



From 07/10/2021 to 07/19/2021


12:42 PM Android Lusgo phase2--Mobile app Bug #4 (Resolved): Skriv ett inlagg-->attached dokument-->Publicera-->go with home page-->user is unable to open that attached pdf document.
I have fixed. shared App on 16.07.2021 sweta Gupta
12:33 PM Android Lusgo phase2--Mobile app Bug #4: Skriv ett inlagg-->attached dokument-->Publicera-->go with home page-->user is unable to open that attached pdf document.
Step to reproduce:-
Skriv ett inlagg
attached dokument
go with home page
Actual result:-
user is un...
arti saraswat
12:32 PM Android Lusgo phase2--Mobile app Bug #4: Skriv ett inlagg-->attached dokument-->Publicera-->go with home page-->user is unable to open that attached pdf document.
Step to reproduce:-
Skriv ett inlagg
attached dokument
go with home page
Actual result:-
user is un...
arti saraswat
12:30 PM Android Lusgo phase2--Mobile app Bug #4 (Resolved): Skriv ett inlagg-->attached dokument-->Publicera-->go with home page-->user is unable to open that attached pdf document.
arti saraswat


05:26 PM Android Lusgo phase2--Mobile app Bug #3: Admin-->create event->do not select any grupper and Tranare-->SKAPA-->Can it create event to all without selecting anyone? If YES..! then why no one gets the event?
arti saraswat wrote:
Step to reproduce:-
create event
do not select any grupper and Tranare
QUERY 1...
arti saraswat
04:58 PM Android Lusgo phase2--Mobile app Bug #3 (New): Admin-->create event->do not select any grupper and Tranare-->SKAPA-->Can it create event to all without selecting anyone? If YES..! then why no one gets the event?
create event
do not select any grupper and TranareSKAPA-->Can it create event to all without selecting anyone...
arti saraswat
04:29 PM Android Lusgo phase2--Mobile app Bug #2 (Resolved): Go with Uppdatera information-->Dokument-->valji dikument-->Select document-->when user attached document then, sometimes there are two attached on attaching one, Duplicate created.
Go with Uppdatera information
valji dikument
Select document when user attached document then, sometimes ...
arti saraswat
11:50 AM Android Lusgo phase2--Mobile app Bug #1 (Resolved): Admin login-->Go with anvandaren-->select anvandaren-->click message icon-->send message-->The user to whom admin has seen the message, that user does not get that message.
Step to reproduce:-
Login with admin
Go with Anvandare
Select Anvandare from list
go with Profil
click on mess...
arti saraswat

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