



From 08/24/2021 to 09/02/2021


07:47 PM Kanzo customer Bug #236: When we share application through menu, receiver only receive application name even should be received application link as well to download.
When we share application through menu, receiver only receive application name even should be received application li... himanshu bhardwaj
04:17 PM Kanzo customer Bug #236 (Feedback): When we share application through menu, receiver only receive application name even should be received application link as well to download.
Menu -> share -> select application skype
When select share option, it supposed to share link not only name
It w...
Minal Watmode
07:39 PM Kanzo customer Bug #189 (Reopened ): Validation should be added on important all field
himanshu bhardwaj
07:35 PM Kanzo customer Bug #189: Validation should be added on important all field
It has added but it should be in red colour himanshu bhardwaj
07:32 PM Kanzo customer Bug #247 (Closed): To book a table if days are not available, Number of people user not be able to click numbers
To book a table if days are not available, Number of people user not be able to click numbers
And BOOK button to...
himanshu bhardwaj
07:26 PM Kanzo customer Bug #246 (Resolved): On store details page click on back key it should go to store page instead navigate to homepage
On store details page click on back key it should go to store page instead navigate to homepage
For Example: I am ...
himanshu bhardwaj
07:18 PM Kanzo customer Bug #245 (Closed): All positive ( successful ) toaster message supposed to be in green colour
All positive ( successful ) toaster message supposed to be in green colour.

In RED colour toaster seems like dan...
himanshu bhardwaj
07:15 PM Kanzo customer Bug #244 (Closed): Sing in added password Move to next field and added info cursor still blink on password field
Sing in added password Move to next field and added info cursor still blink on password field.
himanshu bhardwaj
06:52 PM Kanzo customer Bug #180 (Closed): Menu row has alignment issue
himanshu bhardwaj
06:51 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #222 (Resolved): profile edit--previously uploaded image does not fetched and when we upload a new image that also does not get update at the same time.
Navigation isssue. now fixed.....navigating to home page amir r
06:50 PM Kanzo customer Bug #177 (Closed): Mahajan store--day select option does not display. could not understand the reason.
himanshu bhardwaj
06:41 PM Kanzo customer Bug #176 (Closed): Store--review--review text should get wrapped in case of large amount of value.
himanshu bhardwaj
06:26 PM Kanzo customer Bug #167 (Closed): Create account--by default password eye (on/off) should be displayed in off value.
himanshu bhardwaj
06:20 PM Kanzo customer Bug #172 (Closed): user should not be stayed on create account screen, once account has been created successfully.should be navigated on login screen.
himanshu bhardwaj
06:16 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #224: Click on 'Log in' if number is not registered it directly navigate to signup page
Message added if new user .... "Create new account" amir r
11:43 AM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #224 (Reopened ): Click on 'Log in' if number is not registered it directly navigate to signup page
Click on 'Log in' if number is not registered it directly navigate to signup page.
If number not registered, toast...
Minal Watmode
06:04 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #243 (Closed): REPORT-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report of trust countries-->The sequence of countries & companies in the report should be the same as in the license panel.
License panel
Trust Business
add country and companies
validate & submit
admin panel
verify & approve
Go with R...
arti saraswat
05:54 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #242 (Closed): REPORT-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report of trust countries-->if user adds same name country more than once at license panel, so that country should appear once in the report along with total count of companies against that same country
License panel
Trust Business
add same country multiple time country along with company count
validate & submit
arti saraswat
05:47 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #241 (Closed): REPORT-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report of trust countries-->The country name for the "Western Europe" section does not display in the report section.

License panel
Trust Business
add country and companies
validate & submit
admin panel
verify & approve
Go with...
arti saraswat
05:43 PM Kanzo customer Bug #173 (Closed): App should be displayed an error message while use put invalid otp
himanshu bhardwaj
05:36 PM Kanzo customer Feature #178 (Closed): Suggestion--for new user-- when a new user try to login with otp, app takes him on create account screen, it is bit confusing for a user while we showing sent otp button there.
himanshu bhardwaj
05:11 PM Kanzo customer Bug #240 (New): Go out row there is a single picture it scrolls upside.
Go out row, there is a single vendor ( shop) it scrolls upside.

If there is a single vendor it supposed to stable.
Minal Watmode
05:01 PM Kanzo customer Bug #239 (Closed): Check out page supposed to go upside when keyboard open to add number for payment process
Check out page supposed to go upside when keyboard open to add number for payment process,
As a user, I would be ...
Minal Watmode
04:59 PM Kanzo customer Bug #237 (Resolved): On menu sign out option does not work
amir r
04:40 PM Kanzo customer Bug #237 (Closed): On menu sign out option does not work
On menu-> sign out option does not work Minal Watmode
04:53 PM Kanzo customer Bug #238 (Closed): After payment application ask for address
After payment application ask for address
It should ask before the payment procedure
Minal Watmode
03:42 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #235 (Closed): REPORT-->Trust & Company Managers-->if user adds same name country more than once at license panel, so that country should appear once in the report along with total count of companies against that same country
License panel
company management
add same country multiple time country along with company count
validate & submit...
arti saraswat
03:39 PM Kanzo customer Bug #234 (Closed): Login with opt--resend otp link does not work.
Login with opt--resend otp link does not work. himanshu bhardwaj
03:15 PM Kanzo customer Bug #228 (Resolved): Login with OTP--there should be "digits" in message which app shows just after the click on send otp button.
amir r
12:46 PM Kanzo customer Bug #228 (Closed): Login with OTP--there should be "digits" in message which app shows just after the click on send otp button.
Login with OTP--there should be "digits" instead of "digit" in message which app shows just after the click on send o... himanshu bhardwaj
01:53 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #233 (Closed): REPORT-->Trust & Company Managers-->Report of country manager companies-->total count 23 displayed instead of 21

License panel
company management
add country and companies
validate & submit
admin panel
verify & approve
Go ...
arti saraswat
01:50 PM Kanzo customer Bug #232 (Closed): View cart--when user click on view cart tab, app takes on exception screen.
View cart--when user click on view cart tab, app takes on exception screen.
steps to reproduce:
1. login with c...
himanshu bhardwaj
01:46 PM Trust & Company Managers Bug #231 (Closed): REPORT-->Trust & Company Managers-->The sequence of countries & companies in the report should be the same as in the license panel.
License panel
company management
add country and companies
validate & submit
admin panel
verify & approve
Go wi...
arti saraswat
01:32 PM Kanzo customer Bug #229 (Resolved): added a store/restaurant and made status on as well but same store does not display in customer app.
amir r
01:16 PM Kanzo customer Bug #229 (Closed): added a store/restaurant and made status on as well but same store does not display in customer app.
added a store/restaurant and made status on as well but same store does not display in customer app. himanshu bhardwaj
01:31 PM Kanzo customer Bug #230 (Resolved): Signout--user should be navigated on introduction wizard in case of singout. he/she should be navigated on login screen.
amir r
01:24 PM Kanzo customer Bug #230 (Closed): Signout--user should be navigated on introduction wizard in case of singout. he/she should be navigated on login screen.
Signout--user should be navigated on introduction wizard in case of singout. he/she should be navigated on login scre... himanshu bhardwaj
12:50 PM Kanzo customer Bug #226 (Resolved): i tried to launch the customer app and found Range error .
amir r
12:26 PM Kanzo customer Bug #226 (Closed): i tried to launch the customer app and found Range error .
i tried to launch the customer app and found Range error . himanshu bhardwaj
12:50 PM Kanzo customer Bug #193 (Resolved): While placing order coupon applies but in total it should deduct from payable amount and it should show to cart page
resolved by decreasing the coupon amount from total checkout amount. amir r
12:44 PM Kanzo customer Bug #227 (Closed): user not able to login with social media options (G+ and facebook)
user not able to login with social media options (G+ and facebook) himanshu bhardwaj
12:34 PM Kanzo customer Bug #190 (Resolved): Validations for 5 stars only should be added for restaurant reviews
Added dropdown option upto 5.0 stars... now resolved. amir r
12:08 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #225 (Closed): While signing up add date of birth, cursor will blink to email field It supposed to navigate next page
While signing up add date of birth, cursor will blink to email field It supposed to navigate next page Minal Watmode


08:12 PM ARIAS-II QUERY #223 (New): License panel-->Administrator-->Post Licensing application-->new application-->select director-->fill all the form-->back to the application-->submit-->choose online mode-->Why user get this 400 error page when user choose online method payment.
License panel
Post Licensing application
new application
select director
fill all the form
back t...
arti saraswat
07:47 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #222 (Reopened ): profile edit--previously uploaded image does not fetched and when we upload a new image that also does not get update at the same time.
profile edit--previously uploaded image does not fetched and when we upload a new image that also does not get update... himanshu bhardwaj
07:43 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #221 (Closed): new delivery boy signin--app shows 4 accepted orders and 410 earning even delivery boy has not received or done anything.
new delivery boy sign in--app shows 4 accepted orders and 410 earning even delivery boy has not received or done anyt... himanshu bhardwaj
07:38 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #220 (Closed): after singup successfully-- successful message appear time is very less. user is not able to read.
after singup successfully-- successful message appear time is very less. user is not able to read. himanshu bhardwaj
07:30 PM Kanzo_delivery boy Bug #219 (Closed): signup--account details-- account number and confirm account number do not match still app allow to do further processing.
signup--account details-- account number and confirm account number do not match still app allow to do further proces... himanshu bhardwaj
06:46 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #218 (Closed): New restaurant signed up successfully, and status changed from admin panel OFF to ON. But when try to log in with same credentials it does not work
New restaurant signed up successfully, and status changed from admin panel OFF to ON.
But when try to log in wit...
Minal Watmode
06:18 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #214 (Resolved): In KANZO RESTAURANT application new restaurant signed up twice but it did not display on Admin Panel. which two restaurants has added and waiting for status update the status
amir r
05:36 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #214 (Closed): In KANZO RESTAURANT application new restaurant signed up twice but it did not display on Admin Panel. which two restaurants has added and waiting for status update the status
In KANZO RESTAURANT application new restaurant signed up twice but it did not display on Admin Panel. which two resta... Minal Watmode
06:11 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #197 (Resolved): Blocker --not able to complete the signup process. app shows processing only that never ends.
amir r
01:58 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #197 (Closed): Blocker --not able to complete the signup process. app shows processing only that never ends.
Blocker --not able to complete the signup process. app shows processing only that never ends. himanshu bhardwaj
06:01 PM ARIAS-II Bug #217 (New): License panel-->Administrator-->Post Licensing application-->new application-->select director-->Go with MLRO/MLCO/CO-->telephone number input filed accepts alphabets.
License panel
Post Licensing application
new application
select director
arti saraswat
06:00 PM Kanzo customer Bug #189 (Resolved): Validation should be added on important all field
amir r
05:58 PM ARIAS-II Bug #216 (New): License panel-->Administrator-->Post Licensing application-->new application-->select director-->"Go with MLRO/MLCO/CO" form-->age can't be negative.
License panel
Post Licensing application
new application
select director
Actual ...
arti saraswat
05:55 PM ARIAS-II Bug #215 (New): License panel-->Administrator-->Post Licensing application-->new application-->select director-->"Go with MLRO/MLCO/CO" form-->percentage field should accept inly numeric value.
License panel
Post Licensing application
new application
select director
"Education Details"
arti saraswat
05:09 PM ARIAS-II Bug #213 (New): License panel-->Administrator-->Post Licensing application-->new application-->select director-->"Education Details"-->Date field allows alphabet, special character, while only calendar should open on click in this field
License panel
Post Licensing application
new application
select director
"Education Details"
arti saraswat
05:04 PM ARIAS-II Bug #212 (New): License panel-->Administrator-->Post Licensing application-->new application-->select director-->fill form-->Email id field accepts email id with invalid format.
License panel
Post Licensing application
new application
select director
Go with "Education Detail...
arti saraswat
04:56 PM ARIAS-II Bug #211 (New): License panel-->Administrator-->Post Licensing application-->new application-->select director-->click on return name for form filling-->Go with form name " Previous Reseidence Details-->Spelling of "Reseidence" should be "Residence
License panel
Post Licensing application
new application
select director
click on return name for ...
arti saraswat
04:51 PM ARIAS-II Bug #210 (New): License panel-->Administrator-->Post Licensing application-->new application-->select director-->fill form-->end date can't fall before start date.
License panel
Post Licensing application
new application
select director
fill form
Go with " Prev...
arti saraswat
04:49 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #209 (Resolved): Click on 'Log in' if number is not registered it directly navigate to signup page
amir r
04:47 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #209 (Closed): Click on 'Log in' if number is not registered it directly navigate to signup page
Click on 'Log in' if number is not registered it directly navigate to signup page.
Toaster message supposed to ad...
Minal Watmode
04:46 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Feature #205 (Resolved): Image validation to be added so that can accept all information
Image validation added. amir r
04:32 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Feature #205 (Closed): Image validation to be added so that can accept all information
Image validation to be added so that can accept all information Minal Watmode
04:42 PM ARIAS-II Bug #208 (New): License panel-->Administrator-->Post Licensing application-->new application-->select director-->fill form-->Email id field accepts email id with invalid format.
License panel
Post Licensing application
new application
select director
fill form
Go with Declar...
arti saraswat
04:37 PM ARIAS-II Bug #207 (New): License panel-->Administrator-->Post Licensing application-->new application-->select director-->fill form-->middle name should not be mandatory
License panel
Post Licensing application
new application
select director
Declaration form
fill ...
arti saraswat
04:35 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #206 (Closed): When select the country, cursor blinks to previous field
When select the country, cursor blinks to previous field Minal Watmode
04:29 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #204 (Closed): On Bank details page without adding information click on continue button wrong validation massage displays
On Bank details page without adding information click on continue button wrong validation massage displays
Minal Watmode
04:21 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #203 (Resolved): Wrong spelling used for both word
amir r
04:20 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #203 (Closed): Wrong spelling used for both word
In Establishment type
Wrong spelling used for both word
Minal Watmode
04:17 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Feature #202 (Closed): Restaurant availability add time type for the field

Restaurant availability add time type for the field
Minal Watmode
03:51 PM ARIAS-II Bug #201 (New): License panel-->Administrator-->Post Licensing application-->new application-->select director-->fill form-->Email id field accepts email id with invalid format.
License panel
Post Licensing application
new application
select director
fill form
Actual resul...
arti saraswat
03:48 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #200 (Closed): while adding inputs on confirm password field then click on eye icon to see what password has used it will start adding values on same field
while adding inputs on confirm password field then click on eye icon to see what password has used it will start addi... Minal Watmode
03:48 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #196 (Resolved): Signup--bank details --when we put large amount of data in text field and submit the record. app catches the processing route and that never end.
Image validation left. now added. amir r
01:25 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #196 (Closed): Signup--bank details --when we put large amount of data in text field and submit the record. app catches the processing route and that never end.
Signup--bank details --when we put large amount of data in text field and submit the record. app catches the processi... himanshu bhardwaj
03:47 PM ARIAS-II Bug #199 (New): License panel-->Administrator-->Post Licensing application-->new application-->select director-->fill form-->telephone number input filed accepts alphabets.
License panel
arti saraswat
03:46 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Feature #198 (Resolved): For signup put validations to all important field to be added
Added amir r
03:38 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Feature #198 (Closed): For signup put validations to all important field to be added
For signup put validations to all important field to be added Minal Watmode
03:35 PM Kanzo customer Bug #192 (Resolved): On status active word should be visible its in yellow colour please change the colour
Changed to blue color amir r
03:27 PM Kanzo customer Bug #191 (Resolved): Reviews which have added to application it is not updating on back end
I have added rating and review section in admin panel. amir r
03:24 PM Kanzo customer Bug #188 (Resolved): While adding new restaurant it took time to add
amir r
03:23 PM Kanzo customer Bug #187 (Resolved): When we order food from application there will appear 2 orders in admin panel
amir r
01:00 PM Kanzo_Restaurants Bug #195 (Closed): Singup--app should be displayed validation error message when user click on next button. right now it displays but on the last screen.
Singup--app should be displayed validation error message when user click on next button. right now it displays but on... Misha Infotech Private Limited Admin
12:08 PM ARIAS-II Bug #194 (New): Login with Credit unions-->Dashboard-->Why this "Trust comp & manager" data is coming in "CREDIT UNIONS" sector?
Go with URL:-
Login with Credit unions
arti saraswat


07:20 PM Kanzo customer Bug #193 (Closed): While placing order coupon applies but in total it should deduct from payable amount and it should show to cart page
While placing order coupon applies but in total it should deduct from payable amount and it should show to cart page
Minal Watmode
07:20 PM Kanzo customer Bug #192 (Closed): On status active word should be visible its in yellow colour please change the colour
Admin panel-> menu-> view menu -> eye sign
On status active word should be visible its in yellow colour please...
Minal Watmode
07:16 PM Kanzo customer Bug #191 (Closed): Reviews which have added to application it is not updating on back end

Reviews which have added to application it is not updating on back end
Minal Watmode
07:15 PM Kanzo customer Bug #190 (Closed): Validations for 5 stars only should be added for restaurant reviews
Admin panel
Validations for 5 stars only should be added for restaurant reviews
Minal Watmode
07:11 PM Kanzo customer Bug #189 (Closed): Validation should be added on important all field
Admin panel
Validation should be added on important all field
Minal Watmode
07:09 PM Kanzo customer Bug #188 (Closed): While adding new restaurant it took time to add
Kanzo/ Admin -> restaurant -> add
While adding new restaurant it took time to add
Minal Watmode
07:08 PM Kanzo customer Bug #187 (Closed): When we order food from application there will appear 2 orders in admin panel
Kanzo/ Admin -> cart
When we order food from application there will appear 2 orders in admin panel
Minal Watmode
07:07 PM Kanzo customer Bug #186 (Feedback): Remove entries word from all screen
Remove entries word from all screen Minal Watmode
07:06 PM Public User panel Bug #185 (New): Public user-->Trust & comp-->form second-->percentage field accepts alphabets.
Public user-->Trust & comp-->form second-->percentage field accepts alphabets.
Note:- Please correct at every plac...
arti saraswat
06:50 PM Public User panel Bug #184 (Resolved): Public user-->Email Id field accepts email in invalid format for every form.
Public user-->Email Id field accepts email in invalid format for every form.
NOTE:-Please correct this issue for e...
arti saraswat
05:57 PM Public User panel Bug #183 (New): Public user-->first form-->add multiple rows-->delete any row-->then add row-->In this process sequence of rows getting disturbed.
Go with public user
Add multiple rows
Delete any from mid
Actual result:-
as the user deletes any row then th...
arti saraswat
05:27 PM Public User panel Bug #182 (New): Public user-->very first form-->The percentage field accepts negative numbers and the telephone number field accepts alphanumeric values.
Go with a public user panel
Go with the percentage field and tel...
arti saraswat
03:43 PM Kanzo customer Bug #181 (Resolved): Redmi device –tried registration on same device and found app displayed validation for image but when user upload the image again user navigated on enter mobile number screen.
Redmi device –tried registration on same device and found app displayed validation for image but when user upload the... Minal Watmode
03:21 PM Kanzo customer Bug #180 (Resolved): Menu row has alignment issue
amir r
02:49 PM Kanzo customer Bug #180 (Closed): Menu row has alignment issue
Home Page -> Menu row has alignment issue Minal Watmode
02:33 PM Kanzo customer Bug #176 (Resolved): Store--review--review text should get wrapped in case of large amount of value.
amir r
01:07 PM Kanzo customer Bug #176 (Closed): Store--review--review text should get wrapped in case of large amount of value.
Store--review--review text should get wrapped in case of large amount of value. Misha Infotech Private Limited Admin
02:19 PM Kanzo customer Feature #178 (Resolved): Suggestion--for new user-- when a new user try to login with otp, app takes him on create account screen, it is bit confusing for a user while we showing sent otp button there.
message added while register "No account found, Please fill all the fields to create new account." amir r
01:19 PM Kanzo customer Feature #178 (Closed): Suggestion--for new user-- when a new user try to login with otp, app takes him on create account screen, it is bit confusing for a user while we showing sent otp button there.
Suggestion--for new user-- when a new user try to login with otp, app takes her/him on create account screen, it is b... Misha Infotech Private Limited Admin
01:51 PM ARIAS-II REPORT SECTION Bug #179 (Closed): Admin panel-->License type-->credit unions-->add relationship-->Entity name should not be editable.

Admin panel
License type
credit unions
add relationship
Actual result:-
The user is able to edit the name of...
arti saraswat
01:36 PM Kanzo customer Bug #177 (Resolved): Mahajan store--day select option does not display. could not understand the reason.
Because no data available in database related to mahajan store. now i added message "No data available", when the day... amir r
01:14 PM Kanzo customer Bug #177 (Closed): Mahajan store--day select option does not display. could not understand the reason.
Mahajan store--day select option does not display. could not understand the reason. Misha Infotech Private Limited Admin
01:27 PM Kanzo customer Bug #173 (Resolved): App should be displayed an error message while use put invalid otp
amir r
12:19 PM Kanzo customer Bug #173 (Closed): App should be displayed an error message while use put invalid otp
App should be displayed an error message while use put invalid otp Misha Infotech Private Limited Admin
01:20 PM Kanzo customer Bug #172 (Resolved): user should not be stayed on create account screen, once account has been created successfully.should be navigated on login screen.
amir r
12:12 PM Kanzo customer Bug #172 (Closed): user should not be stayed on create account screen, once account has been created successfully.should be navigated on login screen.
user should not be stayed on create account screen, once account has been created successfully.should be navigated on... Misha Infotech Private Limited Admin
01:04 PM ARIAS-II REPORT SECTION Bug #175 (New): Admin panel-->Report-->Internal Report-->Return percentage-->Entity count value is different in that sector and in the report tab.

Admin panel
Internal Report
Return percentage
The issue:-Entity count value is different in that secto...
arti saraswat
12:35 PM ARIAS-II REPORT SECTION Bug #174: Report-->Credit Unions-->Registered credit unions-->Generate pdf and excel-->download-->unmanaged data is coming in pdf and excel format.
Credit Unions
Registered credit unions
Generate pdf and excel
Issue:-unmanaged data is coming ...
arti saraswat
12:33 PM ARIAS-II REPORT SECTION Bug #174 (Resolved): Report-->Credit Unions-->Registered credit unions-->Generate pdf and excel-->download-->unmanaged data is coming in pdf and excel format.
arti saraswat


06:21 PM Yess eCommerce application Bug #135 (Resolved): Item did not add
rajat gupta
06:21 PM Yess eCommerce application Bug #134 (Resolved): put 2 scrollbar 1 for products & 2 for product pricing
rajat gupta
06:11 PM Blaze Bug #171 (Closed): Delete account-->again go with continue with phone-->enter country and number-->otp sent-->enter otp-->click on confirm-->Confirm button is not responding-->then close app-->again click on "Continue with phone number"-->now system throws "incorrect code"
Delete account
again go with continuing with the phone
enter country and number
OTP sent
enter OTP
Click on conf...
arti saraswat
06:04 PM Kanzo customer Bug #167 (Resolved): Create account--by default password eye (on/off) should be displayed in off value.
amir r
04:08 PM Kanzo customer Bug #167: Create account--by default password eye (on/off) should be displayed in off value.
Create account--by default password eye (on/off) should be displayed in off value.
Misha Infotech Private Limited Admin
04:04 PM Kanzo customer Bug #167 (Closed): Create account--by default password eye (on/off) should be displayed in off value.
Create account--password should be displayed in mask form. Misha Infotech Private Limited Admin
05:53 PM Blaze Bug #170 (Closed): Delete account-->again go with continue with phone-->enter country and number-->otp sent-->enter otp-->click on confirm-->User is not able to go next page after clicking on confirm button.
Delete account
again go with continuing with the phone
enter country and number
OTP sent
enter OTP
Click on conf...
arti saraswat
05:25 PM Blaze Bug #164: Select country-->tap inside number field-->As user tap in number field then user automatically reached at home page.
Login with google.
logout with that account.
Click on login with the number
Select country
tap inside number fiel...
arti saraswat
01:15 PM Blaze Bug #164 (Closed): Select country-->tap inside number field-->As user tap in number field then user automatically reached at home page.
Select country-->tap inside number field-->As user tap in number field then user automatically reached at home page. arti saraswat
04:43 PM Blaze Bug #169 (Closed): Go to setting-->Click on LOGOUT-->Instead of giving message for logout, why system throws message "Unable to find location"?
Go to setting
Click on LOGOUT
Actual result
Instead of giving a message for logout, why system throws the messag...
arti saraswat
04:10 PM Blaze Bug #168 (Closed): Go with edit profile-->enter details in input field-->"DONE" button should be in DARK color.
Go with edit profile
enter details in the input field.
Actual result:-
The "DONE" button is in a very faded colo...
arti saraswat
03:57 PM Blaze Bug #166 (New): Go with edit profile-->then add picture-->enter details in input field-->Now click on "cross" to remove that added picture-->as soon as user removes that picture then given details also disappear from all fields.
Go with edit profile
then add picture
enter details in the input field
Now click on "cross" to remove that added p...
arti saraswat
03:29 PM Blaze Feature #165 (New): Enter country & number-->Click on edit icon for profile update-->need to add upload photo from direct camera like whatsapp.
Enter country & number
Click on the edit icon for profile update
Actual result:-
Right now only the "gallery" op...
arti saraswat
01:12 PM Blaze Bug #163 (Closed): Add number-->otp send-->Without entering otp user is still able to login or Home page.
Select country
Provider number
Issue:-without entering OTP user is still able to login or be reached on the Home ...
arti saraswat
01:06 PM Blaze Bug #162 (Reopened ): Add number-->otp send-->User didn't get the otp.
Go with number
Select country
Enter number
OTP to send a message comes
Issue:-user is not able to get OTP
arti saraswat


06:54 PM HejTelge-Super Admin Bug #160 (Resolved): Wrong validation message on password field
nikhilesh chand
06:34 PM HejTelge-Super Admin Bug #160 (Resolved): Wrong validation message on password field
Wrong validation message on password field
On Confirm password validation there should use " Password match to c...
Minal Watmode
06:36 PM HejTelge-Super Admin Modification/ Enhancements #161 (New): Ad description put valid length And wrap the text
Ad description put valid length And wrap the text

Validation words should be 500. According to Himanshu
Minal Watmode
06:29 PM HejTelge-Super Admin Bug #159 (Closed): features of the page does not wrap on one page
Minal Watmode
06:28 PM HejTelge-Super Admin Bug #159 (Resolved): features of the page does not wrap on one page
nikhilesh chand
04:35 PM HejTelge-Super Admin Bug #159 (Closed): features of the page does not wrap on one page
Link-> login -> privacy policy -> Create a table -> table wizard -> table
Features of the page does not wrap on one...
Minal Watmode

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