scroll and view the whole reviews. amir r
04:52 PM Kanzo customer Bug #275 (Resolved): While placing order it shows invalid currency but order has placed, and payment also done -> kaccha kitchen resto
amir r
04:24 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #435 (Resolved): Go with trust business tab-->go with row number 20-->add row in "other" and put value-->validate & submit-->verify & approve-->go with report-->Report service Type service-->added row do not reflect at admin end in report section.
Manessh p
11:52 AM Trust & Company Managers Bug #435 (Closed): Go with trust business tab-->go with row number 20-->add row in "other" and put value-->validate & submit-->verify & approve-->go with report-->Report service Type service-->added row do not reflect at admin end in report section.
Go with the trust business tab
go with row number 20
add multiple rows in "other" and put a value
validate & submi...
arti saraswat
03:25 PM Kanzo customer Bug #238 (Closed): After payment application ask for address
Minal Watmode
03:02 PM Kanzo customer Bug #238 (Resolved): After payment application ask for address
now added before and after payment completion. amir r
03:18 PM Kanzo customer Bug #189 (Closed): Validation should be added on important all field
Minal Watmode
03:03 PM Kanzo customer Bug #417 (Resolved): Home page -> store -> menu -> Open the menu list, in that list wrong spellings has used, please correct accordingly
i have added that values for testing, so any one can change that menu name spelling by admin panel. amir r
03:00 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #307 (Resolved): When notification send to all ( User / restaurant / delivery boy) individually, it goes 2 notification at a same time which supposed to notify with single notification
amir r
02:59 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #424 (Resolved): When edit products from admin panel and save , it will default it shows different currency, again change the currency it shows different
amir r
02:59 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #436 (Resolved): Restaurant -> view -> edit -> status on -> I set map of restaurant -> update restaurant, processing route starts which will never end.
There was some network issue. because restaurant updation is working correctly amir r
12:10 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #436 (Closed): Restaurant -> view -> edit -> status on -> I set map of restaurant -> update restaurant, processing route starts which will never end.
Restaurant -> view -> edit -> status on -> I set map of restaurant -> update restaurant, processing route starts whic... Minal Watmode
02:16 PM Kanzo customer Bug #258 (Feedback): Account -> app displays the count of orders value as one but when user try to open or see details of that order by click, nothing happens
when we click on order count in account page .... it is redirection to order history page...... amir r
01:27 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #439 (Closed): Home -> all history -> History wrong word used please make it correct
Home -> all history -> History wrong word used please make it correct Minal Watmode
01:09 PM Kanzo customer Bug #188 (Closed): While adding new restaurant it took time to add
Minal Watmode
12:53 PM Kanzo customer Bug #248 (Resolved): Search--right now search only works for the stores even it should be working for any keyword. like global search.
It is searching according to the restaurant name, tag1, tag2, upto tag, highlighted text, establishment type, outlet ... amir r
12:47 PM Kanzo customer Bug #236 (Feedback): When we share application through menu, receiver only receive application name even should be received application link as well to download.
In restaurant detail page, share button share app name and download link, and also from left side navigation drawer i... amir r
12:42 PM Kanzo customer Bug #186 (Feedback): Remove entries word from all screen
amir r
12:37 PM Kanzo customer Bug #437 (Resolved): Home-> navigation drawer -> order history-> track order -> Restaurant address field yellow & black lines displays
amir r
12:17 PM Kanzo customer Bug #437 (Closed): Home-> navigation drawer -> order history-> track order -> Restaurant address field yellow & black lines displays
Home-> navigation drawer -> order history-> track order -> Restaurant address field yellow & black lines displays Minal Watmode
11:16 AM Trust & Company Managers Bug #386 (Resolved): lfsc-->add country and company in Western Europe-->go with admin panel-->report-->report of trust companies--> some countries do not reflect at the admin end in the report section.
Manessh p
11:15 AM Trust & Company Managers Bug #392 (Resolved): Report-->Trust company and managers-->Report of company manager countries-->Only 4 digits should allow after decimal.
Manessh p
11:14 AM Trust & Company Managers Modification/ Enhancements #269 (Resolved): REPORT-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report of Service type of manager companies-->generate pdf-->download-->information should cover complete page in managed/decent way.
Manessh p
11:14 AM Trust & Company Managers Bug #405 (Resolved): Report--> Trust & Company Managers-->Report service type trust-->there should not be 00 after the decimal point in the number column.
Manessh p
11:14 AM Trust & Company Managers Modification/ Enhancements #407 (Resolved): Report-->trust & comp managers-->Report service type trust-->the field inside "Other (please specify)" should reflect separately in report at admin end
Manessh p


08:33 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #434 (Closed): fill all form-->validate & submit-->back to application-->system takes user to blank screen-->In that screen where the submit button should appear, that the user has to enter the URL again, and then the same user has to log in with the same credentials.
fill all form
validate & submit
back to application
Actual result:-
the system takes the user to the blank scre...
arti saraswat
08:19 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #433 (Closed): fill all form-->validate & submit-->user will redirect to main screen-->click on "back to application'-->After clicking on "back to application" user redirect to a blank screen, while the user should go to the screen where the submit button should appear.
fill all form
validate & submit
user will redirect to the main screen
Click on the "back to application" button
arti saraswat
08:04 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #432 (Reopened ): Login-->go with MLRO/MLCO/CO form-->go with "age" field-->Age should not be negative.
Login-->go with MLRO/MLCO/CO form-->go with "age" field-->
1. Age should not be negative.
Point no-11
2. Percent...
arti saraswat
07:53 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #430 (Closed): login-->go with the second form-->date of the birth field-->Should DOB field be allowed for future dates?
login-->go with the second form-->date of the birth field-->Should DOB field be allowed for future dates?
See atta...
arti saraswat
07:46 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #429 (Closed): go with form-->add row-->put value in class of share field-->go with form-->add row-->put value in class of share field-->at that time no any option "CHOOSE FILE" does display, but when user click on validate button then these "choose file" field getting
go with form
add row
put value in class of share field
Actual result:-
at that time no option "CHOOSE FILE" doe...
arti saraswat
07:40 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #428 (Closed): after login-->go with form-->why the name of the organization does not display?
after login-->go with form-->why the name of the organization does not display?
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
07:31 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #427 (New): fill form-->all possible field allows unlimited characters
fill form-->all possible field allows unlimited characters
Correct this issue at every place in the complete sector.
arti saraswat
07:25 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #426 (New): Public user-->first form-->add multiple rows-->delete any row-->then add row-->In this process sequence of rows getting disturbed.
Go with public user
Add multiple rows
Delete any from mid
Actual result:-
as the user deletes any row then th...
arti saraswat
07:16 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #425 (Reopened ): Login-->go with first form-->go with "Number of Shares" field-->Number of Shares should not be negative.
Login-->go with first form-->go with "Number of Shares" field-->Number of Shares should not be negative.
See attac...
arti saraswat
07:08 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #424 (Closed): When edit products from admin panel and save , it will default it shows different currency, again change the currency it shows different
When edit products from admin panel and save , it will default it shows different currency, again change the currenc... Minal Watmode
07:05 PM Kanzo customer Bug #263 (Reopened ): Signup with youremail--app allows to processed with the number which is already linked in different account.
It is not solved yet himanshu bhardwaj
05:59 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Bug #423 (Closed): Registration page-->fill all field-->Click on register button-->System takes user to "Registeration Successful !--->The spelling should be "Registration" instead of "Registeration"
Registration page
fill all field
Click on the register button
The system takes the user to "Registeration Successf...
arti saraswat
05:53 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #422 (Closed): Registration page-->fill all field-->Click on register button-->System takes user to "Registration Successful !" screen-->Dashboard, Administration, and Return upload options should be on this page
Registration page
fill all field
Click on the register button
The system takes the user to the "Registration Succe...
arti saraswat
05:45 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #421 (Closed): Registration page-->"Security Captcha" does not display on the registration page.
Registration page
"Security Captcha" does not display on the registration page.
See attached screenshot
arti saraswat
05:39 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #420 (Closed): Public user panel-->Telephone-->This input field allows users to enter unlimited characters.
Public user panel
This input field allows users to ent...
arti saraswat
05:35 PM Kanzo customer Bug #416 (Resolved): Home page -> navigation drawer -> order history -> track order -> your order, In the list of items is non-veg but sign displays veg from the same store and restaurant items list will show correct icon
amir r
04:17 PM Kanzo customer Bug #416: Home page -> navigation drawer -> order history -> track order -> your order, In the list of items is non-veg but sign displays veg from the same store and restaurant items list will show correct icon
On the same page NEED HELP button's spelling mistake
Please make it correct
Minal Watmode
04:12 PM Kanzo customer Bug #416 (Closed): Home page -> navigation drawer -> order history -> track order -> your order, In the list of items is non-veg but sign displays veg from the same store and restaurant items list will show correct icon
Home page -> navigation drawer -> order history -> track order -> your order, In the list of items is non-veg but sig... Minal Watmode
05:31 PM ARIAS-Public User Registration Panel Change Request #419 (Closed): go with public user URL-->>I guess Dashboard, Administration, and Return upload options should be on this panel.
go with public user URL
I guess Dashboard, Administration, and Retu...
arti saraswat
04:35 PM Kanzo customer Bug #285 (Closed): close app from background-->open app-->add to cart-->go with menu-->click on view cart-->as user clicks on view cart then system takes to error screen.
himanshu bhardwaj
04:32 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #418 (New): Home -> store -> menu -> click on menu any item it should clickable according to category
Home -> store -> menu -> click on menu any item it should clickable according to category Minal Watmode
04:29 PM Kanzo customer Bug #417 (Closed): Home page -> store -> menu -> Open the menu list, in that list wrong spellings has used, please correct accordingly
Home page -> store -> menu -> Open the menu list, in that list wrong spellings has used, please correct accordingly Minal Watmode
04:19 PM Kanzo customer Bug #287 (Closed): Menu -> Order status -> On order list there payment failed order but when you click on order field, and that order details says payment success
This features has changed now Minal Watmode
12:36 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #206 (Resolved): When select the country, cursor blinks to previous field
amir r
12:33 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #378 (Resolved): Order notification did not displays on the front page when order placed.
amir r
12:30 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #218 (Resolved): New restaurant signed up successfully, and status changed from admin panel OFF to ON. But when try to log in with same credentials it does not work
amir r
12:29 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #204 (Resolved): On Bank details page without adding information click on continue button wrong validation massage displays
amir r
12:28 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #195 (Resolved): Singup--app should be displayed validation error message when user click on next button. right now it displays but on the last screen.
amir r
12:27 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #308 (Resolved): While launching the application already signed up in the app still toast message shows, 'no account found please sign up first.'
amir r


06:26 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #415 (Closed): Profile page of the application received order count does not displays & Please correct spelling of the received word
Profile page of the application received order count does not displays & Please correct spelling of the received word Minal Watmode
06:20 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #414 (Closed): In the rejected order list order has rejected by delivery boy but it does not display on page
In the rejected order list order has rejected by delivery boy but it does not display on page Minal Watmode
05:42 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #348 (Closed): Menu-->lead-->add new-->address->postal code-->postal code field allows unlimited characters.
arti saraswat
10:36 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #348 (Resolved): Menu-->lead-->add new-->address->postal code-->postal code field allows unlimited characters.
chirag wadhwa
04:56 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #413 (Resolved): Menu-->lead-->add new-->Go with consumer comment-->down the keyboard by clicking on "done" button from keyboard-->as user down the keyboard then black screen appears at the top of this screen(see the attached video)
add new
Go with consumer comment
down the keyboard by clicking on the "Done" button from the keyboard
arti saraswat
04:55 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #412 (Closed): Header field of the application in every should be occupied with the title & refer clients approved design
Header field of the application in every should be occupied with the title & refer clients approved design Minal Watmode
04:50 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #411 (Closed): footer menu-> profile > sign-out , There should not be space in between sign & out. It Is a single word signout, please correct it
footer menu-> profile > sign-out , There should not be space in between sign & out. It Is a single word signout, ple... Minal Watmode
04:44 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #390: On Login/signup page both buttons should move at bottom of the page
Signup field should be in yellow colour with text Minal Watmode
11:52 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #390 (Resolved): On Login/signup page both buttons should move at bottom of the page
As per the client approved design
On Login/signup page both buttons should move at bottom of the page
Please refer...
Minal Watmode
04:29 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #410 (Closed): On second wizard screen easily words spelling should make correct
On second wizard screen easily words spelling should make correct Minal Watmode
04:26 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #409 (Closed): To signup in the application on currency dropdown country name displays. there should show currency only
To signup in the application on currency dropdown country name displays. there should show currency only. Minal Watmode
04:24 PM Field orbit-ios Modification/ Enhancements #408 (New): Lead-->add new-->address-->postal code-->Postal code should be alphanumeric instead of numeric only
Lead-->add new-->address-->postal code-->Postal code should be alphanumeric instead of numeric only arti saraswat
04:21 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #203 (Closed): Wrong spelling used for both word
Minal Watmode
04:15 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #298 (Closed): Menu-->Jobs--> message icon overlapping over the open: IN Progress text
arti saraswat
04:14 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #288 (Closed): Login-->enter password-->Password should be in mask form
arti saraswat
04:13 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #406: Once created account with the new number-.> filled all the information -> saved.->It navigates to login page-> add same number. it says you dont have any account create , & it takes to signup page
Once created account with the new number-.> filled all the information -> saved.->It navigates to login page-> add s... Minal Watmode
04:01 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #406 (Closed): Once created account with the new number-.> filled all the information -> saved.->It navigates to login page-> add same number. it says you dont have any account create , & it takes to signup page
Minal Watmode
04:05 PM Trust & Company Managers Modification/ Enhancements #407 (Closed): Report-->trust & comp managers-->Report service type trust-->the field inside "Other (please specify)" should reflect separately in report at admin end
Report-->trust & comp managers-->Report service type trust-->the field inside "Other (please specify)" should reflect... arti saraswat
02:58 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #405: Report--> Trust & Company Managers-->Report service type trust-->there should not be 00 after the decimal point in the number column.
arti saraswat wrote:
> Report
> Trust & Company Managers
> Report service type trust
> there should not b...
arti saraswat
02:45 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #405 (Closed): Report--> Trust & Company Managers-->Report service type trust-->there should not be 00 after the decimal point in the number column.
Trust & Company Managers
Report service type trust
there should not be 00 after the decimal point in th...
arti saraswat
01:33 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #404 (Closed): Restaurant -> view -> edit -> duplicate number has accepted in the admin panel
Restaurant -> view -> edit -> duplicate number has accepted in the admin panel
profile updated successfully
Minal Watmode
01:21 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #403 (Resolved): Mobile money ID page missing from the application, it should be added
As per the client approved design
Mobile money ID page missing from the application, it should be added
Please ref...
Minal Watmode
01:18 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #402 (Closed): While adding information of the restaurant's user bank details page should be added as have attached screenshot
As per the client approved design
While adding information of the restaurant's user bank details page should be ad...
Minal Watmode
01:03 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #364 (Feedback): go with menu window-->scroll down that window-->If user scrolls down the menu window, then this window scrolled down, and white space appears at the top, while this menu window should be fixed from the upper side.
chirag wadhwa
01:01 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #364: go with menu window-->scroll down that window-->If user scrolls down the menu window, then this window scrolled down, and white space appears at the top, while this menu window should be fixed from the upper side.
Please check the Bigbasket app for refernce. side menu works same as other Apps chirag wadhwa
01:01 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #362 (Feedback): menu-->select any tab-->half screen of previous screen displayed which is wrong. layout issue
chirag wadhwa
12:58 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #366 (Resolved): menu-->lead/estimate/ message-->Layout issue (email and call icon should be same line of text)
chirag wadhwa
12:57 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #369: Menu-->lead/estimate/customer/jobs/invoice/Customer assets/Payment/notes/reminder-->scroll screen->If user scrolls down screen, then this screen scrolled down, and white space appears at the top, while this screen should be fixed from the upper side.
This is not an issue , its a function of scrollview that we are using here, if u want to check please check in other... chirag wadhwa
12:54 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #369 (Feedback): Menu-->lead/estimate/customer/jobs/invoice/Customer assets/Payment/notes/reminder-->scroll screen->If user scrolls down screen, then this screen scrolled down, and white space appears at the top, while this screen should be fixed from the upper side.
chirag wadhwa
12:54 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #401 (Resolved): On dining page where all order will displays, click on one order it will navigate to that order details page with the reject button to be added
As per the client approved design.
On dining page where all order will displays, click on one order it will naviga...
Minal Watmode
12:54 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #377 (Feedback): menu-->create estimate-->save-->add item-->add file-->user did not add any files still its showing "Recent 15"...why so?
those numbers are not numbers selected by you ,those are numbers of pictures contain in phones album chirag wadhwa
12:48 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #377 (In Progress): menu-->create estimate-->save-->add item-->add file-->user did not add any files still its showing "Recent 15"...why so?
chirag wadhwa
12:47 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #377 (Feedback): menu-->create estimate-->save-->add item-->add file-->user did not add any files still its showing "Recent 15"...why so?
chirag wadhwa
12:47 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #400 (Resolved): Dining page should have a title all orders for dinning look like as a screenshot
As per the client approved design
Dining page should have a title all orders for dinning look like as a screenshot ...
Minal Watmode
12:43 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #399 (Resolved): On Insight page should be implemented to adding pie cart & statistic bar
As per the client approved design
On Insight page should be implemented to adding pie cart & statistic bar
Please ...
Minal Watmode
12:37 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #398 (Closed): Menu page on the items should have short description, menus is not a word, correct it accordingly
As per the client approved design
Menu page on the items should have short description, menus is not a word, correct...
Minal Watmode
12:32 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #397 (Closed): Order Delivered page should be added when click on delivered order
As per the client approved design
Order Delivered page should be added when click on delivered order
Please refer t...
Minal Watmode
12:28 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #396 (Closed): Rejected order page should be added
As per the client approved design
Rejected order page should be added
Please refer the attached screenshot
Minal Watmode
12:23 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #395 (Resolved): Accepted order page should be see a full description of of the accepted order
As per the client approved design
Accepted order page should be see a full description of of the accepted order
Minal Watmode
12:19 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #394 (Feedback): On the Home page of the restaurant status of the there are in the present application there ae $ status but according to client's design it should be 5 status to be added

As per the client approved design
On the Home page of the restaurant status of the there are in the present appl...
Minal Watmode
12:07 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #393 (Resolved): After adding OTP if number already log in it will navigate to home page of the application OR If new number used in application it should take 'create your account ' page

As per the client approved design
After adding OTP if number already log in it will navigate to home page of th...
Minal Watmode
11:58 AM Trust & Company Managers Bug #392 (Closed): Report-->Trust company and managers-->Report of company manager countries-->Only 4 digits should allow after decimal.
Trust company and managers
Report of company manager countries
Only 4 digits should allow after the
arti saraswat
11:58 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #391 (Resolved): Once mobile number add in the signup / login page it should navigate to OTP page
As per the client approved design
Once mobile number add in the signup / login page it should navigate to OTP page
Minal Watmode
11:58 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #371 (Resolved): Menu-->estimate-->select service-->sub service-->this screen should be fixed, which means the screen should not scroll.
chirag wadhwa
11:50 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #372 (Resolved): Menu-->add estimate-->create estimate-->save-->The service name is cutting in "item List" on the Lead estimate page, shift the value a little bit on the left side
chirag wadhwa
11:48 AM Kanzo_Restaurants Modification/ Enhancements #389 (Closed): Splash screen of the application at the bottom to be added Restaurant App
As per the client approved design
Splash screen of the application at the bottom to be added Restaurant App
Minal Watmode
11:33 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #380 (Resolved): menu-->estimate-->add estimate-->enter value-->save-->As user saves that estimate then user redirect to the same 'Add Estimate" screen from where user selects the lead
chirag wadhwa
11:33 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #384 (Resolved): Menu-->create estimate-->save-->then go to estimate again-->eye icon-->change status from DRAFT to SENT-->Save-->status does not change to sent, it remains draft only
chirag wadhwa
11:08 AM Kanzo_delivery boy Modification/ Enhancements #388 (Closed): Wizard screen to be added of 2 pages after splash screen
As per the client approved design
Wizard screen to be added of 2 pages after splash screen
Please refer the attache...
Minal Watmode
11:01 AM Kanzo_delivery boy Modification/ Enhancements #387 (Closed): On splash screen of the application In the bottom of screen "Delivery Boy App" words to be added
As per the client approved design
On splash screen of the application In the bottom of screen "Delivery Boy App" wor...
Minal Watmode
10:53 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #350 (Resolved): Menu-->lead-->add new-->provide value in each field-->Consumer comments input field is hiding by mobile keyboard.
chirag wadhwa
10:32 AM Field orbit-ios Bug #315 (Resolved): Menu-->estimate-->Select service-->sub type-->Rate field should not be input field.
chirag wadhwa


07:41 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #386 (Closed): lfsc-->add country and company in Western Europe-->go with admin panel-->report-->report of trust companies--> some countries do not reflect at the admin end in the report section.
License panel
add country and company in Western Europe
go with the admin panel
report of trust companies
arti saraswat
07:29 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #314 (Closed): Menu-->estimate-->Select service-->sub type-->RATE in rate field does not fetched.
arti saraswat
07:04 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #385 (Closed): Payment failed error page to be added when if there is something failed in application while paying
As per the client approved design
Payment failed error page to be added when if there is something failed in applica...
Minal Watmode
07:02 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #384 (Closed): Menu-->create estimate-->save-->then go to estimate again-->eye icon-->change status from DRAFT to SENT-->Save-->status does not change to sent, it remains draft only
create estimate
then go to estimate again
eye icon
change status from DRAFT to SENT
Actual re...
arti saraswat
07:00 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #383 (Closed): Notification icon to be added in application where user should receive the notification related application
Notification icon to be added in application where user should receive the notification related application Minal Watmode
06:58 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #382 (Closed): On the profile of the user below name of the user mobile number to be added
As per the client approved design
On the profile of the user below name of the user mobile number to be added
& fo...
Minal Watmode
06:54 PM Kanzo customer Bug #381 (Closed): User did not receive any notification when restaurant accepted table booking it should be implemented to send a push notification to user & it should show in the application as well
User did not receive any notification when restaurant accepted table booking it should be implemented to send a push ... Minal Watmode
06:49 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #380 (Closed): menu-->estimate-->add estimate-->enter value-->save-->As user saves that estimate then user redirect to the same 'Add Estimate" screen from where user selects the lead
add estimate
enter value
Actual result:-
As the user saves that estimate then the user red...
arti saraswat
06:48 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #379 (Resolved): Go out -> Dinning -> User book a table for the users information page should be added like Name, mobile nu, mail id with the booking date and timing
As per the client approved design
Go out -> Dinning -> User book a table for the users information page should be ad...
Minal Watmode
06:36 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #378 (Closed): Order notification did not displays on the front page when order placed.
As per the client approved design
Order notification did not displays on the front page when order placed.
order a...
Minal Watmode
06:35 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #377 (Feedback): menu-->create estimate-->save-->add item-->add file-->user did not add any files still its showing "Recent 15"...why so?
create estimate
add item
it allows a number of files to add
then without clciking ok go back
arti saraswat
06:32 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #376 (Resolved): Go out -> book a table -> If there is a already reserved table that time slot should be block and user not to able the book a same slot
As per the client approved design
Go out -> book a table -> If there is a already reserved table that time slot sh...
Minal Watmode
06:25 PM Kanzo customer Bug #375 (Closed): Every page of the header field is blank it supposed to show the current location of the user
As per the client approved design
Every page of the header field is blank it supposed to show the current location o...
Minal Watmode
06:16 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #374 (Resolved): Go-Out -> Distance of the restaurant it should be at right top of the image not at bottom in the image
As per the client approved design
Go-Out -> Distance of the restaurant it should be at right top of the image inste...
Minal Watmode
06:14 PM Field orbit-ios Modification/ Enhancements #373 (New): Menu-->go with any screen-->Width/height of boxes is too much, decrease the height of boxes and text should be in center.
go with any screen
1. The width/height of boxes is too much.
2. texts are slightly down.
arti saraswat
06:06 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #372 (Closed): Menu-->add estimate-->create estimate-->save-->The service name is cutting in "item List" on the Lead estimate page, shift the value a little bit on the left side
add estimate
create estimate
Actual result:-
The service name is cutting in "item List" on the Lead ...
arti saraswat
06:02 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #332: Once order placed one more page should be added more for order summary
As per the client requirement order summary status page to be added
1 Ordered on time & date
2 Accepted order on t...
Minal Watmode
06:00 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #371 (Resolved): Menu-->estimate-->select service-->sub service-->this screen should be fixed, which means the screen should not scroll.
select service-->sub service-->
Actual result:-
1. screen does scroll
2. last field hides behind...
arti saraswat
05:47 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #313 (Closed): Menu-->Estimate-->add new-->Word "CUSTOMER" is cutting.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
05:47 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #305 (Closed): Menu-->lead-->add new-->need to add "Contacted" option in lead status.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
05:46 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #370 (Closed): Place order bottom panel sheet extra unwanted space to be removed
Place order bottom panel sheet extra unwanted space to be removed
1 cross button also be removed, when touch on up...
Minal Watmode
05:45 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #369 (Feedback): Menu-->lead/estimate/customer/jobs/invoice/Customer assets/Payment/notes/reminder-->scroll screen->If user scrolls down screen, then this screen scrolled down, and white space appears at the top, while this screen should be fixed from the upper side.
lead/estimate/customer/jobs/invoice/Customer assets/Payment/notes/reminder
scroll screen
Actual result:-
arti saraswat
05:38 PM Kanzo customer Bug #368 (Feedback): While placing order on the payment mode panel mobile number option does not work
While placing order on the payment mode panel mobile number option does not work Minal Watmode
05:28 PM Kanzo customer Bug #367 (Closed): Order placed from users end but at the same time in the restaurant application it did not appear the same order
Order placed from users end but at the same time in the restaurant application it did not appear the same order Minal Watmode
05:12 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #366 (Closed): menu-->lead/estimate/ message-->Layout issue (email and call icon should be same line of text)
lead/estimate/ message
Layout issue (email and call icon should be the same line of text)
See the attache...
arti saraswat
05:00 PM Kanzo customer Bug #365 (Closed): cart does not get reset even after ordered and paid.
cart does not get reset even after ordered and paid.
1. order and pay the amount.
2. click on back button...
Minal Watmode
04:55 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #364 (Feedback): go with menu window-->scroll down that window-->If user scrolls down the menu window, then this window scrolled down, and white space appears at the top, while this menu window should be fixed from the upper side.
go with the menu window
scroll down that window
Actual result
If the user scrolls down the menu window, then thi...
arti saraswat
04:47 PM Kanzo customer Bug #363 (Closed): On Item price original to selling price discount counted that calculation is not correct
On Item price original to selling price discount counted that calculation is not correct Minal Watmode
04:40 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #362 (Feedback): menu-->select any tab-->half screen of previous screen displayed which is wrong. layout issue
layout issue
menu-->select any tab-->half screen of the previous screen displayed which is wrong.
The screen sh...
arti saraswat
04:33 PM Field orbit-ios Change Request #361 (New): No app LOGO for this application on an iOS device, please change the logo of application as soon as possible
No app LOGO for this application on an iOS device, please change the logo of application as soon as possible arti saraswat
04:30 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #360 (New): Whatever the action perform for any tab or function, Everything takes time to load please resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Whatever the action perform for any tab or function, Everything takes time to load please resolve this issue as soon ... arti saraswat
04:16 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #359 (Resolved): Bottom panel sheet of the items there should be space to add on of the dish
As per the client approved design refer attached screenshot, Implement as it is
Bottom panel sheet of the items t...
Minal Watmode
04:12 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #358 (New): Screen to put value of where you will work, city, locality, timing of shift is missing as per the client approved design.
Screen to put value of where you will work, city, locality, timing of shift is missing as per the client approved des... himanshu bhardwaj
04:08 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #357 (Reopened ): Signup--field Address, state , city and pincode are missing on personal information as per the approved design of client.
Signup--field Address, state , city and pincode are missing on personal information as per the approved design of cli... himanshu bhardwaj
04:07 PM Field orbit-ios Change Request #356 (New): Menu-->Lead-->add new-->there is the button of "Appointment" on the top right side-->please remove this option from there.
add new
there is the button of "Appointment" on the top right side-->please remove this option from ...
arti saraswat
04:06 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #339: On the sign up page after adding mobile number for New users information page implement it as same
text field and label design pattern do not match as per the client approved design. we have label and placeholder tog... Minal Watmode
01:27 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #339: On the sign up page after adding mobile number for New users information page implement it as same
1 User registration title at the top of page
2 Field displays pattern is different as per the approved design
Minal Watmode
10:37 AM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #339 (Reopened ): On the sign up page after adding mobile number for New users information page implement it as same
On the sign up page after adding mobile number for New users information page implement it as same
Minal Watmode
04:05 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #355 (Closed): text field and label design pattern do not match as per the client approved design.
text field and label design pattern do not match as per the client approved design. we have label and placeholder tog... himanshu bhardwaj
04:03 PM Kanzo customer Bug #354 (Closed): Text of Veg & Non- veg side's toggle button should be align in a same field
Text of Veg & Non- veg side's toggle button should be align in a same field Minal Watmode
04:00 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Modification/ Enhancements #353 (Resolved): Signup--"feature already have an account? login " is missing as per the client approved design.
Signup--"feature already have an account? login " is missing as per the client approved design. himanshu bhardwaj
04:00 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #352 (Closed): On the store page distance, dining, review this words to be in small letters only first letter of the word should be capital
On the store page distance, dining, review this words to be in small letters only first letter of the word should be... Minal Watmode
03:47 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #349: On the enter OTP page, Resend OTP displays like a hyperlink to be added.
As per the client approved design
Minal Watmode
03:22 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #349 (Reopened ): On the enter OTP page, Resend OTP displays like a hyperlink to be added.
On the enter OTP page, Resend OTP displays like a hyperlink to be added.
On the same page Add mobile number with A...
Minal Watmode
03:45 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #351 (Closed): Report-->trust comp & managers-->Report of total countries-->count value is wrong for countries.
Report-->trust comp & managers-->Report of total countries-->count value is wrong for countries.
Should be 19 instea...
arti saraswat
03:44 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #327: On restaurant page modify with distance, add move from image to below the image
3 On second field Put time instead of distance
4 Add button's + sign would be in front instead of back of the text ...
Minal Watmode
03:39 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #250 (Closed): REPORT-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report of total country-->Countries name in main heading should not be in short form at admin end.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
03:37 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #261 (Closed): REPORT-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report of Service type of manager companies-->Count should be 7 instead of 8
arti saraswat
03:37 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #262 (Closed): REPORT-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report of Service type of manager companies-->Count should be 7 instead of 8

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
03:29 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #350 (Closed): Menu-->lead-->add new-->provide value in each field-->Consumer comments input field is hiding by mobile keyboard.
add new
provide value in each field
Click inside consumer comments
The consumer comments i...
arti saraswat
03:24 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #325: On homepage of the application major points to be added

Minal Watmode wrote:
> 1 On homepage header location field area to be mention according to location
> 2 Offer ...
Minal Watmode
02:15 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #348 (Closed): Menu-->lead-->add new-->address->postal code-->postal code field allows unlimited characters.
add new
postal code
Actual result:-
The postal code field allows unlimited characters.
arti saraswat
02:06 PM Field orbit-ios Feature #347 (New): menu-->lead-->add new-->click on pick-->click on allow-->As you told me that you didn't implemented that pick address functionally, but right now if i am clicking on pick-->the allow--?app getting crashed
menu-->lead-->add new-->click on pick-->click on allow-->As you told me that you didn't implement that pick address f... arti saraswat
01:53 PM Field orbit-ios Bug #299 (Closed): menu-->lead-->fee-->accepts unlimited characters.

This issue has been verified,
and it has been found that the issue has been fixed.
arti saraswat
01:09 PM Kanzo customer Bug #346 (Closed): Already logged in user while launching the application it displays wizard screen
Already logged in user while launching the application it delays wizard screen
wizard screen should be displays o...
Minal Watmode
01:05 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #319 (Closed): As per client's requirement, on the wizard first screen things to be implemented
Minal Watmode
01:05 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #319 (Feedback): As per client's requirement, on the wizard first screen things to be implemented
Manoj sir sent me this text to include.... Please confirm with designer and manoj sir
amir r
01:05 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #321 (Feedback): On the wizard third screen things to be implemented
Plz confirm with manoj sir, they added these texts....
amir r
01:05 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #320 (Feedback): On the wizard second screen things to be implemented
Please confirm with manoj sir..... They changed this texts
amir r
12:48 PM Kanzo customer Bug #260 (Resolved): Restaurant -> Add items -> View cart -> Place order -> Razor pay -> while paying for an order it says Invalid currency
Please add restaurant with valid currency then this will popup will not appear. amir r
12:46 PM Kanzo customer Bug #252 (Resolved): When single item added to cart, And Remove the same item using minus key cart screen does not update
amir r
12:42 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #297 (Resolved): Dashboard -> Email anyone -> the will go under the name of kanzo but user received from different mailer
Now i changed the message from Misha infotech to recieving email with kanzo headline. amir r
12:25 PM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #292 (Resolved): forgot password-- there is no mandatory field validation. without entering anything user click on submit , nothing happens
now i am sending the password of that email which admin type. and if the email is available inside database. amir r
12:07 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #309 (Resolved): lfsc--->upload 2 return with same year-->put value-->submit-->admin panel-->verify-->TBR-->lfsc-->submit-->admin-->verify-->Report-->trust & comp managers-->trust business and comp manager tab-->Added company and country get disappear from the report.
Manessh p
12:07 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Modification/ Enhancements #345 (Closed): On Personal information page Personal information title field should be on header of the page
On Personal information page Personal information title field should be on header on the page Minal Watmode
11:59 AM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #300 (Resolved): Table Order -> Add table time -> when added table time & selected, there was processing route and it did not save table timing
There was some network issue.... it working fine. Please check again. amir r
11:57 AM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #344 (Reopened ): While adding number to sign up on mobile number i did not receive any OTP, and any toast message, it redirected to the personal details page
While adding number to sign up on mobile number I did not receive any OTP, and any toast message, it redirected to th... Minal Watmode
11:56 AM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #301 (Resolved): Table order -> add table time -> on the add table time page. there is button with the name add table day
i changed the buttton name from add table day to add table time from add table time page. amir r
11:54 AM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #296 (Resolved): Across application-- there should be asterisk sign for the mandatory fields.
Modified on all addition pages in admin panel (added astriks sign with red color). amir r
11:53 AM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #343 (Closed): In the delivery boy application, Pay now page written you are our valuable customer.
In the delivery boy application, Pay now page written
'you are our valuable customer.'
Delivery is not a customer ...
Minal Watmode
11:44 AM Kanzo_delivery boy Modification/ Enhancements #342 (Resolved): When delivery boy is a new user, once add mobile number to he will receive OTP first and the will navigate to create an account page
When delivery boy is a new user, once add mobile number to he will receive OTP first and the will navigate to create ... Minal Watmode
11:34 AM Kanzo_delivery boy Modification/ Enhancements #341 (Resolved): On signup , login page both button move to bottom at the page
On signup , login page both button move to bottom at the page Minal Watmode
11:26 AM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #293 (Resolved): Category --when user creates new record , field indicates select store even there is already selected a default value. would suggest to add a --select--row instead of selecting a default value.
when admin creating new category then admin will have to select store. and i am clearly indicating "Select store" at ... amir r
11:23 AM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #304 (Resolved): Restaurant--when we enter already existing number , system displayed vendor is already exist even message should be "mobile number already exist"
i changed the message from admin panel. when mobile number is already exists. amir r
11:13 AM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #311 (Resolved): Restaurant--edit--system says restaurant name already exist and does not allow with name which we have given. even system should not validate for the same the record which we are going edit
No i removed the validation from restaurant name in edit section and in even add section of restaurant. amir r
11:12 AM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #310 (Resolved): Restaurants--edit--actual value does bind for the field (country symbol, country code, )which we have entered at the time of creating new restaurant.
Now these mentioned values are removed from edit section . only restaurant can edit their country symbol and country ... amir r
11:11 AM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #306 (Resolved): Notifications -> send to all restaurants -> when notifications send from admin panel on restaurant application push notification receive but it did not show in the application
There are no any features of notification inside application, so it is not showing. amir r
11:08 AM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #291 (Resolved): URL gets convert into invalid string once session gets timeout.
amir r
10:54 AM Kanzo customer Feature #340 (Reopened ): In the navigation drawer page add 2 fields 1 is My cart & 2 settings
In the navigation drawer page add 2 fields
1 is My cart &
2 settings
Minal Watmode


06:53 PM Kanzo customer Feature #338 (Reopened ): When click on order history there should be button added for reorder & help need
When click on order history there should be button added for reorder & help need Minal Watmode
06:45 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #337 (New): To edit profile Update button should to be at the bottom of the page
To edit profile Update button should to be at the bottom of the page Minal Watmode
06:42 PM Kanzo customer Bug #336 (Closed): Profile -> EDIT -> application got crashed when click on edit
Profile -> EDIT -> application got crashed when click on edit Minal Watmode
06:39 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #335 (New): Reviews -> submit button put at the bottom of page
Reviews -> submit button put at the bottom of page Minal Watmode
06:35 PM Kanzo customer Bug #334 (Closed): Store -> Dinning & reviews -> there are so many reviews but cart field is also there i would not be to read third comment
Store -> Dinning & reviews -> there are so many reviews but cart field is also there i would not be to read third co... Minal Watmode
06:21 PM Kanzo customer Feature #333 (Resolved): For the table booking after selecting time, day, number of people there should be ask for personal details button
For the table booking after selecting time, day, number of people there should be ask for personal details button
Minal Watmode
05:49 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #332 (New): Once order placed one more page should be added more for order summary
Once order placed one more page should be added more for order summary Minal Watmode
04:54 PM Kanzo customer Feature #331 (Closed): When place the order before payment there should ask for delivery address bottom slide panel
When place the order before payment there should ask for delivery address bottom slide panel
refer screenshot I hav...
Minal Watmode
04:41 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #321: On the wizard third screen things to be implemented
Plz confirm with manoj sir, they added these texts.... amir r
01:14 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #321 (Feedback): On the wizard third screen things to be implemented
1 On the title Use ' Tracking' word
2 On description Use only " keep watching on the status of your order"
Minal Watmode
04:39 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #320: On the wizard second screen things to be implemented
Please confirm with manoj sir..... They changed this texts amir r
12:56 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #320 (Feedback): On the wizard second screen things to be implemented
1. Use only 'order' word from title.
2. Put " easily & quickly" in the description
3 navigation icon to be rem...
Minal Watmode
04:36 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #319: As per client's requirement, on the wizard first screen things to be implemented
Manoj sir sent me this text to include.... Please confirm with designer and manoj sir amir r
12:42 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #319 (Closed): As per client's requirement, on the wizard first screen things to be implemented
1 Only Explore word to be there in title
2 "Find fresh food of your choice, nearby" only this sentence to be used i...
Minal Watmode
04:23 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #330 (Closed): Bottom slide panel of place order Grand total should be on white slide
Bottom slide panel of place order Grand total should be on white slide Minal Watmode
04:15 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #329 (Resolved): Cart field supposed to move at the bottom on the page

Cart field supposed to move at the bottom on the page
Minal Watmode
04:09 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #328 (Resolved): On the bottom slide panel of item should be implemented with below points
1 Review to be added for the dish
2 description of the dish
3 Add 2-3 field for add on of the items
Minal Watmode
03:44 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #327 (Resolved): On restaurant page modify with distance, add move from image to below the image
1 On header location field should to be empty
2 On resto details Add 1 line second line for address
Minal Watmode
03:27 PM Kanzo customer Bug #326 (Closed): In the application i have logged in still it shows item in the cart
In the application I have not logged in still it shows item in the cart.
Minal Watmode
03:23 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #325 (Closed): On homepage of the application major points to be added
1 On homepage header location field area to be mention according to location
2 Offer restaurants circle to be in bla...
Minal Watmode
02:57 PM Kanzo customer Feature #324 (Closed): For the registration after adding mobile number next OTP page to be added
For the registration after adding mobile number next OTP page to be added
It should be 6 digits OTP
Minal Watmode
02:42 PM Kanzo customer Feature #323 (Resolved): For new users screen to be added with new number
When number does not exist, user will add number and navigate to this page please. refer picture which I have attach ... Minal Watmode
01:43 PM Kanzo customer Modification/ Enhancements #322 (Resolved): Enhancement to be implemented on login screen
1 On the left side of the screen login word to be removed
2 Add picture of food dish
Half white log in screen to b...
Minal Watmode
10:06 AM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #318 (Closed): Cart -> there is no word exit carts please correct a cart words instead of carts
Minal Watmode
10:06 AM KANZO_Admin panel Bug #318 (Resolved): Cart -> there is no word exit carts please correct a cart words instead of carts
amir r

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